Twisted Love (boyxboy)

By Raven-key

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Saint Louise University , a boy’s school where students are divided into 3: R (rich), D(delinquent) and L(low... More

Twisted Love (boyxboy)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 10

803 56 35
By Raven-key

Jeylo’s POV

I smiled as I shake hands with my brother.

“You really are a grown up man now  son, so I think it’s time to live with us now”

My father  spoke as he  looked at me with a serious expression.

I looked at him confused and then I turned to mom.

“Don’t worry Jey, it’s just for three months, and after that you will decide if you will stay with them or not.We already discussed this thoroughly”

Mom said as she fake a smile.

If  that’s what they decided already then I guess, I have to agree.

“You are currently studying in St. Louise University right son? So I guess you have to stay in your brothers place during schooldays”

Dad  is  right. Brother Myko is a teacher in our University and  of course he has a place near our school and  if I stay with him I will not bother about rent anymore  plus we can get to know each other and build our relationship as brothers.

“Okay I decided to be with you” I said to them.

After that we had a conversation. Myko gave me his phone number and I also gave my number to him .He also gave me his address as well as the key to his house  and then the two of  them  left for they have some business to take care of.

Then mom told me everything about dad and my brother.

I learned that dad is the son of the famous businessman  and their family is rich and when he fell in love with my mother  who is just an ordinary woman,his family never accepted her.But they still insisted their love for each other ,so dad abandoned  his family and lived together with mom and then brother Myko was born .They experienced a very hard life for my grandpa made ways to let them suffer. They never gave up until my brother experience a very terrible sickness and it happened that they were so out of money. Mother bravely asked my grandpa to help them eventhough dad told her to never confront him. And in exchange for grandpa’s help, mom will silently leave dad and my brother and never appear before them in the future.

I know leaving dad and my brother behind was so hard for her and after that , she discovered that she was pregnant of me.  I wonder how she managed those times,I know  it must be tough. But she said that she was still happy for she had me.

But if that happened  in the past, how come dad found out about us?

I was  reflecting on these things as I was fixing my things for  I will start bringing some of them to my brothers place.

I heaved a sigh and I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

It was Luke of course.I missed a call from him so I called back.

“Hey,can you help me for a while? I have to do something urgent”

Luke’s POV

“Yeah I’m free right now”

“Thanks ,I will wait for you here”

I heard Jey sighed before turning off  his phone.Did something happened to him?

I immediately drove my car to their house and when I arrived there his mother welcomed me.

“I’m  glad my Jey has a friend like you , Luke was it?,I’m sorry to bother you like this and thanks for helping him.And I hope you can help him move  his things out of  his apartment for from now on he will be living with his.. “

“Mom could you please stop that”

Jey interrupted as he went near us carrying a box and handed it to me.

“Mom this is all I need for now. Take care of yourself okay?.I’m gonna miss you and I love you” Jey said as he hugged his mother and then we said goodbye.

We immediately went to Jey’s apartment and settled everything.We ate lunch and then we started packing all his things.It took us hours to fix them .It was afternoon already .

“I’m surprised you were actually moving somewhere”

I said as I put the boxes at the back of the car.

“Yeah I know. I was surprised myself that I was gonna live with my brother whom I just met this morning”Jey forced a smile and then  he entered the car.And I followed him and started the engine.He gave me the address and we went to see the place.

It was a private housing.I knew that the one’s who live here are mostly rich and professionals.Jey’s brother must be a hard working guy to afford such a nice house.

We entered the house and it’s interior design was fantastic.

I immediately sat on the couch comfortably.

I heard Jey chuckle as he sat beside me.

“Tough job isn’t it? Thanks Luke”

Jey adorably smiled at me so I pulled him closer to me as we gently lay on the couch.

“How about a kiss for a reward?” I blurted as I rub my nose against his.

He rolled his eyes as he let out a soft laugh, leaned closer and took a smack on my lips.

He looked at me with that adorable smile again and I slowly run my fingers on Jeys hair. Slowly caressed his face and observed his eyes,nose and my thumb landed on his lips gently touching it.

 “I Love You ” he blurted and then he kissed me again in a passionate way.

My hands slowly found its way touching Jey’s body and slowly lifting his shirt a voice came from behind.

“Jey,so you’ve finally…

Me and Jey looked up to the person who was standing in front of  us.

I gasp…No way…It was Myko….Why is Myko  ..

Jey immediately pushed me away,straightened himself and stood up.

“Welcome home brother”

I was so dumbfounded. What did he just say?

Jeylo’s POV

 I can feel my heart beating so loud. I was so nervous. That was so embarrassing. To be caught in the act like that,how shameful, and of all people, it was my brother who witnessed us.

“Uhhmn, you know brother…this is…uhmmn”

“I understand Jey,it’s alright” My brother said as he looked at me and then to Luke.

I know he was shocked but I was relieved that he didn’t scold me, but for an instant there, I thought I saw my brother’s sad expression on his face or maybe it’s just my imagination. Maybe  he was disgusted in me.

“Hey Luke are you alright” I said as I tapped his shoulder when I noticed him spacing out.

He looked at me with a serious yet sad expression on his face.I’m confused.

“Is…is Myko really your brother?”

“Yes he is”

After saying that, Luke hugged me tightly.So tight  that I almost can’t breathe.He released me for a while and hugged me again.He’s  trembling. Is he scared?

“Hey wan’t  to eat something? “ I said as patted his back hoping he would calm down but he didn’t so I leaned close to his ear

“Or  you want to eat me?”I whispered

I heard him chuckle and then he looked at me with that expression  again.

“Geez, if you look at me like that ,I’m gonna melt you know” I said as I pinched his nose ,force him to stand up and drag  him towards the kitchen and brother Myko was there,washing some vegetables so we volunteered to help him and start to prepare dinner.

When the three of us were having  dinner,we were completely silent. I saw Luke and my brother  exchange gazes and I can somewhat feel some tension between them.

“The food is very delicious,you’re such a great cook bro”  I said to break  this awkward situation.

“Based on what I saw earlier ,are you and my brother in that kind of relationship ?” Brother Myko asked  Luke with a serious expression.There was this weird atmosphere again and I started to feel nervous.

“We are” Luke answered as he calmly chew his food.My brother then turned towards me.

“I see. I hope you already know the kind of situation you’re in Jey”

I nodded as I smiled at him.I can’t believe it,but brother Myko is actually kind and understanding.

After we finished eating Luke said that he has something to do,so he immediately left.

------ ------- The Next Day,9:00 am, Student Council Room ---------- ----------

I was the only one left in here for the others were having their class. I was silently reading some documents that Kye gave me a while ago

“Hey Jey can you  listen to me for a while,I have good news you know? And what are you doing anyway?” Ritchie appeared .

I glared at him. Isn’t he the one who volunteered to be a member of the Student Council and was the one who is excited about this? Why am I the only one doing all the work?

“Well, Kye gave these documents to me and as his personal assistants, it’s our duty to take care of  this right?”

“Oh I see you’re right,keep doing that” He chuckled as he sat on the table and leaned closer at me.

“Anyway Jey, me and Kye were officially dating ,look” He added as he showed his finger with a ring on it.

I was dumbfounded.

“What are you serious? No way!” I shouted.

Ritchie and Kye? That was so fast.In just a short time and they already in this kind of relationship ?How did it happen?This is Kye were talking about,it’s unbelievable.

“I know what you’re thinking Jey.. geez..It’s really true you know,though were not yet lovers like you and Luke but I guarantee that it will happen soon..Tehee” He said as he winked at me.

“I will be out for a while okay, I’m gonna help you next time I promise and I’ll be skipping class so don’t search for me okay?”

I just followed  Ritchie with my gaze as he walked out of the room.That guy really.So he just joined SSC to be with Kye?Unbelievable. Is he serious this time?.Oh well if Ritchie is happy then I will support him. I was also relieved that Kye’s attention  will somehow be focused away from me. At least for now ,I will not be bothered about him.

I focused my attention on the papers again. School Fest huh? I said to myself as I continued  reading.It will be next next week.I’m  sure we will be both busy at that time.I slump my face at the table as I heave a sigh.

“Wow,we sure got a hard working fellow here”

It was Arch.He just arrived together with Kye and Fritch.

“Don’t you have any class?” Kye said .

Woah.He  somehow change.I laughed a little when I remembered about what Ritchie told me.

“What?” Kye glared at me.

“Nah,it’s nothing,I have class at 10.I’m gonna borrow this for a while okay?I haven’t finished reading it” I said as I stood up and said goodbye to them.

Luke’s POV

I am now attending  Myko’s class.I was silently observing him as he was doing his lecture.I still can’t recover from shock about what happened yesterday.

Myko and Jey sure had a bit of resemblance but I still can’t believe it.Well,Myko never told me about his family  and I also never bothered to ask him about it.I know what happened between us in the past would reach Jey’s ears in no time so I have to do something before it’s too late.

When our class ended. I immediately stood up and followed Myko but I made sure that nobody is around.

“Hey can we talk” I said as I grab his arm.

He pulled his arm and started talking in an angry tone.

“Did you know that Jey and I were brothers?Is this your revenge against me?Are you trying to get me jealous so that I will come back to you? If  that’s what you’re thinking then you’re wrong Luke!”

“No you’re wrong,I really love…”

“Luke ,brother Myko?”

It was Jey. Crap. Did he hear our conversation?

“Hey what’s going on?What’s with your weird faces?Are the two of you alright?”

“Yeah were alright Jey,why are you here?” Myko spoke.

“Uhhmn,I just happened  to be on my way to my next class and then I saw the two of you”

“I see ,we were just talking about his grades,Luke is my student you know?”

“Yeah I know,anyway just take care of yourselves okay?and I’ll be heading for class now see yah”

I watch Jey as he started running downstairs. I heard the bell and I noticed Myko was gone and instead I saw Ritchie giving me a suspicious look and then he started running downstairs.

I run my fingers through my hair as I took a deep breath and let out a big sigh.

“I think I’m in trouble”

Ritchie’s POV

“Jey wait” I called out to him when I finally caught up.

“I thought you’re gonna skip today’s class then why are you here?”

“Is it true that the professor a while ago who was with Luke ,is actually your brother?”

“Oh so you were eavesdropping huh?” Jey said as he pulled my ear.

“No I just happened to pass by and overheard your conversation, I was surprised”

“Well,I’m gonna tell you the whole story so let’s get inside first okay”

Our professor in biolab gave us some exercises and we started doing the experiment.

“So how come I didn’t know that you have a brother and is actually a teacher here in St.Louise?”

“I just found out yesterday ,I was surprised also but I’m trying to adjust”

Jey said as he was doing some solution.Then he started talking about how he met his brother and his father. That he started  living with his brother and some incident that his brother witnessed between him and Luke .

“I’m worried you know” I murmured.

“Nah,Don’t be” He smiled as he tap my shoulder.

Mike went closer to us and scolded us for chatting and not doing our work properly and then he dragged Jey away from me.I followed him with my gaze as I heave a sigh.

I’m really worried about Jey.But it’s not about how would he adjust with his current situation but I’m worried about his relationship with Luke.I know Luke,He’s a famous delinquent.But not just that I’ve heard stories  that he had so many relationships in the past,merely based on sex but he stopped that habit of his when he found a steady relationship with his boyfriend who is a professor  in this University.But nobody is familiar with that  rumored boyfriend of his.

“Did you know that Jey and I were brothers?Is this your revenge against me?Are you trying to get me jealous so that I will come back to you? If  that’s what you’re thinking then you’re wrong Luke!”

Could it be that Jey’s new brother is actually the person that Luke once loved before he meet my bestfriend?

I might be overhearing things. I just happened to pass by and heard their conversation. I was shocked in witnessing such a scene but I was really surprised when I saw Jey went near them.I was so worried when he started running downstairs so I followed him for I thought that he heard their conversation but I’m glad he’s alright.

My hunch might be wrong  so I must gather some information  regarding Luke’s past.This is the only thing I can do for Jey.But if I’m right,I’m gonna be the one who will kick that guy out of Jey’s life.

We conducted our exercise well. When class ended,Jey asked me to go with him to the SSC room for Arch invited us for lunch,but I refused for I decided to confront Luke.

I immediately went to find Luke and went to their classroom but he wasn’t there but instead I encountered his fellow delinquent.

“You know Luke Howard right?Where is he right now?”

“And who are you anyway?Why are you looking for Luke?Don’t tell me you’re one of  those losers chasing after his body?..ahahah”

I was so pissed that I grabbed him by the collar

“I was asking you properly if where is Luke Howard right now you bastard!!”

“If  you  are looking for Luke, he wasn’t here for he went to search for his lover”

I turned towards the owner of that voice and I released the delinquent on my grasp.

“Oh you’re a friend of  that Jeylo guy right?” he said.

“How come you know me and Jey?” I glared at him.

“I’m Rick.Luke’s best pal.” He said as he offered his hand but I grabbed his arm and started to drag him to a place away from the people.

“Oh don’t tell me that you dragged me out here because you planned to lay your hands on me,my,my I’m thrilled”

“Don’t be full of yourself idiot! I’m just gonna tell you straight, do you know something about Luke and that professor named Myko?”

I saw his expression changed for a while and then he spoke.

“If I know something then it’s up for me if I should tell it to you or not” He grinned.

I immediately grabbed both  his arms and twisted it towards his back.

“Well if you don’t want to have a broken bones,then I guess you gotta start talking ,hhmn?”

---------   --------------------- ------------------


Hello my beloved ones..(sniff..sniff) ,

I just wanted to thank all of you for supporting Jey and Luke.I hope you will hold on until the end for their story is almost finished..Just a few chapters more and then…naksss…

Okay that’s all..muaahhhh..

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