The Secret Love: A Cedric Dig...

By Lizzie_Lolly45

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"I like you. It's doesn't feel like its nothing anymore." He said to the young brown hair caramel eyed girl i... More

Chapter 1: Quiditch World Cup
Chapter 2: Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 3: Plan of Action
Chapter 4: Plans to be Successful
Chapter 5: 4 Champions
Chapter 6: Midnight Note
Chapter 7: First Task and Revealing Stories
Chapter 8: Newspaper Relationships
Chapter 9: I'm Always There For You
Chapter 10: Date Drama
Chapter 11: Yule Ball
Chapter 12: Love Rebels
Chapter 13: It's Our Secert
Chapter 14: The Second Task to Love
Chapter 15: All I want is You
Chapter 16: Tell The Truth The Hard Way
Chapter 17: The Truth and a Hogsmade Day
Chapter 18: Wanting More
Chapter 19: Conflict with Girls
Chapter 20: What's Stopping Us?
Chapter 21: Before The Storm
Chapter 22: The Third Task
Chapter 23/Ending 1: The Hurricane Hit
Chapter 24/Ending 2: The Rolling Black Clouds Hit
Chapter 26/Final Ending pt. 2: Cedmione Forever<3
Final Author's Note/The End

Chapter 25/The Final Ending: The Sun Comes Out

2.2K 38 12
By Lizzie_Lolly45

A/N: Hello! There's one more chapter after this! Look at me posting a lot. Enjoy:-)

"Do you think they'll be out soon?" Hermione asked Ron.

"They should both be back. He would want to see you again."

"Yeah. Wait! I thought you didn't care for Pretty Boy Diggory."

"After the Yule Ball, I accepted you two. Besides, Ginny told me about you two more in depth."

"Yes...wait what!"

"Ginny told me voluntarily after the Yule Ball that night."

"So, you don't care anymore?"

"I do care but I don't hate it."

"Thanks Ron!"

The Cup took Cedric and Harry to a graveyard known as Little Hangleton Graveyard. Both Cedric and Harry felt as if they were thrown onto the hard ground. The cup bounced away.

"You alright?" Cedric asked and got up.

"Yeah." Harry replied.

"Where are we?" Cedric asked no one and started looking for the Cup. He found the Cup. "Harry the Cup is a portkey!" Cedric exclaimed.

"Cedric, we have to get out of here!"

"What are you talking about?"

A man came in the presence of the two holding what looked like a dead skinless snake man.

Cedric stood his ground wand drawn towards them. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"Disarm the spare." Pettigrew heard from his master.

"Expelliarmus!" Pettigrew said and Cedric lost grip of his wand which flew far near the Cup.

Cedric witnessed the Dark Lord return in front of him. The point was, no one was paying attention to him. Quickly and quietly, he got himself near the Cup and found his wand a couple feet away from the Cup. Harry caught a glimpse of Cedric near the Cup. When it thought it was safe, he ran to the cup and Cedric and Harry left the graveyard but the Dark Lord returned.

Cedric and Harry both returned back to the crowd of people cheering for them. Both together they had the Cup.

"The Dark Lord is at large!" Harry yelled after a minute of them cheering.

"It's true!" Cedric supported him. "He's really at large."

Dumbledore quickly approached the two and quietly told them, "I believe you two but for the sake of it, you two will have to tell me later."

"Yes Professor." Cedric replied.

"Yes sir." Harry responded.

In the hospital wing, Champions were getting some cuts healed, parents were there for their champions, staff was helping and students filled up the whole place. Cedric and Hermione were together like always.

"Cedric, I thought you would be dead." Hermione said to him.

"Why would I die?" He questioned.

"I really don't know but I thought you would have died in there. You got so many cuts and bruises from the maze."

"Yeah, a hedge is actually more painful than it seemed." They both laughed after that.

"I can't wait for you to come Hermione." Cedric said.

"I can't wait either. First week after school ended right?"

"Right. For two weeks. Then I'll be at your house for two weeks."

"I can't wait!"

The next day, all the champions were released from the hospital wing. Cedric and Harry both made a compromise for the winnings. Even though they both wanted each other to take everything. Cedric took the Cup and Harry took the money. The last day of school went by fast. Beauxbatons and Drumstangs were leaving Hogwarts. Friends will be remembered and people will remember each other forever.

A week later Hermione was almost ready to see where Cedric lives. She couldn't wait for the seven days of summer to go by to see him. They only wrote to each other about 4 times already.

   "Hermione, almost ready?" Her mother asked her.

   "Coming Mom." Hermione responded.

   Hermione added a couple more outfits in. She took her bags downstairs in the front room.

   "You ready Hermione?" Her mother asked her.


   "Did you pack everything?"

   "Yeah. I got everything I needed."


   Hermione's mother drove her to his place.

   "I'll be back in two weeks. I love you Hermione." Her mother said. "Have fun and write to us."

   "Bye Mom." Hermione said as she exit the car. Walking up to the front door. She didn't know how wizards and witches enter a house really. Usually Molly would let you enter into the burrow anytime but this family may not be the same. She knocked the door to be safe.

   "Ced!" Her mother yelled upstairs to him. "Ced should Hermione be here at this time?" She waited for a second but no response. "Ced! Oh good gravy." She said to herself as she opened the door. "Hermione! Great to see you."

   "Hello Mrs. Diggory." Hermione said.

   "Hermione you can put your stuff down here. Cedric should be down here soon."

   "Where's his room?"

   "The last room on your left which might explain why he can't hear me. I don't know why he's not down here. He can help you bring your bags up."

"It's ok, I got it."

"You sure?"


Hermione brought her bags up the steps. Walking down the hallway seeing the windowsill on the other end of the hallway. She walked all the way down to see a partly open door. She didn't know why she did but she knocked on the door.

"Come in." She heard Cedric say from inside.

She walked in and Cedric saw her enter the room.

"Hey." Hermione awkwardly said.

"Hermione." Cedric said. "So? What do you think of my place?"

"It's beautiful!" Hermione exclaimed. "Where would I be sleeping at?"

"The door across from me is the bathroom. The room to the right is the guest bedroom." Cedric said. "Want any help?"

"Yes please."

Cedric showed her the guest bedroom. It was a room with wooden drawers, a windowsill and and double bed. The sheets being white. Hermione unpacked everything with Cedric sitting on the windowsill.

"So how's Lukas and Lynzie doing?" Hermione asked.

"They are doing great. I think Lukas and your friend Ginny have been fangirling or fanboying over us forever. They call us Cedmione but I don't get it."

"I'm glad I'm the only one with weird friends."

"Oh trust me, Lukas is the most weird out of them all. I think Ginny and Lukas have been writing about us to each other."

"Ginny is probably the same on weird level. She's still a good person."

"Yeah Lukas is a good person too. I meant he's a little weird but he's my friend."

"Yeah." Hermione said as she put her last shirt in the drawer. "Where's your father?" She asked as she sat next to Cedric in the windowsill.

   "He comes home right before dinner. Usually dinner at 18:00 because he's home at that time."

"Should we go downstairs now? We have 10 minutes till 18:00 and I'm starving."

"Yeah we should. My mother makes awesome food. I'm not just saying that to make you get excited. I really mean it. Which might explain why Lukas comes over a lot."

"He comes to your house for the heck of it?"

"Well, usually around this time, a girl would have dumped him."

Hermione's eyes widen a ton after he told her that. "Lukas? Dumped?"

"Well once the girls actually meet him, they say he's "clingy" which I don't get it."

"How many girlfriends has he had?"

"5 before Lynzie. All Ravenclaws. Even Lynzie. At least she didn't dump him yet. Now we wait to see if she can continue to love him for a full year."

"What's the longest?"

"A whole school year. It was with Katrina Pam, 6th Year Ravenclaw, awesome at charms."

"Well wouldn't anyone want to date him for longer than a year?"

"So what I'm getting would date him?" He questioned.

"What?!" She exclaimed. "I would want to date you. Wait...I am dating you. No I'm not, I'm your girlfriend."

"You sure?" He asked jokingly.

"Cedric, I am yours. I love you. I'll always love you."

"Prove it." He said with a smirk following that.

"What do you want me to do?" She exclaimed.

"What do you think we would do? What would I do? What would you want to do? What would I need to do to do?" He said as he stood up in front of her slowly wrapping his arm around her waist.

"I don't know!" She exclaimed. "You're interesting and lovable which is why I..." she tried to say but was interrupted from a kiss. Hermione soon became fully relaxed and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down closer to her reach.

   "Ced! Hermione! Dinner is ready." They heard Mrs. Diggory yelled from downstairs.

   They both tore away from each other and looked at each other.

   "Cedmione?" Cedric said breaking the silence. "I never got it."

   "I never did either."

   The both laughed a bit and started heading down stairs to the kitchen following the smell of chicken.

   "Hello." Hermione said.

   "Hello mother." Cedric said.

   "Hello Ced And Hermione. Did you get settled in Hermione?" Mrs. Diggory asked.

   "Yes I did. It's a nice room." Hermione replied and sat down with Cedric following her sitting next to her.

   Cedric's father enter the kitchen from the garage.

   "I thought you guys apparate?" Hermione commented.

   "We do." Cedric responded. "He just does it in the garage. No one can see you in there. Also there's nothing in there so what matters?"


   "It's bare and we don't open the door. Surprisingly no one questions."

   "Well then." Hermione said as she started eating her chicken. "Ron loves chicken."

   "Lukas does too." Cedric commented. "He's going to be here very soon." Then he started eating on his chicken too.

   "How soon?" She asked right before everyone heard a knock on the door.

   "About now." Cedric said.

   "I'll get it!" Mr. Diggory exclaimed as he walked to the door.

   "Is that's why there's 5 chairs?" Hermione asked.

   "Yep. He wasn't  supposed to come this week but nope he said he's coming. Even though I told him you would be here. He will be here next week."

   "Great." Hermione said as she continued eating.

Lukas quickly came in and sat down and quickly started eating. He soon saw that Hermione was at the table also.

"I thought she was going too come next week?" Lukas whispered to Cedric.

   "That's Lynzie for you." Cedric replied.

   "Are we going to talk to Hermione or are we gonna to actually talk to her?" Cedric's father questioned as he sat down and started cutting his chicken.

   A minute of silence was in the room before Lukas broke the silence. "So Hermione, how's your day?"

   "Well...I'm here. Does that count?" Hermione replied.

   "It counts." Both Cedric and Lukas said at the same time.

   "So what do your parents do?" Mrs. Diggory asked as she started eating her corn.

   "My parents are dentists." Hermione said. Everyone just froze and looked at her like she was a strange creature. "They mend humans teeth." Hermione continued hoping that would help out.

   "How did I not know this?" Cedric questioned no one.

   "I thought my parents had a dangerous profession." Lukas commented.

   "It's not dangerous!" Hermione exclaimed. "Well except two times one boy bit my father. He had to have 3 stitches both times. It was great."

   "Ok I need to say this!" Lukas exclaimed. "I have never ate with someone that's a Muggle-born before. I'm so sorry but I haven't and...what's a dentist?"

   "Ok I need to go to the bathroom. Where is it?" Hermione asked.

   "It's upstairs on your first right. The one downstairs will take you to the Ministry." Mrs. Diggory answered the question.

   Hermione slowly got up and quickly ran upstairs.

   "Great Meizer, you scared another one." Cedric commented. "Kinda like when Lynzie scared you."

   "Hey!" Lukas exclaimed.

   "Boys!" Mrs. Diggory exclaimed. "Do we need to lose another girl?" She asked.

   "No." They both said at the same time.

   "I'm going to see if she's alright." Cedric said and then stood up after that. "Mother, thank you for the yummy meal of chicken, corn and potatoes. Excuse me please." Cedric said and basically ran out and up the stairs.

   "Lukas...are you gonna go somewhere?" Mr. Diggory asked.

   "Yes!" Lukas said with pride. "I'm gonna finish this piece of chicken..." he said and ate the chicken. "And I'm going upstairs." He finished and walked out to go upstairs.

   "Should we have told him we meant back home?" Mr. Diggory asked his wife.

   "As long as no one gets killed." Mrs. Diggory commented.

    Lukas came up the steps seeing Cedric sitting in the windowsill on the other end of the hallway. Assuming Hermione was still in the bathroom he went to his friend.

   "Hey Ced." Lukas said once he was in reach of him. "Sorry about...that."

   "It's ok Lu. I know you didn't mean it." Cedric replied. "I think Hermione should be fine."

   "Hey guys." Hermione said in front of them. "Am I that quiet that you guys didn't hear me exit the bathroom?"

   "No your not." They both said at the same time.

   "Ok, don't do that again." Hermione asked. "You guys are acting like siblings. Worst part is you may act like twins."

   "How are we like twins?" Lukas asked.

  " guys are the same height." Hermione commented.

   "Cedric is two inches taller than me." Lukas replied.

   "You guys are on the Quidditch team." Hermione added.

   "Cedric's a Seeker and I'm a Chaser. I mean there's obviously a difference." Lukas added.

   "Cedric why are you being so quiet?" Hermione asked.

   "The last time I had this conversation, Lukas lost Allison." Cedric replied.

   "What?!" Hermione questioned.

   "I'll tell her Ced." Lukas said. "I said Ced was hotter than me and Allison and I soon disagreed about it."

   Cedric and Hermione just questioned him.

   "I thought Allison broke up with you because you weren't "romantic" enough. Or was that Katrina?" Cedric asked.

   "Just Katrina. I lied about Allison because the story is weird." Lukas said.

   "Ok then." Hermione said. "Have a nice talk." She said as she entered her room.

   Once she closed the door, Lukas told Cedric, "Take her out."


   "Soon, she's going to want a better impression about you outside of school now wouldn't she?"

   "She would." Cedric said as he started thinking. "I've got an idea."

   "Is it good?"

   "If she doesn't like it, then you can kiss Cedmione goodbye."

A/N: There is going to be one more part! I promise! I'm just having so much fun! It's hard to imagine not writing this fan fic anymore. Hope you enjoy:-)

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