Manipulative Power

By Cookie_218

355K 9.7K 2.2K

(CURRENTLY UNDERGOING EDITING) Renesmee has a twin sister, Allison. Ally is the opposite of Nessie. Nessie is... More

|01|The Volturi, They're Coming For Us|
|03|Violet Mets Red|
|04|Half Mortal, Half Immortal|
|06|Aro's Mate|
|07|The Volturi|
|11|The Game Begins|
|13|The Kiss|
|15|I'll Never Love You|
|17|Human Blood|
|21|Business Meeting|
|27|Sexual Frustration|
|31|The Change|
|33|Marry Me|
Fanfic Published


7.6K 256 57
By Cookie_218

|Chapter 18|Thirst|

Once we were back at the Cullen household my dad and mam ran out to greet me. But quickly stopped.

"Oh god Allison, What happened? Are you hurt?" Bella asked frantically.

"Eh... it's not my blood mom" I said awkwardly.

My mother's and fathers as did the rest of the family's who have come out to see me. Everyone stood there in silence until grandpa shook himself out of it. He took my arm and led me up the steps.

"Go take a shower sweetheart, alive will bring some clothes up and then you'll tell us what happened while you were away." He said and I did just that.

I wrapped myself in a towel when I was finished and left the bathroom, Aunty Alice was stood in the middle of the room with fresh clothes, a simple pair of grey jeans and a black and red checkered top. I got changed as she went into the bathroom.

"I'll throw these out" she announced grabbing my blood stained clothes and Aro's cloak.

"No!" I panicked, feeling the same pain in my chest. I'm probably hungry again. "Leave the cloak"

Alice didn't ask questions, she handed me the cloak which I  placed on my bedside table and left with the rest of the clothes. I walked down the stairs to see the whole family sitting down stairs, reneesme all grown up with Jacob beside her. She was the first to run to me and hug me. I squeezed her tightly as venom tears sprung to my eyes.

This was why I wanted to leave Aro, another sharp pull at my chest, I must really be getting hungry. My family is here and I wasn't here, but now I am. My mom and dad were next, squeezing the life out of me soon followed by the rest of my family. When we all finally sat down to listen to my story I started.

"Okay so...,"

I told them everything from Aro slapping me to him making a deal with me, the tasks and why I drank human blood, how cruel he was to make me get attached to Grace first. My dad and uncles even my granddad who isn't a violent person were ready to let's just say kick his ass. I told them that I don't believe that he's my mate and that he only wants to use me for my power.

"As much as I hate to say this sweetheart Aro is your mate, I've seen it in Marcus' mind there's not doubt about it." My dad confirmed.

I felt the pull at my chest again and decided it's time to feed. It seemed weird to me as I've always thought the thirst for blood would give signs around my neck not chest. Of course I've drank animal blood and I've been thirst but not this much.  I needed to feed but I have no idea how to say it, if I just tell them they'll take me to the forest but if I just leave they'll be suspicious.

"I'm going out." I announced.

"Where?" My mother quickly asked already panicking "I just got you back Ally."

"Don't worry mom I'll be back, I'm only going for a walk to clear my head." I lied.

Everyone was happy with my excuse so I traveled along the forest, I wanted to hunt in port angels because I knew that if I hunted in Forks the treaty with the pack would be broken and cause problems. Running and running I reached port angels in record time. Entering a dark alley, I grabbed the first druggy, then the second and third but I seemed to never be satisfied.

I noticed that I'm never very graceful while feeding so my clothes were stained again, I guess I'll just have to come in through the window. Running back Home I felt the tug at my chest again so I grabbed another human along the way. I approached the house from the side where my bedroom window was, jumping up I landed straight in but realised I wasn't alone. There sat on my bed was my granddad.

He took one look at me and my clothing, shook his head and only said. "Wash up and I'll meet you in my office" before he walked out.

That's when I started to feel it, the weight of failing my family of disappointing then. They believed in drinking animal blood and I went off and drained 8 human beings of blood in the past 24hrs. I felt horrible. A murderer. A monster. Soulless vampire. I got dressed after my shower and headed up to Carlisle's study.

Once I came in and saw him I couldn't keep it in, I broke down in dry sobs as  Carlisle picked me up and sat me on his lap, rocking me back and forward. Once I've calmed a bit he turned me to face him.

"It's okay, you couldn't resist once you've had a taste, it's understandable really Allison, you're still so young" he sighed into my hair and he kissed the top of my head.

"How did you..?" I trailed off still slightly sniffing.

"I suspected it when you arrived, especially after hearing what happened for the last task, when he forced you" granddad answered hugging me closer.

"He didn't force me, I could've said no" I whispered.

"Yes you could've but you just wanted to be back with your family." He comforted me.

"I don't know what to do, Grandpa, I get this feeling this pull around my chest area." I looked down at the floor ashamed.

"Around your chest? It's supposed to be a burn in your throat, sweetheart. Are you sure?" Grandpa asked confused.

"Yes it like a pull in my chest in some direction and all the rest of the time it's this slight pain all over my chest the whole time, it hurts." I explained.

"You've been away from Aro for a while now... it's the mating pull" Carlisle concluded.

"Mating pull?" I asked

"Yes, you see once you've met your mate it'll be hard staying away. It will be painful and only increase the longer you're awake although Aro will be taking most of the strain as he's the dominant party in the equation." Carlisle explained. "Do u have anything from him?"

"I have his cloak, if smells like him" i answered shyly.

"Bring it" Carlisle asked

I ran out and did as I was told, handing it to Carlisle who put it up to my nose.

"Does that help?" He asked

"Yes, I can't feel the pain" I announced happy.

"Remember ally, the longer you're away the more it'll hurt. His scent on this won't last forever either" Carlisle said sadly.

"So I'll have to go back?" I asked frowning.

"Eventually" Carlisle confirmed.

Suddenly Dad burst into Carlisle's study.

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