UNTITLED ATM *Niall Horan Lov...

By ShesLuckyCause

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UNTITLED ATM *Niall Horan Love Story*

Ch 2

172 6 8
By ShesLuckyCause

"Excuse me." I yelled at a girl who obviously wasnt paying attention to anything but her phone because she still didnt move. "EXCUSE ME!" I screamed louder. She looked up, flicked me off, then walked away. Hey, atleast she moved. Making your way through thousands, wait, millions of screaming girls trying to find this band One Direction isnt easy. Especially when they are running wildy down the street like chickens with their heads cut off.

"THERE SHOULD BE ARREST WARRENTS OUT FOR SOME OF YOU!" I screamed in the middle of the crowd. I just want to sit down. I finally made it to the line waiting to get into MSG. Girls ranged from slutty to just downright creepy. I hope im somewhere in the middle. I was wearing a pink sundress, white Toms, and a lightwash jean jacket. To make myself look extra nice I even braided my bangs on the side. I havent dressed this nicely since eighth grade graduation. Girls were holding giant signs with such perverted things on them.

"Irish you were naked." I read the girl in front of me's sign. She turned around to me because I was laughing. "Sorry, its just, my friend Niall would love that!" I said, she scowled then turned back around. Somebody isnt friendly. She was wearing a white shirt with doodles and junk all over it. Carrots. Her shirt has carrots on it. Lord Jesus help her. Finally the line began moving. Once they scanned my tickets i made my way to my seat. I was right next to the stage. This is unreal, I really hope this band is good. I reached for my phone about to send Niall a text but then i realized, I dont have his number!

"Hello!" Another accented person said beside me. I turned around. A young blonde girl was smiling at me.

"Hey there! Are you British?" I asked. She was really pretty.

"Yep! Im from Doncaster. My brother is Louis Tomlinson." She said pointing at her shirt, with a cuteish guy on it. I smiled.

"Well, your brother sure seems to like stripes." I replied with a smile.

"Keep this between me and you but he secretly wants to be a zebrah." She whispered in my ear. I cracked up.

"LOTTIE! Stop bothering this young girl." A brown haired girl who seemed around twenty said to Lottie. She then turned to me, "Im so sorry, she really enjoys meeting her brothers fans. Im Elenour, Louis' girlfriend." I shook her hand.

"Im Maddy, wait, you said her brothers fans. Does that mean he is in this band?"

"Yes ma'am. Louis is one of five in the band. We flew over here to see him perform tonight!"

"Awe thats really sweet of you! Im sure Louis will appreciate it." The lights dimmed and girls went wild. Lottie, El, and i all stood up next to the stage and immediately we were being surronded by girls attacking us. God, this was so annoying. A screen began introducing the guys in the band. Harry, Louis, Zayn, Liam, and NIALL. WHAT THE FICUS? NIALL?

"OH. MY. GOD." I said out loud. My mouth dropped. I heard five voices sing 'Na Na Na' in my head then BAM they were onstage.

Niall Horan was in One Direction.

What is my life?

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