Taste Of Magic

By Drarry976

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

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By Drarry976

Once Yelena had finished her breakfast to. Woman who was still to introduce her self told her to get yo and I keep up they were going g to see Valek. This confused her as she wasn't sure who that was until the fermiler black oak door was in front of her.

The woman knocked on the door and there was a shuffle of papers on the other side of the door before they were called to come into the office . To see Valek sat behind his desk looking as impassive as ever. But soon looked at her with a small bit of surprises.

"I see you survived the the poison there good to seem was beginning to worry it had been three days,  Thank you for bringing her back You may leave now Adeline " he said with a dismissing wave of his had as she left the broom closing the door behind her self

"well I can't say it was the most fun I had waking upon the floor  " Yelena said with a sarcastic tone to her self as she stood with he arms crossed over he slender body and the clothes on her back fitting a little better than the day before

This comment made Valek look up form what he was doing with a raised eyebrow and ask " and just what that meant to mean you say you have hav3 mor3 fin wiki g up in a floor" he asked was she pissed because of his fist test if so then he didn't care he explained why he did so.

Yelena looked back at him "for your information I have spent that last year waking up in pools if my own filth but I gave never woken up I'm goodness knows how many days of sick " she said not looking him in the face the other matter she would sort out her self.

It was then that Valek looked at her but you did that you antidote every day so be grateful now it's time we go and see the city.ander we are in face late" with this he stood form behind his desk and walked round it and out of the door obviously expecting Yelena to follow him.

They proceeded down that many corridors that one again she was completely and utterly lost. One they reached there destination Valek walked state in getting a look of pure anger bit ignoring it as was Yelena to they were about to leave that commander Ören spoke up " next time j a he to eat cold breakfast you will know about it, and who is This you have trailing behind you? " he said not looking very impressed with any of it much less with Yelena.

Valek stopped and turned on his heels "sorry sir there we thing I had to attend to and this one is Yelena your new food tester" he said with a face of emotion as he turned towards the door and leaving not bothering to look and see if Yelena was follow9ng behind for her first lesson

Le time skip

When the breached Valek's office he and her sniff various different poisons before telling her that the lesson for the day was over.

Yelena went to leave t.verb room, but stopped. Her tracks having only turned maybe half way towards the door before asking, "Is there any way I could have some ink and paper?"

This request made Valek almost smile but in his usual way of showing no emotion ever he covered his smile and surprise with a small cough before he spoke, "You never fail to surprise me. First you survived that poison highly malnourished, and now you ask for ink and paper to take notes with,” he said as he dug around in a draw to find a a couple of leather brown books that were bound with darker strips if brown leather,  as well as a quill and ink for her to use.

Yelena stood and waited for the items he was switching for and was about to speak up but kept her young just as Valek spike again "but then again general Oakjaw educated all of his orphans so I should be surprised should I" be way he said this was as if he was praying for more information, not the she would give it up it's not like he would believe her about it any way so shy give it up if he was just going to laugh in her face so she collected the items from him and went back to her room.

Arriving at the door to her room she pushed it open and checked what are could see before putting her belongings on the small desk that faced the window before checking the closet and under the bed beef she truly relaxed, starting her notes on each poison she wrote the name first then the smell and repeated the process leaving room after each poison to write how it tasted and the affects it caused for the ones she couldn't remember.

When she finished she pulled out the only and very small draw placing the books in as well as her quill and ink. After that sh3 looked out of the window realizing how late it had actually gotten and went to find the kitchens for food hoping that again no one was in there as she walked along the corridors having picked up where the kitchen and the shared servants wash room was.

Arriving at the kitchen yelling was met with a large plump man who smiled at her bride remarking "you are far to small for your own good" and then placing a large bowl of broth and three chunks of burgers bread in front of her. She smelled the bowl and tasted it before eating the entire thing and the three chunks if bread before the large plump man introduced him self as Severus, he walked with a limp and she went about cleaning the kitchen for the night

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