[✔️] Across The Years | Seulr...

By zhenaerys

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Falling in love with someone is a crazy feeling. Whether it's forbidden, complicated, or secretly then can't... More

Ch. 1 - An old photo
Ch. 2 - The box
Ch. 3 - A new job
Ch. 4 - Is she or isn't she
Ch. 5 - A spider's web
Ch. 6 - Possibilities
Ch. 7 - Groovy
Ch. 8 - Happy birthday, John
Ch. 9 - Never pass up a chance to see Freddy
Ch. 10 - End of a long road
Ch. 11 - Roughing it
Ch. 12 - Upstairs/Downstairs
Ch. 13 - Not in our stars
Ch. 14 - One day down
Ch. 15 - Breaking character
Ch. 16 - Knock knock
Ch. 17 - The ride
Ch. 18 - Another outing
Ch. 19 - A little peek
Ch. 20 - The garden
Ch. 21 - The moment (Part I)
Ch. 22 - The moment (Part II)
Ch. 23 - Too little, too late
Ch. 24 - Running down the clock
Ch. 25 - The circle
Ch. 26 - Out of the frying pan, into the fire
Ch. 28 - A new world
Ch. 29 - Stranger in a strange land
Ch. 30 - Trouble in paradise
Ch. 31 - Who's the villain
Ch. 32 - Out in the open
Ch. 33 - Catching up
Ch. 34 - Fate or chance
Last Chapter - Wraparound

Ch. 27 - Remember me

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By zhenaerys

No One's POV

Mary couldn't believe her eyes, what she saw, simply couldn't be.

"Grandmother, is everything alright?" The woman asked with concern.

Not answering, Mary walked over to Seulgi's table half in a daze. The face was exactly as she remembered it from all those years ago.

"S-seulgi? It can't be..."

The Korean rebel smiled, "Hello Mary, it's been a while hasn't it?"

"It can't be..." Mary repeated.

"Do you remember what I told you that night?"

Mary thought and tilted her head, "You were from the future."

Seulgi nodded, "Well, you caught up to me. From your perspective it's been something like 70 years. From mine, it's only been a few months."

Mary suddenly flashed back to that night and all of it came back. The music, everything. "It is you!"

The young woman who accompany her grandmother came up, she then looked to Seulgi and then back to Mary.

"Grandmother, what's going on?"

Mary looked at her grand daughter and smiled, "Lorraine, do you remember the story I told you about the night I got lost during the blitz?"

Lorraine thought for a moment then answered, "Yes, you were with great grandmother and when the air raid siren sounded, you got lost. But this odd woman found you in the tube station. She took care of you and played strange music for you. Then she took you home the next day. You told me once she played Fifth Harmony for you which was amazing and was from the future."

"Lorraine, this is Seulgi, the woman that took care of me that night."

Lorraine looked at her grandmother as if she'd turned purple, "You must be mistaken grandmother, that woman would have to be more than a hundred years old. That part about the future, is just a story."

Seulgi smiled mischievously and pulled out her phone, "It's not a story and I can prove it."

After fiddling with her iPhone for a moment, she held out a picture for Mary and Lorraine to see. It was a selfie with a 6 year old Mary and Seulgi, "I took that picture on October 9th, 1940 when I was with your grandmother."

Lorraine looked at it in disbelief, "No, it can't be. It looks like pictures of my grandmum at that age, but that just can't be."

Mary just looked at the picture with a happy reminiscing smile.

"Watch this," Seulgi then hit another button and a small video began to play.

Lorraine looked to see the Korean-American and what appeared to be her grandmother at age 6 in a dark corner.

Seulgi pointed at the phone, "Okay then, you just talk and look right there. Tell them who you are."

"And this is a movie camera?" Mary asked, puzzled.

"That's right."

The small girl smiled and looked directly into the small lens, "My name is Mary Bell and I'm 6 years old. I live at 194 Stepney way in London. I have 2 sisters Eva and Helen. My mummy's name is Charlotte and my daddy's name is Charles and he's in the Royal Navy."

At that point a dull thud could be heard which made Mary visibly cringe, "I don't like the bomb's, Seulgi. They scare me."

"Don't worry, we're safe and I'm protecting you. Just go on."

"My favorite doll is Sara, my best friend is Beatrice and I want to be a fireman."

In the video, Mary happily chatted on for a few more seconds but a sad look came to Mary's face. "Beatrice..."

"You've never mentioned Beatrice grandmother. Who was she? Why do you look so sad?"

Mary lowered her head and a tear fell down her cheek, "She was killed in a V2 rocket attack in 1944, along with her mother and brother."

Lorraine now was very convinced and eased her rather sad looking grandmother into the chair at the Korean rebel's table.

"I do believe you, Seulgi. But it's all so fantastic!"

Seulgi sat down and motioned for Lorraine to sit, "It's a bit fantastic for me as well. But I have or at least had access to a time machine and I went back and met your grandmother and even briefly met your great grandmother. All she told you was the truth, she was in the world's first selfie and I can proudly say is the world's first Fifth Harmony fan. Not to mention she was listening to Camila Cabello too ages ago."

Mary who had recovered by this point, took Seulgi's hand. "It is so very good to see you again, Seulgi. If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?"

"It's a long story."

Mary smiled, "Please tell me." She then turned to her grand daughter. "Could you please be a dear and tell the limo driver to park and wait? It's nearly lunch time anyway so just tell him to get some lunch and we'll reimburse him. Have him return in an hour."

Lorraine got up, "Yes grandmother."

So Seulgi then began to tell the whole tale, from the finding of the photograph to the events of today. Lorraine returned after a few minutes and after catching her up, she continued the tale.

After finishing her story, Seulgi sighed. "So that's it, my dilemma. I save her but now we're all in a world of hurt."

Mary sat there for a moment and put her hand on her chin, Lorraine looked to her grandmother at this point. "Grandmother can we..."

Mary nodded and sat up, "Seulgi, you were there for me at probably the worst night of my life. I was lost and scared. You found me and took care of me, and showed me wonders of the future. You told me the Germans were going to lose and you gave me my lucky source of protection keychain. I know now it were just an ordinary keychain, but they kept me and my sisters from being afraid...

We would sit in the shelter and all three of us hold on, night after night. Most importantly you told me that I could be anything I want. I never forgot those words you told me as we were heading home. You said; You Mary, can be whatever you want. Even if someone tells you that you can't, don't listen. You just keep trying and do it. Prove them wrong."

Seulgi a stifle laughed, "I remember that."

"Seulgi, I lived by those words. I didn't become a fireman, but I eventually became interested in the world of fiancé. They told me it was a man's world. I proved them wrong, just like you told me to. I became one of the first female stockbrokers and worked my way up. Later, I started my own company. I have waited for 78 years to have wanted to thank you and finally I can."

Seulgi was honestly touched that Mary took her advice and became apparently very successful, "H— how?"

Mary put her hand on her shoulder and got up, "Well first of all, I'm on the board of directors for this hospital. Second, I just donated a building to them, third I'm worth... well let's say a lot of money. You don't worry, I'll be back in 5 minutes."

The Korean-American wasn't sure what that all meant, but she prayed it would get her out of her jam. For a few minutes she spoke with Lorraine who was an accountant and learned that Mary got married and had 3 children, 9 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren and despite having a family, she built her own very successful financial services company.

Mary returned some 5 minutes later with a broad grin on her face, "Your troubles are over."

Seulgi did a double take, "What?"

"Well, I spoke to the head of the hospital and the police will not be called. I personally will take care of the hospital bill and have arranged for Irene to recover in one of the best rooms of the hospital."

"Oh my God, thank you! How can I ever repay you?" Seulgi bursted out wiping a tears of Joy.

"You already did, a long time ago. Even better, I can do you one better. My son Ronald, works for the Ministry of health. Let's say I've managed to arrange for a fake birth certificate for your Irene giving her a birthdate of 1994. Plus a few other identity documents that will give her a rather convincing cover identity."

Overjoyed, Seulgi engulfed Mary into a bone crushing hug, which was a big deal as she hated hugs. "Thank you ever so much, Mary!"

"You're welcome child," Mary leveled her cheerfulness after a moment in the hug. "If you do feel obligated, all you have to do is let me meet this Irene some time. I love reading about the Victorian age and remember a few of my elderly relatives when I was a child speak about it. I think It would be so fascinating to talk to someone who lived through at least part of the Victorian age."

"Consider it done, and I'm sure she'd be glad to meet you."

For a while they talked and caught up on what had happened in their lives. She also emailed the picture and video to Mary's grand daughter so Mary could enjoy the piece of her past. Eventually, Seulgi had to get back to see how Irene was doing. She gave Mary her phone number, and they said a tearful goodbye then separated.

Seulgi didn't even want to think about how it came to be that each met the other at a point in their lives when they were most in need. She was just glad she did.

Irene suddenly became aware that she was lying down in a very comfortable bed, she felt a bit groggy and strange. Her chest felt a bit tight.

After a few moment, she groaned and managed to open her eyes. All she saw was bright light, which cause her to shut them tight again.

After another moment, she opened them again slowly. After a seconds, her eyes adjusted to the light and began to focus. The first thing she saw was a white ceiling with some strange glowing tubes set in it.

"Where am I?" She wondered to herself slowly.

Looking around, the Latina-American realized that she was in a bed in an even stranger looking room, full of strange objects and odd looking furniture. She also noticed some strange tubes where attached to her arms.

Not having any idea where she was, Irene immediately panicked. "Seulgi, help! Where am I?!" She cried, fear evident in her voice.

Suddenly there was a strange whooshing sound coming from behind a door to her left. About a seconds later, Seulgi burst out of the door. She was wearing a strange pair of pants which she was only now pulling up and buttoning and a some sort of strange shirt.

"Seulgi? Where am I? Am I dead? I don't know this place! Am I in heaven or the other place? Where's Mark? Please tell me, I'm afraid!"

She rushed to Irene's side and took her hand, "Baechu, Relax. You're safe, you're safe okay? Mark is gone and you won't ever have to see him again."

Somewhat calmed, but still a bit freaked out. Irene took another wary look around, "What are these tubes attached to my arms? And what are those strange machines next to my bed? I can't believe this is what heaven is like."

Seulgi chuckled, "You're not in heaven my dear."

Irene's eyes suddenly buldged out, "Oh my— I've gone to damnation! Oh God please forgi—"

"Baechu, stop. You're not there either, nor in limbo."

"Then where am I?"

"You're in a hospital in the Whitechapel section of London. This stuff attached to your arms and the machines are to help you get better. Just relax. Those tubes you see above you. Let's start with that. Those are called lights, or electric lights. They are an artificial source of light, no candles are needed. They use something called electricity, it's a bit like lightning. They're invented in the 1870's and are common as rain."

Irene then looked up at the lights and studied them for a second, "And they are not dangerous?"

"No, they're not."

Suddenly the Latina-American remembered, "You took me to your time. Am I in your world?"

Seulgi nodded but looking a bit sad, "Yes, and there's no easy way to say this, but today is August 16th, 2018. The wedding, the day Mark shot you, that was 149 years ago. Long in the past."

Irene sat back in bed as that seemed to sink in, with a look of dismay.

"I'm sorry Irene, there was just no other way to save you. I took you here and the doctors operated on you. They took out the bullet and you're expected to fully recover."

After a moment, Irene nodded and whispers quietly. "I did trust you, thank you."

"You asked about Mark, and I looked it up just to ease your fears. After he shot you, I shot him back and hit his arm. The rest of the men after him chased him down by the river where they cornered him. Desperate, he tried to escape by swimming across. But with a bullet in his arm, he wasn't able to. He drowned and his body was found the next day by a fisherman. His father identified the body and he was buried in a paupers grave. He's long gone. Thank you for saving me."

The Latina-American sat for a few movements then squeezed Seulgi's hand, "You're welcome. Anything for you Seulgi, I love you."

She couldn't help but smile then, "I love you too!"

Irene was scared and nervous about this new world. But with Seulgi, she hoped she could find a place in it.

HAPPY NEW YEAR YA'LL! 🍻🍾🎤🎊🎉And yes, posting this in New Year 'cause why not, right? (Updated: I really thought that I posted this in New Years eve but then I visited it again then viola, it wasn't posted. So I'm really really sorry for that.)

Anyways, I know that some of you are patiently waiting for the updates while I could not meet your expectations because of my hectic holiday schedule.

I know you're not asking but I'm still going to tell you where have I been these past few days so that ya'll can't accuse me of just making excuse and just being lazy. So... here it goes;

Dec. 24 - Ayee Noche buena of course, kekeke~

Dec. 25 - Asdfghjkl Obviously, it's CHRISTMAS DAY!

Dec. 26 - Family clan reunion, hohoho~

Dec. 27 -  Our City's fiesta~ (PARTEEH!)

Dec. 28 - Hungover af! Then we went to some local concert in downtown, (Which I highly regret cuz it's boring af.)

Dec. 29 - We went to my aunt's house to pay visit because of our relative's sudden death.

Dec. 30 - Our Parish Church's foundation anniversary celebration.

I hope I'm excuse for updating late, and it's not the end of the story, so there is more to come.

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