Eternal love, Princess of Ash...

By Leoscrush1204

622K 12.4K 1K

"Oh my what a happy coincidence!!" He cheers looking back at Alec as I slip my hand out of his and step back... More

Guess Im it?
Not a horrible😐
(New story)THE STORM
Authors note


6.8K 154 9
By Leoscrush1204

" I'm a new kind of freak and I don't know how to feel."


    I sat curled up in a ball on the clinic table so confused as to what is going on with me. Carlisle sits next to me going over my charts slowly not quite understanding what's happening to me either.
    " The venoms in your system is creating more then you need causing it to have to leave some way." He says out loud and I rest my head on my knees " Then again Ive never had three  different venoms in me. " I whisper feeling another tear of frustration fall down my cheek.
    " Have you had any new...habits?" He asks and I look at him from the corner of my eye.      " What? like running off and killing people habits or biting my nails kinda habits.." I sass looking away from him and out the windows I had put back together and unlike my mirror I had found ever piece mentally and put it all back together not a single crake showed in the finished product.
     " Anastasia..." he sighs gently and I bite my lip " No I haven't had any new habits not that I know of I've only been alive three days..." I sigh " Can I go now.." I whisper looking at him knowing my eyes are glazed over from the unshed tears of frustration and hurt.
    " Two more tests then where done.." he whispers grabbing a syringe from the cabinet and placing it on the palm of my hand pressing down on it slightly and getting the same results of no puncture. " Your skin is still normal standards." Then he places his stethoscope on my chest and I wait for a heartbeat but when none comes I exhale. Not sure if I should feel disappointed or relieved.
    " No heartbeat and your skin is the same temperature which leads to the question of...." " What else are the four venoms doing to me." I finish for him and he nods before sighing.
   " Anastasia what I did was for y-" I jump off the table swaying slightly on my feet before righting myself .
   " We're done here..." I growl walking towards the door " The buyers came back! They wanted you and they weren't going to take no for an answer so we had to kill some of them. That's why I wasn't there to see the hell hound or you get stabbed. But when I got the call that you where dying I-I was so scared." He stands in front of me and hold my shoulders
    " I was so scared of the idea of you begin hurt I didn't want you out of my sight." I look up at him and curse these new stupid venom tears that decided it would be best to show up at the moto st emotional time of my 208-year life.
      " You are hurting me more now then that hell hound or that blade ever did." I whisper as a tear slides down my face slowly. Jerking out of his grasp I walk out of the office and into the hallway to see three of my siblings leaning against the wall most likely trying to listen into the conversation.
     "Anastasia that was uncalled for..." Edward sighs and I clench my hand into fists trying to control my anger and all costs not wanting to hurt them physically. " And dragging me away from my mate was ?" I question lowly pushing past them only for Emmett to grab onto my forearm.
     " That kid ruined you! Look where you're at right now!! You're crying venom and your gift is freakishly powerful !! All because you went over there!! " I glare at him feeling the hair on my arms stand up " I was already ruined before Alec stepped into my life. If I must remind you I went to Italy to protect and save people which I did.." I growl trying to rip my arm out of his grasp but he holds on tighter everyone's eyes are on my left hand.
" What is that..." Edward growls and grabs my hand roughly. " Oh god don't tell me that's a.." Rose looks at the ring in disgust and I can't help want to scream at her.
    " No this is not happening not in a million year!!" Emmett holds onto me as Edward rips the ring off my finger. " Give that back!! Let me go Emmett!!" I scream struggling against my brother. Then tears started to pour down my cheeks as Edward hands then ring to rose who walks down the stairs.
    I push Emmett back with my powers not caring if I hurt him as I race down the stairs to see Rose about to toss my ring into the trash.
    " What is going on here?!" Bella yells grabbing the ring out of Roses grasp and glaring at the two boys who come down the stairs. " That son of bitch proposed to her!!" Emmett growls glaring at the ring as if it was Alec himself.
    " I'm aware of that begin that I was the first out of this family to congratulate her and Alec." She walks over to me and slips the ring back onto my finger. " And I saw it in her future as soon as she woke up. " Alice stands next to me with Jasper on her left.
    " And you didn't think to mention it?!" Rose glared at her but Alice just calmly shakes her head. " I knew you would try to stop it. I also knew it was a mistake to take her away from him." She growls glaring at the opposing side. They start to argue along with Emmett with Jasper and Bella with Edward.
    " ENOUGH!!" I scream using my gift to pull chairs out of the dining table and forcing all of them to sit down. " I am sick and tired of fighting! I love him more then you will ever know and you say I don't understand your reason well you can't seem to grasp mine as well." I growl my hair rising slightly from the sudden emotions in my system.
    " You've never had to be separated from your mate by force. Edward I thought you would understand the most but it seems we all are to stubborn for our own good. It's like having a white hot knife begin dragged across your heart each inch you get away from them. " I sob tears falling down my face as I glare at Emmett, Rose, and Edward.
    " I'm not asking for you to love him!! I'm asking for you to accept that I love him and he loves me." I whisper pleading with them and their eyes soften " If you can't do that then I need to leave because this is not the family me and Carlisle helped bring together." I sigh and lean heavily against the table. It's silent a pen could drop in la push and we would hear it.
    " I'm sorry.." Edward sighs standing up and looking at me with sadness " We tried to be so cautious with keeping you safe but we are hurting you so much more maybe not physically but emotionally and mentally yes." He sighs and pulls me into a hug causing me to crumble into his chest.
  " Thank you !!" I hiccup as sobs shake my body. " We're sorry too we may not like the kid or want you to marry him but...if your happy I guess that's all we can ask for?" Rose sighs hugging me tightly before stepping back and letting Emmett hug me to.
   " That was one hell of a shove back there " he jokes and my eyes widen " oh my god did I hurt you?! I didn't mean to use my gift!!" I panic feeling more tears rise up and his eyes widen.
    " No I'm fine!!" He yells and I can't help laugh at his face. More weight is lifted off me and I feel myself standing up straighter. I had my family back and I could still love Alec it was a miracle in itself.

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