Tom Holland Imagines

By st1desire

39.7K 387 109

Imagines about Tom Holland and occasionally Peter Parker! This book is completed but constantly being revised... More

Wisdom teeth removal
You've been struck by
So done with you.
Tickling is no joke
How do you play tennis?
I miss you
Scary movies are scary
A Wonderful Surprise
A little treat!
Request #1

The Final Chapter (not really lmao)

1.9K 19 12
By st1desire

A/n: y'all I've been busy, sorry I haven't written much. I figured I'm probably not gonna write a lot anymore but if I do decide to I'll make a second book. Hope you enjoy!

Aries watched the snow with wide eyes. It was her first time seeing snow. Her eyes looked so much like Tom's, so you knew even when he would no longer be able to stand right next to her marveling out the window it would be like he was there anyway. You tried to push the imminent doom away but it hung over you like a dark cloud, getting your hair wet and ruining your day.

"I'll be right back guys, okay?" It came out softly, as you struggled to keep your voice even.
"Mommy can I come with?" Aries voice was young and full of youth at just five years old. Her lightly freckled face was now turned away from the window. Her brown hair was placed in a messy bun.
"No silly, I'm going to the bathroom!" Her laugh made you chuckle to yourself, but once you were alone you remembered.

The walls closed in and fear seemed to strike you like lightening. You remembered how many times Tom had come in here to empty his guts. He kept the water running so you girls wouldn't know, but you would hear. To make sure Aries didn't have to suffer you would play Disney music, or maybe even play The Impossible so she could laugh at the younger hyper Tom, but you think she knew, too. His time was coming to an end. Doctors said he only had a few days left. You were frozen looking in the mirror at your full head of hair. The hair Tom didn't have. The hair Tom lost so much of that it drove him to shave his head. You remembered his eyes, and how much you love them either way, but how they used to be full of beauty and amazement for everything around him. Now he didn't have enough energy to admire anything other than the fact that he hasn't died yet. He used to be full of life, always ready to talk, and he brought that right to the bedroom. You looked at your lips, moist and able to say whatever they wanted to. The lips Tom didn't have. Tom's were now cracked and sometimes he was so sick even forcing a whisper out took too much energy, and he'd get upset because he loved to talk, but he was forced mute. He could still watch though, and he loved to be around Aries and you. Now he spent over half the day with shut eyes. And sometimes you wondered if he was really asleep, because the whimpers that trailed out his lips seemed like he was experiencing immense real life pain, not pain from a dream. Every breath that escaped those lips was now accompanied by a wheeze. Your heart ached for him. Every day you wished for it to go away.

You started to cry. Just a few years ago everything was okay! You had been married for 10 years and together for a total of 16. You had met when Tom was 20 and you were 19. A few years ago Tom was chasing around a naked Aries around the yard, but now sometimes he couldn't even walk. Whenever Aries wanted to play after he became sick he would weakly tell her in his British accent, "not now, daddy needs some rest", or "not now, daddy needs to get a ride 'to the store'." Now he was always sick with bronchitis. Now every other month he was living on codeine to escape the pain from pneumonia. He couldn't even breathe out of his nose from the (seemingly) constant UTI. You remembered when your biggest worry was that he'd break his nose again. Nothing seemed fair. You had been so madly in love with him since the moment you met him, and you knew no one would ever replace him. You knew the chemo wasn't working even when he had first started.

A knock startled you and you quickly started to wash your face off.
"(Y/n)?" You heard Tom's raspy whisper on the other side. He was doing better today. It was days like this that you had hope. It would completely diminish the next day. You answered with a muffled "yes?" as you started to wipe your face off, now removed of its tear stains.

"Are you okay in there? We're starting to think you're constipated." He chuckled which made you smile, but his laugh quickly turned into a cough that reeked of cancer.

You forced a smile on your face and opened the door. He placed a kiss lightly on your lips, which you would always love no matter how dry they had become, winced from the pain in his chest, and whispered, "everything's going to be okay." in your ears. He always pretended to have hope but sometimes when he thought he was lone you'd hear him cry to the best of his ability on the phone with Harrison. "It's not fair", he'd sob, "it's not fair." Other times after a shower you'd enter the room to see him silently staring at a family photo. His once muscular shoulders would shake with guilt that he couldn't be an active parent.

He was getting worse everyday. He had only ever smoked twice. He treated his body well. He was also so sweet. How could he get cursed with something so terrible? You asked yourself that every day. He didn't deserve any of this.

You and Tom locked hands and joined Aries in the living room again. Tom being sick didn't deplete your love for each other whatsoever. Tom watched you walk to Aries with love struck eyes. You locked eyes once, and you fell in love all over again. His brown ones were always so sweet and ready to give . He still managed to look at you like you made the sun set, splashing paint on to the horizon and bringing the stars to your eyes. You used to get uncomfortable when he stared, but currently, you let him look. He still loved Aries, too of course. She was spoiled rotten because of him. He always went on about how much he loved the both of you on days that he could speak. On days he could sit up he'd hunt for toys on the internet until he had drained all his energy and needed a nap, but most of the time he was just too weak to do anything but close his eyes and let silent tears fall down his face. Aries always asked about his nightmares. Tom attacked her with kisses.

Tom was watching you tickle Aries when he blinked for the last time. He wouldn't want to spend his last blink on anyone else, he was thinking. He knew, so he fought against the lung cancer so he could keep his eyes open to watch his two favorite girls laugh for as long as possible. Finally, he grew too tired and with remorse for the grief he knew was going to come, his eyes fluttered shut.

A/n: Sorry if this is a little too long! The chapter title "the last chapter" is kind of a pun amirite like it's his last chapter and this books? No? Okay. Anyway, I had so much fun writing these! Thankyou all so so so much for reading them and voting on them. It means a lot to me. You can always DM me. See you later.

If you're into astrology follow me on Twitter at neptuneinthe1st

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