The Truth Behind The Lies {Na...

By MidnightGalxXx

1.1M 39.8K 29.3K

My name is Rima Hatake, so I guess you can tell who my father is, the copy cat nin Kakashi. As for my mother... More

The Truth Behind The Lies {Naruto Fan-Fiction}
The New Team & A Mission
Leaving Again.
You climb, I sleep
Great, another with identity issues
Going Home
Man, You're Observant.
Mini Gai challenges Uchiha, oh the joy.
The other rookies and Kabuto
Written Test, Excuse me while I Sleep.
A Letter From Home
Let the Second Exam Begin!
I'm twelve, I'll worry about boys when I'm sixteen
The End of the Second Exam
The Break
The not-a-date date.
I Didn't Mean It.
In the Jungle
I'll Miss You
Lord Hokage, I promise.
A mission for all
The New Allies
The Journey and Her Song
Not a chapter but important, please read!
Controlling Me
The First Attack
Sticky Situations
Memories *Filler*
Who Are You?
Give me a Reason
Sprinkle some truth on me
Beach Time
The Road Home
Team 7... anymore?
It All Becomes A Memory
Just something to say

My New Mission

38.5K 1.2K 1.4K
By MidnightGalxXx

Hey everyone here is another chapter for you!

Thank you all for the amazing comments and votes, I love them!

I felt like adding that song over there, 'cuz ya know, you got to give praise to the papa XD

Eddie Rath is freaking AWESOME, huh??

New cover!! Isn't it just Fab?!? FeastofNoise made it for me! Isn't she the BEST!! Thank you!

Disclaimer: Naruto isn't mine.






Rima’s p.o.v

We strolled through the gates of Konoha. I smirked to myself as Sasuke walked off with his little stalked trailing after him. Naruto charged away screaming something about ramen.

“Come on,” Kakashi said sticking his hand in his pocket and pulling free an orange book. He walked off with his nose stuck in the book, not looking where he was going.

“I hope he falls or steps in crap,” I muttered following him.

“I can make the latter one happen,” Shadow replied with a toothy grin.

“Ew! Gross!” Dawn chirped wrinkling her nose.

“You know you’d love to see it happen,” I teased her. She huffed in reply. “I wonder what’s so interesting about that book.”

“Who knows? Steal it and find out,” Shadow suggested.

I tilted my head slightly contemplating the idea. Would I get away with it? Yes. Would I survive afterward? Maybe.

I tip-toed up behind Kakashi and walked silently in his shadow. Before I could even reach around him and snatch the book, he vanished.

“Don’t even think about it,” he said in my ear.

I whirled. “What the-?”

He peered at me from over the top of the book. Just as he was about to say something, he caught sight of someone behind me and shook his head.

“Not now,” he muttered.

I turned and spotted a green blur heading toward us. Black hair, huge eyes, orange leg warmers, red headband wrapped around his waist.

“Oh no,” I stepped back and would have run if Kakashi hadn’t caught my collar forcing me to stay.

“If I have to deal with him, so do you,” he grumbled as the blur halted before us.


I was hoisted into a bear hug and crushed. He spun us around and around, getting faster each time.

“I’m getting seasick,” I mumbled trying but failing to shove the lunatic away from me.

Finally he dropped me. I stumbled and gagged. Pressing my hand to my head, I took deep breaths. I didn’t feel good.

“How’s my little Rima-ima? Uncle Gai missed you. Yes he did, yes he did,” he squeezed my cheeks and spoke to me as if I was a new born. “Rima-ima missed uncle Gai, oh yes she did!”

“Oh no she didn’t,” Shadow murmured to Dawn, loud enough for us to hear.

Gai either didn’t hear him or chose to ignore him. I was betting on the latter. He continued to pinch my cheeks and make baby faces at me.

“Look at you!” he gasped. “All youthful and grown!”

“Then why are you treating her like a baby?” Dawn wondered.

“OH, you are wonderful,” hearts formed in his eyes and I was starting to freak. “My Rima-ima is all grown!”

I gulped as he began to cry.

“I missed it all! I never got to see any of it! How terrible!” he grabbed me by the shoulders and hugged me. My arms hung limply at my sides. “Oh don’t worry, little one. Uncle Gai is with you now! It’s all going to be OK! Everything will be OK now!”

“Gai, let her go,” Kakashi sighed.

He released me and I backed away as he turned to Kakashi. “Ah, my rival! Have you been hiding her from me all this time?!”

“Uncle Gai as gotten a lot weirder in the past few years,” I noted.

“He’s gay, right?” Shadow asked.

I frowned. “I...don’t know. Maybe?”

“We were on a mission,” Kakashi explained.

“AH! Missions encourage youth!” Gai exclaimed spinning back to me. “I should introduce you to Rock-Lee! He is a fountain of youth! You will like him a lot and he will like you!”

He better not be thinking of setting me up with this Rock-Lee, I thought watching in horror as giant hearts appeared in his eyes and he held his hands to his chest. Oh, no.

“I’m going to leave you two be,” I said quickly bounding off.


I shook my head and raced through the village, not daring to look back. I skidded around a corner and pressed against the wall.

Damn it! I wanted to see what Kakashi was reading! I huffed then grinned. My new mission, take Kakashi’s book. Shouldn’t be that hard.

We were told to meet on the bridge at seven, but Kakashi wasn’t there. I sat on the rail across from Sasuke and Sakura and yawned.

“How can he be late and I’m on time? We live in the same house?” I pondered to myself. “I should’ve woke him up.”

Naruto came racing over and headed for Sakura, as usual. I was beginning to see a pattern here. Naruto wanted Sakura, Sakura wanted Sasuke and Sasuke, well he wanted his brother, dead. Where did I fit into the mix? As far away as possible.

“Good morning Sakura, what’s up?” the Blob waved to her even though they were less than a foot apart. He spotted me. “Hey Rima.”

I nodded in reply and watched fascinated as Naruto and Sasuke glared at each other. They’d been doing that a lot lately. Male hormones, everybody. Or maybe it’s just lust. I mean, Sakura said they did kiss before.

As one they looked defiantly away from each other. I chuckled, who needed to pay for entertainment when it was right here?

Time passed slowly and there was still no sign of our sensei. Unlike the rest, I wasn’t getting bogged down or depressed by it; I was actually kind of hyper.

“Maybe he fell into a ditch and died,” I guessed out loud.

Sakura gasped.

“Rima, you can’t say that about Kakashi-sensei,” Naruto said.

“Yeah I can, watch me or better yet, listen to me,” I replied. “He probably stepped in crap and had to clean it up. Yo shadow! Did you set the trap?”

My wolf cub grinned. “Yup, all ten of them.”


“Well, I helped,” Dawn giggled.

“Hope it works,” I grinned back and to further prove I was hyper began to sing. “I’m a little tea cup short and-.”

“Don’t,” Sasuke growled at me.

My grinned widened and I poofed away only to appear behind him. “Mahna mahna.”

He whirled lashing out and I dodged, doing a back hand spring out of the way. I laughed and lost my balance, falling to the ground.

“Who falls on solid ground?” Sakura scoffed, annoyed that Sasuke was noticing me and not here.

I raised my hand still laughing and shouted, “ME!”

Sasuke stood over me and smirked down.

“My head hurts,” I groaned up to him, pouting.

He shook his head and held out a hand. I grabbed it and let him yank me to my feet. I wobbled and latched onto his arm for support.

Sakura glowered at me and I could practically see the wheels turning in her head as she thought of ways to do what I did to get Sasuke to notice her or she was thinking of ways to kill me. I betted on the latter one.

I straightened as I felt a familiar presence coming and stepped away from Sasuke. All hyper-ness gone for the time being.

“Hey guys, good morning,” Kakashi said appearing onto the post above the bridge. “Sorry, I’m late. I’m afraid I got lost on the path of life.”

“He fell in dog dootie,” I translated.

“WHAT!” Naruto and Sakura screamed.

“Geez, it’s not that big a deal, so he fell into crap. Big whoop!” sarcasm was always fun.

Kakashi sighed, “I did not step in dog shi- poo.”

“You almost said SHIT!” I cheered. “Plus a person who did step in dog crap would say that they didn’t. So, stop lying!”

He shook his head and chose to ignore me.

Fine, two can play that game, I crossed my arms and turned away from him. Sasuke glanced at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

“I’m ready for the next ninja mission, sensei-,” Naruto claimed as he crowded against Kakashi. “And hey, come on, no more of those dumb beginner stuff, OK? I want a chance to prove myself.”

 “I want a chance to find your off switch,” I murmured. “Or a silent button would do.”

“I’m talking a real mission,” he continued. “Where I can show what I’m made of! Ahhh! I gotta break out and burn it up! SEE!”

“There’s something wrong with him, really wrong. Maybe we should put him in a clinic for examination?” I suggested but was ignored. Again.

“Ahh,” Kakashi said backing away from him.

Scared of a genin, I snorted. What kind of jonin are you?

“Right, I get it, that’s great Naruto,” he said calmly. “Now take it easy would you?”

Naruto’s head turned and he glared at Sasuke. There was something definitely wrong with that kid. I elbowed Sasuke and pointed to his admirer.

Naruto seemed to growl at him. He turned and held his hands up in front of his face, in a fighting stance before entering his own little world.

“Really? Anyone? I think the clinic is the best choice for him,” I shrugged.

“BELIEVE IT!” he shrieked suddenly.

“That’s it! I’m killing him,” I growled as a siren seemed to wail in my eardrum with the after effects of his yell.

Sasuke snatched my arm and pulled me back before I could even take on step.

“Come on,” I whined. “At least let me beat some sense into him or knock some idiot out of him.”

“Hn,” was all he replied.

“Hn, right back at ya,” I growled jerking free of his hold.

 “Let us know when you are done fantasying Naruto so we can start the mission alright,” Kakashi said.

“RIGHT!” Naruto shouted.

“Could you not be so annoying Naruto?” Sakura asked. “Just for once.”

“Oh you’re one to talk,” I grumbled causing Sasuke’s lips to quirk into a quick smile. I stared at him dumbfounded. “I made you smile. Holy shit, you can make different facial expressions!”

And so the missions began. They were boring and stupid and not to mention boarding on child abuse. First we had to weed some lady’s garden because she was too damn lazy to do it herself.

Naruto got it into his head that he wanted to be better than Sasuke at everything. So, he began weeding and weeding faster than the rest of us.

“Uh, Blob?” I said noticing that he was taking the plants and herbs with the weeds.

“Shush! Rima, I have to work,” he hissed.

I shrugged. “It’s your head dude.”

Sometime later, we were done and in Naruto’s patch there was nothing left. Absolutely nothing. No herbs or anything.

He laughed, proud of himself.

“Hey you!” the lady of the house snapped approaching him.

“Not good,” I predicted.

“Oh! Hi lady!” Naruto grinned like the buffoon he was. “I got rid of all your weeds, pretty cool huh?”

Her shoulders began to shake and Naruto asked her what was wrong.

“You pulled the weeds and you also pulled up my plants,” she growled. “Those were special herbs I’d been growing and you DESTROYED THEM!”

She lunged at him and started to pummel him to the ground.

“On the up side, ma’am, all the weeds are gone,” I said trying to help. She stepped away from Naruto advanced on me pushing up her sleeves. I raised an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

“Why not?” she questioned raising a fat fist.

My samurai kissed her throat, “Because, unlike him, I’ll hit back and I hit to kill.”

She backed away and rushed into her home.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” Sakura sighed.

“What? I didn’t see you raising a finger to help the Blob.”

“That’s what you call helping?” she sneered.

“Yeah, keeping going and I’ll show you what I call hurting,” I hissed.

She gulped and raced off.

Next was cleaning out the river. I grinned at the sight of Naruto’s black eye and the way Sakura kept as far from me as possible. Kakashi was by the river edge under the shade of a tree reading that freaking book.

I glared over at him, what is so damn great about that book?

There was a commotion behind me and I turned to seen Naruto sailing over the edge of the waterfall.

I jumped on a rock overlooking the fall and pouted.

Sasuke had saved him.

“Aww!” I cooed. “Young love!”

They glowered up at me.

“You are such a loser,” Sasuke growled at him.

“SASUKE!” I shouted down to him. “Don’t speak to your boyfriend like that!”

I skipped back dodging the shuriken he flung at me and laughed.

Dog walking. Simple right?

Well to any normal person it is. But noooo, Naruto had to be the big man and take the freaking monster of a dog.

I chuckled, leaning against a tree watching as the dog dragged a protesting Blob into a prohibited zone.

“What a loser,” Sasuke commented.

Sakura sighed. “OF course, he just had to choose the biggest dog.”

“Sasuke,” I snapped. “Stop being an ass and defend your boyfriend!”

He glared and me and spat, “HE is not my boyfriend.”

“Oh really? Then why did you two kiss?”

He stiffened. “How did you find out about that?”

“Miss talkalots blabbed it to me,” I pointed to Sakura. She cowered back from his cold stare.

I glanced away as Naruto was pulled into the booby trap zone to see Kakashi up a tree, reading that goddamn book!

I will get that book! I vowed silently. My precious.

I jumped as explosion after explosion took placed on the opposite side of the fence. Sasuke and Sakura sighed.

I shoved Sasuke forward. “Go help you boyfriend!


“Denial isn’t a pretty thing, Sas-gay!”

Missions complete for the day, we walked down a path with Sakura and Sasuke holding up Naruto. I strolled along beside Kakashi wondering where the hell he put the book.

“Look at you,” Sakura said. “You’re hopeless Naruto.”

“Hn, you really are just one big problem.”

Naruto growled and pushed away from them both. “SASUKE!”

Sakura’s arm snapped out in front of him. “If you keep this up, I’ll finish you off myself.”

From where I had wandered on ahead with Sasuke I called back. “Sakura, you shouldn’t stand in the way of true love!”

Sasuke glared at me.

Kakashi sighed. “Guess we’re not making a lot of progress on the teamwork thing.”

“That’s right,” Naruto agreed hotly. “Our teamwork’s all messed up, and it’s all because of you, Sasuke! You think you’re better than everyone else!”

Following Sasuke’s lead, I kept walking.

“Not everyone, just you,” he threw back over his shoulder. “Face it, I’m better and stronger than you are, it’s a fact.”

Now he paused and I continued on a few more steps before halting also. I watched as he glanced back at Naruto and said. “Unless you have what it takes to prove me wrong.”

Naruto glared at him and they ended up a form of standoff.

Everybody glares around here, I thought folding my arms.

I frowned as Sasuke’s eyes darted over to me and back to Naruto. What was that about?

“All right guys,” Kakashi said. He had that book again! “Let’s call it a day, you can beat each other to a pulp some other time. Anyway I have to file my report on this mission.”

Nice Kakashi, give them permission to kill each other. Though it would provide some entertainment and I’m positive I could sell tickets to it.

“Whatever,” Sasuke said acting cool and detached. Oh wait, it wasn’t an act. I think there’s a name for people like him. “I’m out of here.”

He turned and began walking once again, it wasn’t long until Sakura followed him or tried to at least.

“WAIT!” she called running after him as he passed me. “SASUKE! I’LL GO WITH YOU!”

 Naruto reached a hand out to her as she brushed by him.

Sasuke glanced at her as she stood behind him, blushing slightly, “So why don’t we, I mean you know, let’s do something more personal.”

Ew, gag, someone get me a bag before I barf, I thought watching this train wreck.

“I mean to improve our teamwork an all,” she finished.

“I swear you’re just as bad as Naruto,” Sasuke replied. “Instead of flirting why don’t you practice your jutsu and make the team stronger. Let’s face it you’re actually worse than Naruto.”

Ooh! Burn!

Sasuke looked at me as he turned. “Let’s go, Hatake.”

“Where are we going? And why do I have to go with you?” I asked walking over to him ignoring the hunched over Sakura.

“Training,” was all he said.

“OK, I need to check out the grounds here anyway,” I waved to Naruto and left with the Uchiha.

We didn’t get far until I felt something unfamiliar and wrong. I paused and glanced about. It was dark and sinister, pure evil and it was nearby.

“What?” Sasuke asked watching me.

“There’s something bad around,” I replied scanning the area.


“Evil,” I verified.


“This way, come on.”

I proofed onto the wooden fence as Sasuke went up into the tree and sat on the branch. We watched as a girl with a huge ass fan stood back and let a guy...

I faced palmed at the sight before me.

Another one...

This guy thought he was part cat, if the ears were anything to go by or a girl ,if you judged by the make-up. Either way, he was another with identity issues. He had a puppet strapped to his back and was wearing a one piece outfit.

He was holding a kid with a long scarf and goggles by the throat while Naruto and Sakura stood by with two other kids.

Why aren’t they doing anything?

“HEY! Cut it out,” the kid being choke gasped. “It hurts!”

“First, I’ll take care of this little squirt,” Cat Man said. “Then I’ll waste the other one.”

He pulled back his fist to deliver a punch and I’d just about enough.

Just before Sasuke threw a pebble, a huge gust of air formed between Cat ears and the kid, forcing them apart. The air wrapped around the Kid and landed him close to Naruto while the pebble hit Identity Problem No.3 on the arm.

Cat Man winced and looked at the pebble now lying uselessly on the ground. Sasuke tossed another one into the air where he lounged on the branch above me.

“You’re a long way from home,” He noted when the outsider looked up at us. “And you’re way out of your league.”

“SASUKE!” Sakura squealed.

“Oh great another wimp to tick me off,” Cat Man snapped holding his wrist.

“Am I invisible?” I asked him.

He glanced at me then smirked and raked his eyes up and down my body. “No cutie I see you.”

I smirked back. “Watch it kitten, I bite.”

“Kitten?” he repeated confused.

“Yeah the ears,” I made ears on top of my head to indicate his. “You got identity problems also? Need help? Meow?”

“Not now Rima,” Sasuke said. He crushed the tiny pebble. “Get lost.”

Sakura, the little girl and even the outsider girl got hearts in their eyes.

“Really? You’re impressed by that? If he crushed a boulder with his hand, that would be impressive, but a pebble? Come on people,” I said ashamed to be a girl at that moment.

“Hey punk, get down here,” Cat Man said to Sasuke before glancing at me. “I’ll deal with your girlfriend in a minute.”


“You’re the kind of pesky runt I hate the most, all attitude and nothing to back it up,” He pulled the tape on his back and held it beside him.

“What? Are you going to use the crow for this?” The girl asked shocked. It must be something big.

 I felt that presence once again and turned so I was facing another branch on the tree where a guy with a gourd on his back appeared. He was kind of cute, I will admit, in the dangerous bad boy kind of way.

He looked a little taken back when he spotted me staring at him before the others know he was there. “Kankuro, back off.” 

Sasuke jerked.

“Hanging upside down, nice touch,” I praised watching him warily. He wasn’t like the other two; there was something very different about this guy.

He glanced at me again before continuing. “You are an embarrassment to our village.”

 “Eh...I...Hey Gaara!” Kankuro said.

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