Love, Fights...and Everything...


271K 5.9K 528

Maddie and Mason are about to head off to NYU for university. They both got in and Maddie is going into photo... More

1 week to go
Girls night in
Old times
Not again..
Drive me crazy
Hang out
You're obsessed
Kinda boring
A lot of drama
Night in
5000 words
No sleep
Back home
No way
Next day
She needs her bestie
5 hours
So In Love
Just a little bit of everything
Chill day
Ice cream
Fun night
Why now!?
No sleep and the beach
Lukes place
Not a big deal
Oh shit.
Everyone knows
Our life
Will you........
Wedding day
Here We Go Again.


4.2K 91 10


"What are we gonna wear?" Lydia asked. Lydia is a girl in my photography class and she's really nice and now we're friends getting ready for the party.

"It doesn't matter" I said grabbing my high waisted ripped black jeans and a army green long sleeve crop top. I put on some makeup nothing too drastic. Mason is laying on one of the bed playing on his phone already ready and looking like a snack. He's wearing his regale black on black with white converse his hair messy yet it all looks so good on him.

"Just wear this" I hand her this cute floral dress she brought. "It's nice" I said. It's wavy at the sleeves a little short and low cut.

"You think?" She asked putting it to her chest.

"Yeah it will look great" I said.

"Mason?" She asked.

"Sure" he nods not even looking I through a pillow at him. He looks up annoyed. "It will look amazing" he says giving me a look.

"See" I said.

"Fine" she says. "I'll be back" she adds in.

"No Mason can just turn around he's not even paying attention to us, Mas turn to the wall" I said and he does. I go and sit next to him. "What are you even doing on your phone?" I asked.

"Playing a game" he responds and I laugh.

"K look" she said and I turned and she looks really good.

"Amazing" I grinned.

"Great, we can go now then" she says and I nod I grab my shoes from the side putting them on. Obviously my converse. I also grab my bag and phone and get up. Mason gets up and me and Lydia walk out first. When I get pulled a k into the room.

"You look hot" he says.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad either" I said back he kisses me.

"Your ass in those pants" he shakes his head and I laugh.

"Come on we gotta go" I said he sighs and we leave the dorm.


When we got to the frat house it was full people all over the place inside, outsides, upstairs, downstairs, kitchen music was loud people dancing making out vomiting outside getting drinks. All that stuff and it wasn't appealing.

"Lets go get drinks!" Lydia suggest making her way to the kitchen.

"Do you want a drink?" Mason asked me I shook my head.

"I don't think so you can though we do me a designated driver" I said.

"I don't drink and you know that, you can drink all you want babe" he tells me his hand on my waist we get into the kitchen where Lydia is pouring us drinks the music a little muffled in here but people all over the place.

"Are you gonna drink?" Lydia asks. I don't think or know if I should.

"I don't think so" I said.

"What cmon it's a frat party everyone drinks here" she shoves a drink in my hand.

"Carter!" Someone calls Mason's last name or at least that's what I assume. He turns and I do too and there is a tall blonde guy with blue eyes and a wide smile over his lips. It's been a week how does he know everyone pretty much.

"Jacobs" Mason said back.

"So you brought a date...nice" the guy looks at me up and down and I feel Mason squeeze my waist a little which makes me laugh. He gives me a look.

"Yeah this is my girlfriend Maddie" he introduces. I put on a polite smile.

"Hi!" I said in a chirpy tone.

"Hey, the first names Justin" He said back. "Good to see you guys made it, Mason was saying he might not come but I'm glad" the guys says.

"Yeah, see you around" Mason says and he nods and walks away with his drink.

"He seems...alright" I said Mason shrugs.

"He is alright" he says and I laugh. I still don't know if I should drink. Lydia seemed to be gone so she left.

"Lets go dance" I suggest.

"Since when do you like to dance at parties?" He asks with a small laugh.

"Since now, since I am no longer a anti-social loser" I said grabbing his hand putting my drink down and dragging him to where people were dancing.


It's been hours and I drank I did. I'm drunk I have to admit. I had a lot in my personal opinion.

"I gotta pee" i said to Mason and started to walk upstairs to where I assume would be the washroom.

"Maddie you will fall and break something seeing as this is how drunk you are" Mason says from behind me.

"Maybe, maybe not" I giggled he helps me up the stairs and takes me to the washroom. I walk into the washroom and he stays out there. I stare at him for a minute.

"What?" He asked amusement in his tone.

"You look really hot" I mumble out he smirks.

"Thanks I know" he says and I roll my eyes but laugh. "Now go to the washroom" he tells me. I stare at him again and grab a fist full of his shirt and pull him into the washroom he seems confused at first then I shut the door and kiss him. He smirks against my lips kissing me back putting his hands on my waist and pushing me up against the wall. My hands get tangled into his messy hair then he lifts me up into the sink counter. He kisses down my jaw to my neck slowly. I bring him back to my lips after too long he pulls em as close as I could get without falling off the counter. I tug at his shirt and he pulls away.

"You're drunk Maddie" he says.

"So what, it's not like I didn't have sex with you before it's not like you're taking advantage of me" I slur.

"In this washroom?" He asked.

"Why not" I slur out with a grin. I can see the amusement in his eyes.

"Whatever you say" he says kissing me before I could respond if I were to respond. I smile in the kiss and pull him close.


  "Maddie come play truth or dare with us, you too Mason" Lydia walks well stumbles into the room I went to the kitchen to chug water Mason told me to do I could sober up. I didn't really sober up that much still drunk.

"Sure lets go" I grab Mason's hand and pull him with me out to the living room where there's a group sitting in a circle I sit next to Lydia and Mason.

"Who's gonna start" a blonde girl with brown eyes says she was eying Mason's tonight like the whole night pretty much bitch back off he's mine.

"I will" it was that Danny guy he was playing huh I didn't even notice. He looks around the group.

"Justin truth or dare?" He asked him.

"Dare" Justin smirked.

"Lets see, I dare you to let me take your phone and send all your dick pics to every girl in our contacts" Danny smirks.

"Died of all that's a lot of girls seconds no because my mom" he says.

"You don't want your mom to see your shrimp dick?" Danny asked while people laughed.

"Shut the fuck up" Justin flips him off.

"We'll take a shot then" Danny tells him just fills up a shot glass and does it easily. He then looks around the group. I do to, to see everyone and there is Conor also.

"Mason truth or dare?" He asked and I looked at Mason. Knowing him he'll go with dare.

"Dare" he says. Obvious.

"I dare you to kiss Miley" he says and I look at Justin with squinted eyes. What the fuck is he trying to do. "Of not 10 shots" Justin smirks. Mason doesn't drink. But he wouldn't cheat on me.

"Give me the shots then" he says and I try to hide the relief on my face.

"Wow, and I bought you didn't drink" Justin says.

"I don't" Mason mutters giving Justin death glare how did he even know that it's been a week. I'm just happy he didn't kiss her. Wait Miley. The one that's obsessed with Conor. The blonde girl who's been eying Mason. Ugh ew. I see Mason stare at the shots as if they were poison. It's because his dads an alcoholic he doesn't want that. He then just took the shots one by one after another. The Miley girl seemed so disappointed. Bitch please. Mason proceeded on asking a random guy a dare and on.

"Maddie truth or dare" Conor asked me and I could feel Mason suppress a groan.

"Dare" I respond.

"Huh! Well I dare you to and before this dare instead of taking a shot you strip a piece of clothing" he says and I see Mason's jaw clench.

"Not a problem, I don't pass out on dares" I said. Mason was staring me from the side of his eye with the "if you fucking take one piece of clothing off I will rip Conor's head off" look.

"Ok, well I dare you to spend 8 minutes in the closet with Justin" he says and I was now sobered up a bit.

"What the fuck" Mason says. Oh he's mad.

"Oh it's not that bad, I won't do too much to her" Justin smirked.

"Shut the fuck up Justin this is first and last warning you'll get" Mason threats.

"Ooh, someone's getting a little protective...or do I sense jealousy?" Justin taunts I roll my eyes.

"Yeah it's just a closet what could happen in 8 minutes" Conor shrugs and Mason gives him a death glare.

"Oh a lot" Justin smirked and I made sure to put my hand over Mason's so he doesn't pounce.

"Ha! Funny I'll just take my shoe off" I said trying to lighten up the mood.

"That's not clothing" Conor says and I glare at him.

"Maddie we're leaving" Mason tells me getting up and pretty much lifting me off the ground when he helped me up.

"Uh...Lydia" I look at her.

"I'll get a ride or something" she tells me I nod and Mason pretty much drags me out o the house. Why was Conor being such an ass.

"Babe, chill" I try to calm Mason but he's fuming.

"What the hell was that, they were being total douche bags and you just let it that's not you" he says.

"Well sorry I'm drunk and barely know what I'm doing plus they're nothing they don't mean anything so it doesn't even matter" I said.

"It does Maddie you aren't a piece of meat and Conor, oh the 'nice and trust worthy' Conor is a complete asshole obviously liking that he's making me want to rip his head off!" Mason yelled out.

"You" I point to him. "You need to stop yelling at me cause I didn't do anything, you can be mad at them all you want I didn't take my clothes off I didn't go into the closet I didn't do anything so stop yelling at me!" I yelled right back.

"Exactly Maddie you did nothing, you let them treat you like he could just take you into the closet and do anything he wanted to you and Conor, he knew exactly what he was doing to me!" He yells.

"It's not like I was gonna do anything with him in the closet if I even went into it with him, you have no reason to be yelling at me and mad at me!" I said I'm angry what the hell did I do.

"You're drunk this is useless" he drops his hands to his sides that were just currently tangled in his hair in frustration.

"I'm sober enough from your fucking yelling" I said. "You're just mad because they were egging you on and I did nothing so you have nothing...nothing to be mad at me about so fuck you mason" I said. I cross my arms and started walking down the side walk.

"Oh my god Maddie, don't be dramatic and get in the damn car" he tells me.

"You drank" I said.

"A couple shots in perfectly fine" he says.

"10 shots" I correct. "That's not a couple" I inform.

"Not everyone's a light weight Maddie" he says.

"Anyone gets drunk off of 10 shots" I said.

"Oh my god get in the car" he says with a groan and I roll my eyes.

"I do not want to be in a car with a jackass like you" I turn around to face him like 2 meters away.

"I'm sorry just get into the car" he says.

"Sorry won't cut it" I muttered. "But I'm only getting in the car cause my legs and feet hurt" I said. I danced a lot tonight so they do hurt even though I'm not wearing heals. He gets into the drivers seat I put my seat belts on and we leave.



Hope you guys liked it😊 xoxo.


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