Being Invisible

By NoelElizabethWolfe

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Everyone's had at least one moment where they've wanted to disappear. One moment in time where they couldn't... More

Being Invisible
Chapter 1: The First Day
Chapter 2: Getting to Know Miriam
Chapter 4: So We Meet Again
Chapter 5: Different Point of Views
Chapter 6: Mission Impossible
Chapter 7: Joshua and Olivia
Chapter 8: Reactions
Chapter 9: The Proudest Night of My Life

Chapter 3: What Happens Here Stays Here

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By NoelElizabethWolfe

Saturday morning I woke up drowsy as ever. I slumped down the stairs into the kitchen. It was oddly quiet. My family, all except me,  are generally early risers and are up and about in the mornings, especially Saturdays. There was a note on the counter that read: 


Dad at work. I've gone to the store. Twins at friend's house. Miriam out on jog. Be back soon.

With love,


Great. So I was alone. My was at the store so I concluded we had little food in the house. I checked the fridge and found I was right. I started a trek back up the stairs. 

My hair just couldn't be tamed this morning so I pulled it back into a ponytail. I put a bit of mascara on and then started tearing apart my closet to find something to wear. I pulled on a pair of light wash blue jeans with rips galore. I didn't buy them pre- ripped ( who would waste perfectly good money on that?) things just happen. I stripped off my orange tank top from last night and pulled on a snug red tshirt. Ready to go. I planned to go to a little coffee shop a couple blocks down. Bessy's was the name of the place. They had wonderful coffee. 

It was around 9:30 when I arrived at Bessy's. I hadn't thought I was that hungry but as soon as I walked in I could feel my mouth water and my stomach growl. There wasn't much of a line so I walked right up. 

"I'll have an vanilla iced coffee and one glazed and one chocolate glazed donut." I announced to the cashier, a plump teenager that had to be 17 or 18. 

"That'll be $11. 06." He said in a dull tone. I dug in my pant pockets and handed him the exact change. A minute later I had my two donuts and iced coffee in hand. While I had been in line a group of old retirees had stormed the place by the looks of it. They didn't have a lot of seating here. There was a small two- seater table wedged next to the door. A sixteen year old boy appeared to be sitting there. He looked awfully pale. Well, no other place to sit. I leaned my head towards the level of his ear and said " Mind if I take this spot?" His reaction wasn't at all what I expected. He sprang off of his seat, terror filling his eyes. "I'm so sorry! Were you sleeping?" The boy continued to stay silent. You'd think that this commotion would turn some heads but not a one of the elders there looked our way. Perhaps it was because of poor hearing.

"H-h- how can you see me?" The boy stammered. 

"What are you talking about?" I implored. 

"I'm supposed to be invisible right now. How are you seeing me? Darn it, did I change back already? Aw, my mom will be asking where I am. And I don't think I'm supposed to do this in front of people." 

Then it hit me. He had the gift I had! 

"No, wait. I can be invisible too." I said urgently. Now some heads were turning. I had to make a quick distraction. I slipped my phone out so that the elderly wouldn't noticed. I sighed heavily as though I was irritated and slid the phone to my ear like I was on the phone. " Lizzy, you have to come  to the meetings to actually be in student council. Just, come next time or you'll be forced to be out, then you'll really be invisible." Then I slid the phone back into my pocket.

"Nice save." said the boy. "Maybe we better vamoose so nothing else like that happens?" And I followed him out of the coffee shop door. "You can walk to my house, it's two blocks from here. Or we could go to GroveWay Park." 

"GroveWay." I responded. 

We walked four blocks left to GroveWay and started to walk on trail six. My favorite trail. It had a lot of memories. But my mind wasn't focused so much on those memories now. They were focused on the fact that I had found someone like me. After he made sure the coast was clear he became visible again. 

"My name's Travis. And your's is?" he left blank for me to finish


"Very nice name. Nice flower too. So this invisible thing..." he left the sentence hanging, I guessed he wanted me to make the first remark about it or tell my story. Travis was very easy going and I felt at ease with him around. I told him the story of how only months back I realized I could do such a thing. 

"Wow, intense. I discovered about a year back. My aunt was yelling for screwing up the laundry. Apparently you're supposed to separate colors." I giggled while he continued talking. " Well I don't know of anyone else besides you and I who can do such a thing. We go to the same school right? You have a sister in my grade. Miriam." 

"Yes, that'd be her." I said sadly as we reached the end of the trail. "Maybe you and I should stick together. Invisible buddies?" I reached out to Travis for a fist bump and to my delight he did. 

"Definitely! Well I should be heading home. Meet here around noon tomorrow? See you around Rose!" As he started to jog off.

My head was spinning, This is insane! Another person like me? Crazy. Maybe that wasn't the only reason my head was spinning. He was pretty attractive in his cargo shorts and multiple blue striped polo. I don't think I'd ever felt this way around a boy before. It'll be nice to have someone looking out for me. I'd be looking out for him too. 


As soon as I got through the door I was peppered with questions from my mother and Miriam. 

"You didn't answer your phone when I called! I thought you were dead or kidnapped or something!" yelled Miriam. 

"MirMir, calm down" my mother softly said. " She was just out getting breakfast. She's home now. It's okay." After I had explained the story of where I was to my mother- leaving out the part about meeting Travis, who was also invisible- my mother calmed down but Miriam was still flipping like a fish out of water. I didn't understand why, but whatever. 

"Yeah Mir, keep worrying like that and you'll end up with a bunch of wrinkles." I shouted over my shoulder while I sprinted up the stairs to my secure bedroom. I could hear her complaining about how rude I was being after all she did was care about my safety through my closed door. I spread out on my unmade bed and giggled. I'd never been so rebellious in my life! It was a thrill. And I had butterflies in my stomach knowing that tomorrow I'd be seeing Travis again. Wonderful. 

It was around one o'clock now. Perfect time to be invisible. Ha, let's go see what Miriam's up to. I didn't mean to sound so rude earlier, I should really apologize. I was just so caught up in the events of earlier that day that I wasn't thinking straight. She wasn't back to her room yet. Probably still downstairs with my mom. Let's take a look at that notebook that she was writing in yesterday. I didn't consider it an invasion of privacy because, well she really didn't want to get to know me. But I wanted to know her better.

It didn't take long to find the notebook. She kept it in the same place as the photograph of Joshua, under her mattress. Classic Miriam. 

When I first opened the notebook I thought it was her diary. Then I realized these were song lyrics. Not lyrics to any songs I've heard. She was writing her own songs? Yeah, I definitely didn't know my sister. These words were written on the third page:

" Long, long time ago you were here

now I don't even know if you remember me

We had a love so simple and true

But when you left you took a part of me with you

I'm lost without you" 

These had to be about Joshua! Who else would they apply to? I had to find out what happened between them, this was my next mission. For this moment I had to quickly turn back to the front of the notebook and slip it back under her mattress. I heard footsteps in the hallway. I took a few steps back from her bed as she stomped into her room. I better get out of here. She's not in a good mood at all. I'd find out more later, but I did know she loved Joshua. I wonder with my invisibility powers if I could manage to find Joshua and Olivia. Hmm.. an adventure for another day.

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