Colorful Twists

By SaucyOneCurious

410K 16.2K 790

Seth didn't expect to receive a bundle when he went grocery shopping, but he did. He makes the decision to ta... More

1. The Gain is Greater
2. The Request
3. Blink of an Eye
4. Preparing
5. Introducing
6. Reaction
7. See You Later
8. Settling
9. Initiating
10. A New World
11. Locking
12. Pairing Up Part 1
13. Pairing Up Part 2
14. Bittersweet
15. Sweet Meddling
16. Sweet Flavors
17. Jubilant
18. Breathless
19. Elated
20. Joyful
21. Induction
22. Origins
23. Enticing
24. Nectarous
25. Thunderbolt
26. Swirling
28. Static
Father's Day
29. Tug of War
30. Competitive
31. Twister
32. Anticipation
33. Explosive
34. Fireworks
35. Impasse
36. Definitely
37. Infinity

27. Charming

7.5K 319 15
By SaucyOneCurious

Here's the next part :) and there wasn't much wait for it! Thanks for all the votes/comments and reads!


Nate, Seth, and Danny arrive at the beach and they look around for Seth’s parents. Seth sends them a text telling they’ve arrive and Elizabeth tells him they’re by the giant sandcastle someone built. Danny is the one to spot the castle and they head in their direction.

“Good morning, Elizabeth and Emilio.” Seth greets.

“Good morning.” Emilio replies.

“Good morning. How was the ride over?”

“It was good though Danny here wouldn’t be quiet at all throughout the whole ride.” Seth replies.

Chuckling Nate says, “like someone I know when he’s excited about something.”

“Hey, I don’t talk that much.”

“Like son like mother.” Emilio says.

Interrupting them Elizabeth says, “come on take a seat.”

Seating down and telling Danny to sit beside him, Seth begins the introductions.

“Danny, she is Elizabeth, my mother, and he is Emilio, my father.”

They smile at Danny and Danny returns their smiles along with a nice to meet you.

“Danny, you can call us grandma and grandpa or Elizabeth and Emilio.” Elizabeth says.


“So your father told us you love soccer. Do you like other sports too?” Emilio says.

“Yes, I like basketball too, but soccer is my favorite.”

“How do you like school? What’s your favorite subject?” Elizabeth asks.

“I like it. Math is my favorite.”

“Your grandmother is the math person in this family. I’m more of a science person although it does have math too.” Emilio says.

“Where do you work?” Danny asks.

“I work as a science professor.”

Where do you work, grandma?”

It warms all of their hearts to hear Danny call Elizabeth, grandma, and Emilio, grandpa, when he has just met them. Seth knew he would choose to call them his grandparents. Danny has always been so accepting of things. A reason why he isn’t too worried to tell Danny about his own mother if Scarlett indeed turns out to be his mother.

“I used to work as a teacher too, but now I have my own bakery.”

“That’s so exciting! Can we go see it?”

“Yes, later we can, Danny.”

“Now, let’s go swimming or do you want to build a castle Danny?” Emilio asks.

“I want to go swimming. We can build a castle later.”

They spend the morning swimming and trying to play volleyball. Danny isn’t very good, but he’s having fun. After a while they decide to build their sandcastle. Seth and Nate stroll off on their own leaving Danny and his grandparents to bond alone.

“Danny, do you want a big or a small castle?” Elizabeth asks.

“A big one!”

“We’re going to need a lot of sand. Are you sure you want to get all the sand we need? It’s going to take a while.”

“Yes, I want a big one.”

“Okay, let’s get started.”

“We will all gather sand. Let’s make a pile over here farther away from the shoreline, so that the water doesn’t reach it yet.” Emilio says.

They all gather a fairly large amount of sand and start building a base for the castle.

“Danny do like art?” Emilio asks.

“Yes, do you draw?”

“Yes, I do. It’s one of my hobbies.”

“Cool. Can you draw on the castle?” Danny asks.

“Yes, you can too once we build it. Let’s get started.”

They build the castle and once it’s built each of them takes a side of the castle to decorate as they want.

“Danny, so what other things do you like to do?” Elizabeth asks.

“I like to eat.”

Chuckling Emilio says, “we all like to eat. What’s your favorite food?”

“Ice cream.”

“Ice cream is dessert, Danny.” Elizabeth says.

“Yes, I know, but it’s my favorite and dad says it can be a meal if you want it to be.”

“Hmm, we should talk to your dad about his unhealthy eating habits.” Emilio says chuckling.

“He doesn’t let me eat it so often that’s why we don’t have it at home.”

“Makes sense, so what are some things you like doing with your dad?” Elizabeth asks.

“I like playing soccer each Saturday and also with Nate.”

“You like Nate a lot?” Elizabeth asks.

“Yes, he’s very nice and makes my dad very happy.”

He sure is a good kid. Other kids might not like their parent’s partner or even see the difference in moods in their parents behavior. Emilio thinks.

Hmm, next time we should visit them. It would be nice to know where they live and where Danny is growing up. Elizabeth thinks.

“He takes care of my dad. He planned my dad’s birthday party and he made sure to have my aunt there and uncles.”

“You have an aunt and uncles?” Elizabeth asks.

“Yes, well they’re my dad’s best friends, aunt Karla, uncle Robert and Eric, and aunt Sandra. Uncle Robert is funny and aunt Karla is like my mom.”

“You love them all. Do you see them often?”

“Yes. They visit often.”

“That’s nice. You have us now too and we’ll visit you too.” Elizabeth says.

“Let’s finish drawing what we want.” Emilio says.

Once they’re done with each wall, Elizabeth says they should go find Seth and Nate, so that they may come see the castle and go eat. Emilio chooses to stay behind while Elizabeth and Danny go in the direction they saw Seth and Nate take.


Hand in hand Seth and Nate walk along the beach near the water.

“He really handles things so easily.” Nate comments.

“Yes, he does.”

“Do you think he’ll be the same if Scarlett indeed is his mother?”

It is the first time Nate is bringing it up, since they have arrived to the assumption.

“I think he will...I asked him if he wanted me to find out who his mother is.”

“What did he say?”

“He said that he didn’t want to. He said when he’s older.”

“Maybe it’s a bad idea to reveal it to him if she is.”

“No, it won’t be. I think he just said that because he doesn’t want me to feel like I’m not enough. He understands so much more than a five year usually does.”

“Okay. Are you going to want him to meet my sister just as my sister?”

“Yes, if they meet before yes.”

“We’re still planning on telling her our assumptions first right before the DNA test?”

“Yes, but at the same time I don’t want her to get hope if it doesn’t come out to be true. Has she received any more information from the detective?”

“I understand, but we do have you recognizing her. That in itself is a major clue. Not exactly, he’s looking into some specific cities after he found some clue, but she didn’t tell me what he found.”

“Okay, wonder what he could have found.”

“Yes, but we should stop discussing this even though I was the one who brought it up. It’s supposed to be a day we’re enjoying with our family.”

He said family. Seth smiles. He considers my family his family even though I still don’t call my parents mom and dad. I wonder if I ever will.

“Our family.” Seth states.

“Yes, family.” Nate confirms. “Do you think one day you will call Elizabeth and Emilio mom and dad?”

“Maybe one day. The more comfortable I get around them. I feel like I’ll feel guilty for calling them, mom and dad, because I won’t be giving my adoptive parents credit.”

“But your adoptive parents will always be your parents nothing will change that. But you do have a chance to also have another set of parents. You shouldn’t feel guilty for it.”

“Yes, that’s true and I should consider myself lucky for that.”

“Yes, you are.”

“Do you ever think your parents will want to reestablish a relationship with your sister and you?”

“I don’t know. I used to care about it, but not anymore.”

“Do you really no longer care?”

“Yes, I got over that. Yes, it would be nice if they did, but their words and actions still ring loud and clear. I don’t know if I would be able to have a relationship with them.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“We went off topic again.” Nate states.

“Yes, we did, but  at least we’re in each other’s company,” Seth responds bringing a stop to their walking.

Right now, they’re farther down the beach away from people. He wraps his arms around Nate’s neck.

“Yes, we are and I do love the company.” Nate responds placing his arms on Seth’s waist.

He brings his lips to Seth’s giving him a loving gentle kiss. He brings Seth down placing him in his lap. Seth is straddling him now. It’s good they’re not near people. He brings his lips back to Seth’s. When they both need some air, Nate starts trailing kisses down Seth’s jaw. Seth moves his head to give him more access and Nate starts trailing kisses down his neck. Getting hotter Seth brings his lips back to Nate’s.

“We should stop Nate.”


“Nate, we need to. We’re in a public place.”

“We should.” Nate responds trailing kisses on Seth’s collarbone.

“Nate, they might come looking for us.”

“They have to build a castle.”


“Yes, Seth?”


“Do you really want me too?”

No, but we have to. “Yes.”

“Are you sure? We could make love right here on the beach.”

A blush covers Seth’s face. He brings his face to the crook of Nate’s shoulder to hide his face from him, but before he does Nate catches a glimpse. Nate decides to tease him a bit.

“Hey, I think you do want to.”

“No, I don’t! Why would you even say that, especially in broad daylight?”

“But then why are you blushing?”

“I’m not blushing.”

“Then, let me see your face.”

“No, I’m going to stay like this. I’m comfortable.” Good thing he stopped kissing me. We had to get it under control.

Hmm, I should tickle him then. Nate thinks.

“Since you don’t want me to see your face. I’ll force you.”

“How do you plan on doing that?”

“Oh you know.”

“No, I--”

Nate starts tickling him. He knows Seth is very ticklish. Seth erupts in laughter.


“I will when you admit that you do want to.”


“Seth, I’ll keep tickling.”

Gasping for breath Seth keeps telling Nate to stop. Nate slows down his tickling climbing on top of Seth. He whispers in Seth’s ear as Seth is still gasping for breath.

“Imagine us here is this position without clothes.”

Seth swallows and is sure his face has heated up even more and is not from the lack of air.

“Nate stop and no we’re not doing anything more here.”

I will convince you, but I’ll stop.

“Okay.” Nate responds giving him a kiss.

They lie on the sand until they hear their names being called.

“Let’s go. They must be done building their castle and Danny probably wants to show us how it turned out.” Nate says.

“You do realize you have to get up first right?”

“Yes, but I’m so comfortable.”

“Nate, you did say that we need to go and check it out.”

“I know, but I don’t want to get up.”

“Nate get up!”


“Nate, Danny is getting nearer.”

“Okay, okay.” Nate responds sliding off Seth and getting up offering his hand to Seth. “Dad and Nate, we finished building the castle and grandma says it’s time to eat.”

“Okay, Danny, let’s go see it.” Seth responds.

“How big is it Danny?” Nate asks.

“It’s almost as tall as I am!”

“That’s a huge castle, Danny.”

“Yup, but it’s cool and we made all the designs on it. Grandpa draws really cool.”

“That’s good to hear. Hmm, I haven’t seen how he draws.” Seth responds.

“Hurry up, so that you can see. Let’s race.”

“I don’t want to run.” How does he still have so much energy after swimming and games, and building a castle. Seth wonders.

“Dad, come one, let’s race.”

“Yes, Seth let’s race.”

“We’re almost there and it’s too much work.”

“Dad, let’s go.”


“One, two, three.”

Danny is the first to take off followed by Seth and Nate. It’s a close race between Seth and Nate, but they are letting Danny win by a short distance. They halt just before the castle. Danny said the truth when he said the castle is almost as tall as he is. It is three feet just gathering the amount of sand to built it took a while, but they did it. The walls do have some drawing and it looks great. Emilio is a good artist. It can be seen by his drawing and Danny is getting better too.

“What do you both think of the castle?” Elizabeth asks.

“It’s great, Danny said the truth when he said that Emilio is a good artist.” Seth responds.

“Yes, one of his many talents.”

“I can see.”

“I want to take a photo of all of you standing around it! Nate and Seth stand on one side while Emilio and Danny stand on the other side.”

They move to the places where Elizabeth wants them to stand.

“Ready? One, two, three.”

Elizabeth takes the photo and then Emilio switches places with her, so that she may be in the photo too. After a few more pictures they’re ready to go eat.

“Let’s walk along the street and we can all choose what we want to eat. We can take take-out if we all want something different.” Elizabeth says.

“Sounds like a plan.” Seth says.

“What kind of food do you like Danny?” Emilio asks.

“I love pizza.”

“There’s a pizza place, what kind?”

“Pepperoni with jalapeno.”

“That’s spicy, you eat it often?”

“No, my dad doesn’t like me to.”

“Yes, you shouldn’t eat too much pizza.”

“What about you Seth and Nate?” Elizabeth asks.

“Hmm, I like pizza too.” Seth responds.

“I prefer subs though I do like pizza.” Nate responds.

“He’s more of a healthy person.” Seth adds.

“So he keeps you in check?” Elizabeth asks with a smile.

“I suppose whenever he’s over.”

“And I do make him exercise extra when he chooses to eat so unhealthy.” Nate says making sure no one notices his wink at Seth making him blush. “That’s how he stays so fit.”

“No, he doesn’t. He just wants some credit.”

Emilio interrupts by asking if they all want to eat pizza then. They all concur, so they go inside the pizza parlor. They order two pizzas and the conversation continues. Afterwards they continue walking along the street and once it gets closer to night time Seth, Nate, and Danny say goodbye to head back home.

“See you later, grandma!” Danny says as he hugs his grandmother.

“See you later, grandpa!” Danny tells Emilio as he also hugs him.

“Yes, you all soon.” Both tell them.


Thanks again and until next time!

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