Adventure in Dreamland - Soni...

נכתב על ידי sunnyshade_

6.1K 67 81

(DISCLAIMER: Since I have not watched Sonic X in a while, I'm going to be using the game canon in this story... עוד

Chapter 2 - Meeting The Star Warrior
Chapter 3 - A Visit to Cappy Town
Chapter 4 - The Fight in Cappy Town
Chapter 5 - An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 6 - Whispy Woods

Chapter 1 - The Rough Fall

1K 10 11
נכתב על ידי sunnyshade_

Sonic screamed on the way down as he seemed to fall from the sky, diving face-first into a few clouds.

The sky was very dark out, with stars that Sonic couldn't really pay attention to while trying to not break every bone in his body on impact. As Sonic squinted his eyes, he could spot where he was about to land.

"What the-"


Sonic didn't have any time to contemplate this, as he crash landed through the roof.


As Sonic blinked open his eyes, he noticed he was lying in a crater in a strange hallway.

"...Huh? Where am I? Ugh.. my head hurts..."

As Sonic tried to look up, he noticed something standing over him.

"Are you ok?"

It sounded like a girl's voice. Sonic's vision finally adjusted to notice a girl of short stature with her hair in a ponytail and wearing a pink and green outfit. But she didn't look like any Mobian or Overlander he'd ever seen.

"Uhh... yeah, just a headache... But who are you?"

But before the strange girl could answer, a march was heard down the hall.

"I'll explain later!"

She grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him along, running as fast as possible. Sonic tried not to run too fast so he wouldn't get too ahead of her.

"Woah, wait, where are you taking me? What're we running from?"

"Waddle Dees. They're the guards and workers at this castle."

Sonic stifled a laugh at the name 'Waddle Dee', but failed horribly and merely sputtered in laughter.

"Pffft, Waddle Dee?! That's the funniest thing I've heard all day!"

"Well, I guess it might be to you. You don't seem to be from here, and I don't think the king's gonna be happy about that."

"Wait, king? Well, I guess since we're in a castle and all-"

The girl pulled him into a room. Once the door was slammed shut and locked, Sonic finally sat down on the bed in it. Seemed to be a bedroom by that alone.

The girl looked him in the eye with a stern expression. Sonic leaned against a bedpost.

"So, what are you? Are you some new monster? I knew Dedede was up to no good again!"

"Woah, slow down, kid. I'm no monster. I'm a hedgehog."

The girl looked at him, wide-eyed. "A hedgehog?"

"Yeah, I've got sharp quills and everything."

Sonic sat up straight and reached out his hand to the girl.

"And for the record, my name's Sonic. Nice to meet you!"

The girl hesitated for a moment, then shook his hand back. She was slightly wary, but kept her cool.

"Well, my name's Tiff. And I don't think you're from here. And if you were a monster, you would've come through the throne room and not from the roof."

"Well, yeah, something involving an invention from a little buddy of mine, a fight with an evil doctor, and a Chaos Emera-"

Sonic stopped.

"Oh no, I lost the Chaos Emerald on my way down! Oh god, Knux is gonna knock my lights out about this."

"Wait, what's a Chaos Emerald? Something from your world?"

But before Sonic could answer, footsteps rang out down the hall.

"Uh oh, that can't be good." Sonic jumped down from the bed.

"It's probably not. You might need to play it safe for a while. And don't get caught! There's no telling what could happen!"

Tiff looked around until she spotted her closet.

"Quick! Hide in the closet"

Sonic darted over to the closet and closed the doors once inside. Tiff barred the closet doors with a chair from her desk as she walked over to the door.

"Hey Tiff."

"Tuff! What're you doing here so late?"

"Well, the Waddle Dees outside woke me up, and there was a big crater on the floor. I thought you might know what was going on. Mom and Dad are going to ask Escargoon. And it even woke up Dedede."

"Well, I don't really know anything! Sorry! Ok, I'm going to bed, night!"

Tiff shut the door behind her.

She listened for Tuff's footsteps to fade out.

"Ok, the coast is clear!"

Sonic tumbled out of the closet.

"Ow! That closet was really crammed! Try spring cleaning for once!"

Tiff brushed off Sonic complaints.

"Well, I'll see if maybe Meta Knight knows where you're from. He's always been good help in the past."

"Who's Meta Knight?"

"He's one of the last living Star Warriors! But I'm guessing you don't really know about that either."

"Yeah, you think?"

"Well, I think it'll be easier to explain in the morning. For now, you might need a place to sleep. Since it's too dangerous for you to sleep anywhere else in the castle, you'll have to stick with the closet for now."

"Oh great, well can you at least move some stuff out of the way so nothing falls on my face while I'm sleeping?"

"Sure. That, I'm pretty sure no one will notice if anyone comes in here."

Tiff opened her closet and pulled out some items, hiding them under the bed.

"Ok, it's fit for sleep now! I can't really fit any blankets or pillows in there, so you'll have to make do. Just hurry up and get in just in case anyone else stops by!"

"Alright, alright, I'm going. No need to rush."

Sonic leaned his back against the closet wall on the left, his feet pressing into the closet wall on the right.

"Well, it's no comfy bed, but it'll do for tonight. Thanks, Tiff."

"It's no problem, Sonic. Goodnight."

"Heh. Goodnight, Tiff."

Tiff closed the closet door, forgetting to bar the doors. She turned off the light and went to sleep.

Sonic struggled to get comfy. The closet was kind of small, and he wasn't used to sleeping in crammed spaces. Usually he could get some good rest in a hammock, but this was more like a tight cage. However, he found a slightly comfy spot lying on his back, just slightly near the closet doors. As he closed his eyes, his worries began to fade away as he drifted off to sleep.

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