Digimon Adventure (Broken Wi...

By PazTami

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Fanfiction de Digimon Adventure -Michi- -Sorato- -Takari- (En español and English) If you want to read it in... More

CHAPTER 1: The reason for my happiness
CHAPTER 2: Life without Taichi
CHAPTER 3: My name is Kai Yamada
CHAPTER 4: A disconcerting encounter
CHAPTER 5: Is it a good thing to hide it?
CHAPTER 7: A predicament
CHAPTER 8: A New Chosen Child?
CHAPTER 9: A terrible truth
CHAPTER 10: Someone was behind Taichi Part. 1
CHAPTER 11: Someone was behind Taichi Part. 2
CHAPTER 12: Looking for Kai Part 1
CHAPTER 13: Looking for Kai Part 2
CHAPTER 14: A painful reality
CHAPTER 15: The two servants
CHAPTER 16: Way of memories
CHAPTER 17: Looking for answers
CHAPTER 18: Secrets must have been secrets Part 1
CHAPTER 19: Secrets must have been secrets Part 2
CHAPTER 20: Three years ago. A bad encounter
CHAPTER 21: Corruption
CHAPTER 22: An investigation and a clue
CHAPTER 23: More than a simple investigation
CHAPTER 24: What is the relationship of everything?
CHAPTER 25: The tragedy Part. 1
CAPITULO 25: La tragedia Part. 1
CHAPTER 26: The tragedy Part. 2
CHAPTER 27: The Message of Taichi Part. 1
CHAPTER 28: The Message of Taichi Part. 2
CHAPTER 29: The final decision

CHAPTER 6: The most hurtful words

230 0 0
By PazTami

When the next day arrived, the same thing happened as always, everyone bothered Kai, but at the same time, they were afraid to talk to him because just looking at him made them feel very insecure.

It was time for the break, the boys met as they talked about Daisuke's decision to go to the Digital World and the change of opinion of not going after all.

They stayed talking in the corridors of the school.

Miyako: Do ​​you think something happened to them?

Yamato: They did not hide that they ran and invented an excuse

Koushiro: Are you sure it was just an excuse?

Yamato: Tell me when Koromon does that for fun?

Mimi: If it was an excuse

Sora: I heard you met Yamada-san, right?

Yamato: Yes, yesterday afternoon, it seems that he found his phone and gave it back to him

Miyako: And how did your phone end up near high school? Is not that park behind the school?

Sora: I had not thought about that before, -she said thoughtfully.

Koushiro: What is there to think? It's new, it came from another city and it sure does not know the areas

Sora: And it seems that he got angry with Daisuke

Mimi: How not to do it? He has anger problems -he said angrily

Koushiro: And you also met him, right?

Mimi: Shut up

Sora: There he is - He said while watching him through the corridors window

He was just sitting in the garden of the schoolyard while reading a book with an angry expression.

Koushiro: We have to realize that he really looks like Taichi-san

Miyako: But it's a hard thing to compare, is not it?

Sora: What do you mean?

Miyako: Well, the only image I have of Taichi-san is from when I was 15 years old, I can not imagine what it would look like at 18

Koushiro: I guess that idea came to everyone's mind

Yamato: He has and does not have an air identical to Taichi-san-He said something depressed while looking at him

Sora: I know days went by, but I figured we could get along with him, but ...

Yamato: He hates us

Mimi: The feeling is mutual

Miyako: Just because we bothered him a lot

Koushiro: I'll talk to him

Mimi: What?

Yamato: You'll just make him more upset than he already is

Koushiro: He does not know me, he can not get mad at me. -He said something annoyed as he went to talk to him.

Mimi: How much do you bet you end up screaming at Koushiro-kun?

Sora: Do not be like that Mimi-chan, maybe I'll get along with him

Miyako: Yes, it's true, or at least not insult him


Koushiro went straight to him so he could talk to Kai, if it was true that they still did not know each other, but he knew that if he was so angry at everyone, he did not want her to get mad at him for nothing.

Koushiro: Are you Yamada-san?

Kai: What? -Said annoyed without seeing it

Koushiro: My name is Koushiro Izumi, and well ... I knew that yesterday you met a friend of ours

Kai: When you talk about our ...

Koushiro: Yes, of course. I speak of my friends Yamato-san, Sora-san and Mimi-san, the ones you met a few days ago

Kai: Sure, the two annoying companions and the delicate queen, -he said as he averted his eyes with something of anger.- I think that guy said his name was Daisuke

Koushiro: Yeah, well, I just wanted you to forgive them, believe me they would have liked to be your friends, they still want

Mimi: Do not include me !! - Scream from the window from where they saw both speak

Koushiro: What ...? - He said almost scared to see that they were listening

Kai: Great, what do you all have? -He said angrily as he looked at the others who saw them and got up to leave, but Koushiro stopped him, taking his arm

Koushiro: Wait, understand that they did not want ... well ...

Kai: Listen, I may not know them, but I should have said this my first day

Koushiro: What?

Kai: I will not stay long in this city, okay? You do not need to apologize to me, I do not regret giving them a bad impression, -he said as he broke free of Koushiro's grip.

Koushiro: Well, do not you have a shred of regret for what you said to Yamato-san? Or Mimi-san? Or Daisuke-kun?

Kai: Do you want the truth or do you prefer that I do not tell you the same thing as them?

Koushiro: Can you pretend to say I'm sorry?

Kai: I do not think it works, my apologies do not sound credible, -he said as he left.

Koushiro: I bet if

Yamato: How did it go? -He said as he approached him next to the others

Koushiro: What do you think?

Sora: It's not worth talking to him, it's better to just forget what happened


While at Hikari's house, she was one more day without going to class, she was in her room, she simply stopped lying in her bed, hiding under her sheets, and she sat in the middle of her room while looking at hundreds of Family photos.

I stop being sad, and I stop keeping his room dark, he felt better every time I saw the pictures together with Tailmon and Koromon.

Hikari: It had been a long time since I saw these photographs-He said with a wistful smile

Tailmon: Many of the photos were taken by you, no Hikari?

Hikari: Yes-He said while laughing a little

Koromon: I remember that the first time you left all these photos shot everywhere

Hikari: Yes and my brother scolded me for that -He said laughing-It's better to fix them-He said with a slightly depressive smile-Takeru-kun is right, I should not feel that way-He said something worried as he passed the photos one by one

Tailmon: Of course not Hikari. Do you remember what they said about going to the Digital World? We can go someday even though the exit was canceled

Koromon: It's true, someday, not today, not tomorrow, and maybe not next week

Hikari: What are you talking about? - He said laughing at what he said

Koromon: Nothing, nothing. I'm just saying it may be someday

Hikari's mother: Hikari, sweetie, can you come a second?

Hikari's mother called from the door of her room and Hikari went immediately to her and left Tailmon and Koromon in their room.

Tailmon: What was that Koromon?

Koromon: What?

Tailmon: Why do not you want to go to the Digital World?

Koromon: I have not said I do not want to go

Tailmon: You have been with the others for many days. Something about something?

Koromon: I'll tell you, but do not tell anyone about this


Another day came, and like the previous ones, everyone did not stop mentioning Taichi every time they saw Kai, even though he looked at them with anger, he could not stop the questions from following him and generating a few for himself.

He knew where he could avoid hearing so many scandals so during the break, he walked away from everyone and went up to the roof of the school hoping he was not with anyone. There was no one in that place, nobody besides Mimi who was observing the view of the city from that place.

Kai: What are you doing here? - He said something annoying once he could identify her

Mimi: I always come here-He said looking at him out of the corner of his eye

She did not like it, but she did not doubt that near him, she felt very uncomfortable, it came to mind to push him and that she took the opportunity to escape, but she also felt a horrible tingling in her legs.

Kai: Great, you must be joking-He said to himself very annoying-Your friends are looking for you-Lied waiting for him to leave

Mimi: I like to be alone-He said even without seeing it and could hear very clearly that he let out a laugh when he said that-What's funny? -he said angrily, seeing him finally

Kai: No, it's just that you do not seem like the one who likes to be alone- He said still laughing while covering his mouth so he would not see it

Mimi: What ...? What do you know? -She said angrily.- Besides, what are you doing here?

Kai: I hide, and if it were not for you are here, I would look for another hiding place, but this school does not have many

Mimi: I'm sorry for what happened, -he said as he turned his gaze away again.

Kai: I do not care anymore, I'll leave in a few weeks

Mimi: What? -Said confused and surprised- Is it because everyone bothers you?

Kai: Yes and no

Mimi: Listen, I'm sorry you misunderstood what I said, I did not ask you if you had gone to Hikarigaoka because you look like Taichi-san, it was something else- She said something depressed

Kai: I do not care, I suppose since they asked me the same thing, do not doubt that you would tell me the same thing. How do I look so much like that boy? I'm tired of being called like that. -He said frustrated.

Mimi: You look serious, hair, face, but at the same time ... you do not have anything like it. He was very cheerful, gentle, cared for all

Kai: Hey, thank you, -he said angrily.

Mimi: Admit you're an idiot, -said annoyed

Kai: What case did you like?

Mimi: You're not the right person to tell you

Kai: It means that if

Mimi: You really are an idiot

Kai: Listen to your majesty, it's not my fault to look like that idiot Taichi, so do not bother me and I would appreciate it if you told everyone else

Mimi: Retractate-said annoyed, standing firm in front of the

Kai: What?

Mimi: You're the idiot, not Taichi-san. Retractate-He said more angry

Kai: I do not care to say it. I doubt very much that he appears to correct me

In that instant, Mimi slapped Kai with a lot of anger and sadness, he immediately saw that she was crying and with the expression of anger in his eyes.

Mimi: Taichi-san was the sweetest and most considerate guy you can ever imagine !! You do not have permission to talk that way about him !! - Scream with enough anger

Kai: Stop talking about that fool well, -he said annoyed as he brought his hand to his cheek.- Hundreds of people die every day. What changes the fact that that idiot is dead?

With just saying that, he made Mimi stay quiet and getting more tears, more and more, hearing that was like feeling a dagger in her chest. Mimi was surprised to hear how Kai talked about Taichi and after a few seconds, she screamed, pulled out all her crying and dropped to her knees.

Kai: Hey! Shut up! It's not that bad! -He said something annoyed and worried about the scream that Mimi took out, in fact, he got a little scared thinking that someone could see them and blame him for making her cry, although in fact it was his fault

Mimi: I do not want you to say your name !! You do not have to speak badly of him !! - Scream in tears

Kai: Well, well, I will not talk about it, but shut up

Mimi wiped her eyes and returned to standing in front of him, still very angry with him.

Mimi: Do not ever say your name again, you do not have any permission, did you understand?

Kai: Yes, yes, I will not say his name. -He said frustrated as he began to walk to leave.- Hey, -he said without turning to look at her.

Mimi: What? - She said still very angry and trying to clean her tears that kept coming out

Kai: Surely that boy would be glad to hear you say all that

Mimi: Huh? -she said something confused by how I try to cheer her up

Kai: Do not get me wrong, I'm just telling you to stop crying. You are not a baby, -he said as he finally left.

Mimi: I can not believe it, -he said while clenching his fists.- He's still an idiot ...

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