

1.5K 160 11

My life was one born in towers of gold with impenetrable windows. My life was one of nobility, aristocracy. S... Еще

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|| C h a p t e r 12 ||

68 10 0

"Elder was ruthless," My father stated. "He was unethical. He may have betrayed me but he wasn't wrong. You've seen it for yourself Damakos. Look at the Acier Kingdom, look at the Resilient Nation," He said patiently. "They are nothing compared to the Royaume Kingdom. We are far more advanced than they will ever be. These Kingdoms, these Nations, they need me. They need me to push them to their true potential." I stared in shock. "Say yes." My father goaded, his voice as thick and rich as honey. "Say yes to us being a family, together again. I never stopped loving you both. Give us the chance to recreate that happiness that was stolen from us." I frowned, looking at him with wide eyes. This is my final choice.

"Strallker is taking forever to find Caspian," Tess groaned. "You can't just stand out here all day. What if you get hungry and want to eat us?"

"Tess is tastier," Archer laughed. "I've already had a bite if you know what I mean," Archer smiled flirtatiously. Tess rolled her eyes. Kaden groaned, kneeling down before returning to his regular size. "The Potion wore off!" Archer whooped. "It's not permanent!" The Commander ran out onto the battlefield, seeing Kaden, Archer and Tess.

"Something has happened! The world may still be at risk!" Kaden frowned, jogging up to meet him.

"What happened?" He said urgently. "What are you talking about?" The Commander took unsteady breaths, relaying the message.

"Damakos seems unsure of her loyalty due to the sudden conflict of interest! It seems that the Royaume Leader is her deceased father!"

I took a heavy breath. "There's only one problem," I sighed, weaving my way out of Caspian's tight embrace. "You're not my father." I smiled a ghost of a smile, walking to where my mother's bloodstained body was peeking out from behind the curtains and I gently removed the crown, holding it in my hands. "My father was a kind man," I raised my voice as I walked back. "He provided for us, he cared for us, he loved fencing and going out for a stroll..." I trailed off, placing the crown on the table, looking skeptically at this man whom I didn't even recognise. "You? Consumed with darkness? Obsessed with taking over the world? You're not my father. My father died twenty years ago, I don't know who you are anymore. How can I trust you? You claim to love me but you could just be manipulating me. Just as you did to Caspian and just as the Elder has done to you," I tilted my head to one side, anger simmering below my skin.

"I understand that and I am so proud of you for being so wise, my angel," my father nodded. "But I'm asking you for a chance. A chance to prove to you that I can and I will change. Remember what I said about the other Kingdoms and Nations, about this world? We can change it for the better, together, side by side." I exhaled in half amusement.

"You keep saying that the Royaume Kingdom is more advanced and that you need to push the other Kingdoms and Nations," I sighed looking around at all the stunned faces. I glanced at the crown, imaging my mother was guiding me on. "But you don't seem to understand something vital here. The other Kingdoms and Nations don't need to be pushed! Each Kingdom and Nation is different and that's what makes us unique. The Resilient Nation will no longer be 'Resilient' if it's Royaume. The Acier Kingdom will no longer be 'Acier' once it's filled with magic." I took a breath, calming my nerves before continuing. "We are all different in so many ways. That doesn't have to be a bad thing. So no, I don't want to help you rule." I frowned. "I don't think that you should." My father's eyes narrowed as did mine. Purple glared at blue and the cold flames threatened to engulf me at any second.

"What foolishness is this?" My father growled. "You are no daughter of mine! I have been waiting twenty years for this moment! For twenty years I have done nothing but plan to take over this world! If you don't join me, well," my father chuckled darkly. "You shall be killed as well! If you can't respect me and my ambitions, then you cannot possibly call yourself part of 'my family'!" I stepped forward once. One step turned into two. Then three. The distance between us grew drastically smaller. I slapped him hard first, muffled gasps sounded out behind me when I did so. I then punched him. I growled. My father glowered at me before slapping me back. "You dare defy me?" He snarled. "I am your father! Young ladies will do as they are told!" My eyes widened and I was thrown back to a disastrous memory that seemed so long ago, although I knew it wasn't.

The stares continued before the guests of the ballroom began to chuckle. It was quiet at first but as more people joined in, the sound became louder and louder as everyone but my mother seemed to laugh at my political opinion.

"We would not expect a young princess like yourself to understand 'Grown Men Talk'," Duke Johnson sniggered. "Why don't you run along and perhaps design a dress?" the statement caused even louder fits of laughter as I sighed, residing to my chambers.

"I want to be able to voice my own opinions!" All that rage came out faster than magma and just as destructive. It consumed all that I was, so delicate under that carefully ordered world.

"What is this nonsense!" My mother growled. "Women are supposed to cook, marry and have children! And that is exactly what you're going to do!" my mother exploded with a rage just as fierce as my own.

"I brought Soldiers and Resources for the War," I said, right hand gripping my Katana.

"But you're a woman!" A younger guard whom I have never met before bursted out without thinking.

Blinded by my rage, I hissed and punched my father five times. Twice in the face, one in the body, then another two times in the face. I watched with satisfaction as I saw an eye already beginning to bruise.

"Woo hoo!" Caspian cheered, breaking the icy silence. "Finish him!" I took one look at my broken father who was panting on the floor. And I just... I just... I...

"I can't do it," I whispered.

"Of course you can do it!" Tess spoke up suddenly. "He's your father! Good thing he's not mine," she shrugged. She punched him multiple times, his battered body falling to the ground with the impact. I heard someone rush in and their breath being drawn back sharply. I stared wide eyed with terror at my father on the ground who spat out blood at Tess's feet. "I'm going to finish the deed. Any last words?" She spoke quietly. No one said anything. "Rigorus Mortisum," she said clearly, watching as the red light surrounded his body. She turned to face me. "He's as dead as a doornail." He's dead. I don't know what came over me. I began to cry, large salty tears falling from my face. Why am I crying? What's wrong with me? Kaden embraced me a hug, sighing into my hair. Caspian cheered whilst Tess rubbed her arm shyly.

"Yes!" Caspian cheered. "He's dead! This heartless, manipulative, cold-blooded murderer is dead!" He began to cheer even more.

"Caspian!" Tess hissed. "Stop! Now is not the time," Caspian stared at her as if she were crazy. "Of course it's the time! The monster is dead!" Kaden allowed me to cry into his shirt, holding me tightly.

"Don't mind Caspian," he sighed. "From what the Commander told us," he began, looking down at me, wiping away some of my tears with his thumb gently as so not to hurt me. "Caspian never really had a real 'father'. The 'father' that he had in the Royaume King betrayed him and manipulated him. He just wouldn't understand how you're feeling right now," Kaden murmured sadly.

"He looked just like him, Kaden," I whispered brokenly. "He even sounded like him. But he just wasn't my father, Kaden, he just couldn't be!" I whispered, throat hoarse. Kaden's arms wrapped around me tighter and he breathed out into my hair.

"I know he couldn't be. That man definitely wasn't your father Damakos. Not at all," His voice was soothing but for some reason, it wasn't helping my aching heart like it usually did.

"I just can't believe that it was my own father who was capable of all this evil! That he's related to me! What if I am to become evil too? What if it's only a matter of time-" Kaden cut me off, fingers pulling my chin up gingerly to look at his Taupe coloured eyes.

"Stop that!" He murmured. "You will never be evil, Damakos. If you even think of becoming evil, I'll always be right there to knock the sense back into you!" I laughed quietly in Kaden's arms and he let go, leaning on the mantle of the throne room. "I know you feel horrible right now, trust me, I know it feels to be ripped away from something dear to you," I looked at Kaden and realised how broken his eyes looked, how broken he looked. "But in time you'll realise your difficult decision helped saved us all. For that I-I thank you," Kaden stammered, bowing to me once more.

"No father, no!" I yelled, looking at his bloodstained hands. "Don't be evil! Don't die!" I felt as if I were being tied down so I screamed, screamed and screamed until I felt my voice would give out. I woke up, looking at the mangled sheets on my body and I wiped my forehead, removing a layer of sweat. I began to cry although I heard the pounding on my door. Someone's knocking on my door... I want to be left alone but I wonder who it is... my crying ceased and I let my tears fall onto my bed, tear drops falling around me as if I were a waterfall.

"I heard your scream from across the hall," Kaden whispered, sitting down on the edge of my bed. He seemed heartbroken.

"Are you okay?" My breathing was uncontrollable and I clenched the sheets around me.

"I-I don't k-know," I stammered, trying to breathe.
"I know that this is bittersweet," Kaden murmured. "You saved the world but at the same time, it's like you gained and lost your father all in one day." Kaden hugged me in the darkness of my room. He lifted my chin and I saw his shimmering eyes which seemed to glow. He leaned down, eyes drifting towards my lips. The kiss obliterated every thought. For the first time in forever my mind was locked into the present. The worries of the day evaporated like a summer shower onto a hot car. My usual mode of hurrying from one thing to the next was suspended, I had no wish for the kiss to end. Drunk on endorphins my only desire was to touch him, to let him move his hands under my smooth summer layers and feel my perfect softness. In moments the soft caress has become more firm, I savoured his lips and the quickening of his breath that matched my own.

"What's wrong?" I asked, as Kaden broke away gently. Kaden looked at me as if I were a goddess, blessing his presence.

"You're very vulnerable right now," He murmured gently. "We shouldn't be doing this. Maybe you'd feel better speaking with Strallker?" He offered. "I'll get him for you." He turned to leave, dusting his jacket.

"Kaden, please don't go," I whispered, grabbing his hand. He turned back, eyes questioning. "I don't want you to ever leave me." I saw his eyes widen and a small smile decorate his lips.

"No Damakos," He whispered, sitting back down. "There's no way that I'd ever leave you." I sat closer, resting my head on his shoulder.

"You make me feel safe. You help me think clearly. I just-" I paused, breaking off my sentence. "I need you with me. Please Kaden, stay with me." Kaden nodded and my hand reached up to bring his lips to connect with mine once more. "I love you." Kaden drew back, eyes wide. "I love you Kaden..." I saw him look like he was going to distance himself even further from me and I looked away. "so much..." the rest of my heart shattered as I heard his silence. He encased me in a hug.

"Damakos Rainvale," he began quietly, looking at me dead in the eyes. "You're the only woman I ever loved and all ever love." I looked up at him with my tear stained face and kissed him. As cheesy as it sounds, it's just like the stories. For that single moment time stops. I don't care about the people around us, in fact I don't even notice them. It's just me and him. There's no war, no death, no suffering, just us.

"Wake up!" Strallker hit the door, waking me up. "There's an important meeting to attend to!" I groggily opened my eyes to see myself looking down at Kaden's toned chest. He groaned.

"Five more minutes," he yawned. "Or hours or days," another yawn.

"Don't make me come in there!" Strallker sighed.

"We have to get ready Kaden," I murmured, bringing myself closer to him. His arms wrapped around me tightly and his lips brushed my ear.

"No," he protested. "I don't want to let you go. I want to stay like this forever." I smiled and sat up, rubbing my sleep filled eyes.

"What exactly are you saying Kaden?" I asked, watching as he too, stood up.

"I'm saying," he began. "That you make me so unbelievably happy." I rubbed my arm shyly, blowing a silvered curl out of my face.

"I'm so in love with you that I can't imagine my life without you in it." I blushed and looked away shyly while Kaden took a breath.

"I guess what I'm trying to... uh say, or ask, is uhh," he began to stammer, cheeks blooming red.

"Alright!" Strallker sighed from behind the door. "I'm coming in!" Kaden rubbed his left hand on the nape of his neck and I panicked calling out.

"No Strallker!" I cried. "We're indecent! We'll be out in a moment!"

"We!" Strallker bellowed. "Who is in there with you!" Oh Good Heavens.

"I think that it is clear as to why we are meeting here today," The Commander spoke clearly to the rows of people. "We are in need of a new Acier Ruler."

"Exactly!" Mr Smith nodded.

"Someone brave and confident!" The Commander spoke out.

"Exactly!" Mr Smith grinned. "Brave and confident!"

"Someone wise and experienced!" The Commander continued.

"Exactly! Wise and Experienced!" The Commander folded his arms over his chest.

"And something that our previous Ruler lacked slightly," The Commander said, nodding his head towards the crowd, eyes slitted. "Open-mindedness!"

"Yes, exactly!" Mr Smith called. "Open-mindedness!"

"I know the perfect person for the position," The Commander said. "I nominate," he paused looking around at everyone. Mr Smith brushed his flaming red jacket, smiling smugly.

"Our new Queen, Damakos Rainvale," Mr Smith gaped whilst I smiled. The crowds clapped.

"A woman?" Mr Smith called out, appalled. "Are you out of your senses! Even she knows that this is absolute rubbish! The Late Acier Queen and I were good friends! I was offered to oversee her way of work. She doesn't know anything about politics!" Mr Smith growled. "She has no training! She's a woman! This is preposterous!" An Acier Guard stood beside me, facing Mr Smith, eyes cold.

"She possesses all the qualities stated! She is wise! It was her ideas and tactics that led us to victory!" He looked around at all the people who nodded and bowed his head to me, Taupe eyes twinkling.

"She put's the people first! She sacrificed her own father to save us all."

"She is confident and brave!" Mr Johnson called out from the back. "While you had us hiding in a church, she was risking her life to save her Kingdom." Kaden continued to rally against Mr Smith.

"She's more experienced than you ever will be! She has travelled to all three Nations and Kingdoms and has the type of knowledge that you wouldn't even begin to understand. She has open-mindedness. If there's one thing she has, it's an open mind and vivid imagination." Mr Smith looked appalled at my support.

"Surely you cannot all agree to this!" He protested. "She is a woman! Women cannot be leaders!" Strallker bowed to me.

"Times have changed, Mr Smith," He said calmly. "If there's one thing her Majesty has taught me, it is that we are at a standstill. Times have changed and now is the time to change with it!" Strallker nodded. Mr Smith frowned.

"This is absolutely absurd!" The Commander smirked, shaking his head.

"All in favour for Mr Smith?" The Hall remained quiet and no one raised their hand. "All in favour for Ms Rainvale?" Everyone raised their hands which caused Mr Smith to scream in frustration.

"This Kingdom is an absolute embarrassment!" He growled stalking out. I face-palmed.

"Congratulations, My Queen," Commander bowed. "You are part of the first generation to be a female leader. I am honoured to be in your presence." I smiled. It was finally my time. "It is time for you to sit on your throne as the Acier Queen," Commander bowed, allowing me to walk up to the silver throne, the silver crown, now clean of blood, in his hands. I must admit that I'm excited yet absolutely terrified. I cannot believe I am the Acier Queen. I know I can do this. For my mother and for Jason. I will wear this crown and make sure that I protect my subjects just as they protected me. Kaden and Caspian stood on either side of me, bowing their heads.

"I know that you don't want to disappoint your Kingdom," Kaden said, pulling me away from the festivities. "I know that you're scared." I rubbed my arm shyly. Sometimes being so open was quite infuriating. "It's okay to be scared, Damakos," Kaden continued. "I know you can do this."

"May I have a word with you, my dear?" A voice behind me interrupted. I turned around to face Strallker, silver ballgown swishing on the floor.

"Of course Strallker," I smiled.

"My love, congratulations!" His eyes were kind and he nodded his head in congratulations. "You've went against all odds and made history. We shall be wed in the morning!" I rubbed my arm whilst Kaden sharply in took his breath as he watched the exchange. I heard a heartbroken sigh.

"Strallker," I said, smiling sadly at him. "You're an extraordinary gentleman with a huge heart. I appreciate all of your efforts and support but," I broke off frowning. "I'm sorry but my heart belongs with someone else." Strallker nodded sadly.

"But, I love you," He protested weakly, looking away. I nodded, taking his hand gingerly.

"Strallker," I said his name gently, trying not to hurt him. "What you had for me was not love. We were betrothed due to rank and monetary reasons, not for love. Strallker, under my leadership, this Kingdom will change greatly for the better, you'll meet the perfect woman without martial agreement. You'll get to ask her for her hand in marriage without any pressure other than the beating of your heart." Strallker sighed.

"Is it him? Kaden?" There was no easy way to break it to him and I felt my heart break just a little.

"Yes it is," I said gently. "I love him with all of my heart." Strallker nodded sadly, kneeling and kissing my hand briefly.

"Then I wish you both happiness, however that may be," he walked off, wiping a tear away from his eyes, bowing to us both.

"Damakos," Kaden began and I turned around, blushing. "I've been dying to ask you something and I better do it before Caspian comes running in here." I took a breath and smiled encouragingly, trying to ignore my flaming cheeks. "Damakos, I love you more than anything and I never want to be parted from you." I waited patiently. "Would you please do me the greatest honour of becoming my wife?"

"Yes, yes, yes! A thousand times yes!" I nodded excitedly. Kaden laughed, a slight blush on his cheeks. Kaden smiled, taking my hand and carefully placing his lips on mine.

News of the wedding spread across the Resilient Nation, and the two kingdoms. As time passed, Tess and I grew to be very close. Caspian and I... well... we never really had the chance to talk it out.

"Good day, Damakos, uh, Ms Rainvale, uh, My Queen," Caspian's voice wavered with uncertainty. I turned around to see Caspian on his knees. I frowned.

"Caspian get up, you don't have to bow down before me," I smiled. Caspian laughed gently as he always did before nodding his head, eyes filled with sadness. I looked at him closely. He looked like he hadn't slept for a week. "Are you alright?" I asked, putting my documents away before standing beside him. Caspian took a deep breath.

"I want to say congratulations on your new position and-" he broke off. "A-and your recent engagement to... Kaden," I sighed. This made a bit of sense.

"Thank you so mu-" Caspian turned swiftly and walked out of the room. I sighed, turning away, holding a hand to my heart. "Thank you so much Caspian..." I whispered.

Yeah, that didn't go is well. Time has passed since then and I haven't heard much from him since.

"Do I have to wear a dress?" Tess groaned, pulling at the magenta fabrics.

"Oh hush Tess," I laughed. "Stop complaining."

"Which colour do you like the best Damakos?" The female Resilient Guard whose name was 'Jen' asked me, twirling in a peach coloured gown.

"Peach," I answered decisively.

"Good choice," Jen laughed. "It's a great colour." I nodded.

"It looks gorgeous on you!" Tess latched onto my arm, bouncing up and down in her heels.

"It's time for your wedding gown!" She said excitedly. I raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"I thought you hated dresses!"

"Shut up!" Tess whined. "You're spoiling the whole moment!" We all shared collective laughs, each varying.

I walked out in a long, white wedding gown that fell at my ankles, a laced veil covering my eyes, a flower for the last design. I bowed.

"What do you think?" I asked teasingly.

"You look beautiful in that dress and you know it," Tess laughed.

"These two brave heroes are a match made in Heaven if I do say so myself," Mr Johnson said, laughing, seeing Kaden already taking my hands as soon as I stepped up to the alter. "If there is anyone that believes that there is reason why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." A pale hand raised.

"I have something to say," a voice called out. One that I used to know. I looked at Kaden and he frowned, seeing the familiar purple eyes and onyx hair. Gasps and cries echoed around the room upon seeing Caspian's appearance.

"Quiet everyone!" Mr Johnson sighed, his voice wavering with uncertainty. "The Royaume King has something to say." A few days after we had won the war, Caspian had been elected Royaume King. Something very well deserved.

"This is not what I had planned," Caspian began. "And I would rather things go a different way." I looked at Kaden who looked offended and I stifled a laugh. "But of all the men you could have chosen to marry, I'm glad it's Kaden." Kaden smiled and I nodded my thanks to Caspian for understanding. "If it was anyone else, I wouldn't trust them. Kaden," he glanced at Kaden once for a few seconds. "He's the best guy for the job. I know that he loves you and I know that he will protect you with his life. I wish you both a life together filled with health, happiness and love." He bowed to us, sitting back down.

"Does anyone else have anything they'd like to say?" Mr Johnson asked. The Resilient Leader stood, tall and proudly.

"Kaden and Damakos's union has filled me with happiness and content. They are like the children I never had. They are the most trust worthy and dependable beings that I have ever known. In fact, Kaden is so trust worthy that I nominate him to be my successor as my time as Leader is coming to an end," Kaden looked surprised while I clapped for him, tears shining in my eyes.

"By the power vested in me," Mr Johnson said, voice clearly ringing through the throne room. "I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

And so here we are. Nations that have been at war with one another have finally learnt that we are better, together. And that doesn't matter what you look like or who you love, to make a difference in this world, all you need is some courage and a dream.

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