Magnus and Alec's Long Lost D...

By FandomWoman_626

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If you want to know what the story is about you have to read it! More

I: Three Months Later
II: Four Years Later
III:Alyssa's Birthday
IV: Training Starts Now
V: First Punch, First Bruise
VI: The Power of a Vision
VII: The Torment Makes The Ones Strong
VIII: Surprise Business Trip?
IX: The Lash of Magic
X: Rumors Arise
XI: Reputation over Friends
XII: Returning Problems
XIII: Finally Friends!
XIV: Going Into Hiding
XV: A Sacrifice Must Be Made
XVI: The Hardest Part Is Saying Goodbye
XVII: New Home, New Life
XVIII: Doing In The Impossible
XIX: Mixing Bloodlines
XX: Under Attack!
XXI: Figuring It Out
XXII: The Aftermath
XXIII: The Search Persists
XXIV: Moving Over Time
XXV: Welcome to the Paris Institute
XXVII: Going Out
It's only their clothes: Part One
It's only their clothes. Part Two
XXVIII: Clubbing at La Femme Silencieuse
XXIX: Parabati Forever
XXX: Answers
XXXI: Let The Past Unwind
XXXII: There Are No Saviors
XXXIII: There Are No Saviors (Part 2)
XXXIV: Recovery
XXXV: Welcome to the Shadow World
XXXVI: Going Again
XXXVII: Mother
XXXVIII: Believing
XXXVI: City of Bones
XXXV: One Last Chance
XXXVI: The Truth
XXXVII: Come With Us
XXXVIII: Surprises
XXXIX: Change of Plans
XL: Here They Come
XLI: Figuring Conclusions
XLII: Visiting the High Warlock of London (Part 1)
XLIII: Visiting the High Warlock of London (Part 2)
XLIV: Visiting the High Warlock of London (Part 3)
XLV: Christmas Eve
XLVI: Christmas
XLVII: Remembering That Night
XLVIII: Mission Impossible
XLIV: Iron Sister
XLV: Confronting
XLVI: Come Running Home To You
XLVII: It's Not Over Yet
XLVIII: We'll Meet Again
L: Back So Soon
LI: Your On
LII: Expergiscimini dicens: Cecidit, et in saecula saeculorum
LIII: Do or Die
LIV: Team Good
LV: What Comes Next?
LVI: Everyone Has A Choice
LVII: The Lost Can Be Found
LVIII: Lost Girls
LIX: One Choice Decides Your Fate
LX: We'll Stand By You
LXI: Four Years Later...
LXII: Rosemary's Birthday
LXIII: Dad,Daddy?
LXIV: Epilogue

XLXIX: Visions of the Past

402 8 1
By FandomWoman_626

All of Alyssa's(Rosemary) friends had gathered together in the library to discuss about the plan to visit the Iron Sisters again, and visit Ella. It was already decided that Maria and Hector are going to the Citadel to get some answers on the Fusion Former, while Alyssa(Rosemary) and Dakota are going to Ella's house to answers about Dakota's background with Sealies. Dominique insisted she wanted to go, because she wanted to know if Ella can heal Mael from his sickness that he's having in the hospital in Idris. Magnus told Dominique that she had to go get her, since this healing thing could only work with two Warlocks. Yet there was two people going to the Citadel, while three people were going to Ella's but Hector and Maria didn't mind about it so everyone went on with the plan. 

Dominique: This it? 

Alyssa: Yeah, and if we happen to disappear into the house it's going to be one of Ella's spells again. 

Dakota: Why? 

Alyssa: Last time I went here, Ella showed me the thing that I desperately wanted and it almost scared me for a moment. 

Dominique: So be on your toes, sounds like a plan. 

The girls go on ahead, being mindful of their surroundings, and managed to get to the front door of Ella's house. 

Alyssa: Weird, she didn't do anything. 

Alyssa(Rosemary) opened the door, and everyone went inside just looking for Ella to pop out of nowhere or something. Nothing was happening, and when it seemed like the girls were going to leave Ella dropped into the room they were in. 

Ella: Sorry for being late, I had to prepare for a few things. 

Alyssa: Miss Honorweather-

Ella: Please call me Ella, and I know why you are here. To discover the truth about everything that you have never known about. 

Dominique: How did you-

Ella: I'm the High Warlock of London, I know everything Dominique. 

Dominique: You know my name? 

Ella: Of course, and I know yours too Dakota. 

Dakota: What? 

Ella: The only thing that is surprising me is that, how come you didn't recognize me Dominique? 

Dominique: I'm sorry, but I don't think we've met until this point. 

Ella: Really, Dom? 

Dominique thought for a moment, and she was starting to get really creeped out by her. 

Dominique: How did you know about my nickname? 

Ella: Let me show you. 

Ella used her magic, and transformed her purple skin to a normal, peach skin color. 

Dominique: Wait, you couldn't be...

Ella: Yes, I am. 

Alyssa: Are we missing something because...

Dakota: We're not getting anything. 

Dominique: Miss Weather? 

Ella: Yes it is me, Dom. 

Dominique: Wait, you're a Warlock? 

Ella transformed her skin back purple, and just smiled. 

Ella: Yes, and I know you have so many questions that you won't even know where to start. Basically I wanted to get to know the mundane world and how they work so I got rid of my purple skin and posed myself as a teacher and I was lucky to get you and Mael. 

Dominique: I thought I would never see you again. 

Ella: Oh Dom, you will always see me. 

Dominique: Wait, so you last name came from Honorweather? 

Ella: Yes, it was the only way I could keep quiet about my Warlock and Shadowhunter abilities. 

Alyssa: Wait, you're half Warlock, half Shadowhunter? 

Ella: Yes, and that makes us have something in common. Now let's focus on what we really need to do here, Dakota come sit here right across from me. 

Dakota did what she was told, and sat at a small desk with a small, royal purple pillow at it. Once Ella sat down, she gave out her two hands for Dakota to hold them. Dakota did so, but there was something that Ella needed to know. 

Ella: Before we begin, Dakota are you sure you want to go through this? 

Dakota: Yes. 

Ella: Very well, and do you have anything that belongs to you? 

Dakota: We figured you'd say that, so here. 

Dakota gave out her crown, a ring, and a note that said please take care of California. 

Ella: Huh, California? Latin for Dakota, so I've heard about. 

Dakota: Yeah, but I mostly get called by Dakota. 

Ella: Very well, now let us begin. 

Ella picked up the note, and settled it down on the pillow and Dakota took her hands. 

Ella: What is going to happen is that we're going to get all the information out of these objects have. First close your eyes, and only focus on the object that is on the pillow. 

Dakota did what she was told, and Ella had said some sort of spell. 

Ella: Oculus visiones dic quid nosti melius, sed simplex potentes huius note. -Eye of visions, tell us what you know of this simple yet powerful note.- 

Inside the mind, a vision came along and it seemed to be that a man in a cloak was carrying a crying baby in a basket just running for his life until he arrived at front steps. The person laid the infant down, and placed a note on it and then words were spoken. 'Faigh linn.' The vision ended, Dakota and Ella both woke up from it. 

Dakota: Faigh linn, it means 'Find us.' 

Ella: I'd recognize that voice from anywhere. 

Alyssa: Who? 

Ella: Meliorn, he was a personal guard for the Sealie Queen until he died. 

Dakota: He left me there on the Paris Institute steps. 

Ella: Yes, but we must persist on finding more. 

Ella took the note of the pillow, and placed the ring on it. 

Ella: Sane thing as always, focus on what's on the pillow. 

They did it again, and little did anyone know was that this was a Sealie ring. This vision revealed the Sealie Queen and Meliorn meeting in some dark part of a forest. 

Sealie Queen: I trust that you keep her safe, Meliorn, with Sir Cosmos murdering my best men this place isn't safe for her. 

Meliorn: I promise, your majesty. 

Sealie: Good-

A long sword's stab in the back was good enough for blood to be coming out of the Sealie Queen's mouth, and killing her. 

Dakota:  I don't believe it...

Ella: You're not thinking that the Sealie Queen is your mother, are you? 

Dakota: She was trusting her best guard to keep me safe from a man named Sir Cosmos. 

Ella: Only one last thing to find out, the crown will determine it all. 

Ella put the crown on the pillow, and same as always the vision came but this one is more descriptive. It showed the Sealie Queen using a knife to lit her and demon's arm letting it drip to the floor and then a baby was being born in the ground. The vision ended, and Dakota couldn't believe her eyes at what she just saw. 

Dakota: No...

Ella: I'm afraid what you saw is true. 

Alyssa/Dominique: What is? 

Dakota: I'm the Sealie Queen's daughter!  

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