An Affair To Remember

Oleh Megabucks

761K 24.1K 5.1K

When PerkyGrrl and Blueyez met online, it wasn't long before they developed a digital bond. So, why is it wh... Lebih Banyak

I Like My Coffee Strong, Not Lethal (One)
Sleep is a Symptom of Caffeine Deprivation (Two)
I Like My Coffee Like My Women: Hot, Strong, Steamy (Three)
Behind Every Successful Woman is a Substantial Amount of Coffee (Four)
DEJA BREW: The Feeling You've Had This Coffee Before (Five)
No Questions Until I've had My Second Cup of Coffee (Six)
Decaffeinated Coffee is Kind of Like Kissing Your Sister (Seven)
Coffee Has Two Virtues: It's Wet and Warm (Eight)
Coffee: Puts One to Sleep When Not Drank (Nine)
I Orchestrate My Mornings to the Tune of Coffee (Ten)
I'd Stop Drinking Coffee, But I'm No Quitter (Eleven)
A Morning Without Coffee Is Like Sleep (Twelve)
Without Coffee Breaks There Would Be No Accomplishments (Thirteen)
Be a Coffee Drinking Individual -- Espresso Yourself! (Fourteen)
There's Nothing Sweeter Than a Cup of Bitter Coffee (Fifteen)
My Blood Type is Coffee (Sixteen)
Decaf is Like Masturbating With an Oven Mitt (Seventeen)
Caffeine Isn't a Drug, It's a Vitamin! (Eighteen)
Coffee: The 100% Natural Replacement for Sleep (Nineteen)
Coffee Smells Like Freshly Ground Heaven (Twenty)
Tea is -- Wait, What Did You Just Say? (Twenty-One)
All's Fair in Love and War -- and Coffee (Twenty-Two)
Coffee and Love Are Best When They Are Hot (Twenty-Three)
You Are the Cream In My Coffee (Twenty-Four)
Do I Like My Coffee Black? There Are Other Colors? (Twenty-Five)
Keep Calm and Drink Coffee (Twenty-Six)
So Many Blends, So Little Time (Twenty-Seven)
Friends Don't Let Friends Drink Bad Coffee (Twenty-Eight)
Good Friends Don't Spill the Beans (Twenty-Nine)
Love Days When My Only Problem is Tea or Coffee (Thirty)
Decaf is the Devil's Blend (Thirty-One)
Gimme My Caffeine And No One Gets Hurt (Thirty-Two)
COFFEE: Most Important Meal of the Day (Thirty-Three)
Instant Human: Add Coffee (Thirty-Four)
In Coffee We Trust (Thirty-Five)
Life Begins With Coffee (Thirty-Six)
Coffee's Not a Beverage, It's a Moment of Pleasure (Thirty-Seven)
Your Warmth, Your Smell, Your Taste...Ooh, Coffee... (Thirty-Eight)
Coffee's a Cup of Liquid Sanity (Thirty-Nine)
Coffee: If You're Not Shaking, You Need Another Cup (Forty)
I Don't Understand Decaf -- It's Like Sex Without Sex (Forty-One)
All You Need is Love...and More Coffee (Forty-Two)
Coffee: The Gasoline of Life (Forty-Three)
Coffee Drinkers Make Better Lovers (Forty-Five) {Conclusion}
Better Latte Than Never (Epilogue: Part 2)

Oh, Look, It's Coffee O'Clock! (Forty-Four)

11.5K 545 170
Oleh Megabucks

The day had arrived that the happy couple would become Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Campbell. Certainly, quite a few women scattered around Florida were in mourning today if aware that the ex-playboy was finally tying the knot. Both he and his fiancee had planned on a small intimate wedding, but once Briana let the cat out of the bag to their parents, that plan incinerated as quickly as a wooden house doused in kerosene. On the day following Christmas, Paul and Annette arrived back in Canova Beach from their vacation and promptly received a phone call from their youngest child who let them in on the little secret that Isaac and Sarah were getting married on New Year's Eve.

Though Briana completely understood that her brother did not want the family to know of his impending wedding until after it was over, she decided to tell anyway, claiming that she had done it for his own good. And although he wanted to swipe one of her tennis rackets and pretend her bottom was the ball, deep down Isaac knew that she had done the right thing. He could only imagine how his father would react if his only son (his playboy son at that) were to get married without his knowledge. The retired police officer would be a very disgruntled man and it wouldn't be simple for Isaac to assuage his anger. Yes, Briana had definitely saved him--a thirty-three year old man--from being in trouble with his dad and possibly mom as well. Though Annette was much easier going than her husband, she undoubtedly would not take hearing the news of her son's secret wedding lightly.

After Paul and Annette were made aware of Isaac's upcoming nuptials, they immediately placed a call to Sarah's parents who they were still close with even after all those years of not living less than a mile apart. Needless to say, Michael and Faye Morrison (who was previously on the force along with Paul) were less than pleased to hear that their only daughter was intending to get married for the first time without even bothering to tell and involve them in the ceremony.

The Morrisons and Campbells conversed for over an hour via their speakerphones about what they were going to do in order to make this small intimate wedding not so small and intimate. Afterwards, Sarah was the recipient of a phone call from her parents, which quickly turned into a lecture on why she should have told them about the wedding in the first place. She lost count of how many times she felt compelled to apologize.

Though their children repeatedly informed them that it would be impossible to pull off a grand scale wedding with only four days to plan, the parents would not be dissuaded. As far as they were concerned, this wedding was going to be Sarah and Isaac's first and last. Therefore, they would send them off down that road of happily marital bliss with a big bang. They saw it as their responsibility to take over...ahem...take care of the wedding plans. After all, they were the parents.

By sunset of December twenty-sixth, Paul and Annette arrived in Orlando where they met up with Michael and Faye at their home to discuss wedding plans. The first business to be discussed: they would split the bill fifty-fifty, although Michael insisted that the bride's parents were supposed to pay for the wedding. Of course, Paul wasn't going for that, so it was unanimously voted half-and-half.

By the evening of December thirtieth, with much help from renowned wedding coordinator Lance Mitchell (Faye knew him through a friend whose daughter had gotten married a few months back) everything was in place, and they were ready to begin the ceremony at eleven o'clock sharp the next morning. And thank goodness for the invention of the Internet because due to their electronically sent RSVP invites (a few relatives and friends who didn't subscribe to the Internet had to be called), they mostly received affirmative replies.

So, it was just past ten-thirty on New Year's Eve, and all one hundred plus guests had arrived and were being escorted to their seats. The bride and groom sides were nearly equal in the number of guests they had, and all of them waited in anticipation for the ceremony to begin. Those that knew Isaac could hardly believe that he was finally settling down. Practically everyone had expected him to be a wandering-eyed playboy until the day he died. Well, today he was proving them wrong, and they couldn't be more thrilled.

After having helped Sarah with her wedding dress and giving her some much needed words of encouragement since she was unsurprisingly a bit nervous, Sonny left the bride in the capable hands of her mother. Walking into the main part of the church, she paid careful attention to not tripping in the high heels she wore as she moved down the aisle searching for a particular person. Finding her, Sonny smiled as she slid into the pew four rows back from the platform where the ceremony would take place.

Taking a deep breath, she slipped her feet out of her shoes. She had been wearing them less than an hour, and they were already causing her feet to start aching. Briefly, she wondered why she had worn them when it was well known that she detested the irritating shoes so much. The only positive attribute about high heels was that they made her appear taller. That is not worth having to deal with them, Sonny thought as she started flexing her pantyhose covered toes. And speaking of pantyhose, she hated those too.

"How's Sarah?" Jack asked while playing patty cake with the tiny person sitting in an infant car seat on her lap. Upon she and Chloe's arrival at the church, Jack immediately searched for Sonny's sister Melanie, intent on kidnapping her namesake for a while. Luckily, Melanie and Brian had been more than happy to let her baby-sit. They dearly loved the new little addition to their family, but it was nice to get a break every once and a while. They just hoped that the baby wouldn't start fussing after the ceremony started.

Leaning toward the duo, Sonny took a playful munch from her niece's soft cheek, earning a small giggle in the process. At least, it sounded like a giggle. No matter what, it was adorable. "She's a little nervous, but she'll be fine. Her mom is finishing her up." Glancing passed her friend, Sonny's brow lifted in curiosity as she watched Chloe and Briana quietly talking amongst themselves. When she'd left a while back to attend to Sarah, they had been in that same position nearly sitting on top of each other while discussing one topic or another.

Hmm. They seem to have warmed up to one another quickly. In fact, the two were almost inseparable during the last few days. That's nice. A smile lifted the corners of her lips, which quickly faltered when she caught site of a person whom she would have been happy to never lay eyes on again. What was she doing at the wedding? Certainly, no one had seen fit to send her an invitation.

Looking at her friend, Jack noticed the distasteful expression she wore and wondered about it. She asked. Wordlessly, Sonny pointed straight head and Jack followed the movement of her finger. She did a double take before she believed what her eyes were seeing. Oh crap, what in the world was Alicia Hastings doing at Isaac's wedding? It wasn't like she cared about him or anyone else for that matter.

As though she felt the two sets of hostile eyes upon her, a carefully coifed red head swiveled around the large church until Jack and Sonny were found. Excusing herself from the conversation she was having with a person who didn't know her all that well, Alicia began to make her way toward the two women sitting a few rows back from where she stood. Noticing that she was headed in their direction, Jack and Sonny released simultaneous groans.

Sonny selected to throw decorum completely out of the window. "What the hell are you doing here? Don't tell me you were invited." Somehow, Alicia kept the borderline polite smile on her lips as she regarded the frown on Sonny's face.

"Sonny, please," Jack managed to say in a whisper that almost sounded like a quiet shout. "No matter how annoying your cousin is, don't forget that we are in the house of God." The polite smile disappearing, Alicia gave Jack a dirty look, which she gladly returned. "Also," pausing, Jack protectively cupped the baby's small pink ears with her hands, "remember that there is a young impressionable child here who can hear you. She doesn't need to be subjected to that type of language."

Having paid rapt attention to her minute lecture, Chloe and Briana exchanged amused looks while trying not to outright laugh at the expression that 'blaspheming' Sonny sported. Looking properly chastised, she promptly apologized to both Little Jack and God, though not in that order.

Thoroughly amused as well, Alicia leaned against a pew before folding her arms over a tight red blouse that showed so much cleavage one could successfully insert a wallet into it and it would stay put. A smile on her lips, which was nowhere close to reaching her eyes, Alicia said, "In answer to your brusque questions, Sonny, I'm here because my cousin whom no one thought would ever do so, is getting married. I'd like to witness the event. And I'm sorry to tell you this," in truth she appeared extremely delighted, "but I was invited."

"Who in their right mind would invite you to this wedding?" Jack asked, voicing Sonny's next question before she got the chance.

Alicia tsked as she looked toward her ex-lover. "What's the matter, Jacqueline? You're not happy to see me?"

"I thought we made it perfectly clear last month that neither of us wanted to see the other ever again?"

Laughing, Alicia waved a dismissive freshly manicured hand in the air. "Jack, I didn't mean what I said that night." A smile that could only be described as devilish appeared on lips, which perfectly matched her blouse. "Come on, Jack. Don't tell me that you didn't have any fun that night. It was sort of exhilarating don't you think? I was so turned on when I left you." Eyes glued to Jack's face, Alicia completely ignored the irritated stares from her two cousins and Chloe.

Having a temporary mental blackout, Sonny blurted, "You call trying to rape her exhilarating? How twisted can you be?"

For long moments, none of them breathed a solitary word. It was as though time chose that moment to stand perfectly still. Even Little Jack stopped her gurgling as her expressive green eyes glanced between her stunned looking playmate, the equally surprised and incensed expressions on the two young women sitting to her right, and the reddened face of the golden-haired brunette now standing as she glared at a silenced redhead. Her shaking hands were at her sides as they repeatedly clenched and unclenched.

Blinking as though her dark eyelashes were in slow motion, anguished blue eyes traveled between her sister and the woman whom she hadn't seen since she was a child. Scooting forward in her seat, Chloe failed to notice when Briana slipped a comforting hand into her own as she stared in disbelief toward Alicia.

"Rape?" The word came out in a barely audible whisper. "You tried to rape my sister?" When Alicia failed to respond as quickly as Chloe would have liked, she repeated her question in a louder tone of voice, which caught the attention of a few people around them including the wedding coordinator who happened to be within hearing distance. Hastily, he headed in their direction, arriving just in time to witness Jack wrapping an arm around and trying to mollify her younger sibling.

"How come you didn't tell me?" Chloe quietly inquired.

"Sweetie, it wasn't as bad as it sounds. Honestly. There was just a bit of a miscommunication between Alicia and I." She peered up at Alicia. "Right?" Without vocal comment, Alicia eagerly nodded while wishing that she had never come over there in the first place.

When Chloe appeared unconvinced, Sonny attempted to alleviate the situation. "Chloe, she's telling the truth. I overreacted and I'm sorry for my outburst."

"As you should be," Alicia said, having the audacity to look exasperated as though she had done nothing wrong.

Jack discovered that she would love nothing more in that moment than to smack the woman into the next state. "Shut up, Alicia."

Deciding to get a word in edgewise, Lance Mitchell wedding coordinator extraordinaire, held up a hand for silence. Amazingly, every one of the women ceased to speak. After quietly giving directions into the tiny microphone attached to his headset, the tall slender man dressed in an impeccable Armani suit glanced between the women and even the baby before his eyes squarely landed on Jack searching for answers. He didn't want there to be any problems. This wedding had to go off without so much as the smallest hitch.

"Okay, mind telling me what's going on here?"

She tried out a nonchalant shrug. "It's okay now."

One of Lance's eyebrows raised. "Okay now? Okay? I heard something about an attempted...rape," he whispered the last word, "and everything is magically okay now? Honey, I accept that answer about as much as an ATM machine would accept a library card. You need to get real with me," he replied in his usual fast-paced voice, which sounded like he had recently consumed at least a gallon of coffee.

Jack looked a bit stupefied as she gazed toward the wedding coordinator who appeared as though he might start lecturing her at any moment. In his presence, she suddenly felt ten years old again. How did he do that? "I umm...I uh...well...I am real...ah...Mr. Mitchell."

"That's Lance, honey. Referring to me as Mr. Mitchell reminds me of the dad on Dennis the Menace. Now," with a pause, he turned his attention on Alicia and Sonny. Without a word, he indicated for Sonny to retake her seat and she promptly did so without comment. Pointing at Alicia, Lance donned a piqued expression. "I have a suspicion that you're bothering these fine ladies and that really chaps my hide, you know?" Not waiting and truthfully not caring if he received a reply, Lance placed a hand on Alicia's elbow before twirling her around until she was facing the tall double doors leading outside. "So I think it's time that you leave. The wedding will start soon, and I don't want you anywhere in the building."

Yanking her arm out of his grasp, Alicia regarded him with an insolent look. "Do you know who I am? I have every right to be here!"

Gazing toward her, Lance placed his hands on his hips. "Honey," he managed to make it sound as though he was truly calling her bitch, "not only do I know who you are, I couldn't care less. And no, you actually don't have any right to be here. You weren't invited and you're not anyone's guest, so, if you would be so kind, if only for this one time in your miserable little life, please vacate the church before I call someone to assist you out. Now is that what you want, Ms. Hastings? I know we would like to avoid a scene, wouldn't we?"

If looks could truly kill, Lance Mitchell wedding coordinator extraordinaire, would have dropped dead right there on the carpeted church floor in his neat Armani suit. "You cannot make me leave. I am a part of this family. My own mother, " Alicia pointed at Sonny in an almost accusatory fashion, "is her mother's older sister, and you're telling me that I don't have an invite?"

Cocking his head to the side, Lance stared at her thoughtfully for a moment before answering. "Did you not comprehend the words which rolled off my tongue? It's my first language, and I thought I was speaking English. Did it sound like I was speaking English to you ladies?" He directed his question toward Jack, Sonny, Chloe, and Briana. All of them immediately shook their heads in the positive. Little Jack released a small giggle. With a pleased smile, the wedding coordinator turned back to the perturbed Alicia. "I thought as much. Anyhoo, you need to make like a banana and split, honey. I repeat, you are not on the list of invitees."

Alicia stood her ground not liking to be told what to do one little bit. She was the one and only beloved little girl of Charles Hastings the III who made the Fortune 500 list more than once. No one dared to order her around. Hell, she did the ordering and she took great pride in that task! Deciding that a little ordering was now required, Alicia demanded to see the wedding guest list only to have Lance swiftly shake his head while telling her that she couldn't.

"Why not?" she huffily inquired. This man was starting to get on her last nerve. She made a mental note to talk to her daddy about him later. If she had her way, Lance Mitchell would never plan another wedding for as long as he lived!

Tapping the side of his head, Lance replied, "Because the list is in here. I have a memory that an elephant would be envious of. Take my word for it, Ms. Hastings. You're not on the list, so, I'm asking you again to please leave." After glancing around them to make sure that no one was listening, Lance took a step closer to Alicia. Wanting to hear what he was about to say, Jack, Sonny, Chloe, and Briana scooted so far to the edge of their seats that they were in danger of falling off.

"If you are not out of this building within two minutes, " Lance began in a low serious voice, "I'm afraid that people might find out what happened between you and Jacqueline Foster. More importantly, they might find out what you attempted to make happen, and I'm sure this would generate a lot of adverse publicity for both you and your tycoon father. After all, you are his daughter so what does that say about his parenting skills, hmm? He didn't raise you to treat people with dignity and respect? And if certain people were to delve into your past would they find out other not so nice information about you? And would they hesitate to take this information public?"

Though her eyes narrowed in anger, there was a hint of uneasiness in them as well. "Are you threatening me?"

Lance's lips curved into a charming smile. "No, honey, I'm just filling you in on what could possibly happen should you choose not to follow my suggestion. I know quite a few people who might take an interest in your background. I would like to save you from having to deal with any problems that may arise." Lance studied Alicia's face. She didn't look quite so snooty now.

Pushing the strap attached to her purse higher on her shoulder, she shrugged while trying to look indifferent. "Fine. I don't care about this stupid wedding anyway, and as far as I'm concerned you can all go to," Alicia made a point of looking directly at Jack when she emphatically said, "hell." With as much dignity as she could muster, Alicia headed towards the double doors, ignoring the various looks cast her way. Pushing them open with more force than what was required, she vanished from the church.

Looking after her, Lance dramatically whispered, "Amen." He then turned his attention on the four women who were gazing up at him with expressions ranging from awe to curiosity. He smiled. "Now that the she-devil has left the building, we can focus on more important matters," Lance started in his usual energetic voice. Glancing at his watch, he remarked that it was almost show time and then pointed toward Sonny, indicating for her to stand again with a short wiggle of his index finger. She popped up from the seat in a fairly good imitation of a Jack-in-the-box.

"Honey, you're the maid of honor so I need you to get in your correct place." Glancing over his shoulder, he noticed Matthew sitting and chatting with his wife Candace and their two children. "And, Sonny, please pick up the best man and flower girl on your way."

She obediently nodded. "You've got it, Lance." After giving Jack, Chloe, and her sister a quick 'see you later,' Sonny headed in the direction of her brother-in-law.

Eyes then zeroed in on Briana who offered up a smile that was returned. "Briana, sweetheart, what are you doing on this row?"

"Um, I was just visiting until the wedding started," she replied in a voice which was almost meek.

The wedding coordinator nodded, seeming to accept that answer. "Okay, well since you're an immediate family member, I need you to get to pew number two pronto." He held up two fingers just to make himself abundantly clear. Either that or he was giving her the peace sign. "So scoot your booty." Eyes twinkling, Lance winked at her.

Squeezing Chloe's hand, which she still held, Briana kissed both Big and Little Jack's cheeks before she slid out of the row and headed farther toward the head of the church. Lance was about to say something to Jack when he heard someone speaking to him via the headset he wore. Nodding and listening intently for a few moments, he then reciprocated with instructions, speaking rapidly into the small microphone near his mouth. Done, Lance pointed at the baby. However, before he could get a single word out Jack was speaking.

"Can't she just stay with me?" The ex-Conqueror protectively wrapped her arms around the car seat carrying her namesake. She wasn't ready to give the baby up just yet. In fact, if it were possible she would take the little bundle of joy home with her. Little Jack was positively too cute for words.

"Oh, sure sure," Lance hurriedly replied. "One little one out of place isn't going to upset everything." Smiling, he leaned down and tenderly brushed the back of his hand across the baby's cheek to have her smile at him for the attention. She took it anywhere she could get it, which fortunately happened to be a lot of places. "Aren't you a beauty? Yes, you are. Yes, you so absolutely are," the man cooed, losing his professionalism for a few precious seconds. Jack and Chloe exchanged grins at the display being put on before them.

Straightening, the wedding coordinator unzipped a black fanny pack that was fastened around his waist, and pulled out a small plastic bag, which he handed to Jack. Inspecting the contents of the bag, she noticed that it was filled with a few sliced and frozen bananas. She then looked up at Lance curiously.

"Those are for the baby in case she gets a little fussy during the ceremony. I know she's just shy of being two months old, but she can still suck on them. You'll just have to hold them for her. They're nice, cool, and sweet so Little Jacqueline should enjoy them. Also, do you have a bottle for her?"

"Yes, her mom gave me one filled with 'homemade' milk," Jack replied, pulling out a plastic bottle containing a white substance from Little Jack's pink and blue bunny covered baby bag.

Lance nodded. "Good, good." He then glanced at his watch again. "Okay, ladies, I best be on my way. I have to make sure that Sonny, the bridesmaids, the groom's gorgeous boys, and everyone else are where they are supposed to be."

"Thanks for the bananas and for getting rid of Alicia."

Lance smiled at her. "Honey, you're welcome for the bananas and extremely welcome for the she-devil."

Jack, Chloe, and Lance shared a chuckle, which Little Jack did an impressive imitation of.


Checking her watch, Sonny noticed the time. It was just half passed three o'clock, which was the time she had intended to leave in order to get to St. John's River before sunset. Deciding to change since she didn't want to ride all the way there on her motorbike with a skirt on, Sonny exited the reception hall and headed to her Aprilia. At first, she was going to take her car but then changed her mind, thinking that she would give her scooter a bit of a workout. It might take longer to get there on her scooter, but she wasn't in that much of a rush.

Grabbing her backpack from the handlebars, Sonny headed back into the reception hall and then toward the restrooms. Once inside, she slipped into a stall and proceeded to change into something a little more comfortable. Dressed in chinos and a white long-sleeved button down blouse, Sonny checked her appearance in the mirror, taking the time to fluff her hair a bit and add some more color to her lips before she walked out of the restroom with the backpack slung over her shoulder.

She managed to take full five steps out of the bathroom when a hand wrapped around one of her own. Leading her to the bustling dance floor, Jack wrapped her arms around Sonny's waist and pulled the woman's body against her. Both women quelled the moans that wanted to escape at the contact of their bodies. Instinctively winding her arms around Jack's neck, Sonny looked up at her as they began to dance to the slow song that the talented band played.

"Where were you off to in such a hurry?" Jack quietly asked, brushing her lips against the other woman's forehead.

Sonny's eyes briefly closed at the contact of that soft mouth. "Um, I'm getting ready to go meet Dixie in Astor."

"Ah, yes," Jack nodded, pretending as though she had forgotten. Her hands started stroking the small of her companion's back, thumbs moving back and forth in a slow rhythmic pace.

It occurred to Sonny that the longer she stayed in Jack's arms, the harder it would be to leave them. She had to leave and she had to do it now. "Jack, I should be going," Sonny stated in a hoarse whisper. "I...Dixie...she's waiting for me. I told her that I'd try to be there by sunset." Was it just her imagination or did her arms wrap tighter around Jack's neck? Sonny gave a slight shake of her head. Traitors.

While looking into Sonny's eyes, a tender smile tugged at Jack's lips as she kept her arms right where they were. "Stay with me, Sonny girl," she asked in a hushed tone. "She may have you for the rest of your life if that's what you choose. I'm only asking to have you for the duration of this song."

Swallowing with a bit of difficulty, she nodded. "Okay, Jack. Okay." Neither woman needing to speak another word, they held each other tighter while their bodies moved in unison.


When Sonny arrived at the St. John River campground, it was a quarter after five that evening. Taking off her helmet, she settled it on the handlebars as she gazed at the cabin standing about twenty feet ahead. She took a deep relaxing breath. Behind that door was Dixie Monroe, the woman whom she'd been anxious to meet for over a year now.

Removing the straps of the backpack from her shoulders, Sonny brought it in front of her before unzipping the pouch located in the front. Pulling out her new cell phone, she punched in Briana's cell number. Before she left the reception, her sister had made her promise that she would call her the moment she arrived in Astor. Since she would be staying at Chloe and Jack's house, Briana informed her sister to call on her cell phone instead of at the apartment.

The phone rang a total of five times before a breathless and giggling Briana picked it up. "Hello?"

Sonny smiled into phone. Her sister sounded like she was in good spirits. "Hello back to you, sis."

"Hey, Sonny! You got there okay?" Briana inquired, though her voice sounded distracted.

"Yes, ma'am. And the first thing I did was call you like I promised that I would." She didn't receive a quick reply as she heard a creaking noise in the background shortly followed by a high-pitched laugh. Arching an eyebrow, Sonny wondered what they could be doing. She asked and it took a couple moments before her sister answered.

"Oh, Chloe and I are just fooling around." Another laugh in the background, which Sonny now guessed belonged to Chloe. Briana giggled. "We're playing around--talking. Yes. We're having a great time...talking."

There was a thoughtful pause on Sonny's end of the line. "Well, I'm glad you're having fun. Talking that is."

"Yes, indeed, we are. So, I should let you go meet...Dixie then." Twin chuckles rang through the phone, giving Sonny the sneaking suspicion that they shared a private joke.

The other brow joined its twin as Sonny speculated if the two young women had gotten into Jack's liquor cabinet. Although, Briana didn't sound inebriated. It was more like she seemed...deliriously happy. Yes, that was it exactly. However over what, Sonny hadn't much of a clue.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." As an afterthought she added, "You be good." Sonny could have sworn that she heard Chloe whisper something to the effect of 'she definitely is' but wasn't positively sure.

"I will, Sonny. You have fun with Dixie." Sonny could feel her sister's grin even through the phone. "I want all the details tomorrow. Every bit of 'em. I love you."

Smiling, Sonny countered with, "I love you too, Bri. Goodnight." Ending the call, she placed the phone back where it belonged before standing and bringing her leg over the bike. She could feel the muscles in her thighs pulling just a bit after having been straddled on the motorbike for nearly an hour. Slinging the backpack over one shoulder, Sonny leaned down and checked herself in the rearview as best she could. Straightening, she deeply inhaled and then exhaled, repeating a few times before allowing her feet to propel her towards the front door.

Arriving much too quickly, she paced back and forth on the porch for a good thirty seconds before getting up the nerve to knock on the door. Afterward, she took a step back while waiting for the door to be opened. So nervous, Sonny didn't even realize that she was holding her breath as she waited for the click that signified that the door was being opened. It didn't take long before she heard the unmistakable turn of the doorknob, even over her rapidly beating heart. This is it. I'm finally going to meet Dixie. Oh God, please don't let me faint before she can fully open the door.

Within moments, Sonny found herself staring up into the eyes of...

Jacqueline Foster.

Leaning against the doorframe, Jack smiled with a bit of hesitance visible. Speaking in a soft voice, she greeted, "Hey, PerkyGrrl."

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