A Twisted Christmas

بواسطة Lillie_34

183 33 3

Andria a 16 year old girl was adopted by two loving parents in the eyes of others. But little did they know t... المزيد

..•°°•.Chapter 1: Melt Away..•°°•.
..•°°Chapter 3: Surprise, Surprise..•°°
°°•..Chapter 4: Beach Time..•°°
..•°°•Chapter 5: Unexpected..•°°•..
..•°°•..Chapter 6: Moments..•°°•..
..•°°•..Chapter 7: Gifts..•°°•..
..•°°•..Chapter 8: First Morning Of Nine Mornings..•°°•..
..•°°•..Chapter 9: Second Morning Of Nine Mornings..•°°•..
..•°°•..Chapter 10: Third Morning Of Nine Mornings..•°°•..
..•°°•..Chapter 11: Fourth Morning Of Nine Mornings..•°°•..
..•°°•..Chapter 12: Fifth Morning Of Nine Mornings..•°°•..
..•°°•..Chapter 13: Sixth Morning Of Nine Mornings..•°°•..
..•°°•..Chapter 14: Seventh Morning Of Nine Mornings..•°°•..
..•°°•..Chapter 15: Eight Morning Of Nine Mornings..•°°•..
..•°°•..Chapter 16: Nineht Morning Of Nine Mornings..•°°•..
..•°°•..Christmas Day..•°°•..

..•°°Chapter 2: They Don't Know What is What..•°°

24 4 0
بواسطة Lillie_34

"Sometimes it's not good to listen to what people say but because our mind is clouded with the word 'Pride' It makes things difficult for us to pick the right side."

"Good morning it's a wonderful day, the sun is out and shining beautifully again. Good morning to those who have already woken and preparing to work, those who just waking up and those who are just too lazy to get out of bed.[Laughs]"

I woke up to laughter on the #1 station or the hottest station in St.Vincent and the Grenadines, Hit 97.1 with Too kool Chris, Luke and Kubiashe which I had set to play on my computer. I sat up and stretch my muscles then look at the time, "6:01 a.m"

"Stay tune to hear 'what don't make sense." Chris said. I giggled. That segment was the only one that makes me laugh, second to 'Donkey of the day.'

I inhale deeply then let it out. I smiled, Today felt like a good day, am not going to let them get in my way in enjoying my day today.

I got off the bed then went to prepare myself, to make breakfast for those guys that can't cook to save themselves.. I laugh... It felt good to know that you can do something that no one in the house can't do but sometimes its not all that good... If you know what I mean. I walked out of my room in a blue short and a light pink T-Shirt and made my way to the kitchen.

Walking in the kitchen my jaw dropped at the same time, "So much for today being a good day." I look at the messy Kitchen.

"I clean the kitchen yesterday... Why is it this messy?"

I groaned, "Katerine and Christine." I hate those Bastard.

I started cleaning as quickly as I can pushing my muscles... I knew if they wake up and meet this kitchen messy and don't have any breakfast I'll be seeing the devils in carnation. After cleaning the island, which was the last place to be clean. I brew the coffee and did the easiest thing that could come to my mind and that was pancake, not from scratch but using the pancake mixed.

Luckily I woke up early today. I flip the pancake on the other side while i heated some water to make some tea for the sisters. After setting up everything for breakfast. I heard shifting coming from upstairs and I look at the time, 7:29. I picked up my breakfast and went to my room.

The scent of perfume hit my face and I wrinkled my nose in disgust as I walk up the stairs. This is the reason why I eat breakfast in my room the amount of perfume they use can literally knock you out. And I was once told by them that they don't like to eat when am there. Their reason; because they can't stand to see my face. So I guess it's a win, win situation. I enter my room and sat besides my computer, which was still playing,

"Who do you think is more suitable in running the Argle International Airport." Chris asked.

I listened a bit, it seems today's topic that they were talking about sounded interesting,

"Well according to the news it seems that a Barbadian was put in charge of it by our government." Luke said.

"That don't make any sense, you have people down here who is more than qualify for that position..."

"Well it could be because of Barbados position to us." Luke cuted Chris off at the end of his sentence.

I roll my eyes, I why should they care? At least they should be happy that the airport is actually running. I turn off the radio on my computer. Slipping my cocoa tea I decided it's time to give Josh a wake up call, He tends to stay up late on a Sunday night playing video games, and because he does track and field, he has to wake up early to do his morning routine which is run. This was pretty normal between us it was something that I've been doing at the beginning of the week.

I waited a while then there was a tone that indicated that the call disconnected, I frown putting down my cup, I call again. This time there was an answer. I look at the computer to see Josh still lying on the bed with a pillow over his head groaning and muttering. I guess he fall asleep with his computer on the bed. If soo that means,

"Wake up Josh!" I shouted as loud as I can.

"Whaa!" Josh instantly flung off the bed with a thump. I knew it. He fell asleep with his headphones on.

I doubled over laughing "serves you right"

"Ah.. Shit Andria!" he said as he got up.

"Have you forgotten what you have to do today?" I asked he look at the computer angrily.

His dark brown eyes widened, "Oh shit what time is it?" he asked as he run off.

I smile, " You're Welcome!"

I then heard the door opening and a small head popped up at the screen, her wily eyes looked at me.

"Woah ." I slightly jumped back but clam down after seeing who it was.

"Hi Ria." She said, I give her one of my brightest smile.

"Hi Lily." I said.

Kylie Evan is Josh younger sister. The name Lily came about when she was 2; Josh and I use to take care of her when Mrs. Evans was working and let's say Josh is not the babysitter type when i left him alone with Kylie he almost let her ate a bouquet of lily flowers while he was playing games. Luckily I came in time to stop her.

She smile showing her space tooth, "So when are you coming by us?" she asked.

"I don't know yet.." her smile disappeared and I continued, "But don't worry it'll be sooner than you taught."

Her smile reappeared, "Really?"

"Yep." I said popping the 'p'.

"Lily get out of my room!" I heard Josh shouting.

"Meanie!" she shouted back then turn to me, "Bye Ria." she ran off.

"You little... " Josh said as he entered.

I almost chocked on the tea I was drinking when I saw him.


"Yeah biscuit." he said like nothing isn't happening.

"Have you forgotten am here?" I asked a bit annoyed.

Josh was standing at the end of his bed only in a towel which was wrapped around his waist as water dripped from his chest to his perfectly compact abs. He had another towel drying his hair. He looked at me then smirked, "What? You don't like what you see?" he asked, "I can show you more if you want?" He place his hand by his towel ready to pull it off.

I felt my face getting hot as I look away from my computer and spoke, "JOSH .. ANDERSON .. KYLE .. EVANS." I said putting a 2 second pause at each name then look up at him, "Stop playing around and Go put on some clothes!"

He laugh, "Alright alright it was a joke." He then look at me, "Aw you're so cute when you're angry too."

The pink on my cheeks could probably be seen as he continued, "Alright, Am finish with the teasing... But I have to go now.. Wish I could stay longer and talk with you."

"Well I don't. " I blurted out.

"Wha? Don't be like that." He said.

"Bye Josh." I said while laughing at his clingy behavior.

"Bye biscuit." he said smiling.

I frown before closing the down my computer and sigh.

Getting up I pick up the contents that I ate in and went downstairs to meet a quite Kitchen. I smile, liking it like this. Even if I don't go out often. Having the house to myself was like living it heaven. No nagging sisters and adopted parents.

I discard of any leftovers that was there and wash the dishes, after I was finish with that I clean any part of the house that needed cleaning and went to my room tired.


As I lay on my bed this was the best part of being alone, without the talking and calling of my name. I yawn, because of the amount of work I did this morning I felt my eyelids getting heavy. I guess a little sleep won't hurt. I started drifting off to sleep.


My eyes shot open by the sudden tap on my window, "Maybe its a bird or something trying to get in." I started closing my eye again the tapping sound was heard. I then turn my body towards the window to see a piece of stick still tapping on the window.

If I know this place well...There's no trees in the yard. I roll off my bed and walked over the window. I open the window and grab the stick and look down.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"I see I woke you up.... Can I come in?" the person asked.

I think for a while, the person then pulled out a bag of biscuits and other treats, "I brought goodies."

I smile, "I'll be down in a minute."

I open the door to face Latisha a 17 year old, dark skinned girl who's shorter than me. She was dressed in her College uniform which consist of a green pants (green skirt can also be worn.) a long sleeves blouse and a green  and green plaided West coat. Her short shoulder length jet black natural hair was curled. If you look carefully you'll see brown strands in it.

She smiled at me as she held the bag, "You know I'll never understand why you love biscuits."

"Is it a problem?" I asked annoyed, as I move aside for her to enter.

"Nope." she said giving me the plastic bag and walked in.

She threw her bag on the couch and took off her shoes and west coat. I eyed her,

"Its blazing hot... How can you stand walking in Kingstown dressed like that?" I asked as she flop down on the couch.

Her brown eyes met mines as she spoke, "We live in the Caribbean where its hot all year around, well expect on rainy and hurricane season. And I live the country side.. If you complain about a little sun something's wrong with you." she got up and walked in the kitchen.

Not like am complaining about it, I followed her in the kitchen,"Why are you here anyway?" I asked.

She walked over to the fridge with a glass and full it at the door.

"Oh... I have my Mandarin exams in the evening at 2. No one wasn't home so I decided to visit a friend until." she drink a glass of water.

"I wouldn't consider you my friend. " I muttered as a joke to annoy her.

Latisha turn and looked at me, "Okay fine." she walked up and took the bag of biscuits from me, "No biscuits for you."

"No..." I cried, "I take it back."

She smiled, "Alright." she passed back the bag for me and walked out.

"Why aren't you studying?" I was now sitting opposite of her, she had a barbeque flavored Pringles in her hand eating. She looked up at me.

"The teacher sent our Mandarin exam online." She pulled out a paper and passed it to me. On it was questions in English and Mandarin with their answers.

I look at it confused, 'Was it a new way of teaching.' I know its a different language you're learning but not even my Spanish teacher will ever dream of sending our exams online before doing it.

"The funny part is, the same thing that's on that paper is gonna come back in the exam." she continued laughing.

"Wha? She's not even going to reword some sentences or even change it up a bit?"

"Nope." Latisha said popping the 'p' as she lay down on the couch, "If only my other lectures were like that.. College would of been like writing this Christmas book here." she smiled talking a bite out the Pringles.

I laugh, "Not everything suppose to be easy you know." I said.

"Yeah I know... That's why when am finish am gonna try out for the Taiwanese Scholarship." she said.

"Let me guess, Art?" I said. I've saw drawings that she had done many times. I was amazed the first time she showed me.

"No.. I love art but am going to pursue Nursing.. But I have to apply for nursing down here before that.. Hopefully I get through with it." she smiled and passed the Pringles for me.

"I see.." I muttered then took it from her, Her phone rang out and she answered it.


There was a long pause before she spoke, "But it's still.......Fine am coming." Hanging up she look at her phone then got up getting ready.

I look at the time, '12:00', "What is it?" I asked.

"It's Paige...wants me to come college to help her study." she said picking her bag up, getting up, I pass back the Pringles to her as she walked towards the door.

"Bye Ria." she open the door and wave her hand at me. I wave back as she left and once again the house was quite. Am kinda glad she left early. Don't get the wrong idea, I love having friends by me but the problem was I don't own this house am living in, so I avoided having friends over.

I walked to my room and lay down on my bed, "I've never felt so tired in my life." I felt my eyelids getting heavy again not fighting it I fall asleep.




I felt a pain across my back that I've never expected to feel again as it rippled throughout my body, my heart started racing a feeling I've felt many time before, this cause me to woke up out my sleep holding on to my back crying.

I look up at the person to realize it was Mr. Smith with a black long whip in his hand,

"Are you crazy you could of killed me!?" I said looking up at him.

"Serves you right!" my head turn to the other person who had spoke as she continued, "So is this what you were doing when we left you alone?"

I look at Mrs. Smith confused as I spoke, "What are you talking about?" the pain in my back and the lump in my throat cause me to chock up in the question but they heard what I had asked.

"You bitch.. You think we don't know?" Mrs. Smith pointed her hand at me, "I can't believe we're raising a hoe in the house." She throw her hands in the air, "The neighbours saw when you brought a guy in the house."

"What?!" I shrieked out.

Mr. Smith raise his hand with the whip again as he spoke, "Don't raise you're voice at us."

"Its a lie.. The only person who came her was a girl." I said.

"And that's every teenager excuse.. You think we're stupid?" she asked.

"Well yeah because you choose to believe the neighbour, those people who like to spread rumors wrong." I murmured.

"Oh so now we're stupid.. I'll teach you who's stupid. GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND TURN AROUND!" Mr. Smith ordered angrily his voice cause me to shuddered.

"But I didn't do anything wrong. " My voice came out in a whisper as I tremble knowing what he's going to do.

"What did you say!?" he asked.

Not dear to repeat what I had said I got off the bed and knelt down turning my back to him, closing my eyes crying preparing for my punishment that awaits me.

But it never came, I open my eyes and slightly turn my head to see Mrs. Smith on her phone.

"Okay.. She's not busy tomorrow so we'll send her." she hung up the phone then whispered in her husband ears as he nodded.

I quickly turn back my head as they turn to me. I felt my body being yank up and I was place on the bed in a sitting position facing them.

"Mrs. Evans wants to see you tommorow." Mrs. Smith said and continue, "She wants you to babysit her daughter for her."

I sigh, 'Am saved for now.'

Mrs. Smith left the room talking to herself, something about being me being lucky.

"If you ever tell her what's going on..your punishment will be worst than before." Mr. Smith warned, "You won't be having dinner tonight, get yourself clean and go to bed." And with that he left the room.

I pulled my leg up to my face and started crying, 'I didn't do anything wrong to deserve this.' I felt a something tickled down my back, getting up I pulled off my shirt to see blood stain on it.

'Oh no...' I thought then walked over to my mirror I turn my back towards it to see the long bruised line from the whip starting from my shoulder to the mid of my back, blood was coming from it.

I walked to my shower to wash off all traces of today's evidence, "Ahh.." I cried out in pain from the water hitting my wound. I stayed longer than expected watching my own blood getting wash down the drain. Tears came to my eyes again, I couldn't understand what I had done to them. Do they hate me that much? Minutes felt like hours as I stood under the water. Not being able to cry anymore I walked out the shower and wrap the towel around me and walked out the bathroom. Putting on my nightwear I settled my alarm and I went on my bed and trying to go sleep.

Written by: Elisha
(Not edited)
Word count: 3013

Hope you enjoy😺
Comment any mistakes

Elisha and 234Frostbite signing out. See you next Friday.

*Dramatically disappear*

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