Survival of the Clique

By Wam_Bam

799 8 4

Meet Alyson, Sami, Aubrey, Victoria, and Jenna. Five totally different girls, five best friends. One happy li... More

Bagels or Cinnabons?

592 8 4
By Wam_Bam

Bagels or Cinnabons?

My phone vibrated with the message, and I safely took a peek of my screen from its hiding place on top of my desk.

Sneaking a look at Ms. Brem, I found she was still straying off of the main subject of a significant battle within history in favor of going on about soap making in the 1800s.

I softly breathed out and smiled to myself, trapping my lip between my teeth to hide it. What's not to love about a teacher that effectively wastes class time like no other distraction could?

Assuring my confidence that my phone was still out of sight behind my 1 and 1/2 inch binder and strategic seating 2 rows from the back, I silently typed Jenna a response.

shouldn't you be tending to your duties as backbone of the orchestra rn

Whooshing the message away, I clicked my phone and watched its screen dissolve to black. My eyes soaked in my opaque reflection, and I pushed at the dark wisps of hair that limply hung around my face.

The hairspray I'd originally spritzed them in was a school-day old and hardly effective in maintaining their coy little bounce anymore, but I reveled in how my bangs managed to frame my face so naturally.

I guess the hair stylist I'd talked to two weeks ago had been right about face-framing curtain bangs being "so in" right now. He was even right about the subtle honey highlights that I had almost fist fought him at the suggestion of. They were doing everything to make my fading tan glow in its last hurrah. My Japanese skin didn't usually take to tanning very well, and I couldn't help feeling a bit fond of my intriguingly darkened skin tone, one of the last remainders of the summertime.

Toying with the edge of my phone, I made a mental note to send Julio a thank you/sorry note. Hey, sorry I threatened to jab you with the scissors you tried cutting my hair with. Thanks for not calling the police and still punching my card for a free dye job the next time I come. 

I clicked my phone screen on again and the time brightly met me against the lock screen's display - a depiction of me and Jenna stealthily decorating Sami's face with thick magic markers while she was passed out at Aubrey's sweet 16 last October. I smiled sweetly, a little at the memory, but mostly at the pricelessly stoic expression of a practically dead looking Sami, the upper right corner of her head looped by the 3 in the time. 2:23.

Hardly more than a few minutes before I would be swimming within the halls of Redstone High and right out their double doors.

Like an subconsciously instinctive cue among all of us, the increasing sound of shuffling of binders being shut and pens being clicked off began to swell in the classroom, dulling our ears to the sound of Ms. Brem's gasp of surprise and desperate attempt to splutter, "W-wait - homework! I didn't assign the homework!"

My phone buzzed with another message from Jenna. I looked to Ms. Brem, just barely controlling herself from upturning her desk to belatedly slingshot worksheets to the class, and then back to my phone in it's hiding place.

Thinking it was better safe than sorry, I was starting in on uncomfortably contorting my arm to type out a reply, when the bell gave its ring and my spine brightened. Free at last.

'Bye Bye Ms. Bremmie' I thought to myself as I and the rest of the period 8 U.S. History population of Redstone High breezed past her desk, too fixated on the exit to pay any ode to her gauntly hidden frown at the clock, as if it were truly a mystery to her where the time had gone.

Beginning my stride down the hall, I was content to take note of the fact that though it was already a few weeks into the school year, there were still a few people making it routine to glance as I glided down Red Stone High's main hallway. Sure, I probably could have toned down the natural "I own this place" walk to a more standard high school shuffle, but it wasn't my fault I had a natural swagger and didn't mind the attention I got for it either. I felt a familiar giddiness rush through me, and I graciously let a confident smile spill across my lips.

It took me a few feet to realize that of all the other 28 students who'd come out of Mrs. Brem's World History class and gone separate ways from me, one hadn't. Feeling the lingering presence from behind, I shot a look towards my shoulder to find Lauren was following me.

"Oh," I acknowledged her, badly veiling the fact that her figure meekly yet over-excitedly trying to keep up with my pace had slightly startled me. I turned my eyes forward again, smiling and reminding myself to keep a cool, casual tone. Naturally owning the halls was a strong suit of mine, coming off as friendly and at perfect ease in social situations wasn't. "Hi Lauren."

She struggled to keep up with my naturally long stride by moving in a half-limping, half-speed walking hybrid style, which prompted me to take on the endeavor of cutting my steps in half - not that it was any use, her walk still floundered next to mine. She nervously brushed pale wispy hairs from her face and into her thinly sagging ponytail, licking her lips. "You can keep the pen." She informed me.

I felt my face scrunch at her mention of a pen, then my mouth stretching into an O. I vaguely recalled borrowing her pen earlier during the period, in light of an unfortunate pop quiz about generals that played significant roles in civil battles in history or something. Going to Lauren wasn't the best of ideas, which I'd only found out when I'd urgently whispered to her for a lifeline and was awarded with a beat up looking pen, complete with bite marks embellishing the top. Gross.

"Oh gosh, sorry about that." I modestly halted to pull my bag down from my shoulder, and she put a hand up to signal me to stop.

"No, no, didn't you hear me?" A smile ran across her chapped lips as if she was about to deliver me the best news of my life. "I said you can keep it." She told me brightly, looking a little breathless and hugging her binder to her chest with wide eyes and an overtly friendly smile.

I tried to curb the habitual grimace that rose to steal my expression, though I was pretty sure I'd failed. "Ohhh, no," I replied, opening my mouth innocently to soften the natural scrunch I could feel taking over my features and let out the response casually. "I mean,'s ok." I pulled the pen from a side pocket with my index finger and thumb, dangling it towards her with a courteous close-lipped smile.

She put her hand up again in insistence. "No, you'll need it, I mean," she smiled, "if Mrs. Brem pulls out another one of those pop quizzes again."

"Oh," Dude.

"Alright." I weakly allowed myself to place the pen back into my bag, patting it and giving her another tight lipped smile.

"Thanks." I added when I saw she hadn't moved to leave, the word coming out a bit more forcibly than I wholly meant, though she hardly noticed, still smiling at me in something between admiration and excitement.

"Dude," a voice that was slightly-too-loud-for-the-room reached me before it's physical entity, Sami, could put herself into my view. I didn't turn to face the familiar Indian girl I know I'd be greeted with at a moment's swivel. I didn't need to. She took the initiative to practically grind on my ass as she materialized from behind me and leaned forward to press herself against the back of my shoulder, like we were already mid-conversation. "I'm literally going to kill myself."

As if her voice wasn't already loud enough to command the attention of anyone within the 15 foot vicinity, sometimes - if you were really a lucky duck - Sami would introduce herself with a declaration being of such a blunt variety that I once had to desperately administer my grandmother her inhaler to keep her from having a heart attack. Not that it mattered if her mouth was shut or not. Sami basically commanded attention to herself by existing.

I turned my head to her with a slightly chiding look I knew she wouldn't take notice of, not when she was stepping back and raising her hands to the ceiling to tip her head back and dramatically stretch, tittering on her tiptoes before swinging forward into a lunge and springing up to my side again.

It was at this point that she took late notice of Lauren, turning to her in slight surprise. "Oh, hi..." Her eyebrows scrunched together, and she filled her cheeks with air, thinking. "...Leslie?"

"It's actually Lauren." She mumbled with an enthusiastic smile, though her gaze alternated between flicking to her shoes and then slingshotting her gaze back up at us as if reminding herself to maintain eye contact.

"Sorry about that, I'm a spaz." Sami offhandedly waved off her mistake, rubbing at the inner corner of her eye nonchalantly. Her long, dark eyelashes teetered up and down with the motion, dragging attention to the feminine allure that they lent to her eyes.

"Mmm, don't we know it." I teased, gaining a scoff from Sami in response. I mockingly pinballed a scoff right back. Sami laughed then turned to Lauren, and leaned forward with a wide smile and animated tilt of her head. "See ya Laur!" Sami brightly bid her goodbye with a charming smile and wave, before linking her arm in mine to turn away.

"Bye!" Lauren breathed, lately cracking a smile as if still awestruck, then turning the opposite way, her head bobbing towards her feet as she lumpily walked away.

I wasted no time watching her, fully swiveling to walk with Sami, reclining my head back to the ceiling and deeply breathing in. "Jesus Christ."

Sami mimicked my action, sighing herself. "Life's just so hard when everyone loves you." She proclaimed woefully, mocking me. I gently shoved her as she giggled, and I stuck my tongue out.

As flattering as you could've considered it, I wasn't about to lie to myself about my inability to properly socialize with anyone outside of my general group, especially random flutter bugs like Lauren. Sami made it look easy. She'd hardly spoken more than three sentences to Lauren, yet she'd sounded like she was conversing with an old-time friend, despite the fact she didn't even properly remember her name at the beginning of the conversation. I wasn't so lucky. My awkwardness always melted into something resembling being stuck up, though people like Lauren - which was most of them - hardly took notice. But I swear, if you're reading this with brewing judgement for my seemingly sour attitude, I just want to make it a note right now to swear I am not as stuck up as I may seem. Just moderately socially inept.

"Gosh, just wait till you hear about my last period." Sami sighed dramatically as she leaned against the locker next to mine. She swatted a sweaty string of messy black hair from her forehead. "PE was an absolute bitch. Ms. Shampoo is obviously still touchy about what we pulled last week."

"Huh," I said in disbelief, "you're meaning to tell me that Ms. Champoh still," I drew out the luhl of the still as I swirled in my locker combination, knowing it would bother her, "has not seen the light of the joke where you put obscenely photoshopped pictures of Donald Trump on her flash drive after stealing it? I'm shocked." I laced my question with exaggerated surprise as I swirled in the combination for my locker.

"That man is a living Cheeto. And not that the old bat could prove anything anyway. Or that it was even my idea." Sami argued, pointedly adding the last part, obviously having sensed the accusing sound of my tone. I gave her a Kanye-shrug that was more compulsory than apologetic, and tugged on my locker door. To no avail.

"Fuck." My face screwed up with contempt and I went to re-swirling the combination I'd incorrectly deposited at her distraction.

Sami leaned her shoulder against the locker she stood next to, facing me. "Um, language. And it was that crazy girl Stephanie that was behind the entire thing. The one with the weird teeth." She tapped her own front teeth, clarifying the reference, then grimaced, her micro-diamond nose piercing glittering with the movement. 

"Which is beside the point anyway. The point is," she promptly pulled herself back into view as my locker door successfully swung open, consequently shielding her face.

"Weight room reps." She pulled her hand away from my door. "So many of them. Like I'm never fuckin' touching a bar again." She suddenly perked as if an idea came to her. "Unless we count the smoothie bar at the mall. Y'know the one with that absolutely scrumptious cashier?" Sami was talking more to herself than me as her eyes dreamily flicked upwards, hands dramatically finding a place over her heart.

I traded the books in my bag with the ones in my locker, not looking up to answer her. "So I'm gonna guess this is doubling as your not-so-subtle way of trying to remind me we're going to the mall?" I asked.

She pressed her palms into her hips, returning to Earth to look at me and tip her head thoughtfully. "I dunno, are you not so subtly going to take forever to get your ass going as per usual?"

"Oh right," I turned away from my locker to look at her and teasingly dip my head towards her messy ponytail and gym attire - a plain white tee because she lost the school distributed gym t shirt months ago, and baggy basketball shorts. "Because you're absolutely ready to go yourself."

"Oh Alyson," She rolled her eyes dramatically as she sighed my name as if in disappointment, pulling her dark hair from the ponytail it had basically been escaping from anyway. "you act like I don't know how to primp."

She pulled out dangly hoop earrings from her tote, popping them into her ears as she sighed in an overly glamorous demeanor. Like she was a tortured, divinely beautiful 1930's actress in a black-and-white movie in which some scene calls for her to drape herself across a red velvet couch while a delicate string of pearls clinging to her perfect chest.

Staring into the small burgundy cubicle that was my locker, I wistfully observed the books inside. Just a few weeks ago it'd been bare, but it was now steadily picking up inventory in textbooks and study guides. The only thing I was immediately fond of inside the cubicle was the mirror on the door, which Sami took advantage of now to properly apply her lipgloss.

I watched her, gripping the side of my locker and resting my cheek on my knuckles. "Bagels or Cinnabons?" I asked her.

"I hope you're not asking so you can know whether to go to the bakery or the Cinnabon place when we get to the mall, because you should already know my answer." Sami rubbed her lips slick with gloss together, then turned to me, squinting her eyes with determination. "Both."

I closed my eyes and opened them towards the ceiling. I started in on informing her that getting both wasn't on the agenda, but my words were lost upon my eyes falling to witness the brunette mischievously dot and swirl a pattern onto my mirror with the lipgloss wand.

"Sami don-- I swear to God," I snatched the tube of lipgloss from her hands, hardly fazing her, already having gotten away with her art piece - a lopsided smiley face. She admired it contentedly, even though my disturbance had caused an eye to have a streak stretching off and into the smile, and it was a pretty bad looking deformation. She bounced in victory and blew a flirty kiss at it anyway.

I stashed the tube of gloss into my bag and shut my locker as Sami unfazedly resumed pulling down her basketball shorts to reveal a hidden pair of cute jean shorts, and then went to replacing her sneakers with white, strappy wedges, that well matched her plain white v-neck.

I raised an eyebrow, silently praising the conclusion of her little performance and she returned my look with matching intensity and an obvious satisfaction with herself.

"You should take a few notes." She advised playfully, turning and leading the way as we continued down the hall. "This could be a day job for me, teaching people how to go from sporty to totally chic in 2 minutes." She went on, eyes dreamily looking into nowhere and her hands ambitiously illustrating her words as we walked. "I could write a self-help book and make millions. Like Oprah."

"Mmmhmm," I hummed, jokingly exaggerating an doubtful eyeroll within her line of vision. I chuckled as I was met with exactly what I expected - a mockly offended swat on the shoulder and dramatic mumbling of, "You never believe in me and my greatness."

"Hey, here comes Aubrey." I announced to change the subject and pull the sulky brunette's attention away from my snarky tongue.

"Oh. And she has coffee. My favorite." Sami added hungrily, more to herself than me. I adorned a grin to greet the arrival of yet another one of my friends, the next one sure to be less a handful than the current.

"Hey guys!" Aubrey's light chiming voice and Lite Brite set of teeth greeted us as she gave a small wave with the coffee cup and phone in her hand.

Sami instantly made a clawing motion, and Aubrey instinctively swiveled her torso the other direction, outstretching her opposite arm to hold Sami at a safe arms distance as she gulped it away. Sami stomped her foot and her earrings wiggled as Aubrey turned back, proudly beaming.

Chucking the empty cup into a nearby trash can, the blonde tugged at the bottom of her wine red cheerleading skirt, ignoring Sami's pointed glare. "Quite honestly, you are ravenous." the blonde tutted.

We breezily walked out the double doors of Red Stone High, wistful gazes upon our moves as we exited the school and entered the Autumn air.

"So Aubrey, where did Vicki park the car today?" Sami inquired, her booming voice more comfortably fitting the open air as she toyed with her hoop earring and we strolled down the cement stairs.

"Mmmm," Aubrey twirled a lock of golden yellow hair in concentration as she scrolled through her iPhone. Finding the text conversation, she pulled her face away from her phone in victory. "The front." She confirmed pulling her rosy lips into a self satisfied smile.

"Did you ask which front?" I casually wondered aloud, though I was already sure of what would come next.

".....Gosh Dammit."

Me and Sami laughed as we subsequently stopped walking, Aubrey's face screwing up ruefully. She was absolutely notorious for forgetting details, not that it stopped her from frequently trying to prove herself.

Sami and I were seconds away from teasing the crap out of her when Aubrey's face broke into a bright smile. "Oh guys! We don't even need to know which front." She trapped her bottom lip with her smiling teeth, victoriously pointing a manicured finger past us. "Look."

Sami and I turned in the direction she gestured, where Victoria's signature inky hair and flirty smile made it an easy task to recognize her where she stood, leaning up against the deep purple exterior of her Navigator. She propped her sunglasses on her head as she waved bye to a cute senior she'd obviously taken advantage of chatting up when he loitered a little too close to her car.

"Hmph, you got lucky this time." Sami noted teasingly as we began to stroll in her direction.

"Bite me."

"Awww," I couldn't help mussing Aubrey's hair up affectionately, prompting her to scrunch her nose cutely and try to sway away from my hand.

"Y'know, you'd be threatening if you weren't so damn adorable." Sami sighed sympathetically, looking at Aubrey like she was a newborn kitten.

"I hate you guys." She declared with a growl that teased a grin, throwing her eyes upward in annoyance.

Sami and I caught each other's look at the same time, expressions lighting up. "Awwww," we cooed together loudly, finally driving Aubrey to squeal in annoyance and quicken her pace to escape us.

Turning her attention to Sami, Aubrey and I as we approached, Victoria scoffed playfully.

"There you guys are." She said in an exaggerated posh accent, fluffing her dark hair and swiveling the wrist that wore her Rolex as if she'd been waiting in exasperation. I swatted her arm as she continued to feign impatience and Sami and Aubrey loaded themselves into the car.

"I'd advise Ms. Eliza Doolittle to stuff it, she looked pretty damn occupied talking to Sr. over there." I teased. She mockly scoffed, throwing her eyes upward, but didn't deny it, her expression eventually dissolving to wear a bright smirk as she admitted, "Guilty as charged."

Aubrey popped her head out of a rolled down window of the car, wearing a cute look of curiosity and clutching a pair of sweatpants she'd dug from the back of the car. "Eliza Doolittle was British?"

"Obivously, my dear Aubrey." Victoria replied, pulling out her accent again as she placed a hand to her chest gracefully. Even as confidently as she confirmed it, I wasn't sure if Victoria even knew the answer herself. Not that Victoria didn't usually know absolutely everything about everything. Or that I knew the answer either. As far as I knew, Eliza Doolittle was some Mary Poppins-esque character from some literary work written by Mark Twain or something. Probably.

"Oh yes," I joined in, with a clumsier accent than Vic, "she was also quite the promiscuous little flirt around town too."

"Mmm, she's quite correct," Victoria drawled eloquently without missing a beat, "but how ever could Ms. Doolittle have helped it, being the simply ravishing English rose she was?" Victoria continued with the right amount of gusto as she let her hand make a sweeping motion that highlighted her face, effectively out doing my previous jab.

"Bravo, bravo." Aubrey golf-clapped her hands in a circle, pretending to dab away tears and lovingly throw roses at Victoria, who bowed as she basked in her praise accordingly.

"So, we're British now are we?" An obnoxiously loud and fake Scottish accent came, belonging to what I recognized as the last of my friends.

We turned, being met to the appearance of a slender Hispanic girl, striding up to us to practically launch her oboe case through the open window of Victoria's car, giving Aubrey hardly any warning. The blonde shrieked, and dodged it agilely, popping her head up to pout at the brunette. 

"Jen!" Victoria screeched. "You could have killed her!"

"Aye, you're fine." Jenna waved off the death stare from the blonde, sighing a large sigh in relief as she turned to back to Victoria and me.

"Tis a bloody nuisance, that oboe, I tell ya." Jenna said, wearing a grimace and speaking through a thick accent only being encouraged by the steady giggling Victoria and I entertained it with. "Of course, a wee old oboe isn't half o' bad as when I nearly lost me eye, to that there monstrosity of a squid down by the bay. Won't I say it, that thing put up a better fight than a --"

"Je-nna!" Sami's voice rang from the car, about an octave too loud as always. "Literally? Shut up with the lame accent. You remind me the sailor from The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack."

Jenna quickly swung around, shaking a fist in the air. "Aye! So be it a lassie with a smart mouth 's tryna tussle with me?" She crowed, hobbling around the car to slide in next to Sami as we howled with laughter and poured ourselves into the car as well.

Pulling myself into the passenger's seat as everyone else settled themselves into the car, I flipped the seats mirror thingy down, evaluating my appearance in the little rectangle.

"Ok," I heard Sami announce to the car once she'd clicked her seatbelt on. "Can every non Scottish person tell me whether they want Cinnabons or bagels? I am starving and we are not about to argue when we get to the mall."

A chorus of 'Cinnabons' rose, backed by a singular 'Bagels' - all in good ol' American accents.

"Overruled." I said, swirling a wispy bang around my finger in my reflection. "No one's getting any."

Whines of teenage girls promptly entered the air and I rolled my eyes lazily, expecting that response.

"You guys -" I turned my ass from the passenger seat to dramatically look back at my group of friends, "we have to buy shit for the party." I explained simply, and rolled my eyes when I was met with even more passionate groans of disapproval. "Oh c'mon."

"Alright," Victoria dramatically drawled her voice in an official way, tipping her boxy sunglasses and peering into the rear view mirror to scan the backseat. "Whose turn is it?"

Jenna and Sami expectantly turned to Aubrey in unison, who scrunched her nose and adopted an expression like she'd just smelled something gross. "As much as I love cinnamon rolls, I'm not in the mood to play prosecutor."

"That's alright, I think we need more fire power than we can get from Miss Power Puff." Jenna quipped, earning a blush and eye roll from the blonde. She gestured to Sami. "Sam! You're up."

"Right." She cleared her throat, straightening her shirt as if it was a suit, correcting her posture and leaning forward.

"Alyso- Oh wait, forgive me," Sami stopped herself. "Miss Xu." She corrected. "Are you aware that Halloween - the day of this planned party - is an entire week away?" She questioned diplomatically.

I rolled my head back, smiling and glaring at her, who still held up a professional front. "It is not technically about the time frame, it's more about-"

"Ah ah ah, Miss Sommers, there are only yes or no answers." Sami asserted as the car tittered with snickers. "Again, are you aware that Halloween - the said date of this planned party - is an entire" The redhead pettily made a point of dragging out the 'tire' in entire, knowing it would annoy me, "week away?"

I sighed, smiling in annoyance, but going along. "Yes. Yes I am aware."

"Are you also aware that an entire week would be considered to most, more than enough time to prepare for said party, even if it were to be, as you were quoted to describe as 'an absolute banger'?"

"Objection, cause for speculation." Jenna piped.

Sami frowned, breaking her character to whip towards Jenna indignantly. "You can't object, you're on my side."

"Overruled anyway." Victoria drawled in response, pushing up her glasses.

"Then objection - she's leading, your honor." Jenna pushed.

"Objection - that's literally what lawyers do." Victoria shot back in a matter-of-fact voice.

I twisted in my seat to face Jenna "I could swear on a bible you do not even know what you're talking about."

Jenna bristled and corrected her posture, flipping her shoulder length hair and scoffing in offense. "3 years of religiously watching Law and Order: SVU, and you mean to try and tell me that I don't know my terminology? This is mutiny."

Aubrey's eyebrows furrowed innocently and she dragged her pink lips into a frown. "OK, I don't know much about vocab, but you cannot possibly be using that word right."

Victoria tapped her hand on the dashboard like it was a gavel. "Order! Order or you will all be placed in contempt!"

"Where's contempt?" Jenna wanted to know. "In the trunk?" She asked haughtily.

"Yeah, with that snake of yours." Aubrey smirked under her breath.

"It's not a snake, it's an oboe!" Jenna whined, crossing her arms. "Where did you guys even get that stupid comparison from?"

"Your Honor," Sami addressed Victoria coolly, "It is obvious that the jury has been contaminated with the misbehaviors of the defendant and the other random bitch in the courtroom - it would be impossible for us to move on without bias, I move for an immediate mistrial."

"Granted." Victoria rolled her eyes breezily. "Y'all are getting on my nerves, so this court is dismissed," she concluded.

"Show off." Jenna grumbled at Sami, who smiled arrogantly and purposely flipped her hair over her shoulder and into her face. Aubrey giggled as Jenna ungracefully spat hair from her lips, and Sami turned to the blonde proudly, doing this dorky fist bump thing with her.

"We're still not getting Cinnabons or bagels." I sing-songed, prompting another chorus of exasperation, everyone directing their whiny faces towards me in protest. I tipped my head back to the ceiling, silently groaning.

"Getting bagels or Cinnabons isn't gonna sabotage our party." Jenna whined.

"You're right." I perked, picking my head back up. I turned towards the backseat of the car. "And not getting bagels or Cinnabons isn't going to ruin your guys' lives."

Another chorus of groans, another eyeroll.

"Sorry that's the last say." I proclaimed over them.

Sami crossed her arms, pulling up the corner of her lip, forming an aggressive pout. "An argued case, all for nothing."

"You tried." Aubrey comforted her with a hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks but you're not the one who wasted her breath."

Jenna rolled her eyes. "I'm just sayin-" She tried again.

"Jenna no," Victoria whined from the driver's seat.

"Actually, Jenna yes."

"Jen-" I started, only to be diligently cut off again.

"If I don't get a cinnamon roll I'm going to die. Or throw a tantrum. But there's more money leaning towards death."


"I can go all day."

"Yet the day will never see a Cinnabon."

Aubrey groaned. "Aly, don't let her do this."

I threw a glare at the backseat, Jenna's whiny expression meeting me, while Sami smirked next to her. This was the difference between them. Sami was easily to deal with because she just rambled. Jenna liked to argue.

I opened my mouth, ready to go at it, but was promptly cut off by a high pitched "Ok but honestly-"

The same way I had been met with a chorus of groans, another group song rose into the air.




Yeah, so that was only the prologue to my first book ever, "Survival of the Clique"! This was more of a chapter to introduce the characters, I know that nothing really happened.

I think I don't see enough books on Wattpad that kinda just focuses on the misadventures of friendships, especially in a group of girls. It still has all the comedy and romance and fun of a regular novel, but I think it's really something even more fun to read when it's interwoven between all these characters. I promise I'll try to make sure it won't get too confusing.

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