The Tutor And The Punk

By Vperder

2.8K 114 136

Kagamine Len is your everyday school nerd at Vocaloid H.Q Academy. He never had any interest in girls until... More

How I met her/Rin secret! (Edited)
Rin's Side. [NOT EDITED]
Tutoring. [NOT EDITED]
Rin's Past & Len's Past [NOT EDITED]
New partner! [NOT EDITED]
Enemies To Friends? [NOT EDIT]
Revealed!?! [NOT EDITED]
New Friend!
Reveled once more.
Writers block
New pets!
Festival miracles part 2
Blue Star one-shot
Memories & Doubt
Ranking? (Not a chapter)
The new kid/project
REI IS WHO?!?!?!
The past.

Festival Miracles part 1

80 3 2
By Vperder

Hey guys! Vperder here! Sorry for not updating in such a long time. I was really busy with dumb history fair. Ugh, I hate Social Studies with such a passion. I decided to write today because it was my birthday 5 days ago and I wanted to give you all a present. Plus, I'm not doing anything, so I mine as well write. Before you ask what I did on my birthday, let me tell you right now. I did nothing. My parents were at work, my younger sisters were at Sunday school, and my older sisters were at work also. So it was a lonely birthday. But that's ok, because I filled it with RinxLen songs and fanfiction. 

 If your wondering what the song is up top, its called "The Triangle Roof Love Story." Its a RinxLen song  AND IT IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! It has nothing to do with this chapter, I just wanted more people to listen to it. Now enough of me talking, onto the chapter!!!!!!!!


Rin's P.O.V

What did I do? I'm so confused right now. I have an angry Blue Moon in my room glaring daggers at me, and I have no idea why! Wait, I bet this is about Neru. He probably jumped to conclusions. Again.

"Sup.", I greet, trying to break the ice.

"Don't act all innocent Rin! You perfectly know why I'm upset right now!", Len spat with an angered expression.

"Really? Well then, you might need to explain to me why your upset, because I have no idea why your upset!", I spat back, venom leaking from my lips.

"You made Neru fall into a horrible pit of sorrow AND you told off our teacher! You should never do that!", Len growled.

"Hey, its not my fault that Rinto decided to cheat on Neru! I was simply asking questions! That's all! Plus, our teacher is the one who started it all by saying that I was trying to get her to pity me, when I just had a very rough time getting to school!", I defended myself.

Len simply sighed and sat down on my bed. I didn't really know what to do, so I decided to just lean back against the wall and wait for something to happen. He probably doesn't know about me revealing myself to Luka, Miku, and Kaito. He would have brought it up if he did. I wonder what going on in his head. Probably a whole ton of madness. Maybe Len should go find a different girl. After all, I'm a punk and he's a nerd. We have very little in common. He dropped out of any track teams because they were to much for his taste. He always has his nose in some sort of book and is loved by many girls and other people. He is organized and is the teacher's pupil. He is smart and has strait A's. I, on the other hand, hate reading and books. Girls despise me and other people don't care if I'm gone. I'm very disorganized and me and the teacher aren't on good terms with each other. We hate each other! My head is filled with fluff and my grades are horrible! I have a D or below in every class! I guess the only thing we have in common is that we are both super hero's.

After a while, I decide to talk to Len telepathically. Ya know, so that way I don't have to actually have to talk to him.

~~~~~~ Telepathic talk ~~~~~~ ( Bold = Rin.)

"Len, can you hear me?"

"Yes. What do you want."

"Listen, I'm sorry, ok. I didn't mean to snap at you back there, I just-"

"Its ok Rin. There is no need to apologize. If anything, I should be the one apologizing."

"Hey, I was wondering. Do you think we should see different people?"


"Well, I'm nothing like you. Your awesome, smart, kind, loving, popular with girls, you have a good reputation, your the teacher's favorite student, and you are the best kid in our class. I'm none of those things! I'm just a bad influence for you." 

"Rin, your perfect the way you are. Your adventurous and curious about everything you do is daring and brave."

~~~~~~ End of telepathic talk ~~~~~~

"You sure are a weird one Lenners.", I tell Len as I raise my head to face him. 

However; Len's head remained down. He was grumbling something to himself, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. I'm starting to wonder if he's slowly going insane. 

"I'm going downstairs to practice. You can come if you want", I tell him over my shoulder.

He looks up and smiles. I'm guessing that's a yes. We start walking down into the living room. None of us talk. Its a silent walk down the stairs. Once we reach the living room, we sit down on the couch and start practicing. Len goes first by singing Fireflower. Its a very nice song. We practiced all of our songs and choreography. It was about 6:30, so afternoon was old. We played our instrumental parts one last time before it got to late. 

"I should get going. See you at school tomorrow.", Len said. 

He gentally kissed my cheek then took his leave. I smiled and waved as I saw him disappear into the distance. I shivered as I felt the cold wind slapped me across the face. I shook it of and went back inside. I called Neru and told her to practice on her own time. She said that she already has. I smiled and hung up. I went upstairs and took a nice, long bubble bath. It was very relaxing. Once I got out, I go to my room, get dressed, and sit on my bed. I look towards my desk and see something on it. I walk towards it and see my homework on it. Why does life hate me? On it there is a note.

I brought you your homework. Don't worry, if life hates you, I still love you. ~Len         

I blush at the note and smile. Sometimes I can't stand him, other times I love him. Love hate. He truly is the best. Well, better get to homework. Then again...............I don't care. 

I scurry over to my bed and lay down. I see Felix at the door smiling. I smile back, but then notice something. He's human. I sit up knowing something is wrong. He only turns human when he is worried about something. 

"Hey Felix. Whats wrong?", I ask with a perturbed look.

"Nothing, I'm just wondering about him.", Felix replies with a few tears.

Before we go on any further, allow me to explain what we are talking about my dear readers. (If anyone is reading.) So long ago, there was a small village. The people were filled with joy and their smiles were brighter than the sun and their dancing was swifter than wind. Everyone was happy. This tiny village was ruled by 2 leaders. A prince and a princess. Their names are not important. (*cough* theauthorwastolazytocomeupwithnames *cough*) Felix was the prince's personal servant. They were good friends. Time passed and soon the small village became a vibrant kingdom. Time passed and everyone was filled with joy and the kingdom had such a very strong jubilant feeling to it. However; these euphoric times came to a halt when another kingdom far off in the east declared war on them. The battles were endless. Soon the soldiers were to worn out from war, so the kingdom fell and the other kingdom took over. Ever since that day, the prince has gone missing. It is now my job to help find him. The princess is safe and sound waiting for the arrival of her dear prince. There, that's the story! Now stop asking. (A/N: No one was asking Rin. Rin:.........whatever.) 

"Its ok Felix. We'll find him, eventually.", I responded, mumbling the last part. 

"I hope so.", Felix sighed as he left the room. 

I just shrugged and fell asleep. I dreamed about Len, finding the prince, and seeing Gumi again. Oh how I miss Gumi. We were so close. It was on that dreadful day of departure. Gumi had said she was moving and she couldn't take me with her. I grew up on my own with a little help of course. Its been 8 years ever since that day. Up to now, I still am looking for her. Oh Gumi, where are you?

~~~~~~ Next Morning ~~~~~~

I open my eyes only to be shot in the eye with ray of light. Ugh, dumb sun. I drag myself out of bed and take one huge stretch. Something feels off about today, I don't know what though. I just shrug it off and take a look at the time. 7:30 am. Hmm, I actually woke up on time. Well, I might as well go to school on time as well. 

I quickly put on my usual cloths, grab my bag, and head out the door. I smile and briskly walk  to the school. Once I enter, I skip to class and open the door. Inside there are only a few students. I wonder what they are doing here? I look at the clock and see that it says 7:53 on it. I wonder why class isn't starting yet? Then that's when it hit me. Today we had a late start. UGH! 

I look around the class room to see the following people. Yohio, Luki, Mikuo, Piko, Nero, and Len. They are all reading books and studying. Ah, now I see. These guys are all nerds. Just like Len. Len being the biggest nerd of them all. He has 6 books at his desk for goodness sake! And he is reading them all at once! How does one do that! 

I lightly chuckle and slip into the classroom trying not to make a sound. I slowly closed the door and tip-toed to my desk. Mission "Don't Disturb Anyone" was going perfectly fine, until I got to my desk. I pulled out my chair which caused a huge screech to echo through the classroom. I froze in my tracks as the boys raised their heads from their books. They all stared at me, then started slightly laughing. I just went from scared to confused. 

"You don't need to be scared Kagami-san.", Yohio chuckled as he went back to reading. 

"Yeah, we aren't going to eat you.", Nero laughed as he glued his eyes back to his book.

I simply nodded and simply sat down. I was pretty board, so I decided to pull out my phone and listen to music from Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live . Its an amazing anime that I am IN LOVE WITH!! (A/N: This is a real anime. It is an awesome anime! You must watch it.) 

While listen to the song, I took a quick glance at the clock. It read as 8:10. There was still a time to kill. I took a look around and saw Nero and Yohio watching my every move. I got a weird vibe from them, but I made it seem as though nothing was wrong. We both had a mini staring contest, that is, until I saw them both smile untrustworthy smiles. I faked smiled back, and we ended up staring into each others souls again. The harder I look, the more I can sense a weird aurora coming from the 2. I blinked a  couple of times, thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me. It was getting quiet and awkward. From the corner of my eye, I can see the other nerds slowly packing up their things and leaving. They had weird shadows over their eyes as their hair covered most of their faces. I look over to Len to see he is still oblivious to everything that is going on right now. 

"What are you reading?", I ask Nero.

"The Fault In Our Stars.", he deadpanned.

"What about you?", I asked Yohio.

"Nothing. Its none of your business.", Yohio replied with a paled face. 

I just nodded and went back to replaying my song. I sighed and turned off my phone when I saw that it was 8:59. I quickly put my phone away as I saw the classroom and halls be filled with a swarm of students. My faced hardened when I saw Mrs. Meiko walk into the classroom. She looked at me in surprise, but then just looked away as though I didn't exist. Thats ok though. Who would want to be in her presents anyway. I looked out the window and saw a cat chasing a mouse. I silently cheered the cat on as I saw it attack, drag, and eat the rat. 

My thoughts were interrupted as I saw a piece of paper land on my desk. I looked at it before opening it. When I opened it, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. 

Good morning princess! I LOVE YOU! ~Len 

I smiled and looked at Len. He was smiling and blushing at me. I smiled back and blew a kiss to him. He pretended to catch it and put it on his lips. I blushed madly, but then silently giggled. Len blew a kiss towards me then went to paying attention to class. I sighed and decided to pay attention to. After all, the festival is today. 

"Ok class, listen up! As you all know, the school festival is today. But I have some an announcement to make.", Mrs. Meiko said pridefully. 

Ugh, what is it.

"We will be having a special guest at the festival. Her family is a huge supporter of our school, so make sure you treat her respectfully." Mrs. Meiko looked at me with a smirk. Oh-no.

"I want you, Kagami-san, to show her around.", Mrs. Meiko smirked.

WHY THAT LITTLE-UGH!!!!!! Ok, got to calm down! CALM DOWN!

"Sure, whats her name.", I played along, making Mrs. Meiko angry. 

"Her named is Gumi. Gumi Megpoid."

Ah, Gumi. Wait. GUMI?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  


End of chapter. 

So, did you like the chapter. Its ok, I didn't like it either. Sorry for being so inactive lately. School was dragging me down. But now its the weekend! WOO-HOO! Anyways, that's all for now. Until next time, this is Vperder V-ING out! Bye! 

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