
By SodaliteWrites

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SEQUEL TO "Consequences" *The show Steven Universe and all of its canon characters that are used in this stor... More

1 - Square One
3 - Defect
4 - We're Home
5 -Started With a Scallop Shell

2 - Factory Reset

228 9 1
By SodaliteWrites

Blue Diamond loomed over Steven like a ginormous, blue goddess. He stood directly in the middle of the Diamond emblem decorating the center of the ornate floor.

For a long time, there was silence. Steven fidgeted in his place on the ground, hands tied behind his back with some sort of blue wire. There was no way he could slip his way out of them. Every time he'd tried, they'd become tighter.

The human/gem hybrid stared at the tile flooring below Blue Diamond, while she perched in her throne with perfect composure. Her hands rested in her lap, and her long, slim gown swept the floor beside her obedient pearl.

Larimar had been instructed to stand in the back of the room, and there were two quartzes at every entrance, weapons pointed at the hostage, ready for use. Steven took little notice of them. He just kept his unwavering attention at one spot on the floor and held his breathing as shallow as possible.

"You..." Blue Diamond whispered uncertainly. Steven tensed and looked up as he was addressed. It took all his willpower to keep a straight face, and his pulse at a calm pace.

"You... I held your shattered gem in my hand," Blue Diamond stated, demanding an answer through the cold tone of her voice. "You and the other rebels were shattered by Yellow Diamond's hand. Tell me exactly what really happened."

Blue Diamond stared down at Steven, and his gaze averted for a moment.

"Look at me," Blue punctuated every word, serious as a funeral. Steven swallowed and met her eyes again, flinching, but holding his mouth as tight as possible. His heart was racing, and the Diamond's unreadable stare was more than his eyes could handle.

"Now, answer my question. What really happened, and how did you fake all of your deaths?" Blue Diamond said, eyes unwinking. Even Blue Pearl seemed tense, but she was very good at hiding it.

"I..." Steven began, his voice shaky and weak. He had to think up a good lie, and soon. His mouth was dry, and he found it difficult to speak another word. Blue Diamond waited expectantly, raising an eyebrow in anticipation of what his answer would be.

"I wasn't shattered." Steven began, thinking over each of his words carefully as his cluttered mind could manage. He straightened his voice, speaking a little louder. "I was in the back of the room that Yellow Diamond hit with her blast. My gem was cracked, but I was able to muster a shield in time... I ran away under the cover of the smoke..."

Blue Diamond half-nodded, listening carefully. She shifted in her throne.

"And," she pressed, "What happened to the Pearl, the defect Quartz, the Peridot, the Lapis Lazuli, and the fusion?" She spoke the word 'fusion' with a downgrading hint of poison in her tone.

Steven shuddered, and allowed the annoyance of the level of disgrace she spoke about Garnet to spark a convincing act of emotion.

"I... I couldn't reach them before the blast," he lied, eyes falling to the floor again. Blue Diamond's face was unreadable.

"Larimar, is this true? Were there any other gems on the Earth when you visited?" Blue Diamond asked. Startled to be spoken to, Larimar snapped to attention, saluting with a diamond.

"My Diamond, I did not find trace of other beings while I was present there," she said, politely sucking up to her most cherished leader. Blue Diamond nodded once, then looked back down at the human.

"Look at me," She said again, slightly louder. Steven winced back up at her, expression a mix of a glare and of fear. He had to be brave. He couldn't let the Diamond think she had power over him.

"How did you plant false rose quartz shards on the scene?" Blue Diamond asked, leaning forward slightly. Steven glanced away for a moment, impulsively, but quickly regained eye contact with the Diamond. He shifted his feet, thinking fast.

"There was a merchandise bag with pieces of gems in them. I thought they had been made of plastic. There were only pink ones left... so I assume the bag exploded when Yellow Diamond..." Steven trailed off, unsure of how to phrase 'went off her rail' politely.

"I see. It was faked..." Blue Diamond leaned back, staring down at Steven, who was struggling to look her straight in the eyes.

Steven hoped to the stars that he was becoming better at lying. He was always told that he sucked at it, and now wasn't the best time to put that claim to the test.

A silence fell over the room again. It lasted for what seemed like ages. Steven almost seemed more uncomfortable when Blue Diamond wasn't talking than otherwise.

"You didn't find your cohorts' gems?" Blue Diamond asked. Steven shook his head, eyes darting to the floor and back again. The Diamond's searching gaze was becoming harder and harder to handle. He could tell she was reading his expression. Blue breathed out a small sigh.

"Very well," she stated simply, leaning fully back into her seat. Steven took a deep breath, and broke his gaze away again, hoping not to be scolded for it.

Blue inspected the human/gem hybrid inquisitively. Thoughts and considerations tumbled through her mind. The little human was pale, but he didn't show too many signs of terror. Not outwardly.

How curious. The Diamond thought over her plan of action carefully.

"I have already decided what to do with you... Steven," Blue Diamond tested the name again. It felt awkward calling this being by its human name, but being a hybrid, there didn't seem to be any other correct way to address him.

Steven felt a ripple of chills down his spine as this ultra-powerful being spoke his name. A hand gripped his heart and twisted it slowly and painfully at her statement. Blue already knew what she wanted to do with him. Steven wasn't sure if he wanted to know himself.

"Are you going to shatter me?" Steven came right out and said it, still refusing to look anywhere but the floor. Blue Diamond looked over his small form for a moment more.

"No," she said, a tone in her voice that was almost teasing. Steven wanted to feel relieved, but instead he chewed the inside of his cheek ever harder. He had been told before that the diamonds were capable of putting someone through something worse than death.

And he was guaranteed that's what Blue meant. A cold sweat appeared on his forehead, but he kept his chalky face even more stoic than before.

Steven had gone numb in a sort of way. The world around him became sluggish and dream-like. It was a feeling only a certain amount of hysteria could achieve.

Blue noticed how much fear the human was holding in. It was somewhat satisfactory, but also somewhat troubling. She decided to continue.

"You are going to serve the purpose you are befit for, Steven," Blue said, tone and posture ominous. Steven blinked in surprise, knowing whatever Blue Diamond meant by that, it couldn't have been good. Though, the announcement took him by surprised.

"W-what does that mean?" Steven managed to stammer. Blue smiled slightly, thoughtful.

"You are different than humans are, but you are also different from other Rose Quartzes..." Blue began. Steven swallowed hard, eyes trained on Blue as she gracefully stood, and slowly began to move around him. She stared at and circled the hybrid like a shark, sizing up its prey.

Steven's arms prickled, not only from the cold but from Blue Diamond's moving presence. She seemed so much taller when she was standing and upright.

"You are very... unique," she finished, halting for a moment.

Steven shivered. He wanted to run, or fight, or do anything... but he was completely powerless. And, it was better he cooperated and less risked the lives of his family and the existence of the Earth.

"You have a unique amount of skill and power. I find it very intriguing. You can withstand many things, completely unscathed, that would make the average gem retreat into their gems," Blue commented. Steven attempted and failed to process what the giant was saying, but he was becoming more and more unnerved.

"Yet, while having human needs, you still retain the powers of Rose Quartz," Blue Diamond paused at the name, taking time to internally scorn it. "And, you have healing abilities that are superior as well."

Now Steven couldn't tear his eyes away from Blue Diamond, however much he wanted to cower.

"How would you know this?" Steven asked warily, uncertain of Homeworld's ability. "Why do you care?"

Blue Diamond stopped her circular pacing directly in front of Steven, leering down at him.

"You may not remember," Blue Diamond said quietly, her voice melodically articulate, "But the first time, when you were on my ship, you were assisted by the humans' doctor, Azurite. With simple observation, we were able to analyze your full potential. It is why I wished to keep you as a subject rather than a prisoner."

Steven didn't like the sound of that. Sounded kinda creepy, honestly. Apparently Homeworld knew more about Steven than he did himself.

"As for why I care," Blue Diamond continued, "For the greater good of gemkind, you'd be a useful tool. Perhaps even a weapon."

Steven caught on to what she was saying. They wanted to use him? He wanted no part in helping Homeworld on any terms.

"I-I won't do it," Steven declared, mustering some confidence, still not quite sure what 'it' was. "I won't help you!" The hybrid stood up straighter. Though he was scared, his loyalties remained with the Earth and with the Crystal Gems. He refused to let fear sway his morals.

Blue Diamond paused, turning to face the human directly. Discreetly, she lifted a hand. Below Steven, the diamond insignia shivered, then smoothly rose as a column out of the floor.

Steven crouched to balance himself, startled by the sudden rising movement. Blue Diamond lowered her hood, her full face visible now. Steven was eye level with her.

"I didn't say you had a choice, Steven," Blue Diamond said, voice firm. Steven's face grew into one of resentment, and his heart pumped. His expression wavered, as a sense of fear melting into him. He drew in a long breath, then stated his claim once more.

"I-I won't help you! I'm a Crystal Gem!" Steven yelled, statement laced with defiance. He was prepared to fight until he couldn't. His tied back wrists tensed, disagreeing with their restraints.

"I knew you wouldn't want to comply," Blue sighed. "Those rebels filled your head with foolish thoughts and selfish ideals." Steven shook his head passionately.

"They... they fought for what was right! And I will too," he stated, avoiding the eyes of the Diamond.

"Don't you understand, Steven?" Blue Diamond said, voice as smooth as silk. "They fought for the Earth, and for one small population. They sacrificed thousands of lives..." Blue Diamond looked away mournfully for a moment, then strayed from the subject.

"If you would accept a role in our society, you would be helping trillions of gems on hundreds of planets. You seem so entitled to helping people, and doing what's right, but you've been believing in a false ideology for your entire existence."

"I..." Steven faltered, fishing around for the right words, "I stand by what I said."

Blue sighed. This is what she expected. But, this is not the response she would accept. She would not bargain.

"Well, if you had cooperated, I wouldn't have had to do this," Blue Diamond stated, staring straight into the eyes of the small hybrid in front of her. "You will be factory reset."

There was a short pause. Steven's expressioned loosened into confusion. He pulled on his restraints, but to no avail.

"What... What does that-" Steven was interrupted.

"I have no other option but to factory reset your gem. You'll mostly likely retain your human memories, but you yourself will be as behaved and as essential as if you had just emerged from a kindergarten." Blue Diamond explained, gentle voice seemingly sinister.

Steven was filled with horror and was entangled with dread when he realized what that meant. He ceased struggling with his hands' binds.

"No... You can't do that!" He objected, not bothering to hide how dismayed and panicked he felt.

"I am a diamond. I may do as I please. You will come to understand that soon enough," Blue Diamond sat back down on her throne. With a motion of her hand, the diamond insignia slowly sunk back into its place on the floor, along with a trembling Steven.

Another wave of the diamond's hand, and the quartzes guarding a door to the left allowed another gem to enter, lanky and cloaked. Her straight hair draped neatly to the floor, and she was pitch black in color, with flecks of crimson and white designing her skin and dress. The beautiful gem seemed to already know what to do.

The dark gem casually targeted Steven. She began to walk towards him as he was taking steps back. His eyes remained locked on the approaching, seemingly malicious gem. His heart thudded painfully.

They were going to brainwash him? Steven desperately wanted the Crystal Gems to break in randomly and rescue him. But there was no chance for that. They would all be killed. Besides, Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst probably all thought he was still in bed, asleep. Would they ever realize what happened to him?

Steven was getting ready to sprint for it when two hands grab his from behind, immediately dissolving the restraints.

The quartz soldier who had walked up behind him gripped Steven's wrists painfully tight, immobilizing him to the spot. There was no chance he was going to be able to run now.

Immediately Steven began kicking and struggling.

"Let go of me!" he demanded, his adrenaline pumping through his veins. "Stop!"

Steven tried to summon his weapon, but he couldn't. This kind of feeling had happened before... When Yellow Diamond's general, Yellow Feldspar, was ahold of him, its like his powers were completely shut down.

The human's squirming and shouting completely unaffected the ominous, ebony gem. Her hands lit up with a dark red glow, and she stopped in front of the hybrid.

"You-you can't keep me here! I-I'll go back to Earth!" Steven yelled at Blue Diamond angrily. The Diamond leaned forward, eyes glinting in amusement.

"You won't want to go back to Earth. Not anymore," she said, eyes focused on the hybrid. Steven struggled harder, but it was no use. What was worse than being held captive? Being forced to side with the enemy against your own will.

The dark gem's powers engulfed her victim like a wave crashing against the shores of Beach City. A sharp feeling stabbed through Steven's heart and naval, as his gem began glowing intensely. The hybrid screamed in retaliation, thrashing like a wild animal caught in a hunter's trap.

There was a draining feeling that pulled him towards the ground with every beat of Steven's heart. His gem only glowed brighter, a burning feeling originating in it and spreading slowly through the rest of him.

"Stop it!" He could barely force the words out of his searing throat.

Steven's voice fell away, as he was now desperately just trying to catch his breath through the lightheadedness and torridness. He could vaguely feel himself becoming limp, his restrained arms being the only thing holding him off the ground.

Steven didn't want to be 'reset.' His many desires bubbled up from inside him. He wanted to be on Earth. He wanted to be with his family. He wanted to see his friends. Wanted to go on missions. Crying Breakfast Friends.. Library... Slowly, these desires began to crumble apart, as if they had never been there in the first place.

Steven's mind fell further and further and further away until his mind completely broke into the fire.

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