
By thebittersea

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When a mysterious stranger unexpectedly arrives at the Ben Bow inn, at first Jim wasn't so sure about her, bu... More

Young Love
The Ben Bow Inn
The Solivagant
Part I: Remembrance
Part 2: Recollection
Let Them Eat Cake
Stormy Thoughts
The End
The Map Part 1
The Map Part 2
Happy Thoughts
New Friends
Mother and Father
The Final Goodbye
Scroop Confesses
End of the Line
Silver's Impact
Treasure Planet
The Back Door
The Real Pirate
Flint's Trove
New Beginnings (epilogue pt. 1)
New Beginnings (epilogue pt. 2)
Thank You

I'll Always Be Here

981 45 3
By thebittersea

Silver did not doubt you about what he said about keeping his eye on you and Jim. He woke you early the next day, not giving you time to tell Jim the terrifying news you had dreamt and discovered the night before.

No matter the job, Silver always had both of you on your toes; scrubbing, mopping, washing, wiping, cutting, chopping, tying ropes, and etc. He had you both busy almost every minute that you had no time to speak to Jim alone without Silver watching guard--not even whilst working!(You were always so wary of anyone listening while working; discussions about your memory was a private thing between you and Jim). By the look of Silver's smug smile whenever he looked down at you both, it seemed as if he had been waiting to do this since he met you.

The worst job so far was scraping dead barnacles on the ship's hull. It was such a dangerous task, that if you were to scrape just one barnacle off--those things stuck fast like super glue--it could send you flying off to your death. It took hours, but between you and Jim--and a little help of Stygian's plasma charges, even though they are deadly, he used them with minimum charge--you managed to scrape off a majority of the barnacles by early afternoon.

Your arms were incredibly sore when you finished and your fingers hurt immensely from gripping a scraping tool hard. The only minor job you had was chopping and slicing vegetables for meals. Even then, you couldn't talk to Jim because Silver was watching you like a hawk.

There were times where Silver would give you easy jobs that you would complete it quicker than he. For instance, he had you and Jim on a nest on the stern to teach you how to tie nooses. In just half a second, you and Jim would complete your noose before ditching hurriedly to be alone. This was one attempt to ditch and you succeeded and walked away together to the forecastle to be alone.

You had a small chat, but even then, you couldn't tell Jim about the dream you had with your family. It has been almost several days and, though you haven't had more dreams since, except reliving that memory until it was accurate, you would burst into tears. It was minor thanks to Silver for keeping your mind half-focused on your task.

You were in the kitchen one evening, preparing a stew of yours. You and Jim were given the task to make dinner. It was a calm work day, but because your mind was burned with the memory of your tragedy, you needed to give yourself something to do or else you'll just jump off the ship in grief.

As you chopped some meat, you heard the heavy and uneven footsteps of Silver coming down the stairs.

You quickly rolled your sleeves down to hide your tattoos just as he and Morph appeared in the kitchen.

"It smells lovely in 'ere," he said as he hobbled over. "Where's Jimbo? Why ain't he helpin' the lass? That's not gentlemanly of him. Seeing as you two stick together like ye had tree sap between ya."

You tried not to look fazed by his comment and merely glanced at him before returning to work. Morph flew over to you a chirped. You raised your head and grinned briefly.

"Jim's not a very excellent cook. I sent him off because he needed the fresh air. Besides, I wish to be alone," you replied and threw in the vegetables into a sheet pan with chopped meat.

"Oh?" Silver asked curiously. "Why's that? Jimbo botherin' ya?"

"No, no. I just...I just have a lot on my mind."

There was a moment of silence as you chopped some vegetables furiously. In your peripheral, Silver inched closer and looked at you with a hint of worry on his face. "I don't mean to intrude, lass, but I 'ave noticed ye've been lookin' under the weather lately. Could it be something is amiss?"

"No." You laughed haphazardly and glanced at Silver with a smile. "Why would you think that? Jim and I--I mean I am fine." Tears began to well up in your eyes as you recalled the stressing thoughts of your dream and your feelings towards Jim.

Silver frowned. "I's all right, lass. I jus' don't want ye to feel that way for It can spread to us all and affect the whole voyage." He cleared his throat. "Of course, that's not why I'm worried."

You stopped your knife and set it down slowly. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "Alright, fine. I'll talk." You swallowed nervously. "It's...Jim."

"Somethin' wrong with 'im?"

You shook your head. "No--I mean, yes, but that's not what I meant. I only meant that...oh gosh, this is difficult to explain."

Silver gave you a reassuring grin and a pat on the shoulder. "S'alright, lass. Take a calm breath and start from the beginning."

You scoffed. "The beginning. Yeah, right. Uh, anyway, about a week ago, Jim and I...we confessed our feelings for each other." You fidgeted with your fingers but kept your eyes steady on Silver. "But, ever since, I've been feeling strange. I mean, I do like him, but, I'm scared. I even tried running away earlier that day when I realized how I felt. I was scared of hurting him."

Silver leaned back and rubbed his chin. He nodded, encouraging you to go on. You pursed your lips. Morph nudged your cheek, encouraging you as well.

You continued, "I just don't understand why me. I'm just a girl who with no memory of her past. I mean, maybe Jim saw a stranger as a good thing and befriended me because he was lonely. He was when I first met him--lonely. As was I, maybe that attracted us."

Silver frowned. "Somethin' happen to ya before you met Jim?"

You looked at him. "Huh?"

"Ye said you had no mem'ry. May I inquire what you mean?"

You looked away. "No, I-I'd rather not talk about it. It's really complicated."

Silver's expression looked sympathetic. After a few seconds, he cleared his throat and straightened himself. With a consoling smile, he said, "Well, lass, let me tell you a personal story. Hopefully, you might learn somethin'. When I was a youngun of your age, I, too, fell in love with a woman. And she loved me back. She gave me hope. Except...I did somethin' awful that had her runnin' the other way and I--" Silver lost his train of thought for a second, but quickly recovered. "During our time together, we would do whatever couples usually did and it wasn't until later on I realized I wanted to marry her. I wanted to buy a ring and everythin', 'xcept o' course, I was dirt poor. She didn't want a big diamond ring, for I was all she wanted. But I loved her, dear God, I did, and I wanted more for us. I tried finding work to to become more than I was an' please her father. He was an old bastard, he was. Anyways, a man approached me, saying I could make lots o' money by doing this special job. I was intrigued, of course, and I took it. But I didn't realize the consequences of taking this job an' I would find myself in the worst predicaments. I married my Love, and gave her an inexpensive ring to please us both. For years, I continued doing my work, and it took a long time--my work--for I was gone for days or weeks at a time. I lost my limbs and an eye on a job, and I returned crestfallen at our failed mission. That day, my Love came to tell me she's was leavin' to live with 'er parents. Not because I was disabled, but because of my absences, she has felt lonesome and realized I cared more for money than her. She never allowed me to explain myself and I watched her leave in a carriage with her all her items. She left one thing behind--the very ring I bought her for our wedding--and I wept for the rash decisions I made an' for the only thing that gave me will to live. Needless to say, I quit my dangerous job. I did not go to her, for I was deeply ashamed for what I've done. I joined the navy for a while, where I learned about ships." He looked you in the eye with a hurt expression. "I then learned that my love died while I was away at sea."

There was a long silence after Silver was done speaking where he looked downcast, reminiscing all he had just said. Morph nuzzled his cheek affectionately and Silver grinned briefly and nuzzled him back.

You listened to Silver's story in astoundment. This was the first time Silver told you about him and you didn't know what to make of it. Silver used to be in love? You can see the dramatic change it's done to him. You tried to understand what you could learn from him, but why would he care what happens to your relationship with Jim? You furrowed your brows, remembering how open you were to him.

Silver was supposedly the enemy, right? He knows about the map and probably has a majority of the crew on his side. He was only waiting to attack. But, by the way he spoke sincerely, like a father, and looked genuinely interested in your story and sad during his', made you wonder. You remembered how pirates were more than they seemed to other regular folk. They have feelings and people forget to acknowledge that. You remembered how he had prevented Scroop from killing you and was kind to both you and Jim later in the night. The arduous tasks he made you do were only an effort to help you and Jim become more independent.

"I..." you stammered, "After all that you've done, she stayed with you? What I meant is...did she believe you'd return? And...what happened to the ring?

Silver's brows furrowed as he looked downcast; a deep, reminating look in his sad eyes. "You accept the love you think you deserve," he said gently and raised his head to look at you. "I sold the ring--I knew it would haunt me more than it does now. You see, lass, by making that awful decision, it cost me my Love, my dignity..." Silver wiped his nose noisily. "And her life. If she hadn't stayed with me..." Silver straightened and declared boldly, "The point is, Jim is happy around you, and you around him. You never notice it because you're worried about hurting him by staying with him, but you don't realize you'll be hurting him more if you leave. And I betcha a million pieces o' gold you'll be hurt by that too. So, don't make the same mistake I made."

You stared at him with your mouth agape. Silver laughed and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Go on. I'll take care of the rest. You should speak to Jimbo, after all I've told you, and tell 'im how you really feel." He pushed you gently out the kitchen.

"Bu-but I don't know what to say to him!"

Silver chuckled. "You'll think of something. That intelligent brain o' yours always does. Oh, by the way, Jim's at the forecastle." He whistled and switched his automail arm to a knife.

"Wait, if you knew where he was, then why'd you ask-" you saw the glint in his gold eye and you realized he already knew where Jum was. . You chuckled. After a moment, you said, "Silver?"

"Hmm?" He paused and turned his head toward you.

"Thank you."

He grinned warmly. "Yer welcome, lass."

You turned and rushed up the stairs, taking two at a time. The sky was already dark, and you didn't care to wonder how long you and Silver were in the kitchen, and sprinted across the deck toward the forecastle. You ran halfway up the stairs to the forecastle deck and searched for Jim. Your eyes roamed around until you saw his dark figure sitting at the end of the bowsprit. He looked at peace as he stared in wonder at the skies, hoping to find the answer to an unknown question in his mind.

You ran and stopped halfway on the deck and watched him as he raised his head, feeling a presence, and looked behind him. You stood, catching your breath and stared back at Jim with urgent eyes. He stood in a crouching position and crawled back down. He jumped down and smoothed back his wind-disheveled hair.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked with a smile that could turn the night into day.

You ran and threw your arms around him and pulled his lips against yours in a passionate kiss. Jim's body froze, but relaxed, and you felt his arms slip around your waist and pull you closer to his body.

You forgot about the map, your memories, and especially your worries for hurting Jim and became lost in the sweet taste of his and the warmth of his body against yours. You would only break the kiss for a brief second only to be pulled into the kiss again. Jim only invited you more as his hands slipped from your waist and gently cupped your face. You couldn't pull away. Maybe Silver was right about you and Jim being stuck together and unable to separate.

You loved how Jim's lips felt against yours and how you couldn't pull away. You could do this all night if you could, but you knew you had duties after supper.

You don't know for how long you kissed, but one of you came to your senses and pulled away slowly. Your eyes stared into Jim's sky blue ones. You noticed were both panting softly as you continued to hold onto each other. Jim slipped his arms back around your waist.

He chuckled breathlessly and stammered, "Wha-what was that?"

You smiled. "It's called a kiss, idiot. We've done it before."

"Ye-yeah, but not like that. What...uh, what happened? You looked worried when I saw you earlier."

"I should have told you back at Delbert's," you said breathlessly.

"Told me what?"

"That I really liked you and I was so worried about hurting you before I left that I never realized I may have hurt you more if I did. I left, not just because of this, because I couldn't find any reason why someone would fall in love with me. I want to know, Jim, why--why did you fall in love with me?"

Jim gazed into your eyes for a moment before responding, "Because you gave me hope. I had almost no reason to live until you came along. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true, and you know it too. You feel it too, don't you?"

You only stared at him in wonderment.

Hope. Silver said his love have him hope. Until she ran away.

You took a deep inhale with your nose before responding. "I do. I always felt something when I was around you, Jim. I never had hope until I opened up to you." You smiled. "I really like you and I promise I won't leave again.

Jim smiled and breathed a laugh. "That's-I don't know what to say."

"Say you won't leave me either."

"I'll never leave you. I swear."

You both leaned in and pressed your foreheads together. With a smirk, you said, "Kiss me again, before Silver calls us down to help him."

Jim smirked and kissed your lips vehemently. You gently ran your hands up the sides of his head and held his face gently. You didn't care that the crew may be watching you both from afar in disgust or without care. You and Jim just enjoyed the moment for as long as it lasted.

* * * *

I suggest u listen to the 2nd song for this bottom part. ITS AWESOME.

Also, Silver's story is made up but some facts are true that were supposed to be in the sequel to this movie. Weird how similar it is to Sarah's husband, huh? But really, i used Edward's story from Ac4 lol.

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