Secrets Untold

By XxIcyxX

8.4K 322 173

"Here's a little tip of survival for all of you reading this very line right now: Never yawn while Danika Mar... More

Prologue/ Short Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

681 44 27
By XxIcyxX

A/N: Vote and Comment and hopefully Enjoy!


            The moment I got home, I realized that my younger brother, Kevin, had his best friend over, so I did the sensible thing and escaped upstairs before they could have the chance to attack me with highly dangerous paper airplanes.  My own room was filled with a soft, yellow glow that streamed in from a window, leaving strips of light on the just cleaned carpet.  The walls were covered with posters of animals—dogs, horses, you name it.  It was to make my room appear more colorful.

            When I was little, I had insisted that my parents kept my walls white.  I’m not quite sure what I was thinking when I requested that because now I want it any color besides that.  Don’t get me wrong; white is a great color.  Sophomore year we did this whole lesson on symbols, and I still remember that white stood for purity and innocence; however, I did kind of wish it was a different color.  Something like a light green to make me feel as if I were constantly in a meadow or maybe a light blue so that I would feel as if I were flying.  Even a nice red or pink would do.

            My bed, luckily, is a light blue color—my favorite color.  In a way, it reminds me of the sky and sometimes just laying on it can make me feel as if the world was at peace. Or it may be just the comfortable feel of the bed.  Either way, it was a wonderful feeling.

            The drawers and shelves around my room were light brown colors making my room have a very sporadic feel to it.  I mean white walls, light blue bed, and light brown shelves couldn’t get any more random. 

For a moment, I debated on doing homework or not before realizing that I had left my backpack downstairs and had no intention of getting it yet.  Yawning, I dove onto my bed and opened up my laptop, but for some reason, even the internet couldn’t distract me from the pesky question in the back of my mind and the anxiety I was getting from the wait—the wait to see what Ashton Fly was going to do with my number.  With a sigh, I dragged myself off of the bed and over to my desk to start on my homework; of course that didn’t distract me any better.

            Finally, unable to take the suspense any longer, I walked over to one of the many book shelves around my room and look around until I finally found what I was looking for—last year’s yearbook.  “I’m such a stalker,” I mumbled a bit guiltily under my breath as I searched up ‘Fly’ in the index.  Immediately, I regretted it when I found his picture.  How is it possible someone is so photogenic?  Slamming the yearbook shut in frustration, I flushed slightly at how awkward the conversation I had earlier with him was.

            “Way to make yourself look like an idiot,” I muttered, rubbing my temples.  “Watch him post the number on some creepy dating site or—”

            Suddenly, the doorbell rung, and I drifted off from my rant, thankful for some excuse to get my mind off of him.  “Kevin!  Can you get that?”  I yelled only to be greeted by silence.  “Kevin.  This isn’t time to play your games!”

            More silence.

            Kicking the lazy me off the bed, I rushed downstairs to open the door.  Fumbling with the doorknob, I finally yanked it open only to come face to face with someone I just saw.  Or rather just saw a picture of.

            I blinked several times before collecting my cool and raising an eyebrow in disbelief.  “What are you doing here?” 

            He stared back at me with an equally stunned expression before saying, “Well, if it isn’t the guy I met today.”

            “Stalker,” I muttered under my breath.

            “Whoa!  I was just picking up my younger brother.  Don’t be too flattered,” he said with a smirk.

            “Your younger brother…”  I drifted off before suddenly realizing what was going on.  “Right,” I said a bit flustered, “let me go find them.  Do you want to come in or—“

            “Suddenly, someone is really nice.”  Ashton commented before taking a step into the house and closing the door.  Ignoring him, I turned and went into the house.

            “Kevin?”  I yelled.  “If you don’t come out right now, I’m taking away all of your video games and throwing them in the toilet.

            There was a slight shuffle before he meekly popped out from behind a closet door.  “Yes?”  he asked innocently.

            “Where’s your friend?”  I scolded.

            “Oh Logan?  He’s right here,” my brother responded as another person came up from behind him.

            “Hi Kevin’s Mom,” the new boy greeted.  I stared at him in disbelief as a peal of laughter came from behind me.     

Refusing to acknowledge the fact that Ashton was still in the house and within hearing range, I turned red and said in a disbelieving tone, “I’m his sister.”  There was an awkward silence that ensued.  Feeling self-conscious, I thought, well there goes any ‘cool’ points I might have had with Ashton.  I wouldn’t be surprised if bullying occurred tomorrow.

“Oh?”  Logan said with apparent nervousness.  “Sorry!  Kevin told me you were his mom.”

I glared at Kevin who shrank back into the closet with a sheepish grin.  “What, sis?”

Ignoring him, I turned towards Logan.  “You ready to go?”

He nodded before saying, “Sorry about that.”

“It’s not your fault,” I frowned, glaring Kevin down.

“You ready to go?”  Ashton called from behind me.

“Coming!” Logan responded before dashing to the door followed by an eager looking Kevin.

            I walked back to the door at a slow, funeral-like pace, and by the time I arrived, Logan and Ashton were already ready to go.  “Wait, how are you guys getting home?”  I asked out of concern when I realized that there were no cars in sight.

            Ashton turned back to me with a slight grin.  “We’re walking home.”

            I raised an eyebrow and despite the fact that I couldn’t care less on how fast Ashton got home or not, I was more worried about his younger brother.  Despite the fact that they were seemingly siblings, Logan seemed to have a much softer and gentler side.  Added to that, he looked pale in comparison to his older brother as well as didn’t look particularly strong.  “Is it far away?  If you want, I can drive Logan home.”  I emphasized.

            “Aw that sounds like a great idea.”  Ashton pretended to coo before asking, “Do I just walk home?”

            “Yes,” I deadpanned before going over to my bag and fishing out my keys. 

            “Can I come?” Kevin begged.

            “No.”  I turned to glare at him.



            “Revolt!” he shouted before running after me and grabbing the keys out of my hand and then running back behind Ashton.

            “Kevin,” I warned, ignoring Ashton’s chuckle.

            “Drive me,” he demanded.

            “Kevin…”  I said tiredly.

            “Logan’s brother.  Tell my sister to drive me.”  Kevin begged Ashton, pulling at his sleeve.

            “How about she drives both of us home?  I’m too lazy to walk anyways.”  Ashton said smoothly.

            “Why should I—”

            “Or I could post her number on some kind of website.”  Ashton pretended to think, shooting me a sly grin.

            “Blackmail,” I muttered under my breath before pushing past everyone and walking outside.  “You guys have five seconds to get into my car or I’m leaving you here.”

            Ignoring the cries of success that came from both Ashton and Kevin, I slipped into the driver’s seat and started up the car.  Feeling a bit like a personal taxi, I turned around to where Logan sat quietly and asked, “What’s your address?”

            “I can just direct you there,” Ashton responded, before slipping into the shotgun.

            I stared at him blankly before motioning to where the two boys sat.  “Back seat.  Now.”

            “Back seat.  Now,” he mocked before firmly locking the front door.  “How old do you think I am?  Two?”

            “One,” I snapped back.  “Just shut up and direct me to where I have to go.”

            “Am I supposed to use hand gestures or whatever?”  Ashton teased.

            I grinded my teeth in frustration as I backed out of the driveway.  “If I crash this car, it is because of you, Ashton.”

            “If I crash this car, it is because of you, Ashton,” he mocked causing me to roll my eyes in frustration.

            “Um, Cade?”  Logan said meekly from the backseat.

            “Yea?”  I responded

            “We live near Black Pines Middle School,” he commented.

            “That’s like a fifteen minute drive here,” I responded before turning to where Ashton sat.  For a second, I curiosity got to me. In reality, it was probably a good thirty minute walk and he had to walk it by himself.  Unless he caught a ride with someone—much more likely, I thought.

            The rest of the ride past in silence and the single time I looked over at Ashton, he was on his phone texting.  When I finally got to the school and pulled onto the side of the road, I broke the silence.  “So where do you go after this?”

            “Um…”  Logan drifted off with an uncertain look on his face.

            “It’s fine.  We can get off here,” Ashton suddenly said in a seemingly secretive tone.

            “Wait, why?”  I said in surprise. 

            “It’s good exercise to walk a bit,” Ashton said in a normal tone before opening up the door and getting out.  Logan followed after him with a thankful smile towards me.  “Thanks for the ride, mister.”

Unable to even come up with a good comeback, I stared at him in shock and after they disappeared around a corner, I turned towards my brother and asked, “Do you know where they live?”

He shrugged.  “No idea.  Logan never talked about it.”

Why would they get off here, I frowned before starting my engine up again, when there are no houses around.


Sorry if the paragraphing is a bit off... I always indent but for some reason, Wattpad only indents SOME of the paragraphs so it looks kinda funny.  My bad.

On the other hand, comments?  votes? thoughts?

Anyone who's read Truth or Dare think my guy charcters all sound alike? D: Don't worry; I'm adding a lot more depth into Ashton than what is on the surface.


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