Wait (August Alsina) book 1

By _jasthewriter

651K 20K 7.3K

22 year old August Alsina, was the youngest King Pin in New Orleans. He had it made, the cars, the clothes, f... More

Author's Note
New Chapter
11.) New Dasani
26.) Wait
1.) Sequel
3.) "BLM"
6.) Nobody Knows
8.) Change
12.) "Seriously?"
16.) The Reeds
17.) The Reeds pt. 2
20.) Can pigs fly? Pt. 1
21.) Can pigs fly? pt. 2
26.) "Just a fool in love"
27.) "Only One U."


6.9K 316 264
By _jasthewriter

May 28th

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked Dasani.

"Are you trying to have sex with me?" She asked causing me to frown. She recently found out August had sex with some girl he used to mess with two days ago.

So she's been giving me a hard time whenever I say something or do something nice. I told her before I was here as a friend.

I think she said Shantelle had told her. I think that shit was pretty low, especially when he was trying to get her back a day before he cheated on her then was trying to fight me yesterday.

I don't turn down from no fights, ain't never been scared win or lose.

"I'm here as a friend, nothing more." I told her as I went back to eating.

I believe you." She mumbled, "Do you think he's been cheating but now was the first time he got caught?"

She asked looking at me hopeful.

Not sure how to answer, I just shrugged.

"I made a lot of sacrifices for him and I can't believe he's waltzing around like he's a saint and I'm the bad guy." She went on.

"Shit happens, we don't have control over life. Even when we THINK we do, we don't." I explained standing up to put my empty bowl up.

Feeling her follow behind me, she placed her bowl in the sink then walked back towards the table.

I went ahead and washed out our dishes and gave her time to be alone and think.

"So tired of nothing ever going good in my life.. everyone I ever loved has left me without warning." I heard her say before she sipped on her wine.

Drying off my hands I walked back into the dining area and she stopped talking.

"Thanks for dinner." She acknowledged standing up, "No problem." I assured finishing my cup.

Standing up as well to rinse my cup out I bumped into her on her way out the kitchen. "My fault." I apologized trying to side step her but she moved back in my way.

"You tryna dance or something?" I asked jokingly, staring up at me for a while I could tell she was debating with herself and I did not want her to do what I was assuming she was about to do.

"Excuse me." I said moving her out the way then made my way into to kitchen. After I rinsed my glass out, I cut the light out and bumped into her again.

"You ready to go?" I asked taking a step back, nodding her head she looked back and forth between my eyes and mouth.

"Don't." I told her when she grabbed my face. "Why not?" She asked brushing her lips against mine.

"It's not right." I said trying to move back but she wouldn't allow me. "Tomorrow we can forget." She stated pecking my lips softly.

"Tomorrow." She repeated pecking my lips again, fighting with my inner self it took about forty seconds before I ended up kissing her back.

Wrapping her arms around my neck she pulled me into her more and deepened the kiss.

Lifting her up, I sat her on top the table and tilted her chin slightly as our heads moved in sync.

The kiss was intense, my heart was pounding fast as hell and I'm sure hers was too.

This wasn't right and the moment I heard her moan, I pulled back. Breathing heavy we both stared at one another.

"I gotta get you home." I said moving from her, biting down on her lip she looked down at the tile.

"It's not fair." She said just above a whisper. "What's not?" I asked leaning against the wall in front of her.

"You seriously wanna be strictly friends and anyone who's ever told August that, they ended up sleeping together." She said shaking her head.

"He gets to be happy while out cheating and I have to sit around sad and thinking about the good times we had." She went on.

"Maybe y'all will get back together." I said and she looked at me. "He knew what happened when my ex cheated on me.. we're over." She assured sounding like she was trying to convince herself.

"Uh.. I wanna take you home." I said rubbing my neck awkwardly.

"Ok." She mumbled getting down from the table, looking at me one last time, she walked into the living room to grab her purse and phone.

I ran my hand down my face and sighed deeply.

Damn man..

The next day

"Can I talk to you?" I asked Shantelle as I walked into her office. "Of course." She said closing her folder.

Walking in I closed her door and sat across from her. Staring at her nervously she tilted her head to the side and squinted at me.

"I kissed Jason." I told her feeling bad, looking at me blankly I felt confused. "Ok?" She said and I repeated it.

"Did y'all fuck?" She asked and I quickly shook my head, just made out for like thirty seconds then he insisted on taking me back to your place.. I think I just ruined our friendship."

I told her and she pursed her lips.

"You did it cuz of August didn't you?" She questioned with a raised brow, "Partially." I told her honestly.

"You have some sort of feelings for Jason, BUT you never would've acted on it if August would've never slept with Angelina correct?" She asked and I don't even think she knew she said the last part.

"He did what? I thought it was an ex?" I asked standing up, "Shit!.. I'm so sorry Sani, I did not mean to say dat." She apologized standing up as well.

"She's like a fucking child! He slept with her for real Shantelle?" I asked praying she said no. When she didn't answer I covered my mouth.

"How long?" I asked my next question, "A little after the breakup.." she replied shaking her head.

"So did he really sleep with an ex or was that a cover up?" I questioned as my heart rate increased.

"He did.. he slept with both.. Sani I'm so sorry boo!" She apologized pulling me into her. "I got shot and lost my baby trying to protect him. I was left for dead when we first started to hang out, I fought a bitch over him. I gave him all of me and he took it and ran with it. He slept with someone who he swore he would never give the time or day to. He accused me of cheating when he was actually doing the dirt!!"

I snapped pushing her away. "Where is he?" I asked wiping my face angrily. "I can't tell you that, I wouldn't feel right if something happened."

She said and I laughed dryly. "Where is he?" I repeated more firmly. "If you're leaving I'm going too." She said, shrugging I waited for her to tell me.

"At da trap." She told me, "The one she be at?" I asked, looking away I got my answer.

"Cool." I replied simply before I left out her office with her calling my name. "JASON GRAB HER!" She yelled from behind.

Doing as she said he pulled me into his office, "Get off of me!" I screamed hitting on him. "What's going on?" He asked after letting me go.

"Ask Shantelle." I replied before storming out his office. You would think after hearing about what I did to my ex for cheating on me he would have got the hint, but I guess I gotta make an example out of him and the bitch.

I was tired of motherfuckers toying with my feelings and tossing it to the side like it was nothing.

I've been through too much shit for him to do this to me, best believe he was gonna pay..

"I kno thas yo boy and my boss, but I don't think it's smart of him to have sex with Ghost niece and someone we all know his girl ain't like."

Zoe said as we watched how they were boo'd up in the living room. "He's a grown man, I don't babysit grown men. He knows better but refuse to do betta, any karma he gets is what he had coming, that's all I'm sayin." I told him as I shook my head.

August was deadass wrong and I told him multiple times that he was, he fucked Angelina while he and Dasani were still together.

He got too drunk and it happened. I ain't say shit cuz he said it was just a mistake, but then he walk around all buddy buddy with her? Come on now that wasn't no mistake.

He was mad at Dasani for wanting to hang with Jason cuz HE felt guilty about what he did. But did he try to stop it? Nah.

They both egged it on and we all watched it play out. When he broke up with her, I knew he was gonna fall back into his old self soon.

Just ain't know he would fuck Nadine nasty ass, then Angelina AND another one of his old flings.

That was a line he should've never crossed and as much as he was my nigga, Dasani was like a sister to me and at the end of the day he was wrong and if she never took him back I wouldn't blame her.

Hearing a knock at the door everyone drew their guns and I walked over to answer it.

Opening the door, I furrowed my brows when I seen it was Dasani. "Wassup sis?" I greeted hugging her.

"What you doing hea?" I asked looking over her outfit. "Is yo boy here?" She asked ignoring me, "Yea." I replied, removing her shades she stuck them in her purse and before I could say anything else she pushed pass me and stormed into the house ignoring everyone that was speaking to her.

Either August didn't see her or didn't care, but he sure was comfortable with Angelina whispering shit in his ear.

And just like that she smacked him. Angelina jumped up and she hit him again. A few "Damn's" echoed throughout the house as we watched the show.

"You slept with that bitch while you were with me didn't you?!" She barked sending a mean blow to his face.

Standing up, he tried to grab her but she moved and punched him again, damn bro.

He forgot he taught her that move.

"After everything I've done that's how you do me?!" She questioned going to hit him again but he grabbed her by her neck.

Not liking that, I rushed over and pulled him off her. "You're dead you sneaky bastard!" She screamed picking up whatever she could and started flinging it his way.

Moving out the way not wanting to get hit, I decided to let his karma take course. I think he realized he fucked up cuz he just stood there and let her beat on him.

That was until she tried to knee him in his groin, he pushed her back and she spit in his face.

"Oh damn.. he must've really fucked up." Someone said and I shook my head.

Shantelle came running in the house. "Get your crazy ass friend!" Angelina yelled to her.. wrong move.

"Oh bitch don't say shit to her!" Sani gritted, reaching in her purse, she pulled out her gun.

Everyone moved back and to the left and I looked at her seeing the look I saw when they told her she lost the baby.

"If you kill me, my uncle will know." She told her, "I don't give a fuck, cuz when I tell him his worker is fucking his niece both of y'all will be dead, so I'm helping." She told her before she shot her in the shoulder.

"Ahhh you bitch!" She screamed holding her wound. August tried to grab the gun and she aimed it on him.

"I told you what happened the last time I was cheated on.. you just had to test the waters." She told him and with an blink of the eye she shot him in his left shoulder just a little above the heart area.

Doubling over, he began to curse her out. "Next time I'll make sure I kill you." She gritted, "Come on sis." I said trying to get the gun but she glared at me.

"Mind yo business." She said and I stepped right on over. "You got it." I mumbled, walking up to Angelina she grabbed her face roughly and began to pistol whip her.

"The next time you wanna sleep with someone's man, remember this beating bitch!" She barked kneeing her in her face knocking her out cold.

Looking at me, I saw the hurt but it quickly turned to anger then to blankness. "Sani?" Shantelle called trying to reach for her but she moved.

"That's what he wanted right?" She questioned flashing a smile that didn't match her eyes. "Sani you better not go home!" He yelled holding his shoulder, nigga just got shot he was damn almost dead he better shut the hell up.

"Fuck you." She said coldly, heading for the door and as if on cue Nadine walked in. "Oh shit." I cursed making my way over to stop a possible ass beating.

"Damn bitch you almost lived." She said and before we all could register it she aimed the gun and shot her twice in her chest.

"Dasani!" I shouted looking at her in shock.
Angelina screamed, while the rest of us just stared in shock. "I don't plan on hiding." Was the last thing she said before she left out as Nadine gasped for air.

Shantelle looked at me then to August then Angelina and I saw her eyes grow dark. "Are you fucking happy?!" She yelled walking up to him but I got in between.

"That's not Dasani! You did dat to her you fuckin bastard! Just couldn't keep it in yo fucking pants! You are so selfish and inconsiderate! Lose my fuckin number, I'm done with you!" Snatching away from me.

She kicked Angelina over causing a few of the guys to bust out laughing. "Now you gotta live with dis shit." I told him as I left out the house as well as Nadine still gasped for air.

She was either gonna die or someone was gonna help her.

Sani was never one to shoot nobody or kill anyone so for her to do that and not blink I knew August flipped a switch in her head.

I was scared we wouldn't be able to get her to turn it off.

He fucked up and I don't think he could get her back this time..

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