Jerrie One shots

By bee16bj

70.4K 1.2K 659

Jerrie One shots More

Best Friends
I'm here
'Til the last second of infinity
Regrets Pt. 2
Wait for me
Let you go
Merry Christmas
Remember me
Please read

Under the mistletoe

4.2K 79 130
By bee16bj

A/N: I was going to update last night but I got a tad busy. Sorry ✌

Perrie's POV

I woke up to the heavenly smell of bacon and eggs. I stood up abruptly, cursing myself for feeling lightheaded because of the sudden action. I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before going downstairs.

"Good morning, Perrie!" My roommate, Jade, said excitedly once I appeared in the kitchen.

Hot damn, she's just in her panties being covered with a large shirt, going just under her bum.

She's Jade Thirlwall, my roommate and my crush. Yeah you heard me right- I meant you saw it right. I kept my feelings for her since last year and believe me, it's not the easiest thing to do. She's just so hard to resist.

I blinked twice before composing myself. "Y-yeah. Good morning." I stuttered, still looking at her long, tanned legs.

Jade giggled as she placed two plates of bacon and eggs on the table. My mouth watered at the sight.

"I made breakfast."

"You didn't have to. I could of made it myself."

"I wanted to. Now, eat."

I blushed at the command, mentally cursing myself for thinking about such a dirty thing, if you know what I mean.

I sat down and began eating my breakfast with her.

She kept talking about how excited she was for Christmas and her birthday. I don't really pay attention because I was too busy staring at her like a creep.

"You're not listening." She pouted.

I gulped down hard. Well shit, her pout is my biggest weakness. She always does that whenever she's upset or if I did something wrong. And I'm a great sucker for it.

"I am."

She raised her brow. "Then what did I say?"

I open my mouth to say something, but my words got stuck at the back of my throat. I closed it again, cursing under my breath.

She sighed. "It's okay."

She stood up and brought the dishes to the sink, including mine. Fuck, I feel guilty. Way to ruin her mood, Pez.

I followed her suit and stood beside her while she's washing the dishes. I bumped my shoulder against hers to get her attention but she was too focused on her work.

"Hey, Jadey." I called out.

She hummed, not bothering to look at me.

"I'm sorry. I was just thinking about... things. Please don't be upse-"


I gasped, eyes instantly closing when something hit my face. I wiped it down, knowing it was bubbles, and glared at the small girl who almost pee herself, the brim of her eyes slightly watering due to her intense laughing.

"I was... j-just kidding, Perrie. And your face is p-priceless." Jade said in between laughs.

I couldn't help but join her. Her laugh is contagious and it just makes her more adorable. If that makes her happy, then I'm more than willing to offer my face to be thrown with bubbles, just to see her smile.

"Two can play at a time, Jadey."

It was my turn to laugh. Her face became outraged because of fake anger, wiping the bubbles off her face.

"Run for your life, Edwards. Death is on its way to get you."

"We both know I'm good at running, Jadey."

I didn't let her speak, I ran to the living room and went around the sofa opposite on where she was standing.

"Come on. Just one smack, Perrie please." Jade whined, finding the right timing to throw another bunch of bubbles at my direction, I guess.

I stuck my tongue out to piss her even more. "Nope."

I chuckled. I knew she was getting impatient by the look on her face. She's a competitive girl, and she would do anything to get back at you and... shit.

"Yes!" She exclaimed, bringing her fist upwards in victory.

I shoot her a glare right after wiping off the fresh bubbles from my face.

"Fine! You win."

"Yay! Look who's the loser now?"She bragged, smirking.

"Blah blah, whatever. If it wasn't for your cute face, I wouldn't be distracted." I mumbled to myself.

Her head tilted to the side, running towards me and shaking my shoulders.

"What did you just say?"

I waved my hand off dismissively. "Drop it."

I see the smirk appearing on her face. "You just said I'm cute, didn't you?"

I blushed, not used to her being straightforward at the current situation but whatever, she's still hot anyway.

I smirked when something popped in my mind, "But if I do remember, you called me hot the last day, I suppose?"

Her mouth went ajar, wanting to speak but nothing came out. And if I'm not mistaken, she's blushing. I can't stop myself but to feel a little intimidated. Seriously? How can she look so gorgeous, sexy, and cute, all at the same without even trying? God, I knew this girl was something. If I do tell her my feelings, I'm afraid she might not like me back because come on let's face it, she's perfect!

I realized how embarrassed she was so I took my words back.

"I'm kidding, now go get dress, I'm going to take you out."

My eyes widened at my words. And yet again, the prominent red color on her cheeks reappeared.

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. "I m-mean... we'll go out. Like go out. To buy stuffs for Christmas. Not that kind of going out. You know what I mean, right? I didn't-"

My heart flattered when I heard her melodic giggle.

"I got it."

"Good. Now go."

She nodded and went upstairs to change.


I watched in amusement when Jade ran around the store like a little kid excited for a piece of candy. People were watching but I could only give a fuck.

"Perrie! Come on! Let's buy food ingredients first, then we can shop Christmas gifts and decorations after."

I nodded and went passed her.



"Don't walk ahead of me. I feel like you're leaving."

I shrugged and went behind her instead yet earning another whine from her. Jade turned around with a pout on her face.

"What about this time, Jadey?"

She rolled her eyes. "Don't walk behind me. I feel lonely and unprotected."

Jade took a step back and clung to my arm. "Just walk with me. It makes me feel safe."

I swear my heart did somersaults in my chest, fighting to get out if it wasn't for my hand pressed against my shirt to stop its beating. It's so loud I'm afraid Jade could hear it, but I doubt she does.

My little daydreaming was cut off when she started tugging on my jacket's sleeve.

"Let's go buy everything on the list." She spoke with excitement in her eyes, her cute little nose was tucked under her scarf as a source of warmth.

I nodded happily, taking the small paper full of lists of ingredients and followed her to the grocery store.

I took a trolley from the side and Jade instantly hopped in like she always does when we buy groceries. I chuckled at her childish antics and pushed the trolley, with her leading the direction.

"Hey, hey, ladies!" A deep voice called out.

Assuming it was us, I turned around, and saw a man wearing a blue uniform whom I think is a worker.

"You're not allowed to ride in a trolley, Miss. You have to get off."

I saw how Jade's face fell down and my heart basically softened. I faced the guy with a pleading look.

"But sir, she really wanted to ride this thing. Um... she's a, she has a mental disorder? Has a mind of child.. and she'll cry if you won't let her. Just this once, please?" I begged.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Jade shooting daggers at me. I felt a sting on my side knowing full well it was Jade.

The man sighed. "Fine. But we're not responsible for her if she happens to fall off the trolley."

I flashed him a toothy grin and shook his hand thankfully.

He chuckled and went back to work.

"What was that about?!"

I scratched the back of my neck. "I want you to ride this thing if it makes you happy so I had to do something. I'm sorry."

I heard her mumbling something but I only caught the word 'cute'.

"Thank you, Pezzabear." She smiled at me, melting me heart.

I smiled back and we went back on our business. My role is to push the trolley around, with Jade in it, while she gets to be the declarer.

After running around for about an hour, we left the grocery store with a trolley full of different food ingredients.

We were supposed to celebrate Christmas with our families. But Jade's mam told her they couldn't make it, seen as they were very busy and couldn't book a flight to come for her, so I called me mam, asking if I could spend mine with Jade. Mam squealed in excitement, already knowing my 'little' crush on the brunette beauty. She was even more excited than me, I swear. I apologized several times for not celebrating it with them but dad assured me it was okay, seen as I celebrated holidays with them for the past twenty-four years of my existence and it wouldn't hurt not to celebrate it with them just for once. Well maybe I could spend it with them again next year, and Jade would be there, played as my girlfriend. Oh how I wish.

Jade declined the offer first, guilty that I chose her over my family. But I had managed to persuade her later that it was totally okay with them.

"Perrie, look! Santa Claus!" Jade gushed out, staring at the large Santa Claus statue in front of a Christmas shopping store.

After purchasing for the things we bought, we placed it inside the car so it won't be difficult for us to shop for Christmas decorations.

I stopped halfway through walking when she interlace our hands together, oblivious to the fact that I'm shitting myself because of extreme giddiness.

"Let's go!" She squealed and drag me inside.

We bought everything our tastes would love, nearly everything. Knowing Jade, and her obsession on Christmas, you couldn't explain how much excitement she has when we first entered the shop.

"Yas! We're done!"

"Wait... can you wait in the car? I have to go to the loo."

"Want me to come with you?"

"Nah, I'm fine."

Jade nodded and grabbed all the bags from the floor when I stopped her.

"Get only a few. I don't want you stumbling on your way back."

Her eyes were fixed on her black converse, biting her lip timidly. She obliged and took three shopping bags and went out completely.

I took the others and ran to a store, with a devilish smile on my face.


*Third Person's POV*

"Pez! Where do I get to put this?"

The blonde appeared from the upstairs, wearing a fluffy onesie similar to Jade's except hers was Mickey mouse and the brunnette's was Minnie.

"Jadey put that box down. You will hurt yourself."

Jade giggled. "It's not that heavy. See?"

Forgetting she was carrying a box, the brunette attempted to walk, but because of it, she stumbled forwards, hitting the hard concrete of the floor.

Perrie's senses snapped up. "Jade!"

She rushed to her side and pulled her up to her feet, scanning her whole body. "I told you! See what you've done?!"

Jade bit her lip. "I'm sorry."

Perrie sighed, pushing the girl's head forwards so it landed on her shoulder.

"Just let me carry it and you decorate okay?"


The taller girl grasped the box in her own hands and put it aside, helping the brunnette to decorate the Christmas tree.

"Per can you get the star for me, please?"

"Aye aye captain!"

"Thanks." Jade giggled.

Jade struggled to put the final piece of ornaments at the top of the tree. Perrie attempted to do it instead since she's a little taller but Jade being Jade who was known for being a perfectionist, wasn't satisfied with how the blonde arranged the star.

"Pez can you lift me up?"

Perrie froze. "W-what?"

"You put your arms around me and lift me up, you don't know?"

Perrie stopped herself from rolling her eyes at the girl's sassy return.

She crouched down and patted her shoulder for the girl to sit on.

"What are you doing?" Jade asked, oblivious.

"Hmm, crouching down?"

Jade playfully shove her, them both laughing at the gesture. She placed both of her legs on either side of the blonde's shoulder as Perrie took a hold of them to steady her. Jade tangled her head on the girl's hands for a better leverage when Perrie slowly stood up.

Jade squealed a bit. "Perrie! Please don't let me fall!"

Perrie chuckled, bouncing the girl on her shoulder teasingly which earned a slap from Jade. "Chill, baby. I've got you."

The petite girl's body shook at the name. She's always been in love with her roommate since the day they met each other, just didn't have the courage to tell her.

She shakily reached out to place the star on top of the tree. Contented enough, she let out a keening sound, already loving the outcome.

Perrie laughed under her, lightly bouncing her body again but got unnoticed by the excited girl. She reached up to the brunnette and offered her palms for her to placed hers on and slowly sunk down on the ground. Jade got off her.

"Yay! We're done decorating!"

She looked around with a smile on her face. Just a perfect amount of Christmas decorations for the apartment and it turned out just as they thought it would be.

Perrie smiled at her. "You're really good at this Jadey."

Without thinking, Perrie grabbed the small girl's hans and placed it on her chest. Jade blushed, her hands were centimetres above from Perrie's breasts.

"Jade, can I tell you something?"

"W-what is it?"

Instead of answering, the younger Geordie leant in. Their faces were only an inch away making them both blush. Perrie emplaced hers on her petite waist.

Hot breath mixed as one as they both got closer than before. Their foreheads were touching, eyes were fixed to each other as both of them wanted nothing more than to close the gap and capture each other's lips.

"I've been dying to..."


Fucking cock blocks. Perrie groaned, sighing when Jade hesitantly pulled away, the blush never leaving her cheeks.

Perrie opened the front door to be met with the sight of their best friends wrapped in thick layers of clothing, holding bunches of presents in their hands.

"Hello to yous to." Perrie grumbled.

"Seems like we came in a wrong time, Lee lee."

"I know Jes. Believe me I know."

The two pushed passed the blonde, greeting the smaller girl and attacking her in a big hug. Perrie rolled her eyes, sitting on the sofa instead.

"Hey Pezzabear. Wipe that frown off your face. Jadey wouldn't like it." Jesy winked playfully.

"Oh shove it." Jade mumbled, curling up beside the grinning Perrie. The two smirked.

They finished up putting away the mess the two Geordies had made with the help of their two best friends. They tidied up the living room and threw the trashes away. Once they were done, they all gathered up in the sofa, exhausted.

"Wanna go to the ice skating rink?" Jesy suggested, wiggling her made to perfection eyebrows.

"But I wanna go bowling!" Leigh whined.

"Shut up, missy. You've been in there yesterday with Andre."

Leigh sunk back to her seat, pouting.

Jade giggled. "What about we go to both?"

"I agree with Jade." Perrie added rather quickly.

"Whipped." Leigh Anne mumbled resulting to Jesy giving her a high five.

Jade's blood rushed to her cheeks meanwhile Perrie's was just as red as hers.

"Fuck off."

They laughed at the blonde's response. After a couple more minutes of chatting, they all got dressed into thicker clothes to keep the warm in once they go out. When they were all done, they stood at the porch, waiting for Jade to finish.

"I can't find my gloves!"

The threesome rolled their eyes.

"Come on, Jade! I've got 'em." Perrie yelled back.

Rushed footsteps were heard as Jade came in view.

Perrie took off her own gloves and handed it to her.

"But... what about you?"

"Nah I'm fine."

Jade reluctantly put on the gloves, kissing the blonde's cheek.

"Really whipped." Jesy whispered in the afro girl's ear, both of them laughing.

"Don't think I didn't hear you, Jessica."

"Stop calling me that, Edwards!"


The four of them reached downtown using the afro haired girl's car.

They all went straight to the Ice skating rink, renting for the shoes and everything.

"Pez, I don't really know how to skate." Jade whispered, holding onto the blonde's shirt.

"Just hold my hand okay?" The shorter girl nodded, lacing her fingers with Perrie's.

They all got inside the rink, since it was nearly Christmas, a few people were found inside, skating with their loved ones. Jesy and Leigh Anne raced with one another.

"Okay, first off, never let go of my hand. Just do it if you're already stable." Jade nodded understandingly, not once letting go of the blonde's hand.

Slowly, Perrie started walking backwards, bringing the brunnette with her. She had to stop herself from laughing when she took notice how Jade seriously took her words in, really grabbing onto her tightly and looking into her eyes as a source of encouragement.

"Balance yourself, it's like you're walking but you have to slide your shoes down." Perrie explained, showing Jade the movement.

Jade obliged and after several attempts, Perrie slowly let go of her hand, cursing lowly at the loss of contact.

Jade squealed happily when she started skating on her own. "Look, Pez! I know how to skate!"

"Keep going, Jadey." Perrie said, chuckling.

Jade started going a bit faster, oh well, maybe a little too fast for the younger Geordie's taste.

"Perrie, I can't stop!" Jade nearly cried. Perrie tried to reach for her but can't because of the people blocking the way.

"Jade! Slow down."

"I can't!!!"


The blonde stopped at the center of the rink and spread her arms on either both sides of her body. The timing was perfect.

Jade screamed again when she saw what Perrie was doing. "Pez, get out of the way!"


And it happened. Their two bodies made a collision causing Perrie to fall off the ground with Jade lying on top of her.

They didn't dare to move, both of them loving the position. Though the ivory-skinned girl had scrunched her face up a bit because of the pain from the impact of her body on the hard ice.

Her arms were automatically placed around the girl's waist whilst Jade's hands were firmly placed on the blonde's shoulder, their chest pressed against each other.

"Jade, maybe this is the perfect time to tell you..." Perrie stuttered.

She started leaning up, eyes locked on the soft lips that she was craving for years. Jade's own eyes traveled downwards too, waiting for the blonde to press their lips together.

Just as they closed both of their eyes...


Perrie wanted to get up and slam their best friends' head against the ice beneath them, but she was loving their current position. They could've kissed for the first time it if weren't for the two.

"Fucking idiots." Perrie groaned.

Jade giggled, cheeks were flushing red. What if they didn't interrupt us? She asked herself. She got off the blonde and offered a hand for her to grab on. Perrie gladly took her hand and stood up, grasping the girl's hand tightly when she was about to pull it away.

"Are you two okay?" Leigh asked worried.

"We were! Until you two had to ruin it." Perrie whisper-yelled, not wanting for Jade to hear.

Jesy smirked. "Down mama bear. There's children around."

Perrie shoved her back and dragged Jade outside, leaving the two laughing.

Why do they always have to interrupt at a wrong time?


They went bowling after and went home, tired. Jade, Leigh Anne, and Jesy crashed down on the sofa after changing into thinner clothes whilst Perrie went to grab some popcorn, them deciding to watch a movie.

Jade couldn't register what the two were talking but she's sure it was definitely not good seeing how they looked at her evilly.

"You like Perrie, don't you?" Leigh blurted out of nowhere.

Jade blushed.

"Oh well, you don't have to answer. Your blush says it all." Jesy said, smirking.

Just then Perrie's figure appeared, holding a large bowl of popcorn on her one hand and a large cup of tea on the other.

"Here." She joined her best friends and offered Jade the tea. "What about us?"

"Go get yourself one. This is for me and my Jadey,"

The smaller girl took it from her and snuggled closer to her body, still not over the fact that Perrie had call her 'my Jadey'. Perrie's arm instantly went down around her waist, ignoring their friend's knowingly exchanged glances.

"We're going to watch... It!" Jesy said, raising the It clown CD.

Perrie can feel the brunnette's body shaking, hands were grasping on her forearms. "Jes... can't we watch Christmas movies or Disney? Anything just not that, please." Jade begged.

Jesy shook her head, along with Leigh Anne. Perrie on the other hand contemplated. She loved the idea of Jade holding onto her whenever she's scared, but a part of her doesn't want her to.

Jade looked at her with pleading eyes. "I don't want to watch that."

Perrie sighed. "Jes, can you change-"

"Nah, sorry 'bout it!"

"Well, this is our place!"

"Yeah, but we're your guests." Leigh butted in.

The blonde shoot them a glare, ready to throw the pillow when a soft hand grasped hers. "I-it's fine, I guess. You'll hold me, right?"

Perrie let go of the pillow and smiled at Jade. "I promise. You're safe."

Jade beamed at her, snuggling as closer as she could and kissed the taller girl's cheek. Perrie smiled.

"Blushing from cheek to cheek, and my knees are shaking got me feeling weak." Jesy sang out earning a loud smack on the head.


"That's what you get."

About an hour and a half, the movie was finally over. The state of the four girls were indescribable. Perrie was already asleep, Jade was still snuggled up in her arms and hiding her face in her neck. On the other hand, Leigh Anne was hiding behind a blanket whilst Jesy was hiding behind her back.

"Guess who's the coward now, eh?" Leigh said, smirking.

"Oh shut up! I didn't know Pennywise could be so creepy." Jesy answered back.

Even in her sleep, Perrie's arm was still wrapped tightly around the smaller girl. Jade shook her lightly.


"Pez! The movie's over."


Perrie stirred lightly, one eye opening to see Jade hovering above her.

"Hey Jadey."

She looked around and nearly laughed upon seeing a shaking Jesy being comforted by Leigh Anne.

"I wanna see you be brave." Perrie sang, earning a glare from the older girl.

After a bit of bantering with their friends, Perrie and Jade went to drink water. The taller girl leant in against the counter while she watched the petite girl pour some water in both glass.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep." Perrie said, after thanking the brunnette for the water.

Jade stood beside her and took a sip on her own.

"It's okay. At least you didn't break your promise when you said you'll hold me."

The blonde nodded.

It was a moment of silence at first, until Jade decided to speak, breaking the not-so-awkward atmosphere.



"What is it that you wanted to tell me?

Perrie scratched the back of her neck. "I..."


"I want to tell you that..."


"... that I lo-"


"That I Fucking hate Jesy and Leigh Anne!!! Fuck you both! Open the Goddamn door!"

Perrie slammed her fists on the table, startling the brunnette.

Why does someone really has to interrupt when I'm about to confess my feelings to her?! Dang it!

She sighed and muttered a small 'sorry'.

They heard the front door open and closing. They both went back in the living room, hand in hand, witnessing their two best friends devouring the pizza Perrie had ordered.

She threw a pillow at them, this time really intending to hit the two. Jade giggled beside her, squeezing her hand softly. Perrie smiled, kissing the girl's head.

She walked them over to the sofa, grabbing a two slices of pizza from their friends and handing one to the older Geordie.

"Are you cold?" The paler girl asked once she was done munching.

Jade nodded shyly. Perrie grabbed the thick and fluffy blanket she picked up from the upstairs earlier and stood up. She ordered Jade to lay down which she reluctantly did. Holding the blanket up, she wrapped it around the smaller Geordie's petite frame and rolled her around it, making her look like a cocoon.

"Perrie! I didn't say you have to wrap me up like this!" Jade laughed.

Perrie chuckled, enjoying how Jade struggled to get out of the blanket, but can't.

"Move, Jadey, I wanna lay down too."

She laughed when she saw how Jade tried to move. Perrie laid down beside her, with Jade instantly snuggling to her side, placing her head on the taller girl's shoulder as there was nothing else to move. Perrie wrapped her arm around the smaller girl and kissed her head.

"Goodnight, little cocoon."

"Nanite, Perrie." Jade said, giggling when she heard light snoring. She kissed the girl's jaw and closed her eyes, loving the warmth the blanket provides her and because she was also snuggled up to the girl she loves.

Why are we acting like lovers? Can Santa please make this real?

"You guys are sickeningly cute, it's disgusting."

"Leave them alone, Jessica."

"How many times do I have to tell you morons not to call me that?!"


*24th of December*

"Jadey, it's already 10:00!" Perrie yelled excitedly.

The brunnette rushed downstairs, wearing a white, bambi sweater tucked under a skinny jeans and a pair of knee-high boots to finish the outfit. As for her make up, she went for a light one with dark cherry lipstick. Her hair is styled very neatly with Minnie mouse's ears with bow in it to complete the look.

Perrie's jaw dropped. Jade has always been gorgeous. But she looked breath-taking tonight even just in her casual clothes. Oh well, maybe that's what happens when you're in love with that person. Yes, she's inlove with her fellow Geordie, and there's no more denying it.

Jade looked at Perrie with a big smile on her face, both cheeks were painted red. Similar to hers, Perrie was also wearing the same except that her sweater was blue with Olaf inspired design on it, a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a white converse. Her blonde locks were cascading perfectly down her shoulder, a red Christmas hat was placed on top of it to finish the look.

(Their outfits are the ones they wore when they did the cover of the song 'Baby please come home')

"You look beautiful, Jadey." Perrie complimented.

"Thanks Perrie. You look good too." Jade said.

It didn't take long for their friends to arrive. They greeted them both and they all gathered up in the living room, singing along to the music that was playing.

"I could do this all day!" Jesy said, bumping hips with Leigh Anne as both Geordies were singing 'Santa Tell me' at the top of their lungs.

It took them about thirty minutes just singing and laughing along to the music, swaying their bodies to the rhythm.

"That was fun." Jade panted, trying to catch her breath.

"Wait, let me get you some water." Perrie said and disappeared.

The two older girls scampered towards Jade and started throwing questions at her.

"Jade, are you two dating yet?"

"Have you two kissed already?"

"Who asked who?"

"What did you do when we weren't here?"

"Did you do the naughty naughty-"

"For goodness' sake, Jesy! Can you shut your mouth? Perrie's just meters away, she can hear you, you know?" Jade said.

"But seriously, what's the real score between you two?"

"I... we- I don't know. We're... friends?"

"Oh really? Me and Perrie are also friends but she wouldn't get me a water even if I ask her to. Unlike you!" Jesy said exaggerately.

"Yeah. She doesn't kiss me on the head like she does to you. She doesn't protect us the way she protects you. She practically wants to murder us when we're interrupting your moment with her, but gets happy when you kiss her cheek to take the pout away. When it comes to you she goes like this 'Can you two shut up?! Jade is sleeping'" Leigh added.

"Or like this, 'Hey, don't mess up with my Jadey'"

"And even this, 'What happened?! Why are you crying, Jadey?! You mant me to kick that someone's ass?'" The dark skinned girl mocked the blonde, making the two girls laugh.

Jade was blushing really mad, face was hidden behind her hands.

"And Jade, do you see how much she cares for you? Like, we're all best friends but she doesn't share her food with us, only you. She laughs when we fake cry, but gets mad when you are the one who's crying. When we want to wake her up, it's always you who can do it without her getting grumpy. Can't you see it? She's in l-"

"Hey, I'm back. I'm sorry I took long, I was talking to my mam over the phone... so what did I miss?" She took a seat beside Jade, handing the water to her.

Jade kissed her cheek as a sign of thank you.

"Oh no, you didn't miss anything Perrie. We're not even talking here, we're just looking at each other." Leigh said sarcastically.

"It's okay if you took long, you could've at least make it a bit longer, because you know, incase momma Debbie missed you so much." Jesy said awkwardly.

Jade shoot them a glare, giggling when she saw the blonde attempting to punch the two if it wasn't for her hand grasping her pale ones soothingly.

"Don't mind them." Perrie nodded.

"Hey! It's 11:00, one hour til Christmas!" Leigh Anne squealed unexpectedly.

The trio laughed at her, including Jade who started bouncing up and down on her feet, making a little freestyle dances, cracking everyone up because of her silliness. Perrie was staring at her adoringly, not really believing that such a cute and gorgeous girl like her exists. She's unreal.

"Perrie, I need to talk to you." Jesy broke her out of her trance. Perrie didn't had the chance to speak when the older girl walked out of the living room towards the kitchen.

"When are you planning to tell her about your feelings?" Jesy asked once they were sure the two wouldn't hear them.

Perrie sighed. "I tried several times, Jesy. If it weren't the two of you interrupting us, it would be someone, or the delivery guy, or hatchi. I guess, it's just a sign that I shouldn't tell her. And I don't want to make a fool of myself if she happened to dislike me."

Jesy scowled. "Never say that, Perrie. Don't you trust yourself? You're gorgeous inside and out. You're so kind... well, excluding when it comes to your food and sleep, but yeah. What it is not to like about you? You're the true definition of perfection. And how would you know if she likes you too if you won't give it a try?"

Perrie's heart burst at her friend's words. She may not be showy, but she loves them to pieces.

"A'right. I'll do it."

"Have you got everything?"

"Yeah. They're upstairs."

"Okay, and oh! Sorry about the interruption thing, you know we love you two."

Perrie chuckled, wrapping her arm around the girl's neck and dragging her back to the living room where they saw the two girl's singing like idiots.

"Perrie!" Jade ran towards her and attacked her in a hug.

"Took you long enough." She whispered.

The taller girl smiled, kissing her temple briefly before throwing the small girl over her shoulder, shooting their friends her middle finger when they started laughing.

"Perrie, put me down!"

"Nah, sorry 'bout it."

Jade started slapping her bum, giggling. "Who's up for opening presents?!"

They all raised their hands, well, Jade tried though.

"But it's just eleven-thirty, Pez. I wanna open them at twelve."

"Because Perrie has a better surprise for you Jadey. And it requires the exact time on Christmas." Jesy said.

Jade sighed, laughing when Perrie put her down on her feet and prodded her side, making her squeal. "Can we open them now?"

They all nodded excitedly.

They stood at the front of the fireplace, bringing all the presents with them. Leigh Anne shuffled the Christmas song from her Playlist and the song 'All I want for Christmas is you' played.

"Right, so from oldest to youngest which means, I get to open my presents first, and Jade you'll be the last-"

"But Pez is the younge-"

"And when I say youngest, I meant the youngest in mind, so it's you, Jadey. I'd say Leigh Anne but Perrie's got something really big for you."

Jade nodded dismissively, snuggling to the youngest's side. 'Youngest in age'.

Perrie wrapped an arm around her shoulder and rubbed her arm up and down to keep her warm.

Jesy opened her gifts one by one.

"I'm going to open Jade's one first since she's the only one who makes sense in this kind of stuff -aw!"

She glared at the blonde and carried on opening the box wrapped in a red and green Christmas wrapper. She gasped.

"Oh my God! Thank you so much Jadey!" She beamed, hugging the leather jacket close to her chest. She crawl over the smallest girl and attacked her in a tight hug, too much for Perrie's liking.

"Yeah, you're thankful, now get off her." She growled, grasping the girl's waist tightly. Jade blushed, hiding her face in the taller girl's shoulder.

"Jeez, Pez." Jesy said and went back to her place.

Leigh Anne started laughing. "Open mine for you, Jes."

"It better be good, Leigh Anne!" She unwrapped the box, eyes widening at the content.

"What is it?" Jade said excitedly.

"You bitch!" Jesy slapped the afro skinned girl's head as Leigh continued laughing.

Jesy raised the item up, now, three were laughing their asses off.

"Seriously Leigh?! Why would you give me a box of condom as a Christmas gift?!?!" Jesy raged.

"C-chill, Jesy. That's not... my actual gift for you." Leigh said in between laughs, handing another box to Jesy. The older girl snatched the box from her, not before giving her another slap on the head.

"Oh now, I take it back. This is the cutest Lee lee! Thank you, I love you! Oh my God!" Jesy gushed, holding a large, brown teddy bear, kissing Leigh Anne on the cheek.

"My gift for you is connected to Leigh's present, mate." Perrie said and stood up.

She went back, carrying a rather larger box.

Jesy opened it excitedly, her smile widening even more.

"Oh my Goodness!!!" A tear escaped her eyes when a little, brown, pomeranian pup, walked slowly towards her, situating itself on her lap.

"Thank you so much, Perrie! I've always wanted one, but never really got the chance to buy." She said and hugged the blonde tightly, not noticing the pair of brown eyes that were ready to attack her.

"You're welcome, Jes." Perrie smiled.

"I'm going to name him Reggie."

She went back to her place and started petting the pup, smile never leaving her face.

"Okay, my turn!" Leigh Anne said.

She first opened the blonde's present, beaming when she saw a Justin Bieber's signed album and sweater, she's always been a fan of Justin since she was young. "Thank you, Perrie winkle! You're the best!"

She kissed the blonde's cheek and went back to open another one from Jade.

"Oh, goodness! Thank you, Jadey!" She said, holding the perfectly made dress just for her, kissing the tanned girl on her cheek. "This is perfect!"

She opened the last one from Jesy, her smile got even bigger when she saw four tickets to Justin's concert. She started crying. It was her dream to go in one of his concert and now it was really happening. She cried on the girl's shoulder while thanking her several times.

"My turn!" Perrie said excitedly once Leigh started laughing again. She scooped all of her presents in her arms, making the smaller Geordie giggle.

She unwrapped the present from Leigh Anne first, since it was the largest. Her jaw dropped.

"Lee lee, this is amazing! Thank you so much." Holding the guitar with one hand, she wrapped the other around the afro haired girl's shoulder.

"I've always known you're good at them." Leigh said.

Perrie put the guitar on the sofa behind them carefully, with too much excitement, she had kissed Jade on the cheek while grinning widely.

Jade blushed.

"Here's mine, mate." Jesy interrupted, handing Perrie a red box, a smirk was plastered on her face.

Perrie shook the box, grinning when she heard clinking of metals and other objects. It was rather heavy.

"Open it." Jade said excitedly, leaning over her.

Perrie unwrapped it with a big smile on her face. The smile fading when she saw what was inside. She gulped hard, all the blood from her body rose up to her cheeks.

"I... I'm gonna open it l-later." She quickly closed the box when Jade attempted to see what was inside.

"Oh come on, don't be such a killjoy." Jesy laughed. Perrie gave her the finger, setting the box on the side and grabbing Jade's instead.

Her eyes widening, the anger being replaced with a big smile when she saw a Polaroid camera inside. "Fuck, thank you Jadey! I've always wanted one! Thank you so much!"

She wrapped her arms around her waist and hugged her tightly. When she pulled away, she pressed a light kiss on the tanned girl's forehead, loving the sound Jade's giggle had made.

"You're welcome. Now it's my turn!"

She excitedly unwrapped Jesy's present first. "Aww, thank you Jes!" She said, holding out a bunch of Disney designed clothing.

"You're welcome poopey!"

"Next is from... Leigh Anne!" She squealed, unwrapping the purple box, she saw a white hoodie inside, with a large 'Kween' on the center, along with a box of biscuits.

"Thank you, Leigh leigh." She squealed, throwing her arms around the girl.

"You're welcome Jadey." Leigh said, smiling, returning the hug.

All eyes were trained on Perrie as if they were expecting something. Jesy nudged her on the shoulder.

Perrie scratched the back of her neck, looking at the smaller girl who was smiling up at her.

"I've got you presents for both Christmas and for your birthday."

"You didn't have to, Perrie!"

"But I want to. And I want to give you your birthday gift first."

Perrie reached out to get the blue colored box and handed it to the brunnette. Jade unwrapped it gently, making sure not to tear it so bad which earn a chuckle from the three.

"Oh my Gosh, are you serious?!" Jade said, looking up at Perrie who was smiling down at her. "Very."

"Oh God, thank you so much Perrie!" Jade said, two tickets to Disneyland in her hand whilst she wrapped her arms around the taller girl's shoulder.

"Well advance happy birthday?"

"Thank you so much! You don't know how happy I am." She mumbled on the blonde's shoulder happily. Perrie kissed her temple.

"That's not all. I've got you a real Christmas gift."

Perrie pulled away from the hug, earning a small pout from Jade. She went upstairs and took all the things she's prepared for days.

"Please, no interruption."

She composed herself first before going back downstairs, sighing in relief when Jade's back was facing her while she talks to their friends.

Jesy secretly raised a brow at Perrie, silently asking her if she's ready. Perrie nodded.

"That's when Karl slip-"


Jade stopped and turned around, gasping while bringing her hands up to cover her mouth. Heart's bursting with so much joy at the sight in front of her.

There Perrie was, bouquet of red roses in one hand whilst a box of chocolates on the other, kneeling on the floor.

"Jadey... my roommate, my best friend, the girl that I've been wanting to for years, Merry, merry Christmas. I don't know what made me so cheesy but what I know is it was because of you. I haven't done this before. I haven't l-loved a girl like this before. You're just irresistible. You're so funny, kind, humble, smart, everything, and it kills me not to kiss you every second whenever I look at your soft lips. I've been dying to do that every day but I know I have to stop myself. Jade... oh god, I can't believe I'm doing this..."

She pulled out a small, rectangular box, opening it to reveal a necklace with Minnie mouse as a pendant. Jade was in full tears, heart was beating so fast she's afraid she could've a panic attack. This is just amazing.

"Jadey, will you be the Minnie to my Mickey?"












*Glass shattering*

Perrie's shoulder slumped down. The bouquet of roses falling to the ground along with boxes of chocolates as she stood up.

12:01, the clock reads. "Merry Christmas!" The two older girls exclaimed.

"Wait, Pez!" Jade called out, ignoring the fast beating of her heart due to the blonde's speech and picked up the flowers, placing them on the couch along with the boxes of chocolates.

The two older girls looked at each other.

"Reggie!" Jesy said, once she spotted the small pup, on top of the table, looking down at the shards of glasses on the floor.

"Come here, you naughty boy." Jesy said, and marched over to him.

"Go after her, Jadey." Leigh said.

Jade nodded and ran after the blonde who was opening the front door. She grabbed her wrist and pulled her against the door. She shivered lightly when cold breeze hit her, but a part of it was because her face was inches away from Perrie's frowning one.

"Why did you stop?" She asked, hands were placed on the taller girl's chest.

Perrie scoffed. "Someone always interrupts! First when we were decorating the Christmas tree, second when we were at the ice skating rink and those two idiots were the reason because of it. Third was when we were at the kitchen and that fucking delivery boy had to ruin it, and now! Guess I shouldn't be telling you this in the first place. You know what? Just forget about it-"


"Either Jesy or Leigh interrupts... w-what did you just s-say?"

Jade giggled. "I said yes, Perrie. I want to be your girlfriend. I've been wanting this for so long, too."

Perrie's smile went bigger, her heart fighting to get out of her chest.


"Really." Jade said before grasping the girl's collar and smashing their lips together.

"Perrie, Jade! I'm sorry for th... oh never mind."

Lips molded against other. Tanned hands were tangled in blonde locks while paler ones were wrapped around the petite girl's waist tightly.


"Fucking finally! I can kiss you anytime I want from now on!" Perrie exclaimed once they broke apart.

The brunnette laughed, slapping her arm playfully.

"You could've do it earlier you know. I'm glad you grew some balls to tell me."

"Oi oi. You also kept your feelings for me, Jadey! I'm not the only one."

"Yeah I know, now kiss me again."

"Why of course, my princess."

Perrie crashed their lips together for the second time that night. Ignoring the noises coming from Hatchi and Reggie. Ignoring their two best friends who were wolf whistling at them, trying to break them apart, but no. They've had enough of it. And they wouldn't let anyone interrupt their moment this time.

"Okay so be it! Jadey, here's what Perrie got from me!"

Jesy smirked when the two broke apart from eating each other's faces.

"Don't you dare, Jesy!"

"Oh well, Merry Christmas to all! Merry Christmas Pezmania!" She yelled before taking out the items from the box. Leigh Anne was crying because of laughter behind her.

The two Geordies blushed, Jade was hiding her face in the taller girl's chest whilst Perrie's arms were wrapped around her protectively.

She slowly untangled herself from Jade, ready to kill Jesy when a pair of soft lips captured hers again.

"Don't mind them, baby." Jade said, blushing from her own words.

Perrie smiled down at her, pecking her lips once, twice, until they're making out again, clearly not getting enough of each other's lips.

"Merry Christmas, Jadey, my only baby." Perrie took out the necklace once again and turned the brunnette around, placing it around her neck.

"This is beautiful, Perrie." Jade said, kissing the necklace and turned around.

Looking up, Jade's smile widen when she saw what was hanging above them.

"Merry Christmas, Pez. Who knew we would have our first kiss under the mistletoe?"

Perrie chuckled, running her thumbs along the prominent cheekbones of the tanned girl's cheeks.

"This is just the beginning. I'll kiss you everywhere from now on. Jadey... I love you, I know it's too soon but-"


"I love you too, this is my happiest Christmas so far."

"Me too, baby."

They both chuckled when they heard their best friends' voices.

"Us too!"

"We're happy that Jerrie is real!"

"Arf! Arf! Arf!"

"Now you two can use what I bought you, Perrie!"

"Oh shut up, Jessica!"

"Here we go again."

A Merry Christmas and a happiest birthday. Jade thought as her favourite lips started to mold with hers again.


A/N: What do you think was Jesy's presents were? 😈😏😉🍆👉👌💦

It was really far from what I've written before but I'm still happy for what it had become.

Ps. It turned out into a low key little mix one shot at the end, but yeah whatever.

Happy new year everyone! 💞💖💗 Can I just say how proud I am that I stan little mix?! They're my inspirations. I love them to pieces, they're just bloody amazing. I'm really, really proud of what they've become. And because of them, I've been happier than before. They're so great to their fans and so gorgeous inside and out, they deserve everything in this world, and I won't ever regret that they became a part of my life.

I stan legends!

Cheers to another year! 🎇🎆🎉🎊 How was your 2017 so far? 💞

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