Snapshots, Glasses, And Coffee

By Princely-Idiotic

17.5K 533 145

/HIATUS/ ((OHSHC Fanfiction)) (Boy X Boy) "Care for a picture?" "Isn't that your job?" "I figured I should as... More



6.8K 229 49
By Princely-Idiotic

Alfred smiled a small smile as he adjusted the lenses on his camera. He stayed silent and didn't make a single moment in fear of frightening the creature in front of him.

In front of the American teen was a small fawn. It had seemed to be at most a week old. The boy was glad the mother hadn't spotted him or else he would be beaten ruthlessly with her hooves.

He glanced at the fawn and then back at the camera screen. Once the small creature had gotten into the position Alfred had been wishing for, the teen snapped a few shots. He looked through the gallery and was satisfied with the results.

He slowly crawled away from the fawn, the tall grass keeping him hidden as he did so. Once he had gotten a safe distance away, he sat up and stretched.

"Another good shot if I say so myself,"he hummed to himself.

Out of nowhere, his phone had went off. Alfred pulled out the device and accepted the call without even glancing at the caller ID.

"Hello?" His accent cut into his English as he greeted the caller.

"Hello, Mister Beutler. I am Ootori Kyoya, the Vice President of the host club residing in the Japanese school Ouran Elite Private Academy. It had came to knowledge that you are willing to take up an offer of taking photographs at events, am I correct?"

Alfred nodded to himself as he sat in the grass,"you are, Mister Ootori. I presume that you want me to come and take photos at this event you are supposedly having?"

If Alfred listened closely, he could hear Japanese being spoken in the background.

"You are correct. The event will be hosted on Saturday at noon. Will you be available?"

A snort and what seemed to be a angry sound came from behind him. Alfred glanced behind him and came face to face with the supposed mother of the fawn. His eyes widened and he slowly grabbed his bag. He stayed in that position for several seconds, staring down the mother doe.

"Mister Beutler?"

The words rung out of the phone and it was enough to set the deer off.

With a frantic yell of 'shit!' Alfred took off, the doe not far behind him.

Kyoya's eyebrows knotted in confusion as he waited for a reply. He heard a snort and what had seemed to be an angry sound. He couldn't tell what it was.

"Mister Beutler?" He asked, as if reminding the person on the other end of the phone about his question.

Only a second later, Kyoya heard a yelp and a loud 'shit!' sounded through the phone.

The raven haired teen glanced at the phone in slight shock. His fingers ceased their typing as he listened to the commotion.

Shouts and strings of English profanity shot through the phone at an alarming rate and the Japanese teenager was worried about the American man.

It was several seconds later when Kyoya was met with laughing and heavy breathing.

"It seems that you can't climb trees, big girl! Such a shame!"

Kyoya though he should try again.

"Mister Beutler? Are you alright?"

He heard laughing again before he got an actual answer.

"Now I am, Mister Ootori! Almost got trampled by a mother doe. That aside, could you repeat you question? I got caught in the heat of the moment and didn't hear your it."

Kyoya was surprised with his answer. Trampled by a deer? What were the odds?

Kyoya shook his head and tapped his pen on his desk,"yes, of course. I was wondering if you were available this Saturday at noon to take photos."

"Saturday? I can be there. You should expect to see me tomorrow."

"I believe we can discuss the payment tomorrow as well?"

"Yes. That will be fine. If there isn't anything else, I believe that I need to end our small chat until tomorrow. I need to pack my belongings and get the earliest flight so I can make it there in time."

"That will be all. Thank you for being able to take up this offer."

"The pleasure is mine. Have a good day, Mister Ootori."

"Good day, Mister Beutler."

And with that, the call ended, leaving Kyoya in a small silence as he sighed and placed his phone on his desk. He glanced around the room at the other faces. He noted the president of the host club's soft smile as he spoke to his customers. He glanced in another direction and seen the other hosts doing their jobs as well.

With a shake of his head, Kyoya resumed his typing, in hopes of putting off his thoughts of the previous events over the phone.

Alfred had stayed in the tree for a good two hours before the doe actually left, not before it left a good kick to the tree.

"What did the tree do to you, big girl?" He muttered as he watched the deer prance back over to her fawn, leading it into the trees and away from the human.

Alfred rolled his eyes at the doe's tactics and decided not to question it. He hung his camera bag over his shoulder and carefully made his way down the tree.

Once down on the ground, the American teenager stretched and made his way down the hill, the direction he had crawled up earlier. He laughed at himself and his near death experience, calling the situation a few foul names.

It was a few hours later when Alfred had eventually made his way back to the hotel he was staying. He greeted the people working there with a smile and a 'hello' before making his way to his room to pack his things.

Alfred closed the door to his room and made sure to lock the door as well. He made himself useful by quickly gathering his things and putting them in their corresponding bag. As soon as he finished, he sat down on the bed and placed his laptop on his lap.

"Better post the new blog before I forget. I'd hate to lose some profit," he sighed to himself as he began typing.

It was late at night and Kyoya couldn't find the need to get any sleep. The boy sighed and ran his fingers through his raven hair, it was an unconscious act he did when his guard was down.

He sat on the edge of his bed, the lights were off and the only source of light was the half covered moon. The Japanese teen stared at the floor for a good three minutes before he stood and made his way over to his laptop that was currently on his organized desk.

He pushed open the laptop and entered the password with ease. If he couldn't sleep then why waste his time staring at the floor?

Kyoya clicked on the web browser and typed in the thing he was currently curious about.

Alfred Beutler's photography blog.

The way Alfred had taken his photos sparked Kyoya's interest, which is why he had called the American in the first place.

Finding what he wanted, Kyoya clicked on the website and was immediately showered with different photographs and links to the blogs of each photo.

His onyx eyes flashed with interest as he noticed Alfred's most recent blog, which was posted only a few minutes ago.

Allowing curiosity to overrun his system, the Japanese boy clicked on the link.

The first thing that had popped up was a picture of a fawn, the breed was unfamiliar to Kyoya. He skimmed the text, his attention mostly on the photos.

There was at least seven snapshots of the small deer, each photo having the fawn in a different position.

"How odd..." the boy mumbled, his eyes never leaving the screen.

"Thank the lord that I made it here alive," Alfred muttered. He never did like planes, more or less leaving the ground at all with out anything holding him up.

However, his grouchiness soon dissolved when he seen where he was.

His lips formed a small grin,"I could get wonderful photos here! That can wait until a later time however."

Alfred shifted his camera bag on his shoulder and started walking towards the exit of the airport, he had also made sure that he had a tight, yet calm grip on the handle of his suitcase. It would be awful if he lost his clothes and other necessities, now wouldn't it?

It wasn't long until he had arrived at his destination.

Ouran Elite Private Academy.

The Ootori man had messaged him and told him that they could meet up at the school, considering that he had to finish his 'host duties' as he called it. Not that it mattered much to Alfred. He was just happy to finally be there.

I'm really itching to take some snapshots... Alfred thought to himself as he looked at the hedges and rose bushes that surrounded him. I'll have to find time to do that before I leave. I wonder if those roses were imported. This place seems rather expensive, but that doesn't mean much.

The excited young adult shook his head slightly to clear his thought as he continued on his way.

There was one thing that kept coming to mind. It was Ootori's accent that clashed with his English. When he had spoken in English, his 'r's and 'l's clashed. Yet, everything else had seemed normal, though his tone was formal. Alfred figured that the man must have been tired or stressed, not that he could really say anything for he never grew up in the wealthy life. The trip to Japan had costed him half of his saving and Alfred was silently hoping that his pay would be good.

Alfred pulled out his phone and sent a message to the Vice President of the host club stating that he was at the entrance of the building. Not even five seconds later the Japanese man stated that he would be down to escort him to the club's room.

Figuring it would take Ootori a little while for him to arrive, Alfred pulled out his camera and looked through the gallery.

There was quite a few pictures of nature and animals, but there was also photos of buildings and the night sky. No matter how many times he seen the pictures, the boy would always marvel at the sight that he had once seen.

Unbeknownst to Alfred, there was a raven haired teenager that was walking down the hallway towards him. The teen walked with dignity and the air around him screamed wealthy. It was just one of his many charms.

A few steps away from the American, the Japanese boy made himself known.

"You must be Alfred Beutler, I presume?"

Alfred glanced up from his camera and smiled,"you are correct. You must be Ootori Kyoya, pleasure to meet you. Please excuse my lack of knowledge with the Japanese honorifics. I can't say that I have had the time to study them."

It was true, he had packed and gotten on the earliest flight the day before. He had spent his air trip asleep to restore his energy and so he didn't have to experience the flight.

"That is quite alright, Mister Beutler."

Alfred smiled,"please, call me Alfred. Most people do anyways."

"Alright, then please call me Kyoya, so we are on equal terms."

Alfred nodded. He had noticed that Kyoya's English was better than the day before, and he was quite disappointed considering he thought the mishaps were a little cute.

Dammit! What are you thinking, Alfred?! Get those thoughts out at this very moment! I understand you have an extreme interest in Japanese and their culture, but this is weird mister! Wait- did I just call myself mister? Whoa, I feel stupid now. He mentally conversed with himself.

He sighed quietly to himself as he walked next to Kyoya, his camera bag had been replaced back on his shoulder and he had a hand on his suitcase as it rolled quietly of the expensive flooring.

Kyoya asked if he was feeling well and Alfred immediately replied that he was feeling fine.

The only thing left on his mind before his thoughts changed was something quite simple, but held much meaning.

What the hell am I getting myself into?


It's completed! At least chapter 1!

Haha r.i.p. me.

Also, for those that have read this before I've changed it (I'll be also making a A/N) I've made Alfred American instead of British, cause I mean, as much as I love you British folk with a non-creepy passion, it's just hard to write with British in general. Heck, half the words you say over there is offensive in America, which is another reason why I decided to change Alfred over to American.

No hate to the Brits though!

On another note, HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!

And I'm also being stereotypical with the Japanese 'r' and 'l' thing.

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