The Ruivin Fantasy

By dingdongxiaoman

12.9K 187 68

Rui En and Elvin Ng has always been deemed as the perfect on-screen couple. But what happens when reel life b... More



1.1K 24 3
By dingdongxiaoman



P.S. ANY EVENTS OR CHARACTERS THAT ARE SIMILAR IN REAL LIFE ARE PURELY COINCIDENTAL. * Other than Rui En, Elvin Ng, Taylor Swift and the sandman obviously *


* Rui En's POV *

"Oww! Oh my gosh. Why did you do that? Are you trying to ensure that I would never be able to celebrate Father's Day? " Elvin yelled, groaning in pain, with him curled up in a protective ball.

" I'm so sorry, I'm just so...I, I...I didn't know how to react. Why on earth did you even do that in the first place? Don't you know I hate it when people try to get intimate with me. No matter what, you should have never crossed the line without my permission. It was your mistake. Get out of my room" I snapped back at him, while pushing him out of my room.

Embarrassed by the sudden show of affection Elvin gave me that left my head spinning, I slammed the door shut and slumped down on the ground, trying to get some sense for such a mind boggling action that Elvin did as I got up. Plopping my body onto the bed, I began to finally let the events that had taken place within the past thirty or so minutes sink in...we were sprawled on the floor of a hotel carpeted corridor, right outside my room, teasing and tickling each other, and arguing, well sort of...or flirting would be a better word? I had no idea what to think of that peck on my cheek of was way too, well, sudden. But of course, why did he even do that in the first place? Was it because we were getting closer and it was just a moment of foolishness? Or was it a mistake and he was too into character, especially right after today's shoot or was it that he --- no, we --- leaned in too close and thus accidentally shared that private and never to be revealed moment...or was it something we both were willing to share. Did that mean that..his feelings for me were maybe the same as my feelings for him? Perhaps, well just maybe, our relationship was brought to a much higher level, even before we knew it. Perhaps we had advanced further from a close friendship and bond onscreen, but it was lead to a stronger and sweeter one offscreen. Perhaps we never knew it, but our feelings for each other started ever since we met on that very first day? Perhaps he was actually the one who was slowly melting away my 'frozen heart', allowing me to trust him more, just like he did in the shows we were in together. And then we....possibly just, well, just perhaps....we had fallen in love, long before we thought we would?

Maybe I was really just reading too much into it already. I decided that it would be best to just leave the topic aside first and clear my thoughts for a good night's sleep, for tomorrow we had a photoshoot scheduled for < iweekly >. A soak in the bathtub would be the right thing to calm down my frazzled nerves, especially when accompanied by a Yankee Candle lit at the side and my favorite lavender bathsalts. That combination would definitely calm me down. I started preparing my bathtub, adding the bathsalt first, followed by turning on the two taps, with the warm water flowing at a faster rate than the other. Afterwards, I went to my luggage and took out my favourite pajamas, bringing in my iPad at the same time. I started playing music from my playlist and left the electronic device next to the sink before hanging my pajamas on the hook of the wall directly opposite my bathroom door. After ensuring there was sufficient water, I dipped a finger in. Ahh, it was the perfect temperature, slightly warmer than the ones I used to have. I took a deep breath, the scent of lavender had already filled the room with its slightly sweet smell, immediately calming my senses. This was definitely my definition of pure bliss. And I really needed it tonight, especially after all that had happened.

Upon getting in, I shut my eyes as I let the warmth of the water, the scent of lavenders bring me into my dream land. Furthermore there was my perfect music playlist that pretty much described how I was feeling at the moment, which was confused and a bit in a daze. However, right now at this moment, I felt pretty much at peace, or at least at peace compared to the rest of the events that took place today. Blasting the music out loud, I let out a loud sigh as I slipped further into the waters. Just then, a particular song caught my attention. It was <I'm only me when I'm with you> by Taylor Swift. I don't usually listen to Taylor Swift but I must admit that sometimes, her lyrics will really strike you hard as you realize the problems the song mentioned are just like the ones in your real life. As I sat entranced by the song, I realized that song could practically be referring to my 'relationship' with Elvin. I reached out and put it on replay mode and started singing along to its catchy tune and meaningful lyrics, putting all my confused and conflicted feelings behind.

" And sometimes we don't say a thing

Just listen to the crickets sing

Everything I need is right here by my side

And I know everything about you

I don't wanna live without you

I'm only up when you're not down

Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground

It's like no matter what I do

Well, you drive me crazy half the time

The other half I'm only trying

To let you know that what I feel is true

And I'm only me when I'm with you. "

" And I don't try to hide my tears

The secrets, or my deepest fears

Through it all nobody gets me like you do

And you know everything about me

You say that you can't live without me"

" When I'm with anybody else

Its so hard to be myself

And only you can tell. "

It suddenly struck me that I could truly and really have fallen in love with Elvin. These three portions of this beautiful song, to me, truly represented what our feelings for each other was like. He drove me crazy half the time, making me feel awkward yet ease. I was not afraid to be myself in front of him. He was hilarious and sweet, and there was always a small feeling of emptiness I felt without him by my side. He never wanted to change who I was for him, and I didn't find any big unchangeble flaws in him either. If only he made less fun of me...To be honest, that idea of a "perfect match made in heaven" was something foreign to me. Since young, I never believed in happily ever afters and I consider people who would get married and commit themselves to each other forever as something either a fool or a idiot would do. After all, nobody can ever predict when the honeymoon phrase would end in a relationship and that would be when the relationship starts to crumble, little by little. And when nothing is done to savage the problems, people start giving up and may even divorce and go their own separate ways, just because they had not thought the relationship clearly through. And that's probably why my mother left us. Me and my father that is. After so many years, the pain of her leaving has lessen and we continued to be in extremely good terms but nonetheless, it still hurts a little when I start thinking about it. That's why that thing about 'trust' between me and others were rare. I couldn't possibly trust to put my future and share my life with another person. I couldn't trust another person to swear upon themselves to stay with me for the rest of their lives. And I couldn't trust myself enough too, if I would be able to do so with another being. And till now, I still believe I haven't found that person,one I can entrust my whole life to, but Elvin is slowly changing my beliefs about trust within people little by little even though he can't see it. He didn't force it on me or did anything on purpose to change it, but it was just every little thing he did for me and his own positive attitude that seemed to rub off me. Till now, Elvin has yet to break a promise to me or to anybody really. He has alway takes absolute care about me, always noticing what I wanted, be it for my career or my own personal whims and understood when I wanted to have time alone. He never pushed me to become someone else, and respected me for what I did. Personal space was something I needed, even with my close friends, and he understood that. But still, he manages to give me a warm feeling in my heart whenever he did do things for me, and when he had to leave, images of our past moments together would appear in my head. When he was around, when we were shooting scenes alone together, he would always give me butterflies in the stomach when it came to our slightly more "romantic" scenes. And somehow, a little part of me always hope that those scenes will be a relevation to our real life friendship/relationship.

{ And I'm only me,

Who I wanna be.

Well, Im only me when Im with you. }

The last line in the song really did give me a clear picture of what it was like to be in love. It was a clear reflection of our friendship I suppose? Or do I dare say our relationship.

Yes, it was a clear reflection of our relationship. Thinking back, I started to think about a particular scene we shot in Japan for The Dream Catchers. It was particularly heartwarming and I must admit that during then, I already had a few butterflies fluttering in my stomach but I just dismissed and ignored it.

I lifted up his head and placed the cup of lukewarm water beside me. Kneeling down, I whispered to him to wake from his peaceful slumber as it was time to have his medicine. It was a scene for The Dream Catchers where Sato, Elvin's character in the show, fell ill with a high fever. The reason for this being Sato taking off his winter clothing for me to sketch a portrait, outside when it was snowing, just to show how sincere he was about wanting to be my other significant half. I was supposed to be particularly touched by it and that was supposed to trigger me into starting to fall for him. And I guess it kind of made me slightly lightheaded when he really took it off. Actually in the script, he wasn't supposed take it off at all. I did ask him to take off his clothes but he was supposed to only take off the outer jacket before I ran in to stop in. It was a scene added in by he himself, and even I myself was touched. After that I' left to cook porridge for him, and immediately offered the porridge to him. 'I' felt his forehead, noticing that his temperature had gone down. I held up a spoon of the plain porridge I had just finish cooking (which was likely to be the only dish I could make other than instant noodles with egg), I blew on it to cool it down, and fed it to Elvin. He told me it was the best porridge in the world, even though it was just plain. And also even though I had put in sugar instead of salt...He cupped my hands, surrounding them with warmth from the bowl of porridge and that warmth from his large comforting hands...he held them gently, yet somewhat firmly at the same time, which was strangely comforting. And that was also when I realized that our palms seemed to fit each other snugly, it was almost picture perfect. Sato looked straight in my eyes, thanking me for all I had done for him, and one line nearly made me feel as if I was as blissful as JiaQi was. " 能吃到你亲手煮的粥,这一切都是值得的。你对我这么好,这么关心我,我相信我的愿望会很快就会实现的! " It was a simple love between Sato and JiaQi, and I myself was beginning to feel the same way too. There was just something in his eyes that made me feel all knotted up inside and for a moment I wasn't sure what feelings I had. Was it a feeling I had from acting as JiaQi, who had already slowly started to fall in love with Sato, or was it my own feelings, towards the comforting warmth he seemed to give me admidst this icy coldness surrounding?

" And...cut! Good take! " the director said. Hearing that, I immediately asked Elvin to stop eating the awful porridge. " Oh my gosh, spit it out! It must taste awful, I just remembered that I put in sugar instead of salt. I'm so sorry." I said, in a apologetic tone. "I meant what I said just now." Elvin suddenly voiced, leaving me to stare at the ground awkwardly, trying to hide my blushing cheeks. "Uh, I mean, I think this really is the best porridge in the world. It really is good, I will even have this for lunch! " he smiled, and his eyes met mine. "Uhm..yeah. That's great. You can continue having that porridge, I'd go eat my sashimi." I laughed it off, trying to clear that slightly awkard moment. I clearly knew how awful that porriage was like seriously. I had to taste it for a moment during that scene before feeding Elvin and all I could say that I was really proud of myself that I didn't gag out loud.

Right after lunch break (where elvin really kept to his word and finished the porridge), we went to film a scene where Sato was looking for a music box, 琴瑟和鸣, and when he did find it, he would be so excited and accidentally fall down a gentle slope, causing JiaQi to worriedly rush down to check if he was injured and ending the scene with them staring into each other's eyes and then the transition using an advertisement. Yet, during filming, Elvin got too excited...and when he found the music box that we made together for the show, he jumped and shouted out loud,before accidentally tumbling down the slope before he should have as to the script. He then grabbed the closest thing he could find near him..which was, unfortunately or maybe fortunately, me. He wrapped my body -- which was petite compared to his muscular one -- in his secure arms, holding me tight and close. We fell down the slope, "rolling" on top of one another, with him protecting me whenever I was on top and tightening his grip around me when I was below, just so that I wouldn't sustain any injuries. We were hugging, in a way though it felt so different from the hugging scenes we has previously and with him so close to me, it felt as though I could hardly breathe. The snow continued to flurry down on us, creating a simple, blissful and absolutely romantic picture. His face was just a few inches, no, a few centimeters away from mine. I could literally hear the sound of his heartbeat, his chin resting on my head and his hands around me. Truthfully, I was afraid that we would hurt ourselves but with his strong arms clasped around me, I was afraid no more. I was more of enjoying this special moment that we now shared. I shut my eyes, and told myself to remember and cherish this strange feeling I had. It was sort of like hugging a ginormous human-sized teddy bear (黄俊雄 / 玩具熊) that could make you feel at ease and comforted on the outside. And even though it was comfortable, it felt like I was in a roller coaster of emotions on the inside. I was comfortable yet embarassed...I practically did not know how to feel. These few seconds felt like forever and when we landed, I actually regretted it.

" 我太开心了!" He laid sprawled in the crunchy, pristine white snow that softened our landing and said the line he was supposed to before he was supposed to fall. I looked up to him, arms and legs spread open, and added in a impromptu line:" 我被压扁啦!" He smiled at this and turned to face me, and I in turn did the same thing at the exact same time. Our eyes had no intention of stopping this connection we had in this picturesque winter day. I had no idea where this chemistry we had whenever we were together came from, but no matter what, I knew from that moment onwards that it was definitely different from the chemistry I shared with any other person I was paired up with.

I was jotted back to reality after realizing the song was no longer playing after endless times of replaying. I decided to go to sleep right then, and get some rest for tommorow's < iweekly > photoshoot. Getting out of the bathtub and changing into my graphic cat pyjamas, I headed for the bed and waited for the sandman to envelope me in deep sleep.

* Elvin's POV *

--( Note to reader: This starts from before Elvin decided to kiss RE on her check. )--

As Rui En was sitting on top of me, I started to notice her flushed cheeks under her slightly ruffled yet flawless hair, her big pool of chocolately-brown eyes that seemed to draw people under a spell. I saw the way her mouth parted to show her incredible sparkling white teeth, how much they seemed to glow whenever she was laughing out loud. She was the most real person or maybe the only, I have met so far in the industry, or even my entire life. This " deer-in-the-headlights " look of hers is one of my most favourite look, that's why I always like to leave her flustered, without knowing how to react. It was a different side of her no one else would be able to observe when she was in interviews or in shows. She was always so serious and I had always wanted to know what her reactions would be when I were to do something that could surprise her, or just help her get her energy up after a long day of work as she always had many long shifts and overnights, at many times even more than me. I always thought she would give me a death stare or even get angry, but she did not as she really wasn't what they wrote her as in certain magazines and articles. Her 'protective shell' softened during these moments where she didn't know what to do, and it was a state where she was sort of vulnerable if I should say so myself. And at that moment, I guess all hell broke through when I just couldn't control myself and had to give her a kiss. I just couldn't waste the opportunity you know. She herself was also moving closer towards me, and in turn it was I who wasn't sure how I should react. However, I knew that would make her either very angry, if she had no feelings for me whatsoever. Or it would leave her confuse and hopefully start to know the feelings she had for me that I hoped was in there but would still be partially angry. So now the key question was where to kiss. I know the lips was out of question, as I know no matter how much she liked me --- hopefully and fingers crossed, --- she would never ever appreciate someone swooping in to steal her mouth's real viginity. I say real as she had already been kissed in a show but let's not bother about that. I have kissed onscreen before too, but it was different as I felt nothing for those kisses but I felt excited and absolutely overjoyed whenever I met her. As I was saying, Rui En has never ever gone into a relationship before so she has never been kissed. I found that out through a game of Truth or Dare, but that would be a whole other story. So I decided to give her one on the forehead, since that seemed the most innocent out of anywhere else. And I didn't want to kiss her cheek as that was a little mainstream. And trust me, Elvin doesn't do mainstream even though I know Rui En likes to keep things simple. However, I'm sure that the more we get along, the more she wouldn't mind a bit of extravagant. Sure it would be hard, but being in a relationship does mean giving and taking a little right?

Just as I predicted, Rui En was raging mad but what I didn't expect was a hard kick in my groins. "Oww! Oh my gosh. Why did you do that? Are you trying to ensure that I would never be able to celebrate Father's Day? " I cried out. Seriously, right now the only position that was comfortable to me was hunched up and curled in a ball, trying to massage the part where I was hurt. However, once again, Rui En had to prove that she was different from any other girl and even started to throw me out of the room. Like seriously, that girl has no sympathy for people at all. Can't she tell I was in pain? And she didn't even bothered to apologized. Oh well, I guess I deserved it in the first place for kissing her. And with that, I had no strength to argue with her anymore or explain anything to her before she slammed the door straight in my face. And that was when I started to drag my pathetic body back into my room for some emergency healing too.

- 3761 words (including song lyrics)- :O

This took us at least 5 hours, over a span of 2 days ;D be grateful tsk tsk :)

JUST KIDDING~ You guys rock and we enjoy writing this woop :D

----- End of Chapter 4 -----

References for this Chapter:

-Porridge and medicine scene---episode 11C starting from 5.48

-Falling down a slope together---episode 12C/D

( Videos uploaded: t3renc3ren on YouTube )

-Metro Lyrics and Taylor Swift for the song above

-Certain interviews if you can spot them~

-Sandman from <Rise of the Guardians>

-Our crazy minds for thinking of these random ideas to add in :D

Hey hey readers!~

Apologies for certain awkward moments this chapter XD

Truthfully it was more awkward for us to write them!

Do remember to comment and give it a star! We sincerely thank you all for the 250 reads!! Never expected this to happen:) Really, really, really thanks so much from the bottom of our hearts <3 You have no idea how happy it truthfully makes us because we do take the time and effort to make this FanFic! And do leave us a note on what you think about having Elvin's POV. If you don't like it, just tell us and we'll never do it again. Pinky Swear.

Much luff floating all around,

YT and KX <3

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