More than Honey (US!Papyrus X...

By Ginger_Conrad

302 2 1

UnderSwap! Papyrus and Female!Reader love story. This'll be... Interesting. Cover art by... Me! Welcome my li... More

+ Welcome to the Underground + Chapter 1 +
+ Skele-Bros + Chapter Three +
+ Lazy Knight in Orange Armour + Chapter Four +

+ Goat Dad + Chapter Two +

62 0 0
By Ginger_Conrad

I waited for my death to come, my eyes squinted shut as the Tem's clawed paw swung down. Because my eyes were shut, I couldn't notice a large, bipedal goat like figure approach. As I let my eyelids drift upwards, I watched Temmie be blown away by a blast of flame, originating from this beings... Paw? Shouldn't it be hoof? {insert Illuminati audio cue}
  "What a horrible creature, torturing such a poor, 'innocent' youth!" He said. I now noted his features, he had golden hair, accompanied by a shaggy gold beard.
  "My child! You appear to be hurt, let me heal you!" He said in his deep voice. And he did just that, somehow.  "I am ASGORE, caretaker of the RUINS. Welcome to my home." He greeted me. I was apprehensive, having almost just died. He chuckled and helped up, saying, "There is no need to fear, I am not the creature that dreadful Tem is, I am a proper monster. I will not hurt you." I accepted his help and he started to lead me through the RUINS.

+Time Skip brought to you by jazz+

We finally got to his house, I had spared all of the monsters I encountered, exempt from the Froggit who I thought was trying to get into my pants. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Reference to something my friend said.)
  "Welcome to my home, my child. I will show you to your room. " He led me by the hand into a beautifully designed room with a closet full of children's clothes and two beds in it. He left me to get settled in, and claimed to be baking pie. I got into the bed and decided to take a nap, after my stressful day. I guess I got lucky, because I have a new home and a new father.

+Time skip so I don't bore you all+

I was eating pie at the table. He was a little far away, reading a book on snails. I felt an urge to leave. Quickly, I finished up and went to him.
"Dad, how do I leave the RUINS?"
  He stiffened, and said,
"Wait here, my child."
He left the room at a light jog, looking fearful. I followed, not nearly as fast, being as he had longer legs. He turned abruptly, making me run head on into him. He caught me, then bent down to relay this, "My child. I am going to destroy the exit of the RUINS. Please go back upstairs, as I do not want you to get injured in the process." Asgore got up and continued to walk, and I stood there, conflicted. I could stay and enjoy my new home, or go and satisfy my CURIOSITY by leaving... I shook my head. I had to go.

I was in hot pursuit of my father monster, until he stopped, and the hallway fanned out into a room. He had his back to me, but I could tell he new I was there.
  "Child. Prove to me that you are strong enough to survive out there."

  + One heated battle later +

"I see now, my child, that you are strong enough to survive. But please, beware of TORIEL, she wants to take your SOUL. Do not die, my child, and good bye." Asgore was kneeling as he said this, tears coming from his warm,  welcoming eyes. He got up, and left, without another word, and without looking back. And I did the same, but in the inverse direction. I was crying like a child, I would miss him. Sobbing, actually, until I came upon the scum of the earth. That little Tem. It opened its mouth to speak, but I didn't give it the chance, nailing her right in the mouth with my foot as I walked past. I flipped her off and continued to an unknown plain. With a deep inhale and exhale, I went into the blinding light, adventurous, but frightened, because out there be monsters.


Holy shit 668 words??!!!

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