Sunlight - Twilight Parody

By I_Cant_Hear_You

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"Life isn't always pear shaped." More

Sunlight - Twilight Parody
Sunlight - Twilight Parody (Preface)
Sunlight - Twilight Parody (1.5)
Sunlight - Twilight Parody (2)

Sunlight - Twilight Parody (1)

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By I_Cant_Hear_You

Chapter 1:

I peeked over at my mother who had her eyes set on the long road ahead of us; I studied her facial expressions but got nothing except a blank look. I rolled my eyes and moved towards my car door, I rested my head against the window and let my mind wander. I silently shuddered at the thought that she might have been taking me to dentist instead of the airport; she had tricked me once who knew what she could have been planning. I gulped and looked over at her again; she was such an evil woman.

I mean who liked the dentist, that place was hell all over from the way it smelt to the weird outfits the doctors and nurses wore. Just disturbing, and to think people enjoyed being there.

“What are you looking at?” My mother asked obviously catching my eye.

“Oh nothing,” I lied looking out the window. Evil, evil woman.

I shuddered again.

“Oh dear, are you cold?” She asked in a sweet innocent tone like ‘caring’ mothers did.

“No, no I am fine,” I replied nervously. What was this old hag up to?

"Okay then darling!" She said obviously not convinced.

We rode in silence after that, I couldn’t bring myself to act like I was her best friend – well more that she was my best friend, she actually had friends where as I had none.

“Do you have everything?” She had finally asked as we pulled onto the turn off to get to the airport.

“So I am really going to dad’s?” I shied. I knew I should’ve been excited, after all I wasn’t going to the dentist.

"Sweet heart what is wrong?” She asked.

“Wh- what if dad doesn’t except me? I mean I am not his little ‘princess’ anymore, I haven’t seen him for 10 years. What if he doesn’t know what I look like or remember my name?” Come to think of it he never called me by my real name always by my nickname little princess. Oh god he really didn’t like me I yelled silently in my head. I felt a tear fall down my face.

“Oh come on now dear, yeah he is older, stupider and well a lot weirder then before but he loves you with all his heart,” she said through gritted teeth.

I turned away and peered out the window, maybe she was right? I watched Phoenix fly by, goodbye wonderful sunny days, goodbye warm sea water, goodbye friends – ha that was a lie, what friends? Goodbye hot guy I used to watch drink his coffee daily at the beach hut, goodbye- well that was about it really.

I grabbed hold of a strain of my dead, brown hair and intertwined it through my fingers. Slowly, I had begun to daydream about the days when I used to live in Spoons.

“Isabella, come inside it is getting late!” I heard my mother yell out.

I looked up and saw her standing on the back porch waving her hands around like a maniac. I smiled at how silly she looked, and then I looked back at my friend George whom I was helping to find his toy dolly Marly. I may be seven but I still understand certain things like that fact that George had feminine features.

“Soon, mummy.” I yelled back, “I just got to help George out then I will come in.”

“DO NOT TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE DOING!” She bellowed back. I was seriously scared at that stage and I quickly rose from the mud,

“Sorry Georgie but I don’t want to get a smack,” I sighed looking down at the dark tanned boy whose chocolate brown eyes had begun to fill with tears.

“Bu-bu-but I must find Marly,” His voice was soft. He hardly spoke and when he did it was always in a whisper.

“Maybe tomorrow?” I smiled.

“Promise?” He asked.


My thoughts had been cut off by two hands viciously shaking my body. I opened my eyes and peered into an emerald pair. “We are here honey,” my mother said and let go of my shoulders.

I looked at the window to see that we were parked in the airport parking lot, I sighed and though back to that day were I promised to help him find Marly, little did we both know that that night mother and I left for what was supposed to be forever.

I got out of the car and walked towards the airport entrance totally forgetting about my bag.

“Sweetie, are you forgetting something?” Mother called out will giggling.

I turned around to see her leaning on my wheelie bag. I quickly raced back and took it off her. “Sorry.”

“Did you really think I was going to drag that along?” The old mother was back.

“Do I really have to go back to Spoons? Why can’t I come with you and Phil?” I whined.

“I can’t put up with you any longer,” she said bluntly.


As soon as we walked into the airport I sighed, it was extremely packed with busy people walking here and there. I stopped and looked around at everyone that walked around me, I didn't notice that my mother had left my side and was half way to the check-in. I double turned my head and rushed towards my mother, I had to push my way through the crowds; I could just see the top of her bun. I almost reached her  when the wheel of my suitcase got caught on something and pulled me back. My scream was high-pitched and  I went flying over the bag and fell onto the bag in a mess. 

"Stop playing around, Bella!" I heard my mother say. I looked up and saw that she was  commanding me to come over to the check-in.

The cover is made by the fabulous Tianajade, she is great check out her pre-made cover thread and her stories too!

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