Custody Granted (Scömìche)

Oleh my_chaotic_aesthetic

16.9K 767 308

"Is she breathing?" a male voice asked. It didn't sound familiar at all, so it was probably a police officer... Lebih Banyak

Custody Granted (Scömiché)
Sixteen (Epilogue)


772 44 18
Oleh my_chaotic_aesthetic

As soon as the words left Scott's mouth I felt like throwing up. The thought of seeing my father made me feel physically sick. I couldn't sit there and listen as the adults discussed what was going to happen, so I picked up my crutches and started towards my room as fast as I could move. 

"I'm going to go lie down," I called out as I entered the hallway. I hurried into my room, shutting the door quietly behind me. I sat down on my bed, pulling my crutches up next to me so I wouldn't have to bend over to get them off the floor. I let my body fall backwards across the white bedspread. I rubbed my eyes with the tips of my fingers, trying not cry. 

It wasn't long after I lied down that I heard a knock on my door. I wiped at the wetness that was forming in my eyes and called out, "It's open!". 

Scott entered the room quietly, Mitch following closely behind him. They left the door a jar, allowing Wyatt to sneak his way in the room and onto my lap.

"Can we sit?" Mitch asked. I nodded my head letting the two of them sit beside me on the bed. Scott placed my crutches on the floor so he could sit on that side of me, while Mitch took the other side.

"If you came in here to tell me I'm going back to my dad's then you can save your breath. I'm never going back there ever again,"  I stated firmly, but quietly. I was never going back to life with that monster of a man. 

"Do you really think we'd do that after all he's done to you?" Mitch asked dumbfounded. I shrugged my shoulders and sniffed lightly. Mitch look at Scott, who then put his arm around me and pulled me into his chest. 

"Alex, we would never ever send you back to him nor would we put you in any type of situation where you'd be in danger," Scott explained.

I looked up at his face. It was filled with kindness and sincerity, something my life has been lacking ever since my mom died.

"Then what's going to happen to me?" I asked.

"Well, your father is suing for custody, so we have to go to court and testify. If we can prove that we're better guardians than he is, we get custody of you,"

I chuckled a little bit. The idea of Mitch and Scott losing the case was hilarious to me. I was walking evidence of every reason my father should not be a parent. This was going to be a piece of cake. Once the jury saw me, it'd be case closed.

"So, that's it. That's all we have to do?" I asked hopeful. The two of them nodded and I couldn't help but smile. "This is going to be easy!" I exclaimed. The two boys exchanged glances and I was suddenly worried again. "It will be easy. Won't it?" I repeated. 

"You're father has a really good legal team, and he claims to have gone through rehabilitation..."

"But does he have proof?" I interrupted. 

"We don't know," Scott whispered. 

"So what? The case is hopeless then?" 

"We just have to wait and see what happens in court," Mitch said. 

"We go to court in two days. Are you OK giving a testimony?" Scott asked. 

"I... I guess," I said not making eye contact with either of them. Both of them placed a hand on my shoulders. 

"It'll be fine Alex. We won't let him hurt you," Mitch whispered. 

"I know you won't," I whispered back. The two of them hugged me, then they stood up, Wyatt jumping into Mitch's arms as they did. 

"So, what do you want to do today?" 

"I think I just want to relax today. My foot is in pain. I'll rest it on the couch," I said. They both nodded and Scott handed me my crutches from the floor. I led the way into the living room, resuming my previous spot on the couch.

"Do you want some Tylenol for the pain?" Mitch asked heading toward the kitchen. 

"Yes please," I said. Scott sat down in a chair next to me and turned the TV on. He flipped through the channels until he stopped on some movie musical that was playing. He'd told me what it was called before, but I had already forgotten. 

"What is this called again?" I asked. 

"Chicago," he said. I heard Mitch squeal with excitement in the next room when the music started playing. He rushed into the room carrying the bottle of Tylenol in one hand and a water bottle in the other. He handed them to me, then sat down on Scott's lap, his eyes immediately focusing on the TV.

That was all we did that day. We stayed in and watched movie after movie, only speaking a few times the whole day. We didn't really need to talk though. Having each other's company was pleasant enough. 

Even though we almost said nothing the entire rest of the day, it had been one of the best days I'd had with those two boys so far. It was the perfect distraction from what was coming up in the days ahead. 

Scott's POV

I've never wanted to hit a person more than when that dumb-ass attorney told me Alex's father was going to take her away from Mitch and I. If he thought he was going to take my baby girl away from me he had another thing coming. 

That night after Alex went to bed, I shut the TV off and Mitch and I moved to the couch. He rested his head on my shoulder and I heard him sign. 

"What are we gonna do Scott?" he asked, his voice heavy with sadness. 

"I don't know," 

"I won't be able to let her go," he said. I shook my head. 

"Me either," I whispered. I held his hand firmly in mine, letting our fingers intertwine and mingle among each other. 

"What if the jury is biased?" he asked, worry peaking in his voice. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"What if... what if they give custody to Jamie because we're...  gay," he explained. 

"If that happens then there is something wrong with this country," I heard the anger rising in my voice as soon as he brought the topic up. "We'll sue the jury for a biased ruling if that happens. Or maybe I'll just knock some sense into them myself," I said. I could feel my blood boiling underneath my skin just thinking about it. Mitch rubbed my arm softly and looked into my eyes. 

"Calm down. It hasn't happened yet, OK. But if it does, you can be damn sure that we're going to fight back alright?" he said. 

I instantly pressed my lips to his. They were soft and smooth as we kissed quickly and passionately. When I pulled away, my hands cupped Mitch's face. I gazed into his eyes and gave him a determined smile. 

"You're damn right we'll fight. That's what family does,". 

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