Love, Fights...and Everything...


271K 5.9K 528

Maddie and Mason are about to head off to NYU for university. They both got in and Maddie is going into photo... More

1 week to go
Girls night in
Old times
Not again..
Drive me crazy
Hang out
You're obsessed
Kinda boring
A lot of drama
Night in
5000 words
No sleep
Back home
No way
Next day
She needs her bestie
5 hours
So In Love
Just a little bit of everything
Chill day
Ice cream
Fun night
Why now!?
No sleep and the beach
Lukes place
Not a big deal
Oh shit.
Everyone knows
Our life
Will you........
Wedding day
Here We Go Again.


3.9K 87 5

A tattoo! A tattoo sounds just perfect not gonna lie. I finally found what I wanted and where I wanted it. I'm getting hands holding a small camera because I'm into photography. Yeah it's simply but it's only my first tattoo so and I'm getting it on my wrist. Mason I don't know what he's getting yet but something hr made the appointment a day ago and today it is.

"Mason tell me me what you're getting" I whine as he won't tell me.

"Why do you need to know?" He asked.

"I'm gonna see it eventually" I said.

"Do you need to see it now?" He asked.

"Yes" I said.

"No you want to" he points out.

"I told you what I'm getting."

"Because you wanted to" he tells me and I roll my eyes.

"You suck" I groan.

"Your job babe" he smirks as I glare at him pushing him off the chair in the tattoo place he laughs and gets up. They were designing them right now.

"Chill" he says and I roll my eyes at him.

"Oh my god Mason just tell me" I said.

"You can see it after it's done" he says.

"If it's my face or name I will break up with you" I said he laughs.

"definitely not" he says.

"You're a loser" I flip him off he just licks my finger I roll my eyes wiping it on him.

"Ok, you two we've got some designs see how you like them" a tall guy with many tattoos tells us handing papers to us. Mason obviously points his away form mine. I look at mine and it's really good. Well I like it it's simple and cute.

"I like it" I said with a nod.

"Yeah same" Mason says he nods.

"K well we've got 2 guys open for you guys so go on" he points over and we get up. The guys were like right across from each other. I sit at one and so does Mason.

"Where do you want it?" The guy asked his stuff set up.

"Oh, uh on my wrist" I said looking down at my wrist he nods. "On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad?" I asked he chuckles.

"Depends on your pain tolerance" he tells me. He first put the design thing onto my wrist and wet it so it went onto it so he could get the drift. He did it in the perfect spot n my wrist too.

"So it's your first one?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yup" I added in.

"Why do you want it?" He asked.

"Well I just kinda got an urge thinking about it don't really have a specific reason" I said he laughs.

"I guess that makes sense, you ready?" He asked.

"Sure" I nod. He turns the thing on. The noise is pretty loud but there's loud music playing so I guess it kinda helps. He lowers his hand to my wrist.

"You might not want to stare at it" he tells me and I nod looking straight to see Mason he's getting it on his tricep. He looks over to me and smiles.

"So are you guys like getting matching ones or?" He asked. I scoff.

"Oh god no, I have no idea what he's getting" I said he laughs.

"So he could be getting the same bung without you even noticing" he tells New and I think about it and he's right.

"That would be so obnoxious" I said he laughs again.

"So you guys aren't cheesy" he says and I nod.

"Yeah not really" I said.

"Not really?" He asked.

"Depends, there are the moments but not too much" I said.

"K makes sense" he nods as the needle went into my skin. Yes it was painful. Bearable but painful. He dragged it across my skin then wiped them dragged and wiped. I look down at it and it was barely anything right now but soon enough it'll be awesome. People say that I'm the wrist bone it hurts but mines more skin so it's more bearable like a said. Mason didn't even seem fazed by it really him and the guy were talking about something. They laugh at something and I look back down at my wrist.

"So how many tattoos do you have?" I asked serif as this guy has a full sleeve and more.

"Well I've got about 20 or more on this arm and a half sleeve that has probably 10 overall I have like 36" he tells me.

"Wow that's a lot" I hated he nodded. It hits a spot that hurts. "Shit, fuck, balls" I blurt and the guy laughs. "Sorry for the language, but I'm sure you've heard worse" I said he nods.

"Yeah I have" he laughed out. I look down and it was half way there. The pain from before eases a bit but still keeps hurting.

After like 15-20 minutes he was done mine and I stared at it and it was really good. I really liked it. He rubbed lotion on it then put this plastic wrap stuff on it with tape.

"So you can't really get it wet, make sure to rub lotion on it every day for about 2-4 weeks so you don't get an infection and then you're all set you just gotta pay up front" the guy tells me I nod.

"Thanks you did great" I said he nods and I get up and Mason was still doing his I went up to the front but no one was there so I waited patiently. I stared at the wrapped tattoo for a bit. I was excited even just seeing it there.

"What are you doing?" Mason comes up next to me.

"Huh? What?" I asked. "Wait let me see, let me see it!" I said.

"Calm down" he laughs. He lifts his sleeve of his arm that has the plastic wrap thing and I take a side and lift it and look at it. It's a house...with some trees around it. It's actually so cute but why.

"Why a house?" I asked.

"Well, because the broken down house we go to it's kinda our thing since we're both kinda fuck up" he laughs and I smile.

"Huh, I like it a lot" I said. "Wanna see mine?" I asked.

"Yeah lets see" he says I close his back and pull my wrist up pulling back the plastic. I kinda feel like a bitch for not getting something related to him.

"It looks good, just the way you wanted it" he says I nod. Then a girl comes up to the desk.

"Sorry guys, I was dealing with a panicking costumer" she says. "Ok, so both of you paying together or..." she asked.

I said it was separate Mason said together and we look at each other.

"No" we said in unison again.

"Why no?" Mason asked.

"Because I'm paying for myself" I said.

"Shut up" he says.

"Excuse me Mason I am an independent woman who can pay for herself" I said. He slowly pushed me away. "Mason, you're being extremely annoying right now" I whine.

"Deal with it" he tells me I roll my eyes.

"You do realize I do need to pay for somethings sometimes" I said.

"Not really" he tells me bad pays the girl how much it was like it was nothing. Where does he even have money from?

After that we left.

"Mason you should've let me pay for it" I said.

"It was 80 dollars for yours it's not that bad" he shrugs.

"Where do you even have all your money?" I asked.

"I saved up, a lot because my parents never paid for anything" he tells me.

"Stop paying things for me I can do it by myself" I said. Speaking of money I actually need to find a job here. I might work at the library that wouldn't be too bad.

"Why does it matter anyways?" He asked.

"Because you're always paying something for me I can do it alone" I said.

"Well why would you if I could?" He asked.

"Because, first of all I feel bad and secondly I need to do somethings by myself" I said.

"You have nothing to feel bad about in the one doing it" he tells me.

"I know" I said. "But I just do" I said. We were walking...why we took a cab there it's not the closest. "Why are we walking?" I asked.

"Because, is thought you want a coffee since I didn't see you have one today" he tells me. I purse my lips. Why is he nice.

"Oh" is all I said. It was getting way busier maybe because we're walking and not driving. Mason grabs my hand so I stay close. He walks into a cafe pulling me with him.

"What do you want? Your regular?" He asked. He pulls me closer the minute he sees a guy staring at me.

"I can pay and get myself what I want" I said.

"You don't even have your wallet with you" he tells me.

"Yes I do in my bag" I look down pulling my hand away from his I open my bag and my wallet isn't even there. "How did you know?" I asked.

"It was out of your bag this morning" he shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Because I knew you wouldn't be paying for anything so I just didn't" he says.

"You are actually annoying you know that?" I asked he smiles and nods.

"Been told that many times actually, it's a specialty" he said and I push him.

"Just go get me my coffee ass face " I said he nods and laughs I go and find a seat for us waiting there. I stare at my covered tattoo. I can't wait to send Lila a photo and show her in real life at break. She's gonna love it I can tell.

"Here" Mason sits in front of me and slides the coffee over to me I thank him. He didn't have one with himself.

"Thanks for everything the tattoo and coffee" I said.

"You don't need to say thanks" he tells me. I roll my eyes.

"Yes I do" I said.

"Do you wanna stay or go back to the dorms?" He asked.

"We can go" I said. "Plus I have a better way of thanking you" I said and he smirks.

"I definitely will take that thanks" he says I roll my eyes and stand up and we leave the cafe back to the dorms.



Hope you liked it guys!! I liked writing it so tell me you thoughts. Xoxo.


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