Screamed 'I Hate You's and Wh...

By monkogs12

309K 4.2K 476

Maeve Brittles is coming back to her old pack after eight years of attending a school in England and being a... More

Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's- Chapter Two.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's- Chapter Three.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's- Chapter Four.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's- Chapter Five.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Six.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Seven.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Eight.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Nine.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's- Chapter Ten.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Eleven.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Twelve.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's- Chapter Thirteen.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's- Chapter Fourteen.
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Fifteen
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Sixteen
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Seventeen
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Eighteen
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Nineteen
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Twenty One
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Twenty Two
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Twenty Three
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Twenty Four
Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Twenty Five

Screamed 'I Hate You's and Whispered 'I Love You's-Chapter Twenty

10.2K 177 17
By monkogs12


There are some situations I just can't handle. So I do what my primal instinct tells me to do- I run. I've never really been a good runner, but when I need to, I can run fast. My legs pounded down the stairs, relieved I had put clothes on. When finally I hit the bottom floor, Griffon was right in front of me, leaning back on the door.

      "Going somewhere?"

I screamed, turning on my heel. I started to run the other way, but when I did, Griffon was in front of me again.

"How are you doing that?" I screamed, getting ready to turn again. But I was stopped by Griffon who was smirking, holding my arms.

He leaned in close, his green eyes shining, "Alpha- remember?"

      I watched him, not even answering. His lips finally pressed down on mine roughly, and on instinct I fell against his body, wrapping my arms around his neck. Now that we actually knew the truth about how we weren't related, I wondered if we could tell people now about us.

"You're mates?" Grayson interrupted, and I pulled away to look over at him. Even though I wasn't exactly extremely close with Grayson, I still thought I was a decent friend. I considered him one of my closest friends here, and by the sad look on his face- I hope he hadn't thought we would turn into something more.

     "Yes." Griffon answered, pulling me closer, "She is mine." His lips then crashed onto mine once again, and I pulled away; looking over at a heart-broken Grayson.

"But, Maeve... You.." He stuttered, watching me with puppy dog eyes. "Never mind. Congrats." His voice was hard and aloof at the end before he ran out the front door. I desperately tugged out of Griffon's grip, but it only tightened on me.

"Grayson!" I called out, feeling horrible. He looked so innocently sad; guilt ran through my body. Griffon yanked me back towards his chest, wrapping one of his arms around my waist and placing his other hand on the back of my head.

I didn't even notice my eyes had filled with tears until they came crashing down on Griffon's shoulder, who held me tight against him.

"Shh..." He hushed me, his lips touching my ear gently. I crumpled like something heavy just smashed down on me, my legs going numb underneath me. Silently, Griffon lifted me up into his arms like I was a child, letting me spill my tears out. I nuzzled my head into the nook of his neck, holding onto him like it was the end of the world.

My body then touched a mattress that pulled me in, but I kept my arms around Griffon. I needed something or someone to hold onto, to tell me it was all alright.

"So much," I muttered out between my cries, and Griffon snuggled next to me, rubbing my head in a gentle motion.

"I know, darling, so much has happened." He whispered, his voice smooth and suave, "Too much for you to handle."

I shut my eyes and pressed my lips to his neck, not in a seductive way, but just a peck to tell him thank you.

                  "I love you," I accidentally whispered, my eyes snapping wide open when I realized what I had said. Of course I had meant it-- but right now wasn't the right time. A blush coated my cheeks and I shut my eyes even tighter. Griffons chest shook as he chuckled, holding me tighter. His lips touched my forehead gently, and I didn't expect him to respond.

But moments later his lips pressed a kiss on my cheek, before moving to my ear.

 "I'm not very good with words," He nervously answered, "So I'm not really good at being romantic."

I looked up at him with confusion. What was he going on about? Was he just going to ignore that I just told him I loved him?

   "Maeve, you are the most beautiful, most fun girl in the world. And- I..Um," His cheeks turned bright red from a blush, and a smile grew across my face. "I love you," He said, staring me deep in the eyes before looking away quickly. I pulled his face in for a kiss, giggling quietly.

             A couple of hours later, I laid in Griffon's arms watching a movie while we ate popcorn. He was actually very comfortable, sort of like a pillow. He pulled me in tighter and he chest shook as he laughed.

I looked up at him- wondering what he was laughing at when I remembered we were watching a movie. I stared for a bit too long, and eventually he ended up looking down at me. I bit my lip watching his adorable smile, restraining myself from kissing him.

"Say my name," He suddenly exclaimed, his lips twitching up in a small smile. I shook my head, backing up away from him.

"Why?" I curiously wondered, feeling a bit insecure. Did he think the way I spoke was funny? Maybe he had a problem with my voice?

He stroked my cheek, smiling, "Because you've got the sexiest British accent I've ever heard."

My heart raced at his words and I shoved my face into his chest, "Your American accent is absolutely ravishing," I giggled, kissing his neck. Griff's body immediately stiffened under my lips, and I ran my fingers through his growing light brown locks.

"Maeve," He breathed out, his voice husky, "How am I supposed to control myself?"

I was easily reminded of what he wolf said. Twenty days. I had twenty days. So I pulled back from Griffon and gave him a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, I forgot how horny you get," I playfully smacked his chest, laughing easily. Griff's face turned bright red, and he answered quickly.

"I don't get really horny! I just get it normally because.. ugh," He groaned rolling over onto his stomach. Immediately I felt concern. I grabbed his arm hopping I could turn him over.

"What's wrong Griff?" I asked him, rubbing his back gently with one hand, while the other one rested on his hip. He pushed me away, and with all the strength I had, I managed to flip him onto his back.

"What's wrong?!"

But my question was answered by the tent pitched in Griff's sweatpants. I threw my head back and laughed at him.

"You're kidding me." I said between breaths of laughter, "I didn't even do something remotely sexy, yet you manage to get a boner... You horny wittle baby," I teased him, pinching his cheeks.

"Stop it," He swatted my hands away, but I straddled him, not conscious of my actions. I went to pinch his cheeks again when I realized I had him straddled. His 'friend' poked into me, and my mouth dropped down as I gaped.

"Oh my," I squealed, tossing myself off him, and off the bed. I hit the ground, a gasp escaping my lips from the wind being knocked out of me. Griff jumped to his feet, pulling me up onto the bed again.

"You're clumsy." He deadpanned, making me laugh. A knock at the front door interrupted us, and Griffon furrowed his eyebrows- probably wondering who was here. I smiled at him.

"I'll get it," I chuckled, running down the stairs. I heard Griffon's pounding footsteps behind me, and I swung open the front door, only to see the twenty girls Griffon had slept with standing there. They looked me over and Griff came up behind me, his arm wrapping around my waist.

"Oh," Was his brilliant response.

"Hi Griffon!" They all shouted at different times, making it sound like a giant roar. I bit my lip to hold in my laugh, Griffon now standing extremely close to me.

"Who is this, Griffy?" A brunnette purred, "Why didn't you come meet us last night?"

I looked up at Griffon, challenging him. "Yeah, Griffon." I joked, gently pushing him.

"Why is she wearing your clothes, Griffy?" Another one chimed in, making me roll my eyes. Was Griffon going to open his stupid mouth and tell them we were mates? I looked up at him, and he rolled his eyes too, looking down at me softly.

"All of you leave my property right now." His voice grew deep and I heard the Alpha tone behind it. In only a second, all the girls were sprinting away from the house, and Griffon's loud laugh boomed behind me.

I looked at him; frowning. "Why didn't you tell them we're mates?"

He only smiled, his lips touching mine quickly. "It wasn't time."


"Brad, I swear!" Ocean's innocent giggle echoed through the house, "Brad!"

I snuggled in closer to the pillow, watching Griffon- who was sitting across the room glare at the pillow with obvious envy. Amusement was dancing in my eyes and I decided to tease him a bit more. So I casually tossed my leg over the pillow, squeezing it again.

                   Just as Griffon got up, his eyes set dead straight on the pillow-- Brad and Ocean entered the room, their arms wrapped all around of each other.

"Brad! What if your dad sees?" She giggled, obviously not noticing us. But Brad did, and he gave us a sheepish smile before turning around, leaving the room with Ocean in his arms.

"Have you seen Gray?" I asked Griff, who ripped the pillow out of my arms and tossed it across the room before sitting down and taking it's place. I rested my head on his chest, happy that we could do this in public now. It was awkward before because we actually thought we were cousins- even though we forgot it a lot.

                   He tensed up at Grayson's name. "No, I haven't." He sighed, brushing my hair out of my face, "You care about him, don't you?"
I shurgged, "He's one of those rare people I call a friend," I didn't intend to have a sarcastic tone, but it came out before I even thought about it. Griffon responded with a wolfish smirk.

"Well, if we're on the top of your friends, there's actually something I'd like to talk to you about." Griff nervously trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. I raised my eyebrows in suspicion.

"You left your phone at my place, and it was ringing," He faked a cough, holding me tighter to him now so I couldn't move. "I answered, and it was your British friend."

"Yeah, so I-"

"Griffon, what did you do?"

"Please don't get mad."

"Tell me what you did."

"He said he was coming.. To visit you."


"I might have possibly told him to stay away from you or I'd rip his throat out.."

"Griffon! What possessed you to even say that?! He's my best friend!" I cried out, completely appalled and I smacked his chest, trying to yank away from him.

"I was jealous!" He answered, holding me even closer to him, "I'm sorry that I don't want some male 'missing you' and wanting to 'squeeze you until you suffacate'.."

I scoffed, that sounded like something Lance would say. I came into realization, Griffon was jealous! He didn't know Lance was gay! I burst out laughing, and he gave me a strange look.

"No, Griff- Lance.. He's g-"

                         "Griffon, Maeve, my office now!" Uncle Zander screamed, his voice echoing through out the house. We both jumped to our feet at the sound of his voice.

"I'll race you there," He winked, taking off running. I gasped, swurving past people in the hallway and managing to jump onto Griffon's back, who stopped short right in front of Uncle Zander, who was leaning back against his office door.

The sound of someone banging on the door from the inside made me crack a smile. I knew Aunt Summer was in there, and Uncle Zander just rolled his eyes at her threats.

"So we've both heard the news," Uncle Zander smiled, looking at me. "Your father spilled."

I rolled my eyes, my dad could never keep a secret. "So you know, about Griffon and me?"

"Yes! We do! And you're going to explain everything to me and then Maeve your coming shopping with me!" Aunt Summer screamed, "Zander if you don't let me out right now so I can hug my soon-to-be daughter in law, I'm not having sex with you for a week!"

The horrified expression on Uncle Zanders face matched the one of Griffons, except they were over different things. Uncle Zander was horrified at the thought of no sex for a week, while Griffon was disgusted about his parents doing 'it'.

Uncle Zander immediately swung the door open, letting Aunt Summer maul me with a hug.

"You better start popping out those babies," She excitedly clapped her hands together, "Grand babies, Grand babies for me!"

I watched her with panic, while Griff smirked in approval. We took a seat in the office and I sighed, grabbing Griffon's hand.

I took one deep breath before I went to tell them all that I had learned.

 "I don't know if my parents have told you yet but...."



if you guys haven't realized, I'm posting a chapter of all my stories this week. So if this is rushed/confusing or anything, please tell me.

I'm going on vacation this weekend which will mean no updates until Tuesday :( Sorry guys! Possibly even later than that.



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