Band Imagines

By sydneyisneckdeep

24.5K 378 73


The Blue Haired Boy in the Coffee Shop- Awsten Knight
Day 🌞 & Night 🌝-BBU
Me, myself & Hyde- Spencer Charnas
Run Baby Run- Remington Leith
An Emo Hooker?-Mike Fuentes
Movie Night-Kellin Quinn
Faithfully- Spencer Charnas
Not An Update
Amp Sitting- Joe Newman
Lip Gallagher Imagines❤️
Boyfriend Tag? Boyfriend Tag.-Remington Leith
Not an update
Bitches Love Ben Bruce -Ben Bruce
i'm still hurting- Brendon Urie
Merry Christmas- Colson Baker/Machine Gun Kelly
Rooftop- Rook/ JP Cappalletty (MGK Drummer)
Hands Down- Frank Iero
Valentines- Rook MGK

Peanut Butter Milkshakes- Machine Gun Kelly/ Colson Baker.

1.4K 22 1
By sydneyisneckdeep

AN: yet another MGK imagine, what can I say? I'm just hopelessly obsessed with him<333.

**Your P.O.V.**

I shoot up from my bed listening carefully, it was probably just Colson coming home from practice, but it still scared me, especially considering our daughter, Alyssa, was sleeping in the room beside me.

I quietly tiptoe towards the door, and see the kitchen light on.

"Shhh Ally, we've gotta be quiet or mommy will catch us," I hear Colson whisper-yell. I let out a laugh and walk down the hallway, quietly leaning up against the door frame leading into the kitchen.

"Catch you doing what?" I say as the both jump turning around to face me.

Colson had Ally on his hip, an ice cream scoop in his opposite hand.

"Mommy we're making peanut butter milkshakes," ally says as I walk over taking her from Colson.

"At three am?" I question, giving Colson a look. His eyes were bloodshot, and you could tell he was stoned. I laugh to myself, knowing that marijuana probably had a large role in the milkshake making.

He shrugs and continues to make his milkshake, "I came home, and accidentally woke, little miss up in the process, but then I started to get the munchies and had to have both of our favorite foods, isn't that right munchkin?" He asks looking over to us.

"Don't be mad mommy," ally says to me and I sigh, "I'm just upset that you guys weren't going to make me one." I fake frown, winking at Colson.

"Oh no mommy, don't worry, Daddy will make you one too." Ally says as I set her down in the middle of the island in our kitchen. I walk over to Colson and place a kiss on his bare shoulder, before turning around to get cups and straws for our milkshakes.

Colson smirks at me taking the bit of milkshake on his finger and smearing It down my cheek and neck.

I laugh and wipe part of it off, before taking the whipped cream and squirting in on his chest. Ally giggles as she watches us act a fool of our self. Colson looks over at me and nods as I squirt just a little whipped cream on Ally's nose as well.

Soon the kitchen is filled with her laugher, she was giggling like crazy, and it made my heart swell with happiness. I loved theses two goofballs more than anything.

Ally wipes the whipped cream off of her nose, and licks it off her finger.

Soon the milkshakes are done, and we're all sitting around the table enjoying them. Colson has his arm slung around me sipping his milkshake, happy as can be. I had been with him for 6 years, and I was just as in love with him as I was when we first got together as teenagers.

The house was quiet, except for the slurping of our milkshakes, but soon a soft yawn escapes Ally's lips.

"Tired munchkin?" Colson asks her and she nods.

I stand up from the table grabbing the empty glasses, setting them in the sink, as Colson picks up Ally.

"Can I sleep with you guys?" She asks another yawn escaping her tiny lips.

"Sure think babydoll," Colson says as I follow them down the hallway and into our bedroom. He sets Ally down, and soon we're all in the bed snuggled under the covers, Ally in between Colson and I.

"I love you both so much," Colson says, placing a soft kiss on Ally's forehead and then my lips.

"I love you too daddy," ally says before lulling off into a peaceful sleep. I yawn and look over to him intertwining our fingers under the covers. Colson and I had been through a crazy 6 years, but everything was worth it, seeing as though I was by his side the whole time.

"I love you so much," I tell him, as my eyelids become heavy, and soon I'm asleep too.

AN: Here's a cute lil Kelly fluff for you guys!

I just wanted to say Happy new year to you all! Thank you so much for 3,000 reads! I'm so grateful for each and every one of you guys who support this book even though I hardly ever upload anymore. I love you guys so much!

I hope 2018 is an amazing year for all of you guys!

See you soon!


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