The Power Within

By amandayez

267 13 9

A story about witches and a family secret More

The Power Within (1)
Peeping (2)
Never seen (3)
Where Is Amy!!? (4)
Dreams (5)
(Harper's POV) (6)
Secrets don't always stay as secrets. (7)

The Hand print and Tattered Curtains (8)

15 1 0
By amandayez

Hey guys, I know, I know, its been a while since I've updated but its all good now.  If you guys really want to thank someone for this update thank @Belieber_Bixch.


(Harpers POV)    

     The words that my mother let flow out, terrified me.  Who was she talking about, who's the girl?  Why does she want revenge on us?!  I grab a hold of mother's left shoulder and yank her towards me.  I look at her eyes;  I see secrets that were meant to be kept away.  Locked away from the public, in a dark cold cell, left to suffer; now free to wonder. 

     "Mother?..... who's really Amy? "

     "Harper, I really shouldn't be telling you this...." She turns away,  whimpering like a puppy, already forgetting her sudden outburst of horror.

     "Mom!.......who's Amy?!"  I freak out, tired of the secrets.






     "She's a Murderer!  She's a cold- blooded murderer!  You know now, you now know my haunting secret, that's been eating me alive since!"

     She talks softly,"....She....she killed everyone, every single last one.  She apologized but,....I feel like it was just revenge when she died...when she killed herself.

     "I, I just don't get how she could be so selfish!  To leave me and your father,  alone with such a huge traumitizing nightmare.  When I saw that picture, I just couldn't bare the fact that I'm actually alive; that in just a few hours, my bubbly, nerdy friend, me being her only friend and sister, has just......commited suicide.  Why?"  She explains her pain.

     Tears cascade down her red cheeks.  A tear stains my face.  I never knew someones life could be so jacked up.  To live with such a past.  If my mother was her only best friend, what was my father to her?  Amy's Boyfriend?  I hold her in my embrace.  Moments later I hear the front door close quietly and shoes clacking, running towards my mother and I. 

     "Emily, what happened?"  I could tell the identity of the person by the voice.  My father asked.

    She lets go of our hug and looks into my father's handsom eyes (as he brags).  She grabs his face and looks at it with sorrow and sympathy.

     "I told Harper."  With that,  my fathers eyes bulge.

     "Have you told Cale?" My mother shakes her head, telling him no.

     He observes her, then pecks her on her puffy cheeks.  He stands up and walks to Cales room.  Minutes later I hear yelling "what's and why's" coming from the room.  Staring at the door, Cale walks out seeming frustrated.  He walks toward mom and practically screams in her face.


     Caught in surprise, a brick colored hand print slowly appears on Cale's burning face.  No not burning from embarrassment,  but from anger.  He stomps out of the loft, and just leaves I assume.  I then see that my father was watching everything and ran after to Cale.

(Cale's POV)

I storm out of the loft, rubbing the hand print, wincing from the stinging pain.  I slam the door walking down the hallway to the elevator.  As walking,  the lights start to flicker, and I thought it was normal because the lights haven't been changed for a while.   I keep walking.  The sting starts lifting off, and I keep walking.  Suddenly the lights flicker even faster.  Now this is just a bit odd.  When I reach the door, I was going to hit the 'open door' button but I heard my name being called in the distance, I recognized it as my father.  I ignored every call.  I turn back around and right when I was about to hit the button, the door opens automatically and I see a girl in green clothing, all ripped up to shreds.

     "are,...are you okay? I ask.

     She keeps her head down and just stays silent.  I tried steeping on the elevator to see if she was alright, but she ultimately whipped her head up staring at me with...dark eyes.  She looked terrified but yet she grined a devious grin.  I started stepping back and when I took my second step she opens her mouth and a load amount of green and blue, torn, butterflies fly out of her mouth.  I turn around and start running back to my loft.  While running, I feel as if im being lifted up into the air.  I scream out of horror as they surrounded me and began whirling around my body.  They were forming a tornado.  I try to kick and fight but I didn't know how to fight things as small as they are.

    They twirl me around, their wings changing darker than they were.  I feel like I going to vomit and try to hold it in.  I then again hear my father calling me out, I reply this time.

     "Dad! Dad!  I need help!"I yelp.

I see the walls turning but I see a manly figure running down the hallway.  My father, but I also see the supernatural girl smiling evilly.  My father runs faster when I think he notices her and reaches his hand out so I cound grab on.  I tried stretching my hand out but I couldn't.  The butterflies have now turned black and into two big black moths, big enough to wrap my body up like a cocoon.  My breathing gets thinner, and I get light headed.  My father just could not reach me in time.  Although I now see all of my family now trying to save me, they just couldn't beat the vilian.  The moths gobble me up with their wings and I feel like im trapped in an air tight, dark place.  The floor boards black and dusty, red tattered curtains and a rotting, death stench.  I turn over the corner  and I see soo many dead bodies rotting with utensils stuck in them.  Skin dry and chipping off.  I finally blow up chunks.  I wipe the spit on my mouth and vomit even more.

      Pretty sure I was done with  that I turn around but found a mesmerizing women standing in front of me.  I stay still and silent.  She tugs on her lip but smiles evilly.  She opens her mouth, but speaks through her teeth.

     "Oooh.....Amy's not gonna like that."

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