A Prince with his little blac...

By blackmixwhite

11.7K 323 26

I'm rewriting this story But basically it's a story between a prince and his magical kitten More

One Meow Sound
Two Meow Sound
Three meow sound
Four meow sound
Five meow sound
Six meow sound
Seven meow sound
Eight meow sound
Nine meow sound
Eleven meow sound
Twelve little meow sound
Thirteen meow sound
One meow sound rewrite
Two meow sound rewrite

Ten meow sound

659 16 2
By blackmixwhite

Adrienne/Chattie POV
I really really hated the ball...
Because there would be girls that flirt with Marin and I can't go...
"Hey Chattie!" A familiar voice yelled
"Natasha?!" I yelled
"Yup, now get dressed!" She yelled and pushed me into the dressing room
"Huh?" I yelled

Marin POV
I hated this ball...
This is so boring
All the girls are flirting with me
But one of them was special
In all of the colorful ball dresses, her black luxury evening dress stood out
Her black head band and mask made her golden silk like hair and emerald green eyes brighter and brighter
She looked so beautiful so I walked toward to her
"May I have a dance with you?" I asked
She giggled softly and gave me her hand
I took her hand and went for a slow dance
"May I know your name? Miss." I blushed a bit and asked the pretty girl
She then giggled softly again
"You already know Marin." She said
This voice was oddly familiar
"Chattie?!" I whispered yelled
"Yup." She smiled but my heart broke into millions pieces as this girl was my cat...
"What are you doing here?! I thought you are staying in my room?!" I whispered yelled at her
"Natasha bring my here. Ok?" She then whispered back
"You want to go back?" She asked me and I nodded
As we were walking back to my room
She pushed and pinned me on the wall
And kissed me on the lips

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