The Prophecy

Av ExcalipurrAGhostCat

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They sat in the room. Skys rumbled,strength shared and all eyes fouces on the one. A girl,claiming then darkn... Mer

Chapter 1; New
Chapter two:Lake
Chapter Four:Weekends and Learning
Chapter five:Gardenia

Chapter Three: Hurricane

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Av ExcalipurrAGhostCat

"We got to evacuate everyone!" I screamed. The two looked away. "It would destroy anything." They told me. I looked at them my blue eyes tearing up. "A hurricane will.." I told them. "It will only hit the beach front before going out. Don't worry Eevees Uncle told me." Vaporeon told me. Tears escaped from my eyes and I ran,I ran to my house. Yes I may be spoiled but they just told me there's a hurricane and it's only hitting the beach front!!!!!

I went to school,today in the car Miss Veloa has. She said I seemed to down to ride to school. Once I got there I went to my locker then to class. It was quite and I got the work done early. The bell rang,a bell of death to me. I sat there. The teacher rolled in a TV. Once everyone was in their seats they seemed busy fussing. "Quiet down class. The reason we have a TV in the room is because there's a hurricane and because it's so unpredictable we need to watch it." He told the class. Unpredictable? Ha, Vaporeon and Eevee could find out. "Jake do you think it's just a hurricane or something else? Like claiming?" Massaon whispered to Jake. I turned around and looked at them. Massaon made a sound and Jake looked at me. His red eyes staring me down,I glared at him back. I hoped that I at least made him think twice about suprise questioning me.

Then the grey. Everything went grey and I could hear the hurricane. Jake and Massaon were moving people into more painced positions telling each other what to do. I watched. Then the grey went away. I ran but the hurricane was upon us. "Evacuate!" The teacher screamed rushing everyone out. I was last,making sure nobody was stuck. Fog had drenched us and now I was in the lead. "Follow me! Keep hold. Don't let go!" I told them leading them,I pretended that I was stumbling around remembering the school,but I could see. Everything,it was clear. "Silver,leave them. Go to the eye!" Someone was screaming. I couldn't leave them. I saw the entrance. "Go ahead stright! You'll find the door," I yelled squinting. Everyone went ahead then I felt a hand on my back. It was Arron. "Go Silver. I know you can see though this,head off. Follow the voice." He whispered. "Arron! Hurry the hurricane isn't affected!" I heard Jake telling him. He wasn't far. Arron looked at me. I nodded and ran off.


I walked towards them making a small light. "I'm friends with her now." I told them walking. I disappeared but I was still there. "Arron's friends? Why would-" Jake was talking but Massaon interrupted, "Jake,it's her claiming." I left them to bicker in the fog.


I headed to the eye. 'Come! Keep coming don't turn back!' The voice kept telling me. The mist was almost impossible to see though,even for me. I kept walking well running. Everything seemed distant till I reached the eye. There. My mother,the one in all those pictures on the wall. She stood tall as the hurricane whiped around her. "Hello?! You should get. To safety-" Then I was interrupted by her, "Don't worry daughter I'm The Gaurdian of the Sea." She called me daughter? Why? She isn't my mother, is she? "Who are you?" I asked. She smiled and turned around. Her white her reminded me of something same with her crystal blue eyes that seemed to be the sea themselves,and her pale yet tan skin plus her soft smile. "I'm your mom. Lugia,but I'm also known as Nanami." She told me in a voice that reminded me of our lake. She glowed and shifted into a large beast. It had large white wings with blue marks around the eyes and blue rectangles on her back and two spikes that were blue on her tail. "Child don't fear,others are like you,like the boy of white hair scarf. He's your leader,respect him." She sounded so calm as she landed. I looked at her amazed. My mom,she was the beast of the sea. I rushed to her and hugged her then asked her if that was Aaron. "Yes my child,he is. I must leave soon," She sighed. She plucked a silver feather and shifted human. She then made it into. Necklace and put it on me. "My child I must go,but I claim thee as mine and give thee the power of the sea!" She yelled to the heavens. "Now go." She said pushing me off. I ran the mist easy to see through. They had trouble getting Massaon on the boat. I came over and helped him up into it and jumped in myself. They looked at me as if I was a stranger and they a prey. "I told them." Aaron had broken the silence. "How did you know?" I asked looking at the water flooding around us and the hurricane that had my mother watching me with saddness painted on her face. She seemed to be fadding. "I'm the last son of Arceus,Jake is the son of Hoho and Massaon the son of Dailga,and now you the daughter of the Sea Beast, Lugia," He explained it all to me. He looked at me his green eyes examning everyone's reaction. "SHES THE DAUGHTER OF THE GUARDIAN OF THE SEA!" Jake had yelled it yet it seemed like nobody could hear it. Why did she have to have this?

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