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"Run away with me Chuuya." "W-What?" Chuuya looked at the brunette in shock. He didn't know what to think o... Daha Fazla

Mafia Ties Cut
Running From Our Past Regrets Pt. 1
Running From Our Past Regrets Pt.2
Dazai Arsene & The Life We Built
Let Me Save You Now
Darkness Comes to Light Pt. 1
Darkness Comes To Light Pt. 2
The Love of Family
Enough Is Enough
Trump Cards
Violetta and New Beginnings
Protecting Our Family Until The End
Until The Very End

Run With Me, And Start A New

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doubleblaack tarafından

"Run away with me Chuuya."


Chuuya looked at the brunette in shock. He didn't know what to think of the current question he was just asked. He didn't know if Dazai was serious or just kidding. But realization hit him of how serious he was when he asked Chuuya again. Dazai grabbed Chuuya by the waist gently and pulled him closer to him.

"Run away with me? Let's leave here tonight. We can run and we don't have to ever look back. We can start fresh. Wouldn't you like that? No running from the law, no missions, no corruption, no being put in the line of fire. Just us... just me and you."

Chuuya looked at Dazai astonished. "You... You're serious... but what if..."

Dazai hushed Chuuya with a chaste kiss on the lips. A kiss that gave Chuuya reassurance.

"Let me worry about everything. Just pack a suit case as light as you can. Take only what you need."

Chuuya was terrified and he would be lying if he said he wasn't but Chuuya nodded his head and smiled.

"I'll go anywhere... as long as it's with you Osamu."

*The Beginning*

Chuuya yawned as he sipped on his coffee tiredly. Chuuya closed up his textbooks as he was now finished with all of his studies for the day. Chuuya Nakahara was your average college student. He was studying his ass off like every other young adult to get a degree in the field he most desired to work in. But unlike his friends Chuuya was never big for partying, he was very introverted, and stayed at home unless he had to work or go out. Yeah, Chuuya was definitely your boring, and every day average college student, until one day he ran into a man that would change his life.


Chuuya was shuffling clothes quickly into a duffle bag. He didn't care for organization or if they clothes were folded neatly. He did just as Dazai said, packed light and only grabbed what was absolutely necessary. Dazai stepped into his room and Chuuya's shared room with his bag, and he stepped in just as Chuuya was finishing up.

"Do you have everything packed babe? Everything that you need?"

"Yeah... I think I'm good."

Dazai could see the clear hesitation on Chuuya's face, how terrified he was of getting caught by the mafia. Dazai pulled Chuuya closer to him, and he rested his hand on his cheek and kissed Chuuya's forehead.

"Hey... look at me." Dazai looked into Chuuya's striking blue eyes. "I will protect you no matter what. Like I have always done. I got you into this. And I am getting us out. I am giving your life back. Me a fresh start. I want you to finish school, I want us to have that big house with that nice white picket fence we talked about. I want to have little us running around, and I want to grow old together. We can do that. But not here. And until we can get to a place where we can be safe, and settled. I will protect you every step of the way okay?"

Chuuya nodded as Dazai kissed him deeply and quickly.

"Okay. We have to go now. We don't have much time."

Dazai grabbed his duffle bag and Chuuya's with one hand, and with the other he gripped Chuuya's hand tightly in his as he led them out of their soon to be old apartment. Their old life.


After Chuuya finished his coffee, he stood up and placed all his books into his back pack. Chuuya bundled up warmly, as it was winter right now, and it was snowing something awful in Yokohama. Chuuya put his backpack on his shoulders, and he tossed the empty coffee cup in the trash. Chuuya walked outside the library into the cold snow, Chuuya looked at his watch.

"7 pm, huh? I really need to get home."

Chuuya started walking at a quick pace towards home. He was making his way towards home quickly enough, but was stopped when he was knocked down by someone bumping into him harshly. Chuuya winced as he landed hard on the ground. Chuuya opened his eyes looking at who knocked him over. Chuuya eyes widened as he saw the sight in front of him. A tall brunette man, taller than him at least. Dress in all black with bandages wrapped around his arms and his left eye, and a right bandage patch on his cheek. The man in front of him was bleeding profusely.

"Oh my god. A-Are you okay?!" Chuuya asked after seeing the man in such state.

"Ah shit... Call someone. I should call someone." Chuuya went to pull out his phone but a hand quickly grasped around his arm.

"N-No..." He panted weakly. "No emergency rooms... No police... no doctors..." The man shook his head, and he wobbled deadly as he fell to the side. Chuuya caught his head before it hit the ground, and he rested the man's head on his lap while he thought things through. Chuuya knew he couldn't just leave him here like this. He had to stop the bleeding, and on top of that it was freezing he would surely die if he was left here. But he also knew the man didn't want to deal with doctors or hospitals. Maybe he didn't have any insurance, Chuuya thought. Chuuya laid the man's head down on the side walk, and he stood up. Chuuya then gently pulled the man up off the ground, and he held up his weight as he started making his way back to his apartment with the injured stranger.


Dazai threw his bag and Chuuya's in the trunk of a car he stole.

"Whose car is this?"

"I stole it." Dazai said nonchalantly.

"Osamu!" Chuuya yelled. "We can get arrested for that."

"Don't worry I took care of it. I switched out the plates they are fake. As long as we don't draw attention to us we will be fine. Give me your cellphone."

Chuuya obeyed and he gave Dazai his cellphone. Dazai took his and Chuuya's phone and he smashed it on the concrete.

"For now, we will keep our burner cells. That's all. We will get new phones when we get set up at our new place, okay?"

Chuuya nodded and he got in the car with Dazai and buckled in.

"What about my mom... and sister... I want to say goodbye..." Chuuya said sadly.

Dazai put his hand on Chuuya's and he rubbed his hand softly, and kissed his temple.

"You don't have to say goodbye baby. We just need to get somewhere safe, and then we can visit them okay? I promise."

"Pinky promise...?"

"I pinky promise babe."

"Okay..." Chuuya said as he squeezed Dazai's hand tightly. Dazai kissed Chuuya's hand before he let it go. Dazai started up the engine, and he put the car into reverse and backed out of the garage. Dazai turned the car around and pointed it directly at the Port Mafia gate. Dazai sighed as he looked at Chuuya.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm ready." Chuuya said as he intertwined his hand with Dazai's.

*At Home Care*

Chuuya kicked his apartment door closed behind him, and he used his free hand to lock the door. Chuuya slowly lead the man he carried all the way home to his bed room, and he gently laid him down in his bed figuring it would be more comfortable for him than the couch. Chuuya heard the man groan out in pain and he quickly made his way to the bathroom to retrieve the medical kit under the cabinet. Chuuya walked back into his bed room and he sat on the side of the bed gently, Chuuya unbuttoned the man's coat and white shirt, and he pulled both items off to get a better look at the wound.

Chuuya noticed it was a bullet wound, it was not fatal. But it was deep enough that the man he was caring for wouldn't be up and about too fast anytime soon. Chuuya grabbed a towel and he wiped off the excess blood. Chuuya then took tweezers and he gently dug into the bullet wound, he felt the man grab his arm tightly, and try to shove him away but Chuuya kept digging and he finally grabbed a hold of the bullet pulling it out. The man gasped out in pain.

"Fuck I am so sorry." Chuuya apologized as he grabbed the disinfectant spray, and he sprayed it on the wound. Chuuya then grabbed a needle and thread and he stitched up the bullet wound. Once properly stitched Chuuya put disinfectant gel on the wound and he put a gauze over it, and taped it with medical tape. Chuuya removed the medical kit from the bed and he put everything back inside of the medical kit, and walked back to the bathroom putting it away. Chuuya knew he wouldn't be able to move the mysterious man, not as wounded as he was but Chuuya slid a towel under him so he wasn't laying on his blood and he covered him up with a blanket.

Chuuya grabbed pajamas out of his dresser drawer to change into, and he took one more look at the man resting in his bed before he closed the door and went to the living room to sleep.


Dazai had been driving for hours. He had three cups of coffee, and 2 breakfast sandwiches but now Dazai was exhausted. Just a little bit longer, and they'd be at the cabin. Dazai looked over to the passenger seat and he smiled at his sleeping lover, who rested the whole car ride. He was glad. Dazai didn't want Chuuya to worry. Dazai pulled into the drive way where he saw the nice cabin, Dazai opened the garage with the remote from the car, and he pulled the car into the garage once it was open and then closed the garage back. Dazai turned off the engine before I closed and he pulled the keys out of the ignition. Dazai leaned over and he landed butterfly kisses on his face. Chuuya's nose scrunched up cutely as he shifted in his sleep.

"Chuuya." Dazai called softly. "Wake up baby. We're here." Dazai said as he kissed his face again.

Chuuya opened his eyes slowly, and he yawned. Dazai smiled at the site and he kissed Chuuya's nose.

"Come on baby. Let's get inside. Get warm, and into some comfy clothes, hm?" Dazai smiled.

Chuuya nodded and he got out of the car. Dazai handed Chuuya the keys to the cabin as he grabbed the bags from the car. Chuuya walked over to the door unlocking it and stepping inside, with Dazai following after. Dazai closed the door behind him and he locked it. Dazi sat down the bags on the kitchen table, and he automatically went over to the fire place and threw some wood inside. Dazai lit the fire and added a little more wood. Dazai started shrugging off all his old clothing, as did Chuuya. And they both got changed into something comfortable. Chuuya sat down on the couch by the fireplace, and he sighed taking in his surroundings. Dazai plopped down next to Chuuya and he wrapped a fuzzy and warm blanket around both of them. Chuuya snuggled into Dazai and Dazai kissed Chuuya's head tenderly.

"We will be safe here for a bit. We will only be staying a week. Tie up loose ends. Say goodbyes. Then we will be on a flight to France. And we will have to stay there till things die down."

"Okay Osamu... I trust you." Chuuya looked at Dazai smiling. Dazai grabbed Chuuya's hand and he reached over into his black coat and he pulled out a black box.


"I was going to wait until tomorrow. But I figured you could use the cheering up now." Dazai opened the black box showing a gold ring with 3 stones, and another that's just a plain gold band.

"Marry me, Chuuya?"

Chuuya looked at Dazai in shock, and tears started spilling from his eyes. Chuuya hit Dazai lightly and he giggled.

Dazai laughed as he grabbed Chuuya's wrists. "So, is that a yes?"

"Yes! Yes, you idiot! Of course, I'll marry you!" Chuuya laughed as he kept crying tears of happiness.

Dazai kissed Chuuya deeply as he pulled out both rings. Dazai pulled away momentarily to slide Chuuya's ring on his finger, and Chuuya took Dazai's sliding his on.

"I love you Chuuya. So much."

"I love you too." Chuuya said as he kissed Dazai again tenderly. Chuuya slid himself on to Dazai's lap and he kissed his now fiancé over and over.

Dazai kissed and gently nibbled on Chuuya's neck. Chuuya sighed softly as Dazai bit his neck. He felt him run his hands up his back and Chuuya held on to Dazai tightly as he felt Dazai devouring him.

Dazai chuckled into Chuuya's neck and he looked up at him, smirking.

"You devil. Where is your underwear?"

"I never knew you were one to complain about that Osamu." Chuuya said like an innocent kitten.

"Fuck..." Dazai looked at Chuuya in awe as he quickly pulled his member out of his pants and boxers. Dazai slid up the shirt Chuuya was wearing, which was one of his actually, and Dazai groaned out in pleasure as he slid into Chuuya's tight heat.

Chuuya's body shook as he leaned his head back feeling himself be filled with Dazai's thick cock. Dazai gripped Chuuya's hips tenderly and he kissed up his neck as he pulled Chuuya down all the way onto his member. Once Dazai was all in he started to thrust at a moderate pace, and he listened to the beautiful sighs and moans of Chuuya, as the ginger rested his head on Dazai's shoulder, and brought his hips down meeting his thrusts.

Dazai knew he had hit the right bundle of nerves when Chuuya let out an appetizing scream.

"Ah! Ha-ah..." Chuuya moaned loudly, and he felt Dazai start to thrust faster into his sweet spot, pounding into his tight insides relentlessly.

"O-Osamu...! Ngh...S-Shit... R-Right there...! Ah...!" Chuuya screamed and he dug his nails into Dazai's shoulders. Chuuya kissed Dazai deeply, tongue rubbing against tongue, groaning into the mouth of his lover. Chuuya felt his orgasm coming on strong and with one more pound into his prostate. Chuuya moaned loudly into Dazai's mouth as he came all over his stomach and Dazai's. With a few more thrusts Dazai came inside his petite lover, Chuuya moaned loudly as he felt himself being bred full with his lovers cum. Chuuya slumped forward into Dazai's chest and Dazai slumped back, leaning his head over the couch. Dazai looked down at Chuuya and kissed him softly on his head and cheeks, and he held his lover closer, a hold that told a promise of forever.


Akutagawa stood at the door of his boss. It was very rare if ever at all that Mori wanted to see him. What had he done? He was never needed with Dazai as the highest ranked executive, and with Chuuya as his partner they were unstoppable. What could possibly get him called so urgently and on such a short notice? Akutagawa trembled as he knocked on the door.

"Come in." Mori said.

Akutagawa stepped in and he approached Mori's desk, where he sat with his hands crossed and a look of distaste on his face. And next to the desk was his small daughter Elise, coloring as she usually did.

"You called boss?"

"Yes. Dazai and Chuuya have deflected."

Akutagawa's eyes widened in shock at the news. "W-What?"

"They deflected. If you see either of them, you will shoot them down on site. I want both of them dead. Immediately. Use whoever you need to find them, but if you bring them back to me you bring their heads. Understood?"

"Yes boss..." Akutagawa said.

"If you do well Ryuunosuke you may have an executive position. Do not disappointment me. You are dismissed."

Akutagawa bowed, and he then took his leave. Thinking long and hard about how he was going to fulfill his bosses request.

*Mystery Man Revealed*

The man shifted in his sleep, and he sighed heavily as he started opening his eyes slowly. He blinked his eyes trying to get a grip on his surroundings. He looked around the room realizing he was not in his own. He leaned up slowly with a hiss, and he looked down form where the blanket had slid off his exposed upper body. He noticed his wound had been patched up, where ever he was. He was being well taken care of. He slowly threw his legs over the bed, and he lifted himself up slowly, and once he was up he slowly made his way to the bedroom door. He opened the door slowly and he walked down the hallway. He saw a man with ginger hair sitting on the couch, he turned around his blue eyes widening in shock. He was beautiful. He had never seen someone as beautiful as him. Chuuya closed his book and rushed up to help the man.

"You shouldn't be out of bed!" Chuuya yelled in protest. Chuuya slowly helped the man to the couch, and once he sat the man down he ran off to the kitchen to get pain medication. Chuuya soon came back with medicine and a glass of cold water.

He took the water and medicine and he popped the medicine in his mouth and greedily drunk the cold water.

"Thanks." He said softly.

"You're welcome..." Chuuya said back as he knelt down near the man. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit. But nothing I can't handle." He said lightly.

"What can I do to repay you uh?"

"Chuuya..." He interrupted. "Nakahara Chuuya."

"Chuuya." He said softly.

"And you don't have to repay me at all. Really it's"

"Dazai. Dazai Osamu."

"It's fine, Dazai." Chuuya smiled.

Dazai looked at the beautiful young adult in front of him, and he smiled softly and Chuuya smiled back. This was the first time they had truly met. 

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