
By CinderPuppyEyes

1.5K 160 11

My life was one born in towers of gold with impenetrable windows. My life was one of nobility, aristocracy. S... More

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67 9 0
By CinderPuppyEyes

  "We must strategise immediately!" My mother raised her voice over the commotion in the throne room. The generals nodded but screamed when red light flooded the room, turning into a sparkling gas which caused them all to drop dead on the spot. My mother gasped, growling at the Royaume Leader.

  "I don't believe that we've ever had the pleasure of meeting," The Royaume King drawled, kissing my mother's hand although she slapped him across the face as soon as he let go.

  "What is the meaning of this!" She hissed. "How dare you invade this Kingdom!"

  "If you surrender, the Acier Kingdom to me, that will be the end of the war. Your people will not be harmed."

  "Never! I am prepared to fight to the end!" My mother cried, bringing out a katana. Swiftly, she drew the blade across the Royaume King's left eye as he aimed his hand at her. She ran to the right, missing the beam narrowly. Letting out a battle cry, she thrust the sword into the Royaume King's chest although he hit her with the beam at the same time. She crumpled to the ground gagging. Laughing manically, the Royaume Leader pulled the sword out of his chest, drinking a sparkling red potion.

  "Well then, I guess you're finished. Attack!"

  "You all must die!" The Royaume Leader roared, pointing at Strallker first. He laughed manically.

  "No! What about my animal skins!" Strallker cried before gagging, crumpling to the ground in a limp heap. My mother cried as she too fell to the floor gagging.

  "Damakos?" Kaden jerked me out of my tainted scenario. "Are you alright?" Caspian and Kaden shared a worried glance.

  "Yeah," Caspian added, looking closely at me. "Is everything okay?" I took a breath, looking at the entry way of the Resilient Nation, the gentle wind blowing against the nape of my neck soothingly.

  "I can't help but think of my Kingdom," I said half truthfully. "And I keep imagining the worst." Ok, so that part was true at least.

  "I know how you must feel," Kaden said gently. "This journey isn't easy. But in order to save the world we need to focus," He sighed, moving a silvered curl out of my eye. I turned my head away from him, looking at the entrance once more. 

  "Kaden is right Damakos," Caspian agreed, rubbing circles on my back soothingly. "We can win this. We've arrived at the Resilient Capital. Do you remember our proposal?" He asked gently.

  "We have to use the potions and spells on the Resilient Warriors," I said quietly. Kaden nodded enthusiastically as did Caspian.

  "Precisely!" Caspian smiled. "Let's get to it!"

  "Let's go kick some Royaume Leader arse!" Kishan jumped up and down excitedly. Caspian and Kaden shared a look and pushed me forwards without another word. I turned back to hear Duana talk to Kishan quietly although it echoed through the cave. 

  "You can't expect them to forget everything Kishan," she said sadly, patting his shoulder.

  "I know," Kishan's voice trembled and it echoed through the cave. "But I miss how things used to be."

  "Time heals all wounds," I looked back to see their fingers loosely intertwined before they walked into the cave together, their eyes shining with hurt.


  Caspian and Kaden walked in front of me, murmuring although I could guess what they were talking about. They stopped a few meters away from the Resilient Leader's castle, moss dripping down from all the walls.

  "We can't tell him about Kishan and Duana," I said, standing on the tips of my toes in order for them to hear me. "He'll probably just kill them anyway." Caspian turned around and rubbed the bridge of his nose, exhaling deeply.

  "I don't like keeping this from him," Caspian said honestly, casting betrayed looks at the pair behind us. "But you're right Damakos. He'll kill them." Kaden frowned, eyes uncertain.

  "I mean," He started, glancing back at Kishan and Duana who were in conversation. "Telling him might not be so bad. He might put them in jail instead." Caspian shook her head, the motion sharp.

  "He'll kill them instantly and you know that Kaden," Caspian argued flatly. Kaden nodded sadly, running a hand through his bronzed hair.

  "Fine," He grudgingly agreed. "Whatever, it's not like they don't deserve it." I looked at Kaden and rubbed his arm soothingly.

  "I know that you're still heartbroken Kaden," I sighed. "So am I," I turned back to face Kishan and Duana who seemed to be now standing quietly, looking at the ground as they waited for us. "But let's try to give them a second chance." I feel horrible keeping such a huge secret from the Resilient Leader. I just hope it ends up being worth it.

  Duana and Kishan stepped aside in the narrow corridor as we stepped in first, the boys bowing, and I, curtsying. Duana and Kishan's feet brushed against the moss as they too bowed and curtsied.

  "It's good to see all of you alive and well," The Resilient Leader greeted. "How was the mission in the Royaume Kingdom?" Kaden stepped forward with no argument from Caspian.

  "The Royaume King was nowhere to be found when we arrived," Kaden saw me walk forward slightly and stepped back for me to say my part of the report.

  "It was then we realised that the King is in my Kingdom and it's currently under attack," I frowned, stepping back, head hanging low.

  "What!" The Resilient Leader's head snapped up, female guard beside him looking like she was  about to faint. "It's under attack already?"

  "We," Duana's voice was meek compared to everyone else's in the room. It had definitely lost its confidence. "We need a new plan to take down the Royaume King." Caspian nodded.

  "We actually already thought of one," He said, sharing a glance with Kaden and I.

 "Well, what is it?"

  "Duana, Kishan," I started, before Kaden or Caspian could begin to fill the Resilient Leader in. "Why don't you guys greet the others? I'm sure they're dying for an update." Duana nodded excitedly, Kishan doing the same.

  "Sure! It'll be fun!" Together she and Kishan walked out of the room at their usual pace, chattering as if nothing ever happened. Although my stunt didn't seem to miss the Resilient Leader's eye.

  "What was that about?" He asked in confusion, his eyebrow raised, fingers resting on his chin as he tried to decipher it.

  "Archer, Tess and Jason pretty much bombarded us when we arrived," Caspian lied fluidly. "Since we don't have much time, we might as well greet them and plan our next move at the same time." The Resilient Leader's eyes narrowed.

  "Alright then," He began with some levels of skepticism. "Carry on. What's the plan?"

  We're about to go to War. I was standing atop a grassy hill, Kaden by my side, his usual Resilient Warrior clothing changed for battle. He had a silver chest plate which had emeralds imbedded into the top, running down his back in the shape of the Resilient Relic. He wore silvered pants and had silver boots to complete everything, a sword strapped to his hip. He held his helmet by his side and gave the Resilient Warriors a satisfied look as they took, donned their amour. I looked at Caspian, his armour made from Silver too. He wore the Resilient shaped armour although he had swirls on his back with purple mixed with green to identify him in battle. I wore the same armour as Caspian although mine had blue and purple, the colour of my eyes. I wore a Katana at my belt, hands running over the small button which had been created for me so my Katana would become double handled. Apparently it was safer that way. Kaden and Caspian stepped back, allowing me my moment.

  "Those Royaume Cowards want to attack the Acier Kingdom with magic! I say we drink this potion that will make us resistant to their 'weapons'!" My voice held the trace of sneer which I decided was appropriate for this occasion. "Under the circumstances, we can give those cowards a fair fight! Those with Royaume Headphones must say, 'Bocarium Evaporum!' Whilst having their right hand raised. This will prevent trying any Magical spells at all. This is our chance to defeat the Royaume Leader and we shall prevail! Prepare for Battle!" The crowds of Resilient Warriors cheered, throwing their hats in the air but the only thing I could think about was many of them might not come home.

  So we marched ever so diligently towards the danger, despair and turmoil that awaited us in my Kingdom. But we were filled with hope, courage, determination and perseverance. The Resilient Relic had inspired us, each and every one of us, to put forth our best efforts, no matter what the cost. Because this was in order to save the world. I may not have been a Warrior or grown up knowing battle movements but if this was to save the world, to save my world, then I would gladly lead the Resilient Warriors and do my best to make sure every single of one of them came back home.

  We arrived in the Acier Kingdom a few days later. The plan was to approach my mother to discuss our much needed collaboration. But I have a dire need to visit a certain residence of course.

  "Damakos, are you alright?" Caspian asked, looking at me worriedly. "You seem tense."

  "I'm not quite sure how I feel," I replied, looking at the castle where I had grown up in. The Main castle was where I had lived although there had been trees implemented when I was young and a new castle had been built for the sake of war purposes which is where my mother usually stayed to lure people away from the older castle where I had been growing up. I never used to lie to the boys and I didn't see the need to now.

  "I think I know why," Kaden said, looking around. "I remember this place. It's where you live isn't it?" His voice was gentle although his eyes held the traces of pain. Caspian looked around and frowned before looking at me again.

  "Would you feel better if we accompanied you into your home?" He asked politely. At times I thought that I would never live to see this place once again. Honestly, I'm terrified. What if I enter my home, the place I grew up in and everyone is 'Rigorus Mortisum'? I gently shook my head, smiling sadly. I didn't want Caspian nor Kaden to see me crumble. I had always learnt that a queen should crumble behind locked doors in order for her subjects to never see her at her weakest, to know their queen would always be strong, especially for them. A queen would protect her subjects, protect them until her last breath and there was no way I was going to gamble that the Royaume Leader hadn't found my home.

  "No thank you," I smiled gently. "This is something that I must do on my own. A Royaume Man and a Resilient Warrior may be a bit overwhelming for my mother," I joked half heartedly.

  I took a breath, seeing nothing and hearing nothing but silence.

  "I am here," Strallker voice was much too recognisable for me. A short laugh.

  "Good, now, did you do as I asked?" The voice asked, a note of maniacal laughter imbedded in it. I poked my head around the corner to see Strallker letting go of a hug with the Royaume Leader who was covered in blood and standing behind a woman's body. A woman's body with silvered hair just like mine, who always picked me up when I was little, who had always protected me, no matter the cost. A crown that I would one day have to wear was stained in blood and that was when I ran. I ran outside to the side courtyard out of pure terror. I cried for the first time in days, in weeks. The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down my face. I feel the muscles of my chin tremble like a small child. There is static in my head once more, the side effect of this constant fear, constant stress I live with. I hear my own sounds, like a distressed child, raw from the inside. It takes something out of me I didn't know I had left to give. That's the way it is when people are hard. It's like a theft of the spirit, an injury no other person can see. My eyes drip with tears. My walls, the walls that hold me up, make me strong just... collapse. Moment by moment, they fall. Salty drops fall from my chin, drenching my shirt. I had always been taught how to cry silently although one gasp escaped me and it seems like that was all he needed to hear me.

  "Ms. Rainvale?" I looked up with tear stained eyes.

  "Strallker," I gasped. "Stay away from me! You're fraternising with the enemy!" Strallker shook his head furiously.

  "No! No, we're not!" He protested. "At least not in the way you're thinking!" His voice held the trace of agony. I frowned, wiping away my tears. "Please," Strallker whispered, taking my hands, rubbing them as to warm them for me in my sudden coldness. "Let me explain. I'll tell you everything." I frowned, nodding shakily.

  "Tell me everything Strallker," I whispered, pulling my hands away, cradling them close to my heart. Strallker sighed.

  "I was rather nervous," He began uncertainly. "At our first encounter. I was mumbling nonsense in an effort to impress you. I found you beautiful and I couldn't control myself." I nodded slowly although I was confused. He thought I was beautiful? I thought he couldn't care less! "When I was informed of your sighting in the Wandering Woods, I had a feeling that you left the Kingdom and that you were growing wiser." My eyebrows furrowed.

  "None of this explains why you've decided to support the Royaume Leader of all people! How could you betray this new Kingdom, something that would've been yours!"

  "The Acier Kingdom was doomed from the start due to isolation. Your weapons, your training, your resources... it's a complete joke compared to the other Kingdoms. We had no contact with the Resilient Nation as few of us knew about it," He sighed, looking at my armour. "I hadn't planned on dying due to poor Leadership. The only way of some type of survival was to become allies once more with the Royaume Leader." I frowned.

  "Weren't you already allies with him?" Strallker shook his head.

  "It is a Royaume Tradition to cut loose ties when one of us goes to inherit another throne." I frowned. That made sense I suppose although I don't know why anyone in their right mind would want to kill their own kin.

  "It was just another political strategy. A political strategy that I couldn't have shared with you at the event of the night we met. Now you see if I would have told you about my political strategy at the time, you simply wouldn't understand it or believe in it even. I'm not evil," Strallker sighed, looking at my judgemental face. "I'm simply in favour of surviving." I remained silent and Strallker took another step closer until our lips were almost brushing. "Please," he whispered in my ear as my head rested on his chest and I stayed there out of pure exhaustion. "You're my fiancé and I love you. I will do whatever you want me to do."

  "What!" I burst out, unable to keep quiet any longer. He actually loves me? Strallker took a step back.

  "I apologise for disappointing you. Your disappearance devastated me. I searched everywhere for you..." he gave me one look before embracing me tightly as if the moment he let go I'd disappear. "I'm so glad that you're alive and well my love, I'm so glad." His voice wavered and I felt compelled to hug him back. It didn't feel as right as when my hands brushed Kaden's or when Caspian comforted me tirelessly but it was still a hug. One like the ones my mother used to give. A type of hug that was warm and allowed you to feel at peace, at one with everything around you. "You're so beautiful and accomplished, Ms Rainvale." I had forgotten we weren't on first name basis yet. Oh good heavens! He's staring at me with such desire! I didn't particularly want to let him kiss me so I stood still, gazing into his striking ice coloured eyes. So cold yet so beautiful although I had always known that the blue flames burn the most. Strallker kissed me and I felt oddly comforted by it although it felt wrong. Kissing him felt like a duty had been done, a ritual had been carried out.

  "It's safe to say that he must be her fiancé," A male voice sighed. A deep breath came in return.

  "She clearly feels something for him," another heartbroken whisper. "I mean look at him, he's all proper and wealthy."

  "And we're all screwed up and complicated. He's what she deserves." I broke off the kiss and looked around, thinking I had heard voices but there was no one in sight.

  "I'm here with the Resilient Troops that are resistant to magic." Strallker gaped at me.

  "What! That's incredible!" I nodded simply.

  "This is our last chance. We are sacrificing everything to save the world. You can join us if you'd like." Strallker smiled.

  "You ought to know I am!" I grinned.

  "Perfect. Kaden, Caspian, I'd like you to meet someone." The bushes rustled and I saw one unreadable Caspian and one unreadable Kaden. "Well, then," I looked at the three boys. "Strallker, I'd like to introduce you to Caspian, a Royaume Man and Kaden, a Resilient Warrior." Strallker inspected them before nodding his head to them.

  "Pleased to meet you gentlemen. Very intriguing attire... The way your hair stands on end... Interesting." His eyes narrowed as he looked them over further. Caspian looked Strallker over too.

  "Yes," He murmured. "Your ensemble is also interesting?"

  "Yeah," Kaden said, eyebrow raised. "Interestingly stupid," he shared a look with Caspian and I couldn't even begin to decipher what it meant. They had become unusually close.

  "Kaden!" I hissed.

  "What?" He shrugged. "He's practically looking at us like we're... What do you guys call it again?" He sighed, trying to remember. "Oh yeah, peasants," I groaned. This wasn't going to be good.

  "I think no such thing!" Strallker protested.

  "Enough!" I silenced them. "We have a troop awaiting orders. We're running out of time!"

  "Damakos," Caspian asked. "What of the Acier Leader?" I sighed.

  "Damakos," Strallker murmured, facing me. "Your mother, the queen is dead." I looked away.

  "I know." Kaden and Caspian stared at me wide-eyed.

  "You're the heir to the Acier Throne?" I rolled my eyes. 

  "How about you ask me that after the war?"

  "We can't carry on like this!" One of my mother's guards cried out, screaming in frustration.

  "Screaming like a man mad won't get us anywhere now will it?" I interrupted dryly.

  "Who are you?" The guard growled, looking me over in my odd armour. "You speak as an Acier Woman, yet you dress as if you come from another Kingdom." I smiled faintly.

  "I am Damakos Rainvale," I smiled, seeing the realisation dawn on their faces. "Do you not recognise me?" The Guards bowed.

  "Your Majesty," They said, voices shaking. "We apologise. What is it that brings you here?"

  "I brought Soldiers and Resources for the War," I said, right hand gripping my Katana, squeezing it so tightly that it squeaked.

  "But you're a woman!" A younger guard whom I have never met before bursted out without thinking. I groaned. This really was the Acier Kingdom.

  "I did not travel through three Kingdoms in various life or death situations simply so that I could see my mother's dead body and speak to imbeciles who think that just because I'm a woman I cannot lead an army!" Silence ensued across the room and I nodded coldly. "Right, now, as I was saying, I've also planned a strategy and-"

  "But you're a woman," came the plaintive whisper. I spun around glaring at the new solider who straightened immediately.

  "I think we've established that already," I growled. "But fine, if you don't want to hear my strategy, explain me yours. What are your next steps?" The Guard who had been my mother's personal bodyguard wore the badge of commander which I was pleased with. He was a good choice.

  "We're losing too many men," He sighed. "We are on the complete defence. My next step was to surrender," he admitted. "We can stop losing so many lives for a battle that we simply cannot win." I smiled, patting him on the shoulder.

  "Well, now our situation is different. We have spells, healing potions and a potion that can cause one to be resistant to Magic." The Commander looked shell shocked.

  "Potions?" I nodded. "Are you crazy!"

  "Do you have any better ideas Commander?" I frowned. He shook his head in defeat and I nodded curtly.

  "So be it. We have nothing left to lose! Call in the troops section by section so that they may receive the potions." Commander nodded.

  "I trust you, My Queen." I smiled. "I must ask," he added. "How did you get in here, past the guards?"

  "That would be us," Caspian spoke up behind me, standing on my right, Kaden on my left. Caspian bowed mockingly, both grinning and pulling at the light blue fabric.

  "We had to beat up some guards but most of them were dumb enough to let us through," Kaden said casually. Both were wearing the Acier Guard uniform whilst Strallker stood behind them.

  "I must admit," he mused. "I learned a few fighting moves from these men. It was rather amusing." Kaden rolled his eyes.

  "If you don't back up off me," He began, shoulders becoming rigid.

  "Kaden," Caspian chuckled. "Be nice."

  "Do not lose hope!" Kaden shouted at the many Acier Troops standing before us. "The Resilient Troops are here to help!"

  "You all must drink a potion which will make you resistant to Magic!" Caspian joined Kaden on the podium, both making way for me.

  "This way those cowards can fight a fair fight!" The crowds cheered, I looked down at smiled. I finally had the chance to make a difference, although I didn't know how many would live to leave the battlefield.

  "As Lord Chief Justice, I approve this message!" Kaden rolled his eyes at Strallker's input.

  And so we fought. With so many guards I had been tasked to within the Castle, overseeing the battle with the Archers. I watched with amusement as the Royaume Warriors were being constantly punched and as they all raised their hand and began to say the infamous incantation which was no doubt 'Rigorus Mortisum', although nothing happened. The Resilient and Acier troops shouted their counter attack, 'Bocarium Evaporum!' Which seemed to do the trick quite nicely. We were winning. But unfortunately, that did not last for too long.

  More Royaume Troops began to arrive. They had more people, more weapons, more money. They also drank options making them resistant to Magic as well. We were losing the war once more without Magic. I had by then joined the battle, fighting near Kaden and Caspian who were trying their best to take most of the men themselves. I had long lost my Katana, the blade snapping into various pieces as someone had cast another incantation.

  "You might as well give up!" A Royaume Warrior snickered whilst panting.

  "You might as well shut up!" I retorted. I punched her four times, hearing my name, I punched her once more, feeling the bone move slightly, I watched as she lay limp on the ground, eyes glassy.

  "Damakos, Damakos!" I turned around, seeing Duana's worried face.

  "What is it Duana?" I panted.

  "We're losing Damakos! There's too many of them!" I growled.

  "We won't give up!"

  "I'm so sorry," Duana whispered.

  "Sorry about what?" I breathed heavily. Duana glanced at me sadly before screaming a foreign incantation, my armour crumbling away, magic orbs removing the pieces one by one. I growled and Duana punched me with her left fist. I looked away, groaning, falling on the floor. I felt a sharp sting and I looked down to see a black handle sticking out of my stomach. I placed my fingers around the handle, blood staining my pale skin. I felt my breath become unsteady, eyes flitting shut.

  "This is for you Mother!" Duana screeched. I lay on the ground awkwardly, accepting my fate. I knew I was always going to die. I had lived to see enough. Holding another pocket knife, Duana let out a furious battle cry before plunging it down. Down and down right into... Caspian. He must have heard Duana and he leapt in front of me, turning his back, arms holding me tightly. His purple eyes widened although he looked at me, his eyes sad but happy. I saw the tip of the bloodstained blade poking through his chest.


  I think she got his heart. He was coughing up blood. So much blood...

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