The Secret Love: A Cedric Dig...

By Lizzie_Lolly45

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"I like you. It's doesn't feel like its nothing anymore." He said to the young brown hair caramel eyed girl i... More

Chapter 1: Quiditch World Cup
Chapter 2: Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 3: Plan of Action
Chapter 4: Plans to be Successful
Chapter 5: 4 Champions
Chapter 6: Midnight Note
Chapter 7: First Task and Revealing Stories
Chapter 8: Newspaper Relationships
Chapter 9: I'm Always There For You
Chapter 10: Date Drama
Chapter 11: Yule Ball
Chapter 12: Love Rebels
Chapter 13: It's Our Secert
Chapter 14: The Second Task to Love
Chapter 15: All I want is You
Chapter 16: Tell The Truth The Hard Way
Chapter 17: The Truth and a Hogsmade Day
Chapter 18: Wanting More
Chapter 19: Conflict with Girls
Chapter 20: What's Stopping Us?
Chapter 21: Before The Storm
Chapter 22: The Third Task
Chapter 23/Ending 1: The Hurricane Hit
Chapter 25/The Final Ending: The Sun Comes Out
Chapter 26/Final Ending pt. 2: Cedmione Forever<3
Final Author's Note/The End

Chapter 24/Ending 2: The Rolling Black Clouds Hit

2.2K 36 26
By Lizzie_Lolly45

A/N: So the beginning of this chapter starts when Cedric and Harry are the last two in the maze. This is kind of a spin-off on CC but in my own twist. Just read it and hate me after 😂 So seriously please enjoy:-) Fair warning this chapter is long! I wanted to add one thing extra and it's a long timeline and yeah. Have fun:-)
Fun Fact: The pic for chapter 20-24 are actually song lyrics from the same song? What song is it and what movie is it from?

   The maze was closing in more and more as Cedric and Harry were trying to find the Cup. The attack on Cedric really did annoy him. Why would someone try to destroy him? He was still in the process of tying to find the Cup. He saw tow shadow figures down one lane of the maze. He ran towards them with his wand at ready.

   "Who are you two?" He asked as he pointed his wand at them both. It was hard to see who they were. They were shorter than him. More like Harry's age. "Are you part of the maze."

   "Cedric I'm so sorry but I must." One shadow figure said then he shoved Cedric into the hedge. He went back to the entrance of the maze.

   "Well was that what you wanted?" One shadow figure yelled from above.

   "Potter, Malfoy, lets go home." The one floating figure said above the two.

   Hermione saw Cedric return to the beginning. Soon after, she saw Harry return with the Cup.

   "He's back!" Harry yelled right away. Cedric saw him with the Cup next to him.

   Later that day in the hospital wing, Hermione was sitting with Cedric as he was healing from the scars that he got from the maze.

   "Cedric, you did it." Hermione said. "You got out of the maze and lived. Like you said you would." She said as she placed her hand on his hand.

   He stared at his girlfriend and didn't respond.

   "Come on Cedric." Hermione said hoping she would change something. "You did it and isn't that what matters."

   "That's helps Hermione. Thank you." He said as he kissed her forehead.

   "I knew you would make it. I got worried for you there."

   "I would die to save you. I love you."

   "I love you too."

   The last day of school rolled quickly around. Cedric and Hermione said their goodbyes before going to see their friends.

   "I hope I'll see you soon" Cedric said. "Goodbye Hermione."

   "Goodbye Cedric."

   Cedric went with Lukas, Carson and Max while Hermione went with Harry and Ron. They went on their own ways home. Little did they know when they would see each other again.

The summer went by. Hermione got no word from Cedric even though she wrote to him a lot. Even Ron replied to a letter or two. She decided to go visit his place. It would be a surprise but she hoped someone would be home when she went. Her mom took her to neighborhood where he lived and she found his house. His house was as simple as her house. Most of the houses looked plain. He told her he lived in a Wizarding neighborhood. She walked up to the front door and knocked on it a few times. After 10 seconds, the door slowly opened half way.

"Who are you?" The woman asked.

"I'm Hermione Granger." She replied.

She opened the door wider. "Why are you here?" She asked.

"I'm here because...I was your son's girlfriend." Hermione said hoping she recognized who she was.

A moment of silence fell through the minute.

"Come in." She said breaking the awkward silence.

The woman brought Hermione into the family room. It was dull and barely any pictures anywhere. There were only two couches near a fire pit and a small rounded coffee table with a tea set for three. Hermione sat down slowly. The tone of the room made no sense. The woman sat on the other couch facing Hermione.

"Are you Cedric's mother?" Hermione asked to break the silence.

"Yes I am." She quietly replied.

"Ok I was making sure he was really your son. Where has he been?"

"Do you really want to know?" She asked slowly and intense.

"Yes." Hermione said.

"He left in the beginning of July. The 6th Of July to be exact." She slowly said. "He said he would visit Lukas but he never returned. Lukas hasn't seen him at all since school ended. He said Carson and Max didn't see him either."

"Where do you think he went?"

"I don't know." She said slow and cold. She pulled out a sheet of folded paper. "Read this."

Hermione took the note and opened it

Some days are better than others
Some people are never forgotten
Some people are lost in the world
Some people have two sides
Some people choose the light side
Some people choose the dark side
Some people switch sides
The light has burned out
And so have I

Hermione finished and looked at Mrs. Diggory. The woman who was bright and warm when she first met her was now dark and cold.

"What happened to your husband?" Hermione asked.

"He went to find Cedric." She slowly responded. "Everyday, I've waited for him to return with my son. My only child. My only child I can ever have."

"Have you got any owls from him?"

"No. The house has been dark ever since Cedric left."

"I'm sorry for you."

"How long will you be here?"

"As long as I can. Well until I have to get next year's stuff."

"Will you stay for the night?"

"Of course I will. I will just have to write to my parents about it."

"You can go up into Cedric's bedroom for paper and ink if you need it. It's been full for a while now."

"Thanks." Hermione said as she stood up. "Where is his room?"

"Go up the stairs down the hallway. Last door on your left. The bathroom is just across his room if you need it."

Hermione left the living to the stairs in the front. As she walked up the stairs, she noticed it was all bland. All cold and sad in the house. The steps creaked every step she took. The floors boards were wood upstairs. Each creak freaked her out even more. She walked down the dark misty hallway to his room. The door was shut. She slowly twisted the door nob and opened it slowly not knowing what to expect. His room was unlike the rest of the house. However, it did have about 10 boxes on the floor. Other than that, there was a twin bed next to a bedside table, a wooden desk, wooden drawers and a closet with wooden doors.

"I guess they like wooden stuff." Hermione said to herself.

She entered the room fully to see paper and ink on the desk. She started writing to parents. 5 minutes quickly went by. The quiet room made it easy to write in. She looked around in the boxes. Not that she was a snoop or anything but she was just curious. She opened a box that was partly opened. She pushed down the flaps to fully see what was inside. She looked to see frames pictures inside. She sat down and slowly picked the first one up. The one she had was holding was a picture of him when he was very young. The 9th of September in 1982 it said. Cedric would have been 5.

"Hermione?" Mrs. Diggory asked all o a sudden from the door which made Hermione jump.

"I'm sorry." She quickly replied as she placed it back in the box.

"Go ahead." She said to Hermione.

"Really?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, I wanted you to see this."

Hermione took out all of the frames in the box. She noticed one thing, they all had Cedric in then.

"Wait, why do you have these in here?"

"When Cedric didn't return after three weeks and we got no word from Lukas, Max and Carson, we put everything that contained Cedric into his room. When he returned, we wanted him to see everything. We wanted him the see the memories of us and achievements he made. He beat himself up on loosing against Harry. Literally and emotionally."


The next year, Hermione didn't see Cedric at all. No one did. Umbridge made the year ten times worse. The mystery of where Cedric Diggory was a thing for a very long time.

In Hermione's sixth year, she found out that Mr. Diggory was found, alive but went to St. Mungo's. He was found with many cuts on him. He eventually healed from the cuts at the end of the year.

The "final" year for Hermione, she went to fin horcruxes with Harry and Ron. Going back to Hogwarts was awkward but it felt good. The Battle Of Hogwarts came around. The war between good and evil was at large. Hermione went down to the old dungeons to see if anyone else was down there, dead or alive. She went down to one of the old classrooms that was surprisingly still alive. She walked in half way before she heard the door shut behind her. She looked behind to see Cedric! Only his eyes were bright green and not dark gray.

"Cedric!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing here."

"I'm here to eliminate you." He said dark and cold.


"Cause if I don't, he'll kills me."

Hermione saw his left arm. The Dark Mark was on him. The green eyes told her that he wasn't normal. He assumed he was under some permanent spell. She read that some spells need true love to break them free. With confidence and determination, Hermione walked straight towards him shoving his arm down that held his wand and kissed him hard and deep. Cedric was surprised but then dropped his wand and responded to her kiss. The more their lips were connected, the more passionate the kisses were. Hermione pulled back to tear the kiss.

   "Remember me?" Hermione asked.


   Hermione nodded in response.

   "Ok where have I been?" He asked so confused.

   "We're in the dungeons."

   "Why are we here?"

   "You were about to kill me?"

   "Why would I kill you?"

   "Hogwarts is under attack."

   "Still, why would I kill you?"

   Hermione showed the mark to him.

   "You're on the Dark Lord's side."


   "I don't know."

   "The last thing I truly remember was Mad Eye Moody was giving me a drink after the third task of the Triwizard Tournament."

   "It's 1997 right now. The 2nd of May year 1997."

   "Was I lost for that long?"

   "I'm afraid so. Your dad went to go look for you and was never seen for about a year. Found with many cuts and bruises and went to St. Mungo's. At the end of my sixth year, he was fully healed."

   Cedric couldn't response to what she said. They stood there together in silence. The door crashed opened all of a sudden with the Dark Lord and Peter Pettigrew. Hermione took a big step away from Cedric.

   "Diggory." The Dark Lord said cold and dark. "Why is she still alive."

   "Cause she is." Cedric replied trying to sound stern. "Why would I kill her?"

Pettigrew pointed his wand at Hermione and quickly killed her, "Avada Kedavra."

"No!" Cedric yelled.

"Good Pettigrew." The Dark Lord said coldly.

"Why did you do that?!" Cedric yelled.

"Well it was your duty to but...wait!" The Dark Lord picked up his left wrist to see the Dark Mark slowly fading away. "You couldn't kill her because she broke the spell on you. You successfully did you deed and killed Longbottom but Ms. Granger, you couldn't even hurt her even if you wanted to."

"I probably have but we loved each other enough to tell the difference between pain and pleasure." Cedric exclaimed.

Slowly his Dark Mark was no longer on his arm.

"Hmm...what to do with you now?" The Dark Lord said once the mark was gone from his arm. "Pretty Boy you were."

"Were?" Cedric questioned.

The Dark Lord shoved him back. "Kill the spare Pettigrew."

"Avada Kedavra!" Was the last words Cedric heard before Pettigrew killed him right there and then.

His body landed right near Hermione's. Their finger tips were lightly touching each other.

After the war where Harry died and soon resurrected from being half dead, their bodies were soon found. Ron Weasley and Lukas Meizer found them together. It took years for them to crack the reason why Cedric and Hermione died together and what happened to Cedric. Harry Potter became an Auror, Ron Weasley became an Auror too, Lukas Miezer became a journalist with Lynzie. Ron, Lukas and Lynzie went to spread out Harry's story including Cedric's and Hermione's. Their story was never forgotten the world. Some people say Cedmione would have ended out happily ever after and some believe it was one person. To this day, their story is forever a mystery.

A/N: NOW BEFORE YOU KILL ME! I wanted to do a Cursed Child ending. I personally like the Cursed Child I know some hate it. My favorite character is Delphini Diggory. I was originally just gonna have Hermione die but I killed Cedric to make it more of a mystery of what happened. You guys want a HAPPY ENDING! I'll give you a hint! The next ending also known as the final ending will be happy. I promise! It may be two parts but idk. I actually don't have school on Jan. 5th which is tomorrow but it depends on when you're reading this. I'm gonna try to post tomorrow! Ooo this girl is posting 3 days in a row maybe! Let me say, it was hard to kill Cedric then killing Cedric and Hermione. Thank you and good night! I hope someone at least enjoyed this.

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