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By fandomcanyounot

7.9K 400 42

Chika Takami's world changes completely after the death of her dear friend, Riko, who she can't let go. And... More

Mikan Lover
The bus stop
I'm fine
A friendship develops
Strange feelings
A kiss
Lunch at the diner
A confession
Are we still friends?
Side effects
A sleepover?
Pancakes and a peck
The jump
Final Chapter (pt.1)
Final Chapter

The results

322 17 2
By fandomcanyounot

The psychiatrist was informed of her patient's case and listened closely to every word Chika said, writing down some stuff every so often and asking questions now and then. Chika's mom sat on a chair in a corner of the room with her heart slowly falling to pieces, painfully staring at her daughter.

"Well then, I'll need to test you to make sure I'm diagnosing you correctly. But don't worry, it'll just be a few tests and a physical exam." The psychiatrist walked out of the room and signaled Chika to follow her, which she did, and they found themselves in a large hallway that seemed to be leading to an infinite number of rooms.

Chika tried to imagine the patients in each room and what they must be suffering, just to try and get her minds off things. This didn't help much though, since she eventually found herself imagining severely mental ill patients that might even be cold blooded killers. If there were any of those kind of people in the building, she hoped she'd never end up like one of them.

Finally, they arrived at another room, where pretty much everything was white. So much so that it was blinding to stare at it.

"Now, shall we begin?"


The tests had been done and now her family were the last of Chika's concerns, she knew what kind of results they'd get and she wasn't interested in standing by and watch as her family started treating her completely different as if she was some sort of outer space creature.

What she really wanted to do now was kill You. She was gonna give her a piece of her mind, and she was gonna scream her lungs out. As soon as the tests were over, she ran to the streets, hearing her heartbeat in her ears as she clenched her fists. She could literally feel the anger stirring up in her.

Before she knew it, she found herself in front of the infamous caffè she visited so often. She stormed into the place and earned herself a few weird glares from the costumers, but she couldn't care less. She saw Kanan and walked over to her.

"Where is she?"

"Hm? Oh, You? She's just about to get off her shift."

"I'm gonna kill her." Chika said with a cold voice that sent chills down the older's back.

"Wow, Chika, calm down. There are people staring. Did something happen?"

"Yes, something did happen, and it was all her fault. I made a mistake thinking she could actually be a good friend. I opened up to her and she betrayed me-"

Before she could finish talking, Chika was cut off by You who walked out of a place that said 'staff only'. Clearly both concerned and surprised that Chika was there.

"W-What are you doing here?" She was aware that she would have to face her sooner or later, but she hoped it was the latter.

Before she had the chance to say anything else, Chika punched her face with all the strength she could gather. Everyone, even Kanan, let out a gasp. And with that, she stormed out of the place.

You snapped out of her small state of shock and followed Chika, running as fast as she could to catch up.

"Chika! Wait! Please, I can explain!" She desperately called out, trying to make her friend stop and listen.

"I don't wanna hear a word you say!" She said, abruptly turning around and slapping away You's hand that tried to get a hold of her arm.

"I know that you're mad, beyond that, and I can't say I understand, but I did this for you. Please realize that I just did it so you could be-"

"Healed? Oh yeah, whatever they drug me with is gonna help me a lot, not to mention the meds are probably extremely expensive and although my family doesn't have any problems with the money we earn we probably will now. And on top of that, when we were back at the hospital they treated me as if I was some sort of little kid with special needs, which I'm not! You don't understand, I doubt you ever will."

When Chika finished talking, You couldn't help but feel her heart ache a little. She knew that what she did wasn't wrong, that it was for the best. And still, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

"And that's not even the worst part.." she continued, "what's worse is that you betrayed me. The one person I trusted with this, somethings that meant a whole lot. I didn't even tell Kanan! All you had to do was keep your mouth shut. I was stupid to think that telling you this was worth our friendship, or whatever that was. I actually started to think I made a new friend, but it turns out I didn't. I hate you, and I don't want you to come near me again." As much as Chika tried to act tough and emotionless while saying this, it was useless. Her voice cracked and softened when she said that last sentence. But it was enough crying for a day, she decided. She wasn't gonna let the tears fall out anymore.

You didn't even have time to answer before Chika ran away. She knew she should've said something, but what could she possibly say to make things better? She couldn't think of anything to lessen the damage, but she was probably gonna need to do something quickly. It was obvious that Chika didn't plan on speaking another word to her, and she had to fix it as soon as possible.


When Chika arrived home, she found her whole family gathered around a table, her dad included, which was rare, because he was usually working or busy with something and rarely showed up before dinner.

"Chika, please sit down, we need to talk." He's dad said in a very serious tone, which was already enough to make her nervous. Her dad wasn't much of a talker and when he did decide to talk he would joke around and such, never really taking a serious tone.

Chika sat down on a chair and looked once at everyone who was her. They all had, of course, a look of anxiety and pain, mixed with worry.

"According to the tests you took, your psychiatrist said that the dopamine in your brain is overactive. This is what causes the hallucinations you're suffering. In other words.. you might be suffering from schizophrenia."

Chika froze from that last word. 'Schizophrenia'.... the fact that she was apparently schizophrenic hit her like a truck. She never stopped to really think about what might trigger her brain to act like this, and she never would've thought that she would suffer from such a mental disorder.

She held her face between her hands as she heard her family say stuff like 'we're here for you', or 'everything will be okay'. She didn't wanna get any of that. They had no way of knowing that everything would be okay, and they had no right to promise such things if they couldn't keep their promises.

Chika knew her family was only trying to help her feel better, and she appreciated that, but she didn't want to be treated any differently because of these. Although she knew there was no helping it.

She let herself be engulfed in a big family hug before returning to her room, seeing she had several missed calls from You. Needless to say, she ignored each one of them. Instead, she called Kanan, who picked up the phone almost immediately. Before she had any chance to say anything, Chika said:

"Come over to my place. I seriously need to tell you something that's not something I can say on a call." Kanan agreed with a worried voice, and just as she was about to ask if anything was wrong, Chika hung up and plopped down on the bed.

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