My Teddy

By AquafinaBlue012

414K 17.6K 5.3K

The corner of his mouth tilts upward slightly. I smile again. A smile!? A tiny one, but still. "Hm. So I got... More

Dear, Mr. Leon Fisher
Part title
{Dear Brooklyn Jones}


4.7K 205 10
By AquafinaBlue012


I stop the car but neither of us makes a move to get out.

I love it.

"So, how did I do overall? Do I get an A?"
I ask softly into the silence.


I smile happily, reaching up to stroke her hair.

"Good. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself knowing that I didn't please my girl."

Her eyes soften ever further.

"Are you going to walk me to the door?"
She asks.

I scoff.
"Of course. You didn't even have to ask."

I get out slowly, making my way towards her side.

"There you are."
I say quietly, helping her out.

She grabs my hand wordlessly, pulling me towards the porch.

"Hey, what's wrong?"
I ask, stopping in front of the front door.

She stares at the ground for a minute.

"I uh...I just don't want you to leave. Today I was the happiest I've been in a long time. I don't want it to end."
She says quietly, her cheeks heating up.

I collect her into my arms silently, too deep in my own mind to speak.


I made her so happy that she doesn't want me to leave.

My heart swells with pride for myself.

"Oh baby."
I whisper, holding her tightly.

I don't want to let go.


Never again.

"I'm so happ-"

She suddenly cuts me off, pressing her lips against mine.

I open my mouth immediately without even thinking.

I've been dreaming of this moment ever since I got back.

Kissing my baby girl again.

My mouth devours her hungrily, my mind purposely ignoring the fact that she's still innocent.

My hands shoot down to her ass and I grab it, pressing her body closer.

Nothing matters at this moment except this.

My tongue explores her mouth like I can't live without it.

She lets out a moan that almost makes me explode into a crazed horny freak.

I groan, willing myself to pull away.

I repeat, resting my forehead against hers, breathing heavily.

She blushes again, suddenly hiding her face in my shirt.

I furrow my eyebrows confusedly.

What is she suddenly shy about?

A camera clicks behind me.

I grin, turning around.

Gabby, Dante, Liz, and baby Eli are all standing  in the doorway peering out.

"I think I'm going to cry."
Liz says, wrapping her arms around Dante.

Brook pulls away from me immediately.

"Hey. Text me."
I whisper, reluctantly letting go of her hand.

She slowly tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear, biting her lip.


Gabby and Dante have a field day.

I walk away from the house feeling like I just won 30 million bucks.

But in reality, I've won something worth even more than that.



"Ooh, you brought home snacks."
Jacob says as soon as I see him.

I roll my eyes, handing him the bags.

Dante pulls me to the couch, trying to calm down him overly excited son.

"So where did you guys go? Other than Walmart?"
He asks suspiciously, glancing up as Gabby and Liz walks in.

I lean back on the couch and twirl my ring around my finger, smiling stupidly.

I had so much fun.

"The Steven's movies under the stars."
I say quietly.

Dante shakes his head amusedly.

Gabby and Liz squeals like little school girls.

"Oh my God, remember when you took me that time?"
Gabby asks Jacob, who freezes at the door looking guilty with a cookie sticking out of his mouth.

I roll my eyes at him, still feeling a little giddy from the kiss.

"Baby sis, you look so fucking happy. I haven't seen that smile in so long."
Danny whispers, wrapping his arms around me.

I frown.

"What? I smile all the time."

He rolls his eyes.

"I mean the lovestruck smile. Your eyes are sparkling and everything."
He observes.

I furrow my eyebrows, thinking for a second.

"I don't love him."

The room falls quiet.

I look around.

"Not yet you mean. Right?"
Liz asks into the silence.


Of course I meant that.

I'm willing to try again. I want to be happy again like I was tonight.

"Not yet."
I confirm.

Everybody lets out a relieved sigh.

I roll my eyes.

"You guys are so....."
I trail off amusedly.

Dante asks.

"Unbelievably lovable?"



I laugh as everyone starts throwing in suggestions.

I say, causing them to scowl.

"I love you guys."
I add.

"I love you guys so much."

"Whew. I was beginning to think that I wasn't going to get to hear from you at all."

I smile immediately, rolling onto my stomach.

"Is it okay that I called instead of texted? I wanted to hear your voice."
I say softly, setting my phone down beside my head.

I hear him shuffling around.

"Are you just saying that to make me feel good?"
Comes Teddy's comforting voice.

It was one of the things that I couldn't miss.

Only because I had forgotten how he sounded.

"No, I'm being honest."
I grin, playing with a strand of my hair.

It's been so hard to ignore his words, his gifts... everything over the past 3 weeks.

But I managed to, thinking that he would just stomp on my heart again.

The thing that made me even say yes was Gabby and Brook's words that day.

That everyone deserves a second chance.

Plus I got tired of him spending his money on me. He spent a lot.

"Aww, baby you're going to make me cry."
He admits.

I laugh.

I could just imagine him in his bed, his pillow covering his head.
Seriously. He used to sleep like that.
I would wake up in the middle of the night and move it, but in the morning it would be right back on his head.

"Hey, should I cut my hair? I've never had it this long and it feels kind of-"

"You better not. I love your new look. Your hair and stubble makes you look more...."
I trail off, biting my lip.

He asks, a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"What? No!"
I lie, blushing.

Of course he's sexy. He knows that.

He looks so mature now.

Like a model.

With his facial hair and his sexy smirk.

He definitely knows how handsome he is.

He laughs.

"Aw, shit. I miss teasing you. I used to love making you all irritated, you know."
He says, causing me to scowl.

I hated that.

"Thank you, Brooklyn. For giving me another chance. You don't know how much this means to me."
He adds when I don't say anything.

I smile reluctantly.

It's so hard to stay mad when he says stuff like that all the time.

"You are so sweet, Teddy."
I say softly, closing my eyes.

"Only for you baby. Hey, how are your parents? Good, yes?"

I wince, thinking about how they had reacted when I told them about him over spring break when we went back to Washington all those years ago.

It's not something that I'll ever forget.

"Uh. Good. Mom started painting. She became an artist. She met my new step father Jerry a few years ago at an art museum."
I tell him.

I cried when we went on Thanksgiving break that year and we met Jerry.

I cried happy tears, of course.

I'm happy that she moved on from her deceased husband.

"For real? She's remarried? Wow, I must have missed so much. Where they mad? know?"
He asks nervously.

I bite my lip.

"No. Just really confused and hurt. Just like I was."

I can't help but to rub it in, just a little.

He sighs.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that me leaving would mean so much. Georgia...this was the 5th place I moved to. And the first and only place that I was happy. I met you, made friends. It was all a first for me. I was so used to moving and being forgotten. And now I feel so fucking crappy for hurting you and everyone. I wish I could just take back the past 4 years."
He says, his voice cracking.

I don't say anything.

He laughs awkwardly.

"You probably get tired of hearing me rant like that, I'm sorry."

"What? No, that's not it at all. It just takes a moment to sink in."
I say, feeling a little tired.

"You falling asleep, Brook?"
He laughs quietly.

I lie, feeling my eyelids start to get a little heavy.

"Go to sleep, princess."
Comes his soft gentle voice.

It does not help.

"No, I want to  stay up. Don't hang up, Teddy."
I complain, not wanting this to end.

He teases.
I hear more shuffling around.

"I'll come by tomorrow, how does that sound?"
Is the last thing I hear before I black out for the night.




"Wassup, man?"
Dante greets when the door opens.

I say happily, fist bumping him.

"Brooklyn is in her room."
He says, wandering back to the couch.

I smile slowly, sticking my hands in my pockets.

He says, just as I turn.


"Do all of us a favor and stick around this time. You make this house happy, man."
He says casually.

All I can do is stare at him for a moment.



I knock on the door lightly.

"Come in."
She sings.

I grin, opening the door slowly.

She is sitting on her bed, tickling baby Eli.

"It's Teddy."
She sings, causing Eli to get happy too.

"Teddy weddy!"

I grin even bigger, closing the door behind me.

"Hey baby."
I say softly.

"Come here, come play with us."
She says, scooting over a little.

I slip off my shoes, crawling in next to her.

I tell the baby happily.

I love babies.

In college I took the father course and we got to take care of a real baby for 3 weeks.

I got a little girl named Miracle.

It was the best 3 weeks of my life.

I tell Brook about it.

"Oh, we took a class too. But we didn't get a real baby, lucky."
She pouts, tickling Eli's foot.

He giggles, squirming around.

I rub his little head absentmindedly.

"There was an orphanage right around the corner that my school sponsored."
I say, glancing at her.

"Wow, that's-"

"Can I have another kiss?"
I cut her off, the sudden urge to pull her under me and kiss her over and over again overpowering.

She blushes, pushing my face back as I lean towards her.

"No. Only good boys get kisses, don't they Eli?"
She coos, leaning to to kiss his bare stomach.


I fold my arms, pouting for a second.

"Hm. But what if I'm a bad boy?"
I whisper, leaning close again.

She rolls her eyes.

"Then I'll kick your ass."

I grab her hands, pinning them behind her on the bed.

"Well, what if you can't?"
I lean even closer.

She blushes even redder, trying to lean away from me.

"Then I'll get Danny to kick your ass."
She threatens, just as my lips touch hers.

I sigh loudly, pulling away reluctantly.

"You're no fun, princess."
I pout, causing her to snicker.

"Oh, shut up you big baby. You know you love me."
She teases, reaching down to pick Eli up.

I just sit there for a second, watching my baby girl hold a baby.

A million different possibilities rush through my head.

"I do."

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