Assassin's Love (Karma x OC...

By Otakugirls2931

1.5K 27 18

3 Girls were being experimented on, when finally a guy takes them In and trains them to be assassins. When th... More

Meet The AAT
Mizuki Time
Birthday Special


343 6 3
By Otakugirls2931

Backflash in the car

Our idea was flawless we go in introduce ourselves, shake hands..or umm tentacles then strike! Throw him out the window perk our ears. Our ears increase all of our senses and speed. Run around and make a sand shield, then attack his tentacles, then kill him, easy as pie!

Present time
"Let's do this." I whispered to Aki and Nami
Hi I'm Karin Karasuma and these are my sisters, Naomi the middle sister "I like to be called Nami" Nami said and bowed, and Akita. "just call me Aki" "don't let her fool you she may look cute, short and innocent but she's very violent!" "HEY! Did you just call me short!!!" I giggled at her cuteness

But only in my head

Nami POV
"Hi so where's your teacher?" I asked innocently "Right here miss Karasuma." A yellow octopus with a large smile plastered on his face with a robe and little matching hat. "Hi I'm Nami, This is Aki and Rin" I stuck my hand out to shake, he then reached his tentacle out... I quickly took it and whipped him out the window.

Damn Nami! That was a hell of a throw! Me and Rin super jumped out of the classroom into the yard. I saw eyes staring at our attempts to kill him...Our teacher. We then perked our ears showing my black wolf ears I started to run around him,then Nami's cream fox ears perked out and joined me,then Rin perked her White cat ears, and whipped out her rubber knife and slice 1 after 1 of his tentacles off until they're only his arm and 4 other tentacles. Then out of nowhere he ran through us, with a huge gust of wind we fell backwards

I saw a gust of wind,and my 2 Sisters fell back just as I was about to jump back in. Then he was there 7 tentacles there, and 1 healing. "How the hell are you unharmed!!!!!" I yelled pissed at him.*hiss* my bloodlust is showing. But whatever I just want him dead now! My nails sharpened,and my eyes into cat eye slits, reducing sunlight for me to focus.

Nami POV
I saw Rin get into her bloodlust form, and so did Aki, she did a huge howl her eyes turned blood red. Purple and red tips appeared on her ears and tail. I changed into my bloodlust form my 1 tail into 9 tails.We did a super jumped, and just like that.... we all fell to the ground to exhausted to use anymore energy so we changed back and surrendered. Rin stood up and said "you won! This time" we all smiled after having such a fun battle,and tough opponent.

We walked into the classroom everyone just stared at us. "Okay Aki by Nagisa" Koro sensei said. A boy with blue pigtails held up his hand, she walked right over to him. "Naomi or I mean Nami by Terasaka" she sat by m Terasaka I feel bad for her. "Now Miss Rin, hmmm ohh, by Karma" the same boy from the forest raised his hand with a large smirk on his face. I walked to my seat and sat down. "What's up Princess kitty klutz" he whispered I tried not to blush but failed, a little pink burning my cheeks.

Nagisa looks so pretty, I wish I can be like her, good thing I'm sitting by a girl cause I just don't get along with boys. I look back to see Rin hiding her face from.....BLUSHING!!! "Ohh Rin has a crush" I cooed under my breath since we have good hearing she heard it and blushed even pinker then her hair. And what is Nami doing, oh daydreaming like the usual.

(Time Skip - Lunch Time)

Third Person POV
Aki, Nami And Rin were sitting enjoying lunch when Nakamura came up to us
"Can I sit here" said Nakamura pointing next to us.
"Sure" Rin replied smiling
"So~ who do you like so far" Rio ask smirking
"Um like as friends?" Asked Aki innocently
"Oh my, so innocent" said Rio
Rin then bursted out in laughter.
"She is certainly NOT innocent" said Rin
"What do you mean" Rio had a confused look
"Well, I mean if you consider shoving wasabi up people's noses or punching delinquent, boys or just random people who piss her off as innocent, then she might be"
"Haha, really she reminds me of someone" Nakamura replies "oh let me introduce you to the person you remind me of, follow me~" Nakamura states as she drags the three with her.

Nagisa POV
As usual me Karma, Okuda, Sugino and Kayano were sitting together and we couldn't help but overhear The new girls and Rio's conversation.
"Who knew she was violent" I said concerned about if I should stay away from her or get to know her.
"Well I didn't, I wonder if she's extremely violent like Karma or just mild and likes violence" Kayano said
"Heh~ shoving wasabi up people's noses huh, I think we would get along" replied Karma
"Um, I think I would stay away from her..." replied Okuda
"Yeah agreed" Sugino said while nodding
"Oh here they come" I said as I see Nakamura dragging them here.

As Nakamura was dragging us to meet people I couldn't help but think that there is someone similar to me I hope she's a girl cause I just F*CKING HATE BOYS.
"Ok let me introduce you, this girly boy with blue hair is Nagisa which I think you already know, this mischievous jerk is Karma, the green hair girl is Kayano, this baseball freak is Sugino and last but not least this is Okuda" said Nakamura
"Hey~ I'm not a jerk, I'm hurt" said the so called Karma
"H-Hi/Hello" said Kayano and Okuda
"Hi" replied Sugino
"Wait...SHE'S A BOY" I accidentally said interrupting him "oh sorry"
"Uh haha, it's ok I get a lot" the person who is known as Nagisa says nervously
"HAHAHAHAHA, wow you can't even get your genders straight, he's clearly a boy" said Rin laughing hysterically
"S-SHUT UP YOU JERK OF A SISTER" I said trying to punch her while blushing
"Haha, But hey this jerk is still taller than you, SHORTY" Rin said while blocking my punch, then patting me on the head
"HAHAHAHAHA, omg I know right she looks 3 feet tall, or even 2" said Nami
"YOU GO BACK TO DAYDREAMING!" I said blushing harder. While they were still laughing I punched Nami and Rin, but Rin block easily while Nami was knock out on the floor. One out one more to go, I then started rapidly punching Rin with no sense of aim, but hey who says I have to aim. She then start dodging easily and even blocking some. Sh*t, she went behind me and picked me up making me unable to punch her.

While I was laughing my heart out, holding my stomach cause it was hurting from laughing too much. I know her well so even though I was laughing I knew she was going to punch me soon and I called it. Good thing my reflexes are quick so I was able to block that I look to my left and see a knocked out Nami. Oh Daaaang! I look back to see a punch aiming at me...OH GOD CLOSE CALL *sigh* I dodged in time if I didn't I would be dead cat. I kept dodging and blocking her punches until I was getting tired. I have to think quick........ oh got it, I went behind her swiftly by jumping off a nearby desk and picking her up just in time for her to react. *sigh* I can finally relax.
"Hehehehe~ So what is rule number 22 of How to Live With Your Innocent, Nice, Kind, and Helpful Sisters" I said smirking
"Sure~ I'll like to see you try" I said as I placed her down and back away. I motioned my fingers in a come here motion mockingly. She came and tried punching me, I placed my right hand on her head and flip over head to the other side. I turned around saw that she cracked the wall.
"Wow you shouldn't really destroy this place" I said not impressed
"WELL IF YOU WOULD STAY STILL AND NOT MOVE I WOULDN'T HAVE BROKEN IT, NOW STAY LIKE THE GOOD GIRL YOU ARE AND DIEEE" she yelled as she turned into her wolf from AKA her Bloodlust from. Haha as if she can beat me. We then started to fight, I tried to kick her but she dodged and I ended up destroying the wall that was behind her. I looked at the clock and saw that we didn't have much time left. I then swiftly grab her head and pushed her to the floor resulting in cracking the floor. *sigh* Then the bell rang for class to start. I stood up and looked around and saw that most of the walls and floors have been destroyed. "Lol, oops" I said scratching the back of my head.

Nami POV
I just woke up from being knocked out and the first thing I see is destroyed walls and cracks on the floors. What happened here! *whoosh* I turned to see that Koro-Sensei has returned but as soon as he saw the back of the classroom (Aki knocked out, Rin acting as if nothing happened at all and destroyed floors and walls, yeah...) his face turned grey, then started to panic
"WHAT HAPPENED HERE, ARE YOU ALL ALRIGHT, DID SOMEONE BREAK IN......" he kept ranting on about nonsense. "Um Koro-Sensei Rin and Aki got into a fight" said Kayano nervously
"Ehehehehehe Gōmen Gōmen, But you'll forgive us right? I'll clean this after school today if that's what it takes for you to forgive us" Rin said while pulling out her knife. Oh so that what she's up to, I thought as I stood up and walk to my seat. Koro-Sensei then came up to her and patted her head and said
"What a nice child, yes this is how you're su-" He got cut off from Rin cutting off three tentacles. "Heh, as if but I would gladly help you-"
"Yes that would be nice" Koro-Sensei said regenerating his tentacles
"But I can't, I going to be busy fighting Aki at home in our training room, I would help but she will want a fight after this" she replied
"Um I wouldn't mind helping, I don't want be there when our house gets destroyed" I said

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" I yelled as I woke up
"Oh you're awake, we're going to be late for school" said Rin teasingly
"WAIT WE ARE" I yelled
"Ahahahahaha" she then started to laugh. I look around to see everyone's trying not to laugh
Then a tall boy started laughing mockingly and I punched him in the stomach directly towards the wall behind him with extreme force, but he stood up mad and was about to punch me when Rin blocked it for me, but she was 8 inches shorter.
"Hah as if you could hurt me shorty" said the boy
"Dang you don't have to be that mad, But Aki let your sister teach you how to properly scare someone, so they won't mess with you" she said turning to me then back to the boy looking mad.

This person trying to mock me, good thing I ask Karasuma for E-class files. Hmm this person is the so called Terasaka Ryōma.
"Dang you don't have to be that mad, But Aki let your sister teach you how to properly scare someone, so they won't mess with you" I said getting mad
Koro-Sensei then step in front of me
"Come on, class is starting please no more violence" he said
I glared at him "Move It" I said sternly. He was shocked and went back to his corner in darkness. Karasuma walked in and saw what was happening but didn't say anything.
"You think you can hurt me, try me b*tch" I said as I grabbed his collar lifted him up and then was about to punch him but Karasuma went in between us and blocked my punch sending him back a few inches.
"Rin" he said
"Ah Gōmen" I said feeling bad
"I have never seen you release your bloodlust so carelessly, you could have kill him with that punch" he said
"Gomen" I said looking down
"I not the one you should be apologizing to" he said as he knelt down and patted my head
"I know you're not violent so please say sorry" he said calmly
I walked up to Terasaka and bowed down "Gōmen"
"Hmm you should be" he replied looking away. I smiled at him knowing that he forgave me, making him blush a little. I walked up to Koro-Sensei a knelt down on the floor and bowed "Gōmen" I said firmly
"Ahhhhh Rin-San THE FLOOR IS DIRTY" he said panicking as he picked me up and put me in my seat. "Arigāto" I said smiling sweetly. Karasuma came to me and patted me on the head, I turn into my cat form and waved my tail happily, obviously enjoying it. His hand is so warm~
I soon realized he was gone but I felt a hand on my head still rubbing it, I turned to see Karma-San rubbing my head. I blushed but glared at him.
"Aww wouldn't you be happy if I rubbed your head as well" he said pouty mockingly
"N-No way, I-IDIOT" I said blushing
"Ehh~ what if I did this" he pulled me toward me and kissed my forehead, I then started to blush redder than his hair if that is even possible

Okuda POV
What i saw Karma-Kun do was horror. When Karma kissed her, I felt a pain in my chess, he's mine so please back off is what I wanted to say to her but I'm too scared. I wish I was like her able to expressing my feelings like that boldly.

As I got back to my seat Nagisa asked
"Hey you okay" He look so charming when he said that.. wait what am I thinking.
"Yeah I'm fine, oh and I haven't properly introduced myself yet did I. My name is Akita Karasuma, call me Aki"
"Nice to meet you, call me Nagisa as well"
"You have a scratch on your cheeks" he worried
"Nah it's just a scratch" I replied
"It still has a chance of getting infected, here" he said as he put a bandage on my cheeks. I blushed and said thank you.

Kayano POV
Back off, BACK OFF! He's mine! Come here Nagisa I'm hurt too, in my chest it hurts, put a bandage on my heart as well. Leave THAT B*TCH ALONE I KNOWN YOU LONGER.

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