Eternal love, Princess of Ash...

By Leoscrush1204

623K 12.4K 1K

"Oh my what a happy coincidence!!" He cheers looking back at Alec as I slip my hand out of his and step back... More

Guess Im it?
Not a horrible😐
(New story)THE STORM
Authors note


8.9K 184 6
By Leoscrush1204

(Book two.)
🖋= heavily re-edit


Anastasia has always fought to keep her family safe. She's put others before herself  for over 200 years and never worrying about the consequences. However when her love for a certain red eyed raven haired boy causes a rift in her family her world crumbles around her. Heartbreaking betrayal and backstabbing events break the young Cullen down. But when she rises from the ashes she's never felt more powerful. With a new enemy marching forward and secrets being uncovered Anastasia must work harder to protect the things she love. And if it means her death so be it.


" Choosing love over family is one of the hardest things a person will ever have to do."


    They say death isn't the end. All religions have a different story to soothe their followers. Either it be pearly white gates or a dark underworld that awaits them. But as long as people have reassurance that they are going somewhere it brings peace to their soul.
       But what about those that have cheated death. For death doesn't great me kindly as he remembers my face. Almost like I dinged and ditched him. It's sounds more funny then it is.
       I don't remember what it felt like to die. It was more like falling asleep slowly then all at once. When I woke up I was sitting in nothing as everything that surrounded me was darkness. " Anastasia..." Opening my eyes slowly I peered out into the darkness the call of my name sounding familiar. " Please Anastasia don't leave.." Slowly but surely I began to move towards the source of the call.
     " Anastasia.." My eyes widen as a small light source flickered up ahead. " She's gone because of you!" I flinch back at the shrill voice but the light only grows stronger. " This never would have happened if she hadn't come." Reaching a hand out I cup the ball of light in my palm. " I love you I'm sorry." Something in the last voice snapped me ' Alec!' I screamed in pain as the light began to grow brighter and hotter in my palm but I couldn't let go. Not now. They need me.
                            I needed them.
   Sitting up with a groan I grip my head between my hands and try to stop the throbbing headache that has cursed me. Then all at once realization hits me trailing a hand down to my stomach I press my palm firmly to the wound. Hissing slightly from the pain I curl my fingers around the edge of my shirt and lift it up enough to see my wound.
     The hole is significantly smaller  from the time I was stabbed, but cracks litter the area around it making the pain very prominent. " Anastasia?!" Looking up I smile softly at my sister as Alice stares at me in shock. " Hey Alice." She sobs softly and raced to my side pulling me into a hug. Wrapping a arm around her I hold on tightly and sigh deeply. I was alive.
   " Thank goodness you're ok." She sighs softly pulling away from the hug to look me in the eyes. "  we we-....what happened to your eyes." Slowly I looked over to  the vanity mirror that sat a few feet away from me and flinched. My once honey colored eyes were now crimson red. I open my mouth to speak but she stiffens and I watch as she has a vision. Looking into her mind I stare in shock.
" She's gone...I can't hear her thoughts anymore.." Edward falls onto the ground shaking and Bella covers her mouth sobs racking her body.
   Dylan punches a wall and Jason clenched his fists in anger. Malia screams in agony falling to her knees causing Hope to fall with her and hold her to her chest.
    " No she can't be dead!" Rose screams before rounding on the silent pair who stood shocked. Jane's eyes where wide but her face remained neutral. Alec's eyes blackened and he looked on the verge of ripping someone apart. " This is your fault!!" Rose screamed loudly stepping towards the twins causing Jane to glare harshly at her and step forward.
    " If Anastasia would have never met you she would still be here!! She never deserved your mind and heart torture!" Rose falls onto her knees Emmett cradling her to his chest as she sobs. Alec speeds out of the room his sister chasing after him but not before throwing the blonde Cullen a glare of promised torture.
    " I wish to end my misery..."
  Gasping I stand up abruptly ignoring my bodies protests. " Ana-" Shoving past my sister I rush out of the room my sock covered feet barely having time to touch the ground as I speed through the hallways. 
   Coming to a halt in front of the throne room some guards look at me with wide eyes as I throw the doors open. " Please masters he doesn't know what he's doing! Please make him see reason his mate has just pas-" The blonde girl stops mid sentence and slowly turns to look into my eyes.
   " Anastasia..." Looking around frantically I try and search for the one pair of blood red eyes I find comfort in. " Where is he!" I growl softly scared and frustrated. Jane races to my side and grabs my hand yanking me out of the room and down the hall.
   " I tried to stop him! He won't see reason, and the masters can't stop him." She frantically explains to me and a heavy pit sits in my stomach. " He's going to expose himself."
    Turning the corner I see up ahead the faint outline of my mate. The gate is open and the people of Volturra are bustling around the sun shining brightly above them. He unbuttons his pea coat and drops it to the ground. As he begins to pull off his undershirt fear consumes me and I leave Jane behind.
   " Alec!" I yell pushing my screaming body to go faster. As he goes to step out I grab his arm and yank him back slamming the door shut with my mind. He tries to fight me but I slam the boy into the wall and rest my head against his shoulder.
   " Damn you.." I growl looking up at him and watching as his dead eyes slowly widen at the sight of me. " Damn you to Hell Alec Volturi!" I scream at him before slamming my lips onto his. He body immediately reacts to me and he kisses me back just as strongly. His arms wrap around my body pulling as close as possible to him.
    Parting from him I rest my forehead against his breathing deeply. " Don't every do something stupid like that again ." I growl opening my eyes to stare into his. He raises his hand and cups my cheek tracing his thumb under my eye. " You're alive..."
    Pulling me into his body he wraps his arms tightly around me one hand buried in my hair the other holding me to him. His scent of pine needles and old books soothes all my fears and pain. 
   " Anastasia!!" Hands wrap around my waist and yank me back causing me to hiss in pain. The feeling of my mate gone and replaced with the very present stab wound. " Emmett, Jason..c-" Carlisle steps forward about to get my older brother and old friend off me as he can clearly see I'm in pain. But my mate is quicker.
   Alec shoves Emmett and Jason  into the wall before wrapping a protective arm around my waist and holding me gently. " You're hurting her." He growls loudly clear mist gathering around his palm his sister coming to stand beside him.
" Alec. Jane." Looking up I watch with slight relief as Felix walks up to us possibly stopping a battle between the Cullen's and the Volturi.
" The masters wish to see all of you. Immediately."
'Thank goodness.' I smile slightly at Aros thoughts when he sees Alec alive and without treason. But they quickly disappear as the rest of the family files in.
" Carlisle I cannot thank you enough for letting Anastasia come to our aid. The hellhound is dead and the banshee is no longer a problem. But there are other matters at hand my dear friend." Aro stands and walks towards us making my family tense.
" Anastasia, Your eyes are now much like Alec's and mine though I assume you haven't fed. Would you mind showing me your after Journey?" He hold out his hand and I feel my family step forward slightly.
" Of course." I say simply walking to him and placing my hand in his gently. He gets a distant look and I flinch slightly as we get to the darkness I was dropped in. " Exellento." He whispers pulling his hand back and smiling at me which I give him a small one in return." I commend you Anastasia your gifts have more potential then expected. Now I would like to discuss something in private."
My family mentality protest loudly but I look up at Aro and nod. " Carlisle as the covenant leader you may stay but the rest of you are dismissed. Alec,Jane you have duties to attend to." Alec hesitates looking into my eyes for reassurance that I would be fine. ' I'm not going anywhere.' He nods slowly before leaving with his sister.
My family hesitates but when dad walks forward to stand beside me that slowly start to walk out escorted by three guards, " Carlisle as you know when a mate is found they join either covenant,but I must lay down this. I will fight to keep Alec." My eyes widen at the bluntness of Aros words his brother's nodding in agreement.
" I completely understand and I will do the same for Anastasia." My eyes harden and glare slightly at my father. ' I'm not an object.' " Then we are at a very sad predicament." Aro sighs softly rubbing his temple. " No. I am taking Anastasia make home where she is safe." Carlisle said slowly almost as speaking to a child and I turned my head sharply to look at him.
" No." I whispered causing the two men to look at me as I had stayed silent through the exchange. " Carlisle you can't just take me away from him. You know damn well what it did to me the first time. What's stopping it from happening now." I growled surprising him but Aros lips hold a ghost of a smile.
" Anastasia is right Carlisle with her powers now growing rapidly we can not guarantee The safety of the people around her."
Nodding in agreement with Aro I watch as anger clouds my fathers judgment. " This isn't a choice Anastasia. We leave in an hour." I watch as he storms out of the throne room like a child I clench my fists.
" He won't let you come back Anastasia. This incident has left a rotten taste in his mouth." Aro sighs making me laugh bitterly. " His Pride always did cloud his judgement at times." I growl softly anger biting at me. Bowing slightly I quickly exited out of the throne room ready for the scream battle that was sure to come.
" I wish we could do something for the young ones.." Marcus sighs sadly but Ciaus suddenly smirks sitting up. " We can't but Alec can..."

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