By -harryshallway

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You will drown in the sweet sorrow of the passion. More

The Prologue
The Epilogue.
New Book


985 54 24
By -harryshallway

A thousand pieces, flowing
around through my frozen body.
That is what is left of my beating and caring heart. It is shattered.

The silence that follows after my lover said his words and confirmed what we all, deep down in our hearts knew, is terrible. It is insane and the atmosphere in the room changed drastically, all of us are silent now.

Shattering me and my heart apart,
Harry searches for my attention.
His eyes desperately want to meet mine, but I don't know what to do. It drives me insane, everything and everyone around me.

The men and woman around me all look at eachother but no words are spoken verbally. Their eyes all lock but no sign of communication is evident.

I am fallen aback from the words he said, the powerful meaning they hold. This present darkness slowly eats my heart and it tears me apart.

Time freezes and my mind is running wild with everything happening.
I knew he murdered Elijah, but hearing him say it was the last thing I
was prepared for.

"June, please look at me."
His pleas fill the room and the words echo through the cold room. Hearing his voice, calms me down and I close my eyes for a moment, to open them a couple of seconds later.

My eyes cross his and the pleading and sad look they hold, have me right where I want myself to be: with him.
The chair they pushed me on is no longer beneath me and my feet carry me towards him. All eyes are on us.

Like some sort of show they continue their observation and they already know the answers to everything, so the only thing that keeps me going is to feel him again.

The bloody skin of his hands are still tied painfully with a rope around his strong wrist, veins visible underneath the skin and blood flowing through them.

"Could you please untie his hands?
Please, you all know everything you wanted to know, just please let them go free." I beg.

The stern woman who goes by the name Katrine, squints her eyes first but nods her head eventually. Her heals make an annoying noise and I flinch of the harsh sound everytime they collide with the tiles.

Cutting the rope of his hands,
I immediately take them in my own and I kiss the damaged skin. I look up to see his eyes fluttering close and a sad smile reaches me.

I press his hands against my cheeks and he holds them there. I inhale the pleasant, foreign feeling deeply and he looks adoringly at me.

His lovely lips part and I stare at them, waiting to hear his words.

"I killed Elijah. My body was the one who knocked him out, damaged him and eventually killed him.
It was my body,"
The caressing of his thumbs on my skin, distracts me and I try to listen as carefully as I can.

"But it was not me. It was not my mind. They took over and told me to kill him. You have to believe me."

I nod, telling him I do believe him and his body exhales exhausted. This, everything he just said, is why they can not lock him up. He needs help.

I stand up and his hands fall from my skin, already missing the contact of our bodies, I turn my attention towards everyone around me.

"This is why he can not be locked up! He needs help, please just listen,"
The last voice in a small whisper I try to let them know of his mental health.

"June, my darling. It is okay. I am meant to be hidden away. Locked away from everyone, for I can do them no harm."

I let those words sink in and when they do, I violently shake my head.
"No! I can not just let you go. I can not live without you anymore,
I need you."

It must be quite a show for the people here in the room with us. I know they enjoy this and I know their goal is to seperate us, and they will succeed.

Harry and I are just two lost souls who are strong when we are together, when we are not we wander around and we are already a victim.

For we are not powerful, nor
will we ever be. Our faith and end is in their hands, their killings hands.
They decide which way we go and I know they wil be different.

"No other options will be discussed, Miss Bennet." A man steps forward.
"Harry Styles is sentenced for life."

A gasp leaves my lips and I continue mumbling no. Until I scream. My lungs burn and I enjoy the feeling.

That is until I feel Harry's hands on my back and the feeling of them creating friction sends me in state of sudden peace.

I turn around and takes his beautiful face in my shaking hands. His eyes look into mine and tell me it is fine like this, although it is not.

I touch his lips with mine and for the last time, I feel his love.
"I will see you again."
I whisper ever so softly against his lips and he nods.

"They can not keep us apart. I will be with you again, my angel. For the Gods above us have given me you."

Those are his words before two strong men clutch my arms and I am dragged out of the room, my eyes never leaving his. Just before we are out of the room, I see his teary face and one of the police man collides his fist with the face of Harry.

"No! Please! Don't hurt him!"
I scream and scream. His grunts reach me ears and when we are almost out, my mother is with me again and the door of the room falls close.

Sweatdrops fall over my face along with tears. My mother is crying now. I scoff and turn away from her once the men leave me alone.

My feet get into action and I run back to where we came from, followed by the two. The wind blows through my hair and the tears that leave me dissapear from my face.

When my body is again located where he is, the door opens again and that is when the police officers catch up with me. They pull me back and the people once inside the room are now also leaving and right in the middle of them, is Harry.

Again tied and now walking with his head down. Also two officers on both sides of him and I let out a loud cry when I see his face.

My Harry; full of blood, his skin covered in red and swollen wounds.
Blood falling down his chest and once white shirt, now all in red. I see forms of his scars, being evident because of the way the blood is making a drawing on his shirt.

They all go around the corner and that's the last time I saw him. Pulled downstairs, by the two, I completely went numb. I am broken and there's nothing that can fix me anymore.

My mother is seated next to me and it was as if she has dissapeared into thin air because she is nothing anymore.

I am nothing anymore.


I am not sure about this one, it's a bit crappy. I try to update often, so yeah. It's a short one sorry.
Anyways, happy new year!

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