Adopted by Janet Jackson {ON...

By ouat_recipes

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Janet Jackson adopts a 16 year old girl. Who wants to be just like all the Legends when she grows up, and she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Part 1)
Chapter 8 (Part 2)
Chapter 9
Reason for no update
Chapter 10 (Part 1)
Chapter 10 (Part 2)
Yall Get What Yall Want
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Get Lit
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (part 2)

Chapter 20 (part 1)

226 11 5
By ouat_recipes

Toni's POV

I really don't like waking up on a Monday. I get up and go over to my closet to pick out something nice to wear. I try on to different outfits and decide to go with the first one.

I wonder if Sy will like it. She's been avoiding me for the longest time, and today I've had enough. I think to myself about I have a full proof plan to lure her in. It'll be with snacks, because I realized that her and her friends never seem to not be hungry.

I quickly lotion up real good, and lightly sprays on some of my "Pink Friday" perfume by Nicki Minaj. I'm in love with this stuff.

Putting on my outfit I stop to look in the mirror. I love what see and what I see is me, I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman,
That's me. I quote in my head giggling to myself, as I look over at the poster of Maya Angelou.

I grab my backpack and stuff a whole load of snacks into it, and a bottle of Gatorade. I run down the stairs of our house and outside to my sisters waiting for me.

Oooo looks who's glowing all of a sudden? Trina says to me smiling as we get onto the bus.

I keep to myself all the way to the school, even when my sisters try and get my attention, but I still pay them no mind.

When we reach the school everyone around me goes silent when they see Keri standing next to our bus with a bouquet rosrs. I roll my eyes at his cheap attempt to try and get back with me. Everyone knows I love wildflowers.

I get off the bus walking past Keri like I don't see him, but I get pulled back and into him by my waist.

So your ass can't speak or see now? He says making his grip tighter around my waist as I start struggling.

Keri let me go and leave me alone. I shout getting my sisters attention.

Yeah Keri let her go! Towanda yells, trying to help get him off of me with Trina.

BOI LET HER GO DAMN! Traci says getting annoyed, while rolling her eyes and neck.

It's starts getting crowded with all of us pushing and pulling. Everyone stops when I hear an powerful angelic voice speak with a lot of authority.

Hey man! You better let her go and stop messing with these girls, before I give you the ass whooping yo mama failed to give your girl name having ass. Syanne says standing there with her girls at her side, along with Jo-Go and Greg.

Or what bitch? What yo ass gonna do? Keri says letting me loose.

I watch as he charges towards Syanne and does this martial art move. I see her hand goes out, with what seems to be little strength as she makes contact with Keri's chest.

People start to go crazy when Keri lands on his back, knocking the air from his lungs. He begins coughing as the air rushes back into his system.

Don't try that again idiot. Gena says stepping over him as the girls walk past him to enter the school.

Traci told your dumbass to let her go. Now look at ya big as mess. Give me these fucking shoes. Little feet bitch ass, I'll sell these shits by the end of the day. Jo-Go says taking Keri's shoes, putting them in his book bag.

Put em back Jo-Go. Greg says as if his best friend does this everyday. My theory is confirmed when I hear Greg tell him he does it everyday.

Man hell nah man I steal, but I don't deal. He says walking into school behind his friends cracking up.

That boi stay higher than a damn kite. Traci says shaking her head while walking away. I guess no one gives a damn about Keri cause his boys still laughing at him.

I quickly run inside to caught up to Syanne so I could thank her for helping me. I see her leaning against her locker, while talking to Kayla and Gena. Their always so close, and I wanna know why to be honest.

Syanne's POV

I see Toni from a far and she starts to approach us, and I know she's coming to thank me.

Hey Toni Macaroni, what's shaking boo? Gena says as Toni comes up to us.

Hi Gena I just wanted to thank Syanne for helping me with Keri. She says waving at me and Kayla.

It wasn't a problem, who wants to be grabbed and felt up on by a dude anyway. I say grabbing a notebook and a purple pen.

(Don't none of y'all say nothing.... Ya freaks. 🤣)

I still just wanted to thank you, and was wondering if I could sit next to y'all in class. Toni smiles while nervously playing with her fingers.

She's so adorable, she really thinks I'm gonna be that person and say no. I smirk to myself thinking about messing with her.

Sure you can hang, just keep your sister away from my best friend and we're all good. We know about what happened with her and Vince. Kayla tells Toni after shutting her locker.

Toni nods in response and walks along side us as we head upstairs to biology class. I wonder what drama is in-store for us today.

Once we take a seat in class, Toni sits next to me since Kels ass late. You know you gonna have to move once Kels gets here. I tell Toni while she's taking notes.

Then I'll just sit in your lap. She says back to me all sassy like.

What makes you think I want those thick ass tighs on me? I ask her getting sassy right back.

I'll give you snacks if you let me sit in your lap. She says bidding me.

SOLD! I shout excited about the snacks, causing her to bust out laughing.

Really for some food? Toni says shaking her while laughing and taking boxes of snacks out her bag.

Shiddd me and my besties will be some good hoes for some food. I tell her as soon as Kayla and Gena slide their desk closer to mine.

He'll yeah bish, I'll little some strange for some food. Gena says but Greg pops her on the tigh.

I wish the fuck you would. Greg says giving her the act up if you want to look.

Whaaaa!! Okay okay, damn I'm just playing. Gena says pouting and crossing her arms.

Toni smiles to herself happily. I think I can get use to this group. Toni says giggling.


What do you think? Lol part 2 will be out in like ehhh hell I don't know to be honest.


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