
By WWELover555

35.1K 1K 256

The third installment to 'Hooked By Fire.' After the shocking news Heidi received her whole life has been fli... More

Chapter 1: Ways To Be Wicked
Chapter 2: The Kingdom of Lost Summer
Chapter 3: Gracie in the Forest
Chapter 4: Parker and Pandora
Chapter 6: A Friend Like Ally
Chapter 7: To Close Of A Call
Chapter 8: Kingly Advice
Chapter 9: Reaction I Was Expecting
Chapter 10: Fatherhood
Chapter 11: Evil Like Me
Chapter 12: A Neverland Story
Chapter 13: Shouldn't Have Happened
Chapter 14: News that I thought I would never hear
Chapter 15: A Feline Friend
Chapter 16: Big Brother
Chapter 17: Our Mom
Chapter 18: Nothing Like I Thought
Chapter 19: Like Father Like Son
Chapter 20: A Half Sister
Chapter 21: The Person I Need The Most
Chapter 22: Not Ready For That Just Yet
Chapter 23: Rumor Has it
Chapter 24: Wedding Dress Fitting
Chapter 25: Telling The Girls
Chapter 26: Reaction From The Girls
Chapter 27: Cold Feet
Chapter 28: Hidden Stories of Auradon
Chapter 29: The Next Group Of Newcomers
Chapter 30: The Talk that Is Overdue
Chapter 31: Once In A Lifetime Situation
Chapter 32: Heading for Auradon
Chapter 33: The Wedding That No One Will Forget
Chapter 34: Sienna's Warning
Chapter 35: Aftershock
Chapter 36: Wedding reception
Chapter 37: Much Needed Information
Chapter 38: United States of Auradon Kingdom Council
Chapter 39: Icy Plans
Chapter 40: Queen's Orders
Chapter 41: Motherly Advise
Chapter 42: Battle Plan
Chapter 43: The First Snow Falls
Chapter 44: Returning and Reasoning
Chapter 45: Battle of Queen's and Loins
Chapter 46: Dark Side Unleashed
Chapter 47: The Ice Serpent
Chapter 48: Your Time Will Come
Chapter 49: My Pirate
Chapter 50: King of Kings
Chapter 51: Shay
Chapter 52: Is This For Real?
Chapter 53: The Engagement Announcement
Chapter 54: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 55: My Jolly Sailor Bold
March 5th 2018

Chapter 5: Save The Date

658 23 0
By WWELover555

Heidi's POV

"You got a wedding invitation?" Harry threw himself onto the bed with a huff, "Yeah, am I sure that if you go to your dorm room that your invite has been delivered as well." I could tell by the ton in Harry's voice that he wasn't looking forward to the biggest wedding of our generation. "It's a big deal Harry, and you only have to dress up for a couple of hours." Harry rolls on the bed so he is now on his stomach, "I hate getting dressed up in one of those monkey suits." I couldn't help the laugh that escapes my mouth, "What are ye laughing about?" Harry says sitting up on the bed to face me, "Only you, wouldn't want to attend the wedding of all weddings." Harry wraps his arms around my waist, and that is when it hit me, I still have to tell him about the baby, I take a deep breath and smiles down at him. "Our wedding will be the wedding of all weddings." I look at him crocked, "You mean you might actually break down and propose to me?" Harry's eyes go from my eyes to the floor then back to my eyes, "One day." I roll my eyes and let of a breath of air, "But not any day soon I am guessing?" Harry shakes his head no. Just looking at how happy and content Harry is right now makes me think of what a great father he will be to this baby, I can see him getting up at night with him or her, teaching him or her how to be a pirate, teaching him or her about that stars. The more I thought about it, the more courage I got to finally tell Harry, "Hooky can we talk about something?" I ask sitting down next him on the bed, "You know, we can talk about anything." He turns his body to face me, "What's on your mind." I take a deep breath, "You know how I wasn't feeling well a couple of weeks ago." Harry nods his head, "Well there is something that I left out of telling you." Harry cocks one his eyebrows, "Harry I'm..." Before I can finish my sentence, Harry's phone starts ringing, "One second babe, it's Gil." Harry took his phone and went into the hallway. As soon as Harry closes the door I let out the loudest frustrated sigh I could muster, all the courage I had was slipping away, I was close to telling him, but now I am back to being worried about his reaction, I mean Harry was never been one to take bad news lightly, but I didn't think of this as bad news, I think of this as great, well sort of. It was life changing to say the very least. After a few Harry comes back into the room, "Sorry about that love, Lil Shang just called to remind me about the mandatory fencing practice." I am starting to regret me trying to tell him. Harry starts getting dressed for the practice, "Babe I have something to tell you and I need your full attention." Harry put's his fencing jersey on, and drops his sweatpants revealing his red boxers with black and white checker pattern on them. "You in those boxers aren't helping." Harry chuckles and puts on a pair of shorts, "Babe, what do you have to tell me?" in my mind I am still trying to figure out what exactly to say to him, I mean how do you do tell a man that he is going to be a father, that his life is going to change forever. "Well, the reason that I went running in the woods wasn't because I wanted to exercise." I started, Harry's blue eyes bored into mine, I am not regretting wanting his full attention, "The real reason I went into the woods was because I was scared of what the doctor said that my last appointment." Harry's faces turned from sweet and loving to worry and frightened, "What happened, you told me that the doctor said it was just a flu bug, that everything was okay." Harry started to rant, I couldn't take it anymore I placed my hand over his mouth just to quite him down a little. "The doctor said that I am..." Just like before we are interrupted, someone knocked on the door, "You have to be kidding me." I say under my breath, Harry kisses my forehead and gets to answer the door, in the doorway is Aaron, the son of Aurora and Phillip, and who just happens to be dating Carly. "You ready to go?" Aaron asked smiling and waving at me from the doorway, "Hi Heidi." Aaron calls, I roll my eyes, "Hi Aaron." I smile and wave back. Harry looks away from Aaron and back to me, "Babe?" I could tell that he wanted me to finish what I was going to tell him, but with Aaron within hearing range that wasn't possible now, "Go on." I kiss his lips, "What about what you were trying to tell me?" I smile and run my hand down the side of his face, "I will tell you when you get back from practice." Harry looks down at me with concern, "I will tell you everything the moment you get back." Harry kisses my lips one more time before he leaves the room with Aaron. I sigh and sit on the bed, "By the way Harry I'm pregnant." I say out loud to no one, the feeling in my heart skipped a beat as the words that I have kept buried deep down so long finally escaped my lips. But in the back of my mind I couldn't help the one burning question that seems to always be there ever since I found out, will my baby be set to the isle or will Ben allow the baby to stay here. That question was one that I needed to know, as I stood up I saw that I wasn't alone, "Ally?" I question her, a feeling hit me, what if Ally heard what said, "Ally, how long have you been standing there?" Ally looks at me with huge eyes.

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