The Secret Love: A Cedric Dig...

By Lizzie_Lolly45

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"I like you. It's doesn't feel like its nothing anymore." He said to the young brown hair caramel eyed girl i... More

Chapter 1: Quiditch World Cup
Chapter 2: Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 3: Plan of Action
Chapter 4: Plans to be Successful
Chapter 5: 4 Champions
Chapter 6: Midnight Note
Chapter 7: First Task and Revealing Stories
Chapter 8: Newspaper Relationships
Chapter 9: I'm Always There For You
Chapter 10: Date Drama
Chapter 11: Yule Ball
Chapter 12: Love Rebels
Chapter 13: It's Our Secert
Chapter 14: The Second Task to Love
Chapter 15: All I want is You
Chapter 16: Tell The Truth The Hard Way
Chapter 17: The Truth and a Hogsmade Day
Chapter 18: Wanting More
Chapter 19: Conflict with Girls
Chapter 20: What's Stopping Us?
Chapter 21: Before The Storm
Chapter 22: The Third Task
Chapter 23/Ending 1: The Hurricane Hit
Chapter 24/Ending 2: The Rolling Black Clouds Hit
Chapter 25/The Final Ending: The Sun Comes Out
Final Author's Note/The End

Chapter 26/Final Ending pt. 2: Cedmione Forever<3

3.4K 39 30
By Lizzie_Lolly45

Hello! Robert and Emma were together at the Golden Globes! Ok here you go:-)

   That night Cedric waited till midnight to get her up. She went to bed at 21:00 and they've been out at midnight before. Well, she would have knew about it already. This one was a surprise one. Ok all of the dates did end out in a surprise so what's new about this one? What's new is that Cedric was partly freaking out. Would she want to go out? Would she want to say yes? He didn't know what to do.

  Right before midnight, he got his plans ready. Hopefully she would like the idea. He walked out quietly. Slowly he opened the door to the room she was in. He opened the door to see Hermione sitting on the bed with a small lamp on reading.

   "Why did I not expect this?" Cedric asked. "Ok I should have expected this." He corrected himself.

   "What do you want?" Hermione asked.

   "Come with me?" Cedric said as he held his hand out to her. "Don't you want another awesome night with just you and me?"

   Hermione smiled and stood up to walk to him. "So where are we going now?"

   "Well if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise but it's not that far."

   Cedric took Hermione outside in the backyard. Hermione looked up the see a big tree that held a treehouse with some light from inside of it.

   "Is this safe?" Hermione asked.

   "Of course it is. This thing has been up since I was 7. If 4 people can be up there, us two can." Cedric said. "After you." He gesture Hermione to go up the ladder.

   Hermione looked at him for a second and then started going up the ladder. She went in the treehouse to see fake lit up candles on the windows, couple blankets and pillows.

"Are we sleeping in here?" Hermione asked as she got into the house and sat down.

"That wasn't the plan but if you want to we can if you want to." Cedric replied. "I've done it once before with Gemma. That was kinda not fun."

"Why?" Hermione asked as Cedric got himself into the treehouse sitting across from her.

"She tried to have sex with me...again. Then I broke up with her...I actually did for the second time. Thankfully the last and she actually figured it out that I'm not gonna date her anymore. It was winter time but this thing can become insulated and warm."

"Gemma sounds weird!"

   "She definitely was but let's not talk about her. Let's talk about you...or me. Whichever one you like to talk about the best."

   "Ok then, what's the reason for this tree house?" Hermione started.

   "My father helped my friend's and I to make this because...we were 7-year-olds and we get bored easily. Basically we just played. Everyday during the summer Lukas, Max and Carson would come over to hang out in here. Even when we got into Hogwarts."

   "I didn't have many friends before Hogwarts."

   "Yeah, being an only child is hard because you don't have really anyone your age to talk to."

   "I do have many cousins."

   "I don't have any. Both of my parents never had siblings, or cousins. So I'm their only child they can ever had. That's really true, I'm surprised I was able to get born."

   "I thought Muggles in labor is more dangerous. Were you born in St. Mungos?"

   "Nope. Ask my mother if you really want to know. She's the one who actually gave birth to me."

   "I would but I don't want to."

   "Good choice. What do you do in the summer? Other than be with your cousins?"

   "We going camping once at least once a month."

   "What's Muggle camping like?"

   "Not in a magical tent."

   "Shoot, I would hate that. I've been camping in a magical tent forever. Even before Hogwarts."

   "We roast marshmallows over a fire."

   "We do that too. Except we don't make a fire, we use magic to make a fire."

   "What else do you like to do?" Hermione asked changing the subject.

   "What else do I like to do? I like to hang out with you."

   "Ha." She replied. "That sound corny enough to be true."

   "Oh it is. Completely true."

Hermione just stared at him for a few seconds. "Really?" She said breaking the silence.

"Why wouldn't it be? Do you like hanging out with me? Or was all the midnight plans a fail?"

"No heck no! I loved hanging out with you at midnight. I feel like I'm a rebel!" Hermione commented.

"Well for what we've done, you should feel like a rebel. I'm so surprised we were never caught."

   "Well maybe Lukas and Ginny somehow know about it. Somehow."

"They know about stuff more than we do. It's crazy." Hermione said as she stood up and sat right next to him not breaking eyes contact.

He wrapped his arm around her. She scooted into him more. Cedric started running his hand through her wavy brown hair.

"I try to make ever moment with you worth everything." Cedric told her.

"And ever moment is worth doing with you." Hermione responded.

   "This year has been the most interesting year of my life and you made it ten times better."

   Hermione looked at him after he said that. "I never have any words to say after that but this." She then lightly kissed him. Slowly drawing away from him, he pulled her in more wanting to feel her soft lips against hers. Their tongues intermingled with each other.

Quick A/N: This part is rated M. To find where the story can be read by everyone, go and scroll to find the next quick a/n. Thank you:)

   Cedric continued kissing her as he pressed her against the wall. Hermione moaned in response to his action. She entangled her fingers into his messy light brown hair. Cedric's hand went to her hips and under her pajama shirt. Hermione moaned in reaction to his action. She then quickly tore away from the kiss and removed her shirt and started to untie the bow on her pants. Cedric did the same until they were both completely stripped down. Their lips reconnected soon after that. Cedric continued kissing her as he slowly lowered her down to the floor on one of the pillows near the wall. Their tongues explore each other's mouths. Hermione tore away from his lips to kiss the crook of his neck. She was rewarded with a small groan that was near her ear.

   "I love you." Cedric quietly said to her into her ear.

Hermione looked at him before saying, "I love you."

"I really want to do this again but only if you want to."

"Yes." Hermione responded.


Cedric pinched one of Hermione's breasts and soon sucked her nipple. He was rewarded with a moan. Hermione's hair ran through her his messy hair. She went to the other nipple and was rewarded with another moan. Hermione got lost in feeling of pleasure. He kissed the valley of her breasts and went back to kiss her lips again. Cedric's hands went to her hips as Hermione's legs wrapped around him. Slowly Cedric entered her. Every time he went into her more, she moaned into his mouth. Hermione started whimpering when he was in the sweet spot for him to start thrusting into her. He thrusted harder into her that effected her to whimpering more until she whimpered his name out. The feeling for Hermione was uncontrollably hurting. Her core started to heat up as she yelled his name out. Soon after Cedric started riding his organisms. A couple more thrust until his final thrust and laid onto her.

"So was this another successful date or what?" Cedric asked Hermione after panting a couple of times.

"I loved it." Hermione responded. "Just like I love you."

"I love you Hermione Granger."

They stayed in the treehouse for the rest of the night.

A/N: Ok the rest is rated for everyone now:-)

Cedric and Hermione woke up at 8 went back into the house. Cedric and Hermione enjoyed being together in the summer. Hermione loved being at the Diggory's and Cedric loved being at the Granger's place. Cedric's final year and Hermione's 5th Year came. Umbridge made everything worse. Being together was the only thing that helped even though Cedric had to study alone often. Cedric was the Quidditch Seeker and Head Boy for Hufflepuff. Hermione became a prefect. Cedric and Hermione were able to hang out sometimes but Umbridge effected them. The lie was not only against Harry but Cedric too. Even though his father was in the ministry, majority disbelieved him. Dumbledore's Army happened. Even though Cedric had a lot of studying to do, he still joined. He convinced Lukas, Max and Carson to join with Lynzie also. Cedric and Hermione both found it their patronus. Cedric's was a Swedish Short Snout from the Tournament, Hermione's was an otter. On the "last" meeting, Umbridge held Marietta Edgecomb in telling where they were. Cedric's father supported him even with him joining Dumbledore's Army. Hermione went to break into the Ministry and Cedric had to stay back for studying. He passed his NEWTS thankfully. That year was a hard year to deal with. They didn't see each other for two years but they did write. Both were in separate schools. When the Battle Of Hogwarts came, they reunited and fought. Even though they lost many friends, they still won. Hermione went for another year at Hogwarts and soon Cedric and Hermione lived together. Both Aurors and Cedric being a well known Quidditch Player, they lived together.

3 years after the Battle Of Hogwarts on the 4th of November 2001

   Cedric took Hermione were at their house together that they lived other for only 2 months.

   "Hermione." Cedric said.

   "Yeah." Hermione replied putting down the dish she was cleaning.

   "I have a question for you."

   "I should have an answer for you then."

   He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said, "Marry me Hermione. You don't have to be alone, I love you and that's all I really know. I talked to your dad, you'll pick out a white dress. It's a love story baby just say yes."

   Hermione just stared at the ring. No words to say at all. Hermione nodded before saying "yes" a million of times.

   They got married on 24th of June, 2002, they got married. In a park 5 minutes away from their house. Many of their friends showed up. Harry and Ginny married a year before them. Ron didn't find someone because Hermione was the only one. Two days later Lukas and Lynzie got married. Hermione was known as Hermione Jean Granger-Diggory. One of the banners at their wedding said "Cedmione forever" which was made by Lukas and Ginny. Cedmione was what they were called.

   On the 6th of November year 2003, they had their first child. Renessmee Jemma Diggory well known as Nessie Jem who loved potions. She was sorted into Slytherin on the year 2014-2015. In her second year she made the Quidditch team as a Chaser. On the 11th of July 2005, they had a son. Calvin Amos Diggory who loved magical creatures. Year 2016-2017 he got accepted to Hogwarts and was sorted into Hufflepuff. His second year he became a Seeker for Hufflepuff.

   Harry and Ginny had three children. James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna Potter. James and Lily got into Gryffindor and Albus got into Slytherin. Since Albus and Calvin we're in the same year, they met each other. Harry being and Auror and Ginny being a Quidditch player before having a family.

   Lukas Miezer and Lynzie Marcella had 4 children all at once on the 3rd of February, 2005. 3 daughters and 1 son. Thomas Henry, Emillie (Emma) Grace, Evelyn (Evie) Belle, and Willow Lea. Thomas got Hufflepuff, Emma got into Slytherin and Evie and Willow got into Ravenclaw. Lukas became a writer while Lynzie became a journalist.

   Max Miren moved to New York for 3 years. He wasn't able to fight in the Battle Of Hogwarts sadly. He found a girl in America, Lucy Baker, and they moved back to London to get married. Lucy went to Illvermorny and was sorted in Horned Serpent. They had a son named Benedict (Ben) Maximus Miren who became a Gryffindor the same year as Lily Luna. He's currently working in the Healer at St. Mungo's with Lucy.

   Carson Fickle fought in the Battle Of Hogwarts and married Maxi and became an Wandmaker. They had a son named Timothy Charlie Fickle who became a Gryffindor with Lily Luna.

   Ronald Weasley became an Auror like his friends. He also went to help George and Ginny with the shop since Fred passed away in the Battle Of Hogwarts. He helped Harry, Hermione and Lukas' children when they needed it. He used Fred and George's stuff from their shop to entertain them. The boys wrote to him about guy stuff and how to get a girl. Ron replied even though he couldn't answer some of the questions. The girls wrote to him about what the boys in their grade did. He would respond how to get back at them since Hermione did that a lot. Even though he never needed out with someone, he was still there for his friends.

In a big house in London.
   "...he was still there for his friends." One girl read out load to her siblings.

   "That was an awesome story." A sister commented.

   "That's was so cool!" The other sister exclaimed.

   "Writers can be weird." Their brother said.

   Their father opened the door to see all 4 of his children together.

   "What are you reading?" He asked them.

   "This." The girl who read the book said as she showed the book to her father. "Did you and mother write this?"

   "No I did Emma." Their father responded.

   "I have never heard of Renessmee Jemma Diggory or Nessie Jem at all." The youngest daughter said."

   "That's because they aren't real Willow." The father said to his daughter.

   "So is the cool Cedric not real?" The son asked.

   "Cedric Diggory is a real person, Thomas. Hermione Granger is also a real person." The father said.

   "What happened to them?" Emma asked.

   "Cedric..." the father hesitated "Cedric Diggory was my friend when I was in Hogwarts. The first ending is what really happened."

   "What?" Willow exclaimed. "So he's dead?"

   "Yes." The father said to them.

   "Well it's a beautiful story." Evie said. "Why didn't you ever get it published?"

   "I could never think of an ending." The father said.

   "You should do it father!" Thomas exclaimed. "It could help someone."

   "Keep the three endings." Emma said.

   "I guess I will." The father said.

   "I'm gonna be featured in a book!" Willow exclaimed.

   "All 4 of you guys will be featured in it. Thomas, Emillie, Evelyn and Willow, let's go publish a book!" Lukas exclaimed. "Lynzie where are you!"

   Lukas Miezer published the story to all Wizards, Witches and Muggles. The very first book that wasn't by a Hufflepuff author who was 12 years older than him that wrote a whole series about one certain Harry Potter. He called the story The Secret Love: A Cedmione Love Story. Forever loved and it will be, always.

A/N: Last chapter😥 I'm going to do one more final edit check! Also just to reread it again:-)  I'm going to post one more chapter talking about this story and the history behind this. Please read it next and I'll complete it very soon!

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