The Alpha Wars ON HOLD

By moollyrose

32 2 0


The Alpha Wars

32 2 0
By moollyrose


My heart stammered in my chest violently as my name was yelled loudly across the silent pack meeting, all faces pale and narrowed eyes directly aimed at my shaking form.

"Skyla Lunette. Would you please make your way to the front." The Alpha Samson called again from the front, his hard voice ringing through my ears like a million alarm bells sounding at once, the sound was deafening, almost as deafening as the suffocating silence.

I managed to scuffle my feet awkwardly along the floor, my dull, lifeless eyes directed at the harsh shiny wooden floor as the rest of the hushed pack looked at me like I was already dead, like they were already mourning the loss of their 'precious' pack member.

I stumbled slightly as Alexus, the packs Queen Bee, stuck her long, thin leg out in front of mine, but thankfully being a wolf helped my coordination, slightly. I could feel my fists clench as she giggled innocently under the glare of the Alpha, pretending she was stretching the non-existent cramp in her leg, bitch.

Not that I'd ever call her that, I never had the guts, because I was Skyla Lunette, who puts up with shit because that's all that she's ever had to deal with. I felt my numb legs lead me up the towering high two steps to the small, rounded stage where the pickings were taking place, before reaching the side of the bold Alpha, who glanced briefly at me, before focusing his black eyes back on the second dish of names.

All the eyes that seemed to watch my movements continued to shoot at me like lasers as I watched them. I couldn't stand to meet the disappointed stares any longer, so I shuffled my feet and decided to study my worn out, once red converse, they were much better than disappointment I was receiving from the mass of onlookers.

Why disappointment, or sarcastic mourning, you ask? Well I had been selected for the Alpha Wars, aka The Testaments. The Testaments or Alpha Wars, were basically a battle that was held, where one girl and one boy from each Wolf Capital of America was chosen to fight each other, to the death, to become the Alpha of American Werewolves, all of them.

The winner would become to Alpha, along with their mate, however I didn't have one, as of yet. But still, I bet you're confused on why they were already mourning me and were disappointed even though I hadn't lost/been killed yet. Well, everyone hated me, or were ashamed of my 'weakness', not that they knew what I could do if I wanted to.

But anyway, I guess everyone thought that I'd let the pack down and lose, when really they just didn't know my strength because I never used it, because I never wanted to fight back. I didn't want to fight back against my father, or my brother, or the people who bullied me, because it only made it worse. It gave them a reason to look for a fight, and I tried to avoid them, as best as I could.

A sharp breath from the Alpha drew me back to attention, and I quickly glanced at him to see his breathing falter as he looked at the slip of paper in his outstretched hand, that was now shaking slightly, although I wasn't sure whether it was happiness or sadness that caused its tremble.

"Lucian Samson." He looked across the room expectantly, and I mentally cursed when the Alpha's son, Lucian, stepped up confidently on the stage next to me, a huge cheer erupting across the large gathering of the pack.

Although my heart was thudding at a million miles a second, and my insides felt like goop, I could still feel the sense of fear that built up in me whenever Lucian was about. It was a little like fear and a lot like nervousness, but you know when you get that horrible bubbling sensation in your stomach when you're really nervous, and it makes you fell sick, well when he was around, that feeling always attacked my insides. As well as the little hairs on the back of my neck standing on edge, and my wolf going into prowl mode, as I liked to call it.

Basically, the vibe that he gave off, was scary and intimidating, along with blood thirst and violence, and I don't know about you, but none of those things seemed at all appealing to me.

A smirk spread across Lucian's face as he stood boldly next to my timid figure, and he lifted his hand in victory, as if being made to kill others for a title was the best feeling in the world. I could feel my palms turning sweat as I rubbed them on my scruffy ripped jeans, hoping that I'd wake up to see that it was only a hallucination after another of my father's beatings, because anything was better than the feeling I had right now.

Fear, damn right pure fear. And nerves, and fear, and sadness. Sadness that my life was over, because now Lucian was in the competition, my life was going to end, literally. Although I was happy slightly, which sounds weird, I know, but I was happy that my hell was over and I could go and be with my sweet mother again.

She died when I was six, and ever since the pack had hated the sight of me, my family included. It wasn't surprising, considering her death was my fault, and the fact that I was the mirror image of her. Pale skin, deep chestnut curls of hair that reached in waves to my waist, and my green and golden eyes, the same almond shape as hers beautiful ones once were, apart from the fact that mine were filled with pain, guilt and sadness, of course.

It's crazy that a six year old could be responsible for her mothers death, but I was. It was my fault that I ran in the road to fetch the two dolls my brother tossed into the busy street. It was my fault that I didn't pay attention to the speeding truck that was coming towards me. It was my fault that I froze in its path when it was seconds from hitting me. It was my fault that my mother loved me and shoved me from its path, whilst killing herself in the process. It was my fault. The entire thing, and no matter what I did, the guilt trailed me like a lost puppy, always sniffing out my scent until it found me again.

I blinked away the seeping tears that pricked my fragile eyes, finally looking at the Alpha who was beaming proudly at his strong son arrogantly, ignoring my shaking figure completely, like I didn't exist, which to him, I probably didn't. 

"The contestants will now be transferred on to the jet that is waiting for them at the airport. We wish them luck in their journeys, and hope that we will be seeing you soon- or at least one of you." He added oh-so tragically, before leaving the stage completely.

The hall began to empty finally, and I started stalking rapidly down the two stairs, before leaning my back against the stage sadly. I was going to die. I needed to breath. So I took a deep breath, closing my eyes to try and wake myself up, before a mocking voice rang in my ears.

"Looks like the competition is going to be easy." Lucian hissed, laughing when I jumped away from him by instinct, my wolf once again on the prowl, urging me to challenge him, but I kept my lips locked, making sure no snide comment slipped past their untrustworthy seal.

He shook his head sarcastically, his famous smirk back on his lucious lips, before he walked away to his father, whilst I could see mine and my older brother approaching at an intimidating pace.

I squeezed myself into the hard wooden surface of the stage, hoping I'd disappear into the air before they got here, but I was a werewolf, not a fricking wizard.

I could see the power in each step, the anger that burned in the back of his eyes, the rage the filled his blood and pumped through his heart, and much like my brothers anger, it was all directed at poor old me.

A menacing cringe played on my fathers once loving face, before his hand struck my cheek with a loud clack, which left my eyes tearing up, and my hand clutching my now stinging cheek, but I kept the waterworks down, knowing that worse was to come.

"You bitch! Why do you think you can get away from this, from what you've done to our family!" He screamed wrathfully, raising another commanding hand and bringing it down sharply on my other reddening cheek, shoving me on to the solid floor so that my knees thwacked on its hard top.

An explosion of pain erupted across my face, and I tried to restrain the flow of tears that singed my burning face, but nothing stopped the ache in my heart that cut across its broken surface like daggers.

My brother stepped forwards, crouching down to look at me with concern, but my tears had seemed to blur my view when he suddenly whipped out a small knife, waving it in front of me teasingly.

I felt the panic bubble up in my aching chest, and I cringed backwards in fright, shaking my head wildly as I sqirmed away from the shiny blade.Before I could react, he caught my wrist, rolling up my long sweatshirt sleeve slowly to press the cool blade on to the scarred surface of my white skin.

A gurgle burst in my throat, telling me to scream, but I swallowed the fear, a scream would only make it worse, no one was going to help me anyway. 

His green eyes flickered up to mine, and all I could picture was how they used to be filled with love, but that was gone now, replaced with hatred and disgust. He grinned charmingly at me, as if he wasn't holding a sharp knife to my wrist. "I could end it now, you know, I could plunge this into you and not look back, but I think it's better to make you die slowly and knowing it, so I'm going to watch strangers kill you slowly and painfully instead." He whispered harshly, pushing the length of the blade into my soft skin as agony scutanized my helpless wrist.

More tears and a silent scream emptied from my face, but the stinging sensation in my wrist only worsened as he deepened the blade, before slinking away, waving the bloody weapon in my salty eyes.

Fight back, my wolf yelled, but I remained petrified and frozen on the floor, my blood from the wound dripping on to the rough floor in a pool of red.

My family disappeared as I kept my leaking eyes on the forming pool of blood, longing for the pain to go away, for the fear to stay locked in the back of my mind, but it wasn't any use, it all boiled at the surface.

As each drop of blood emptied on to the over polished floor, I felt my head growing dizzier and dizzier, until I finally collapsed, my blurred vision fogging over. Blood loss, or shock, or fear, I have no idea what caused it, but it wasn't as if I hadn't blacked out before, it was more of a weekly occurrence.


Hello, this is my new story. I wanted to introduce it first before I start writing, to see if anyone was interested? So anyway, I will upload a couple of chapters, but if it's not liked or whatever, I might not continue, but I'm not sure.

Please let me know what you think! Thank you very much!




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