That time I met you Andy

By RebelRoyaleX

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After a really harsh breakup, Andy hasn't been himself most of the time. Raven, a mute girl comes into the gu... More



2.8K 60 8
By RebelRoyaleX


We discovered that Raven, Jinxx and CC fell asleep upstairs in Jinxx's room when we went to go look for them after Ash, Andy and I had our petty fight.

We decided that we shouldn't wake them up, especially since it was around two in the morning and they looked fine.

It's About nine now and we have two days until we have to go on tour. Andy seems to be more angry, more violent towards himself and us. Him and Ashley got into an actual fight, Andy got got a fat lip and a nice matching bruise to go with it on his jaw. Ashley on the other hand had a scratch across the bottom of his eye and a fat lip too.

I brought over the girls, my girlfriend, Jinxx's girlfriend and CC's girlfriend, so they can meet Raven and have breakfast with us before we leave for tour.

"Jake, where is this girl Raven you were telling us about?" Sammi asked me

"She fell asleep with Jinxx and CC, I'm gonna get them in a few. Come join me in the kitchen." I told them

Sammi, Ella and Lorin followed me to the kitchen, grabbing things from the fridge, pantry and cupboard for things to help make breakfast.

"So. What is she like?" Ella asked

"Yeah, what IS she like?" Lorin piped up

"Well, for starters, she is mute. Don't think that she doesn't want to talk to you if she doesn't answer with speaking." I told them, getting bowls to mix eggs and pancake batter

"Awe. Poor girl, you know mutes have a bad backstory to give up talking around people and themselves." Sammi said

"Do you know her backstory?" Ella asked

"No, I don't actually. We're giving her time to warm up to us" I explained

"Oh, well I hope she will warm up to guys soon, you broke me out of my comfort zone, got me to open up." Ella said, wrapping her arms around me

"I know and hopefully we can get someone to leave her alone."

"Who's that?" Lorin and Sammi asked at the same time

"Andy." I heard Ashley say

"Morning, Purdy." I said to him, giving him a fist bump

"Morning, Pitts." Ashley said, giving me a fist bump back

Ashley came around the counter and started helping with breakfast too. He handed me a pan to start the eggs and pancakes

"So, how you, girls?" Ash asked

"Alright, excited to meet the new member to the BVB family." Lorin said, jumping up and down

"You'll like her, she has great taste in movies, food and is good at scaring me and CC with Jinxx while we are having a 'friendly' fight." Ashley said, laughing as he went to the fridge to get a small beer

"Dude, don't you think it's a little early to start drinking?" I asked

"It's small, not that much, basically a swig." He said, finishing it in a second

"See." He smiled

"Yeah, Yeah." I said

The girls and him started laughing as we started making breakfast



I started to slowly wake up as I smelled something good, CC already up, smelling the air like a dog

"You smell that?" He asked, smiling like a child

"Yeah, I do. Should I wake her?" I asked him, referring to Raven

"I would, she probably wouldn't want to be alone the second day being here." CC said

"Alright, makes sense."

I moved closer to Raven's sleeping form, gently rocking her, trying to wake her up the best way I could

"Raaaven, wake uuup." I said sweetly

"Mhhh?" She hummed

"It's Jinxx and CC, time to wake up." I said

"If you wake up, I'll carry you on my back." CC said, trying to get her up

She nodded her head and got up, slowly yawning and stretching

"As promised." CC said, getting Raven on his back

We started to walk out of my room and down the hall towards the stairs

"Sleep well?" I asked

She nodded her head yes and rested it against CC's back

We went down the stairs, the smell of bacon getting closer and closer as we went to the kitchen

"Hey, the rest of our gang." Ashley said

"Is that Raven?" Lorin, CC's girlfriend asked

"Yeah, it is." I replied, smiling at her

"She is so pretty." Ella said in awe

Raven tried hiding in CC's shoulder to stop them from seeing the blush creeping on her face

CC put her down so she could properly introduce herself to the girls and they to her.

"I'm Sammi, Jinxx's girlfriend."

"Lorin, CC's girlfriend."

"And I'm Ella, Jake's girlfriend." 

She meekly waved at them, smiling

"We understand that you are mute and there is nothing wrong with that, we hope we can help you warm up to us and help break you out your comfort zone, Okay?" Ella said

Raven nodded her head in understanding, being very hesitant before opening her arms wide. The girls wet up to her and group hugged her.

"It's really nice to meet you, how about we have breakfast shall we?" Lorin said

The guys and I said a choruses of 'yeahs' and sat at the table, as Raven helped put it on the table


I didn't want to spend my first breakfast or any breakfast with mute, she is just a little convincing child to let them listen to her pity party. Give me a break, she is just another fucking joke, can't trust her or anyone in that damn matter.

We all ate pretty much everything on the table, but mute, she didn't eat much of anything on the table. She is a fucking stick, why isn't she eating any of this?

Attention is probably why she is doing it. I'm not buying it for a second like the guys might

"I got a question?" Ella asked

"What is it, Ella dear?" Jake responded

"Can we steal Raven to do some girl shopping with us for the day?" She asked, hopeful

"Yeah, sure, go ahead, less time to deal with her." I said, getting up and putting my plate in the sink, well more like threw the damn thing and went upstairs to my room, slamming the door close

I rested the back of my head against the door and just breathed, trying to calm myself down.

It wasn't working

I grabbed my cigarettes and went back downstairs to the backyard. To my surprise, they had moved to the game room again, playing some game with mute

I went to my usual spot on the cold, hard cement porch and lit my cig, letting the smoke fill my lungs before I let it out.

These are my stress relievers for everything and anything to just get my suffering to end for a little while.

Fuck my life

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