Avengers Chatroom

By thegirlwhoswriting

95.2K 3.5K 1.3K

Now, this is what happens when the Avengers are bored..... More

Avengers Chatroom
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5.
Chapter 4
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Just a hilarious moment i thought i should share
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Authors Note
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62

Chapter 48

851 31 7
By thegirlwhoswriting

{Skye is online}
{Jemma is online}
{Fitz is online}
{Audrey is online}
{Coulson is online}
{May is online}
{Ward is online}

May: Agent Romanoff will not be impressed by this..

Coulson: That's why you're here...

Ward: I'd help but Stark locked me up in this cell. Audreyyyyyyy!

Audrey: No!

Fitz: -_- I hate being the only guy online that knows not of what we are doing

Jemma: Oh don't worry Fitz.. It's about to get better.. don't worry...

Audrey: You'll be grateful you're online now.

Skye: Yes. Hacking ear pieces now....

{Everyone is online}

Fitz: There's nothing special about that...

Jemma: Wait for it...

GiantGreenieJellyBean: Daheck?!

Dreamymuscleboy: •_• my muscles are dreamy?

Sexayirondude: I have to agree... no choice in the matter but to agree.

Grumpyredheadedninjachick: -_- no...

Katnissisanawfulperson: •_• I do NOT agree with this statement....

Thorsmybrotherandigotbeatenupmyagreenragemonster: THOR IS NOT MY FREAKING BROTHER!! **** you computer...

Spandexmanwithaplan: It came to haunt me!

Otherscaryredheadedperson: I'm not that scary....

Skye: You can be....

{TheFuriousFurry is online}

GiantGreenieJellyBean: Ok, that's funny XD


{TheFuriousFurry is offline furiously}

Audrey: Umm...... Bruce! Yeah, Bruce.. let's go to the movies...

GiantGreenieJellyBean: Nope, you, dearest Audrey, are going to go see Fury...

{GiantGreenieJellyBean has dragged Audrey offline}

Fitz: Umm... Simmoms? Before we get dragged offline...

Jemma: Good idea!

Ward: Hey Skye, we should do that too..

Skye: D: nawh. I want to stay and see what the 'TheFuriousFurry' will do...

Ward: -_-

Skye: :3

{Ward has forced Skye offline}
{Fitz is offline with Jemma, making their way to HQ}

Coulson: Well, We better be off! Adios!

{Coulson is offline}

May: Ugh

{May is offline}

Dreamymuscleboy: I am going my friends! Jane and Lady Darcy require me assistance. Mjölner and Thor away!

{Dreamymuscleboy is offline}

Sexayirondude: Hey Steve, Crystal, Clint and Nat and who ever is online still, want to get Shwarma?

Spandexmanwithaplan: I'm kinda sick of Shwarma...

Otherscaryredheadedperson: Yeah.. Let's go out for Tacos. I want tacos.

Sexayirondude: D:

Grumpyredheadedninjachick: No! Tacos we get now! Come Clint!

Katnissisanawfulperson: I still hate my name ):

Thorsmybrotherandigotbeatenupmyagreenragemonster: what is this Tacos?

Otherscaryredheadedperson: Food. Delicious food. Now, everyone, meet on the bottom floor :D TACO TIME!

{Otherscaryredheadedperson has kicked everyone offline}
{Otherscaryredheadedperson is offlin}

A/N: Sorry that took so long to get put up! I have been really busy with school and internals and 40hr famine stuff. Then it was Queens birthday weekend so I couldn't update yesterday. thanks for sticking with mwah!

Tomtomtomtomtomtom :D

Bree xxx ;D

Oh, and I know I deleted BattleStars but that's because I lost ALL inspiration for it... I didn't mean to it just got boring.

Love you all a thousand times over!

God bless

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